Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 171 Thanks and Happy

What disappointed and annoyed Yu Wenyong the most was Yu Wenyun's attitude towards this unexpected incident. From the beginning to the end, he basically did not take any other actions except blind anger and sending troops to arrest him.If it wasn't for Yu Wenxian's letter, I'm afraid I still don't know about it by now!

As the king of a country, every individual move must be carefully considered, because the losses caused by wrong decisions to the country will be unpredictable.

The concubine's defilement was a great shame both to Yu Wenyun personally and to the entire Northern Zhou Dynasty.However, according to Yu Wenxian's investigation, when he learned of this incident, the whole city of Chang'an had already started to spread rumors about it, and the people's emotions became even more agitated.In this way, this matter is not simple.

Although Yuwen's desire to perish from Qi has never ceased, and the two countries have been attacking each other for decades, the two countries have always won and lost each other, and no substantial progress has been made at all.Although Yu Wenyong was talented, he had only really controlled the regime of the Northern Zhou Dynasty for a few years at this time. Although his national strength had improved a lot, if he attacked Qi, he would not have much chance of winning, and the pressure on his own country was extremely huge.

However, it is far from being possible for ordinary people to see the overall situation. They only know that the crown princess was defiled, the future queen was bullied, the Northern Zhou royal family lost face, and the dignity of the entire Northern Zhou country was trampled on. This is an intolerable thing.

The war seems to be imminent. If Yu Wenyong does not take action, it will be a big blow to the morale of the people.

"My dear friends, what do you think about what happened yesterday?" After Yu Wenyun left, Yu Wenyong's expression softened a little, and he said while looking at the people in front of him.

There are four people standing in the hall, standing on the left and right.

The burly and majestic Yu Wenxian started the attack. He was a middle-aged man in his early thirties.In particular, his forehead is slightly protruding, with five pillar-like stripes reaching to the top of his head, exuding an invisible majesty and nobility. His eyes are as bright as stars, so deep and far away that people dare not look directly at them.

The gentle and elegant Yu Wen Zhao started, also a middle-aged man, wearing a loose official uniform, with a very fair skin, but there was a vigorous aura between his brows.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter is strange and must be treated with caution." Yu Wenzhao spoke first, and he looked at Yu Wenyong sincerely and respectfully, frowning slightly.

Yu Wenyong hummed lightly, then looked at Yu Wenxian and asked, "What do you think of Bihetu?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I agree with what Zhao Guogong said. We must be cautious about this matter." Yu Wenxian paused, and then said: "The top priority is to find out the whereabouts of Happy and the Crown Princess and seriously investigate this matter. Even when The worthy Lu Sande is also unable to determine whether the Crown Princess is really being bullied by Gao Xing, we can't jump to conclusions for the time being."

"I don't know what Yanluo's opinion is?" Yu Wenyun asked, looking at the man Yu Wenyong was attacking.

"Everything is up to His Majesty, I just hope to find the whereabouts of Gao Xing and the little girl as soon as possible, and find out the whole thing!" The man sighed and said with a sad face.

This person is Yang Jian, the small character Na Yanluo, the Duke of Sui, the great general of the Zhu Kingdom, and at the same time, he is also the biological father of Yang Lihua, the founder of the Great Sui Dynasty in history, and the No. 1 person who stole the fruits of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

Yu Wenyong glanced at Yang Jian indifferently, and then his face became serious: "Yu Wen recruits an order!"

"The minister is here!" Yu Wenzhao took a step forward, saluted solemnly and replied loudly.

"Continue to investigate all suspicious people in Chang'an City. We must find out the whereabouts of Gao Xing and Yang Lihua as soon as possible. At the same time, we must ensure the safety of Yang Lihua. In addition, closely monitor the envoys of various countries in the Siyi Pavilion, and secretly investigate the source of the rumors in the city. We must find out who is behind the scenes. Search them out!" Yu Wenyong ordered in a deep voice.

"I obey the order!" Yu Wenzhao bowed again and stepped back.

"Yuwenbi, I have captured you to assist Yuwenzhao, and I must complete the task seriously!" Yu Wenyong said, looking at Yuwenzhao's subordinates.

Yu Wenbi, courtesy name Gongfu, was a sergeant in the Ministry of Rites of the Northern Zhou Empire, able to know people.

"I obey the order!" Yu Wenbi replied respectfully, with a serious face.

"Then Yanluo, go back and wait patiently for the news. I will definitely find Yang Lihua safely, don't worry!" Yu Wenyong said to Yang Jian gently with a pale face.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will take my leave!" Yang Jian bowed in salute, stepped back for a short distance before turning around and retreating. From the beginning to the end, he lowered his eyes slightly and did not look directly at Yu Wenyong.

Yu Wenyong narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked at Yu Wenzhao, Yu Wenzhao immediately understood and left with Yu Wenbi to carry out the order, only Yu Wenyong, Yu Wenxian and some waiting palaces were left in the huge hall. people.

"You all step back!" Yu Wenyong glanced around and said lightly.


When all the palace people retreated, the hall was completely quiet, Yu Wenyong moved his body, his back was slightly bent, and a trace of fatigue appeared on his face.He rubbed his brows lightly, but a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I don't know why Your Majesty is laughing?" Yu Wenxian looked at Yu Wenyong suspiciously and asked.

"Vihetu, you and Zhen are brothers, don't be too restrained!" Yu Wenyong sighed, sat upright again, with a gentle smile on his face.

Yu Wenxian and Yu Wenyong were born in unlucky years, so Yu Wentai sent them to someone else's house. The two grew up together, so they have a very close relationship.Although Yu Wenxian used to be Yu Wenhu's confidant, Yu Wenyong trusted him and entrusted him with important tasks.It's a pity that Yu Wenyun didn't have Yu Wenyong's measure and means, so he brutally killed Yu Wenxian, which also made it much easier for Yang Jianduo to go to the Northern Zhou regime.

"Etiquette cannot be abolished, a ruler is a ruler, and a minister is a minister!" Yu Wenxian looked at Yu Wenyong seriously, with a firm face and calm eyes.

Yu Wenyong shook his head with a broken smile, and sighed: "O Vigatu, since I became the emperor, we have become far apart a lot!"

Yu Wenxian stood quietly in front of Yu Wenyong with his hands down, a trace of nostalgia and confusion flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

"Vihetu, do you think that if I send troops to attack Qi, what are the chances of winning?" Yu Wenyong looked at Yu Wenxian and said seriously.

Yu Wenxian hesitated for a while, and seeing Yu Wenyong's earnest expression on his face, he replied: "Fifty percent!" After speaking, Yu Wenxian tightly closed his mouth with a serious face.

"[-]% chance of winning is quite good, but we will lose a lot of national power if we conquer Qi. If Turks and Chen come to attack, I'm afraid it will be bad!" Yu Wenyong said with a frown.

Yu Wenxian didn't speak, but he obviously acquiesced to Yu Wenyong's statement.

"However, there is a turning point!" Yu Wenyong changed the subject, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Please show your Majesty!" Yu Wenxian frowned and asked suspiciously.

Yu Wenyong chuckled lightly and said, "Vihetu, if we have millions of powerful soldiers in the Great Zhou Dynasty, don't talk about the Qi State, even the Eastern Wu and the Turks, they are nothing to be afraid of, they are just things in their pockets! What happened for many years The disaster of war and the sharp decline in the population, if excessive conscription is made, it may destabilize the foundation of the country!"

"Although the Turkic people are brave, their military discipline is loose. Although they are large in number, they are a group of mobs. As long as they build fortresses in the frontiers, the Turks can be kept out. Now the king of Qi, Gao Wei, is extravagant and lustful, incompetent, and listens to the little ones. People are killing loyal and good people, the country’s officials are corrupt, and the lives of the people are even more miserable. Sooner or later, they will be extinct. Chen Guo is the newly defeated Qi State, and Liang Guo is in the middle, so it can’t pose a threat to our country for the time being!” Yu Wenxian said.

"I don't know what Vihetu thinks about the three religions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism?" Yu Wenyong nodded, looked at Yu Wenxian and asked.

"Buddhism guides people to be kind, Taoism advocates inaction, and Confucianism regulates all living beings with etiquette and morality. As long as they are applied properly, they are all good policies for governing the country." Yu Wenxian's answer is very fair.

"The struggle between the three religions has been going on for a long time, and their influence is huge, especially the two religions of Buddhism and Taoism, which have occupied many fertile fields and houses. The most important thing is that there are people!" Yu Wenyong said, suddenly showing a strange smile: " But this time, I want to thank you and be happy!"

Yu Wenxian was taken aback for a moment, then his heart suddenly moved, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes. After a few breaths, he regained his composure and asked, "What do you mean by your majesty's words?"

"There are really too many disciples of Buddhism and Taoism!" Yu Wenyong pulled a playful smile from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Vihetu, I will leave this matter to you, please don't leave any lies, and at the same time send troops Detain the envoys of Qi State and escort them back to Chang'an, Li Yuan's plan to go to Qi State is inconvenient, let him question Gao Wei!"

"Yes!" Yu Wenxian took the order, but did not retreat.

"Is there anything else going on in Vigatu?" Yu Wenyong asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, Pu Liuru Jian (Pu Liuru, the three-character Xianbei surname bestowed by Yu Wenyong to Yang Jian) ​​has a strange appearance. Every time I see him, I don't feel lost. He is definitely not a thing in the pool. He is willing to be under others. You must Beware of him! Regardless of whether Yang Lihua is being bullied for pleasure or not, I think she is not suitable to be a crown princess, and I am arbitrarily presumptuous, and I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!" Yu Wenxian looked at Yu Wenxian very seriously, and said solemnly.

Yu Wenyong frowned, pondered for a while and said: "I know, you should step back!"

Yu Wenxian didn't say anything more, and after saluting, he said goodbye and left.

Yu Wenxian once reminded Yu Wenyong of this matter, and Yu Wenyong also aroused his vigilance, but he was hesitant about whether to cut off Yang Jian.Yu Wenyong once asked Uncle Qian to send a doctor to come and fight, but he lied to him that Yang Jian was a man of integrity, and if he were a general, there would be no city that could not be broken, so Yu Wenyong temporarily gave up his vigilance.

Now that this happened, no matter whether Yang Lihua was fine or not, she was destined to never become a princess again, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to Yang Jian.In any case, he is just a courtier with a foreign surname, and the effort to replace Zhou Guo will be even greater and the journey will be more difficult.

The so-called planting flowers intentionally will not succeed, but planting willows and willows will make shade unintentionally.When Gao Xing was in Xuyi, he wanted to cause trouble for Yang Jian more than once, so that he could not obtain greater resources and influence in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.When Gao Xing was in Yecheng, she had given up hope of ruining Yang Lihua and Yu Wenyun's marriage.But he didn't want to make a fool of others. Not only was he sent to Chang'an by Gao Ajunfeng's design, but he also had a relationship with Yang Lihua by accident, but he achieved his original goal, but he was a little embarrassed at this time.

Chang'an City, where Yu Wenyong was in command, immediately settled down a lot. Although the rumors in the city remained, it was orderly, and the army's carpet search did not harass the civilians too much.

In three days, Chang'an City was almost searched, but there was still no news of Gao Xing and Yang Lihua.But Yu Wenyong did not make any angry voices. Chang'an City was still under martial law, and the investigation was still in progress, and the scope was no longer limited to ordinary people's residences, but gradually expanded to temples and Taoist temples.

For three days, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua hid quietly in Fuying Temple. Xing Xing's injury has been [-]% healed with the help of "Longevity Secret", and his skills have basically recovered, which also makes it much easier for him to steal food in the temple.

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