Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 170

After a long time, Yang Lihua finally stopped sobbing, and raised her head from Gao Xing's arms, her big watery eyes were red and swollen like peaches, and her already haggard pretty face was even more poignant now that the pear blossoms were raining, which made people feel pity .

"Are you okay?" Gao Xing asked with concern, and at the same time stretched out his right hand to gently wipe away the tears on Yang Lihua's face.

Yang Lihua was startled, and when she wanted to dodge, her happy right hand had already touched her somewhat cold cheek, sending a trace of warmth into her heart, letting the grievances, anger and hatred that had been in the past few days slowly drift away.

Yang Lihua stared at Gao Xing intently, looking at his warm and gentle eyes, her excitement gradually calmed down, she stared blankly, and when Gao Xing asked again with concern, Yang Lihua shook her head slightly and said: " It's all right." After she finished speaking, she left Happy's embrace, and her face returned to calm, but occasionally a strange and indescribable meaning flashed in those bright eyes.

"It's fine." Gao Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the bag he brought. Inside were a few steamed buns, a large gourd, and a brand-new monk's robe.

"Let's eat something!" Gao Xing handed the buns to Yang Lihua and smiled softly.

Yang Lihua hadn't eaten all day and night, and Yang Lihua was already dizzy from hunger. She ignored it because she was worried about her safety, but now she felt a pain in her stomach when she relaxed.So Yang Lihua couldn't care less about being reserved anymore, grabbed a steamed bun with both hands, opened Yin Tao's small mouth, and bit down hard.

"Ouch, cough cough, cough cough!" Eating a little anxiously, the steamed bun immediately got stuck in Yang Lihua's throat, which made her uncomfortable, and she couldn't help coughing violently, her pretty face flushed red.

"Slow down, slow down, drink some water!" Gao Xing quickly put down the things in his hands, patted Yang Lihua's back lightly with one hand, and opened the gourd close to Yang Lihua's mouth.

"Gudong, Gudong..." Yang Lihua gulped down several mouthfuls of water in succession before swallowing the food in her throat.

"Sit down, eat slowly, don't choke!" Gao Xing helped Yang Lihua to sit down slowly, and sat down opposite Yang Lihua himself, and handed the gourd to Yang Lihua again.Yang Lihua took another big sip, then stopped, panted a few times, finally felt a little better, and then started to eat the steamed buns in her hand.

This time, Yang Lihua didn't gobble it up, but swallowed it in small mouthfuls, but her speed was not slow, and there was a look of relish on her face.

Gao Xing watched Yang Lihua eat quietly, passing the gourd in her hand to her mouth from time to time, until then, Xing Xing took the time to look at Yang Lihua carefully.

Yang Lihua's body was a moon-white shirt, but at this moment it was covered with blood and dirt, it was extremely dirty, and the hem of the clothes was even a little torn.Yesterday was a hasty walk, Yang Lihua didn't have the time to dress up, so at this moment her waist-reaching hair was scattered around her body, she looked a bit embarrassed.

Yang Lihua, a man of golden branches and jade leaves, has never been hungry and suffered so much suffering.Seeing her tightly holding the steamed buns in both hands and eating them deliciously now, I felt guilty for joy, my nose felt a little sore, and my eyes were a little hazy.

She couldn't help stretching out her hand happily, and gently brushed a strand of hair hanging from Yang Lihua's temples to the back of her head, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Yang Lihua raised her head, met Shang Gaoxin's gentle eyes, her whole body trembled slightly, her eyes were suddenly covered with mist, and the tears pooled and fell again, hitting her clothes.Yang Lihua looked happy with a sad face, her lips covered with crumbs of the steamed bun trembled slightly, and her white hands squeezed the steamed bun vigorously, only saying that it was deformed.

"Lihua, marry me!" For some reason, seeing Yang Lihua's desolate appearance as if he had been devastated by a violent storm, a sudden impulse surged in his heart, and he hugged Yang Lihua in his arms. The words came out.

Yang Lihua was trembling all over, she didn't speak, but her shoulders shrugged violently, a suppressed cry came out of her mouth, making Gao Xing's heart ache, her arms tightened involuntarily, and she said softly: "Lihua doesn't cry!" , don't cry!"

Yang Lihua's crying not only did not stop, but intensified, and the warm tears soon wet her happy chest.She stretched out her delicate arms and tightly wrapped them around Gao Xing's waist. The huge strength almost strangled Gao Xing's spine.

Gao Xing pressed her chin tightly to the top of Yang Lihua's head, rubbed it lightly, and gently stroked her thin back with her arms, comforting Yang Lihua silently.

After a long time, Yang Lihua got up from Gao Xing's arms, looked at Xing Xing closely and asked, "Really?"

"Trust me!" Gao Xing said while looking at Yang Lihua firmly, seeing that Yang Lihua still had some doubts in his eyes, Gao Xing immediately lowered his head, grabbed Yang Lihua's red lips, and proved his decision with practical actions.

"Well", Yang Lihua didn't think that Gao Xing would do this, she was stunned for a moment, and instinctively began to struggle, but Xing Xing fixed her body tightly and gently sucked Yang Lihua's red lips.

Although Yang Lihua already had a substantial relationship with Gao Xing, it was after all when she lost her mind.Gao Xing's abrupt movements and the girl's reserve made her struggle a few times reflexively, but following Gao Xing's gentle movements, looking at Gao Xing's firm and gentle eyes, Yang Lihua no longer struggled, and gently closed her eyes with a pretty face. It gradually turned red, and there was a slight murmur in the nasal cavity.

When Yang Lihua couldn't breathe, she happily let go of Yang Lihua's lips, looked at her with a smile, gently kissed her fair forehead and said, "Eat something!"

Yang Lihua gave a soft "hmm", with a smile on the corner of her mouth, the negative emotions in her heart disappeared strangely for a while, leaving only a little bit of sweetness, she leaned tightly in Happy's arms, and continued to eat steamed buns .From time to time, Yang Lihua raised her head to look at Gao Xing, and what greeted her without exception was Gao Xing's gentle eyes, which made her feel warm and sweet in her heart, hoping that time would stop here until eternity.

Are you happy to love Yang Lihua?He didn't know, but he knew that he liked her, and he wanted to protect this girl and take care of her from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe it's the sympathy for Yang Lihua's tragic fate in history, admiration for her persistence, maybe it's the first time meeting Yang Lihua's generosity, intelligence and gentleness that attracted joy, or it's the helplessness and sadness revealed by Yang Lihua at this time that made joy feel pity, Or happy and guilty, hoping to shoulder their own responsibilities.

Maybe, I am happy to love, and I don't need a reason to explain it with love.But in the end why, Gao Xing did not know, but he did not regret such a decision.

It is true that Yang Lihua is smart, strong and noble, but she is just a girl. Even if she is well-informed, it is difficult to erase the fact that she is a 13-year-old girl.The sudden loss of body made her resentful, but more of it was confusion and hesitation.At this time, Gao Xing made a clear statement, and her gentle and careful approach easily invaded the girl's heart.

Compared with Yang Lihua and Gao Xing who hug each other comfortably and warmly, Yu Wenyun is furious.For a whole day, [-] troops searched the Chang'an city like a carpet, but Gao Xing and Yang Lihua seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no news came out.What made him even more angry was that the news that the crown princess had defiled Gao Xing had spread throughout the city, which made him feel even more ashamed.Feeling depressed and indignant, Yu Wenyun didn't know how many rare treasures he had smashed, let alone how many palace people suffered from the misfortune.

Just when Yu Wenyun was going to call Yu Wenxian who was "ineffective" to punish severely, the eunuch came to report that the Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, his father Yu Wenyong had returned from Yilu, and asked him to go and question him.

Yu Wenyun was already upset because of this news. He paced back and forth a few steps, kicked the eunuch who sent the message to the ground, and gritted his teeth before going to see Yu Wenyong.

When Yu Wenyun came to the main hall where military and state affairs were handled in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, besides Yu Wenyong, there were already several people here, and Yu Wenxian was among them.Yu Wenyun held his head high, without looking at other people, he greeted Yu Wenyong directly.

"Father, why are you back?" After receiving Yu Wenyong's order to avoid courtesy, Yu Wenyun asked suspiciously, but felt a little dissatisfied.

Yu Wenyong is a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance. There is a hint of domineering between his brows, and he is not angry.Although he was wearing sackcloth at this time, he couldn't hide the faint majesty and nobility on his body, and his piercing eyes were even more radiant.

"Hmph, such a big thing happened, can I not come back?" Yu Wenyong snorted coldly, with a gloomy face, and asked in a deep voice.

"Father, the people of Qi are so arrogant that they bullied me Da Zhou like this. They must not be lightly forgiven, especially the despicable and shameless joy. They must be brought to justice. My son will definitely crush him and burn him to ashes. He will never be reborn. !” Yu Wenyun complained angrily.

Yu Wenyong's face darkened again, and he reprimanded: "I have only been away for a few days, and Chang'an City is full of wind and rain, what have you done?"

"Father, my son..." Yu Wenyun felt aggrieved and wanted to argue, but Yu Wenyong interrupted him directly and said: "Shut up, I only know that I am ignorant all day long! From today on, without my permission, You are not allowed to take half a step out of the Eastern Palace!"

Yu Wenyun hated him so much, he gritted his teeth and dared not refute, so he had to say yes in a low voice and then retreated, but before he left, he gave Yu Wenxian a hard look.After all, it was Yu Wenxian who invited Yu Wenyong back, and the culprit who caused him to be scolded was Yu Wenxian, how could Yu Wenyun not hate him.

Yu Wenyong is not Yu Wenyun, as smart as he is, how could he see things so simple.Even if she is lustful, she would never dare to rob the princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, let alone defile her.This kind of stupid approach will not only bring him into a catastrophe, but also provoke a war between the two countries, so what's the point of being happy about this mission?Besides, can Gao Wei let go of happiness, can he let Gao Changgong go?

Unless Gao Xing is mentally handicapped, maybe his brain was kicked by a donkey to act like this.Happy to be a fool?Yu Wenyong probably didn't believe it.In this way, there is a black hand behind all of this, a black hand who stirs up right and wrong and wants to provoke a war between the two countries.

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