Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 173 A moment of silence for you, boy

Chapter 170 Three Mourning For You, Boy

When the dawn dispelled the darkness and the morning light fell on the earth, the filth hidden in the darkness was exposed.

Standing in front of the main hall, Abbot Zhixuan's face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water.At this time, Zhixuan's usual kind-hearted and gentle expression could no longer be seen on Zhixuan's face, which formed a sharp contrast with the warm and bright sunshine in the sky and the luxurious and gorgeous cassock on his body.

Behind Zhixuan, there are six elderly people standing in a row, wearing cassocks that symbolize their status. Like Zhixuan, they all have a straight face, looking at the front of the Daxiong Palace very seriously. square.

The square in front of the Daxiong Palace was already full of monks and novice monks, all of them clasped their hands together, staring at Zhixuan and the others standing high on the steps with serious faces.Under the steps, there are two people kneeling, a man and a woman.

The woman was in her twenties, quite pretty, but at this time her hair was disheveled, her shoulders kept shaking, her face was covered with tears, but she was crying, looking at Zhixuan and the others with fear and resentment, with a look of suffering. Aggrieved and miserable appearance.

The man was also not very old, he was tall and broad-backed, with a head like a mouse, but his shiny bald head and monk clothes were the most conspicuous.Although at this time he looked shocked, his face was a little pale, his eye sockets were sunken, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his legs seemed to be shaking slightly, but his whole person gave off a discordant feeling and looked very weak.

The bald man and the woman have one thing in common, that is, they both look disheveled.In particular, the whiteness exposed by the woman's open chest made the nearby monks feel a little red-faced, wanting to look at it but not daring to look at it.

Behind this monk, there is a fat monk standing, if it is not Huilun, who is it?

"My benefactor, I don't know why you have to cry, but it's okay to say it!" Although Monk Zhixuan's face was stinky, his voice was still very wide and full, which had a reassuring effect on the ears.

"Back to Master Abbot, the little girl, Mrs. Liu, has always been devout to the Buddha. At noon yesterday, the little girl came to Fuying Temple to pray for her sick old lady. Just when the little girl finished praying and was about to return, she happened to encounter this evil Monk. The evil monk said that the little girl said that he could cure the ills of the elderly in the family. Knocked out."

The woman paused when she said this, and cried in a low voice: "When the little girl woke up, she found that she had been tied up in a woodshed. This evil monk is bullying me, woo woo..." said Then, the woman began to cry loudly, her voice was very sad.

"You woman, don't talk nonsense!" The monk kneeling next to the woman was startled, jumped up from the ground suddenly, glared at the woman and shouted loudly.

"Ah!" The woman screamed in horror, shrank into a ball, trembling all over.

"Shut up, Qingfeng!" Mrs. Hui shouted, her angry eyes widened, and her whole body grew steeply, like a vajra arhat, instantly calming Monk Qingfeng.

"Female benefactor, are you serious?" Zhixuan took a step forward, looked at the woman and asked seriously.

"Master, how dare women and Taoists lie to you?" The woman of the Liu family cried bitterly, tears pouring down like rain, and said intermittently: "Little girl is single and weak, and she can't break free from the shackles of this evil monk at all. , I was raped by him all night, how can I live this way! Woooo..."

"Ms. Wu, don't talk nonsense!" Qingfeng blushed immediately, and roared furiously: "You shameless bastard, you are clearly the one who seduced me and had a good time with me all night, but now why do you frame and marry me?" I?"

"Master Abbot, you must be the master for me, the merciful Buddha and Bodhisattva, you teach me how to live!" The woman of the Liu family cried out sadly, and at the same time grabbed the ground with her head, and her head broke in just three or two blows. The blood was flowing, and the appearance was extremely miserable.

"Slander, slander, you bastard, bastard!" Qingfeng was furious, if Huilun hadn't been staring at him closely, he might have rushed forward and tore that Liu Shi to pieces.

"Boom", hearing Qingfeng and Liu's mutual accusations, everyone was in an uproar, looking at each other for a while, not knowing who to trust.

"Quiet!" Mrs. Hui yelled, causing Qingfeng and Liu Shi to tremble in fright, and closed their mouths obediently, but the two glared at each other, the hatred and anger in their eyes seemed to be able to kill people.

"Master, how do you think this matter can be dealt with properly?" Huilun ordered the monk behind him to separate Mrs. Liu from Qingfeng, and then he quickly came to Zhixuan, frowning and asked softly. His small eyes were even narrower now.

"Amitabha!" Zhixuan sighed in a low voice, and was about to answer when an old man behind Zhixuan suddenly burst out with a powerful aura. I am wronged, but it is true that he violated the precept of obscenity. If you blaspheme my Buddha, you will not be forgiven lightly!" The old man's last sentence was solemn and powerful.

"Brother Zhihua is in charge of the Discipline Academy, and you are the most appropriate to deal with it!" Monk Zhixuan replied, but his brows frowned even tighter, and he said in a low voice: "But this matter is very strange, I am afraid it is not easy! "

"The abbot's brother is right. Let's take a long-term view and be very careful!" An old man beside Zhihua said with a worried face.

Zhixuan was about to nod his head and say something, when suddenly there was a loud noise from far to near.Looking around, I saw a group of murderous imperial guards suddenly pouring in from the gate of Fuying Temple, and the bristling swords and guns gleamed coldly under the sunlight.Zhixuan's heart sank suddenly, and an extremely ominous feeling came over him.

"Masters and brothers, come with me to meet the Duke!" Zhixuan put on his cassock before he said that, strode down the steps, and walked towards the soldiers who were rushing over.

"Brother Xing, has the imperial court discovered our hiding place?" Yang Lihua nervously looked at Xing Xing beside him, while secretly sizing up those mighty Northern Zhou soldiers.

"Don't worry, they didn't come to look for us!" Gao Xing patted Yang Lihua's fragrant shoulder lightly, comforted her in a low voice, and at the same time lowered her head together with Yang Lihua, quietly watching what happened below.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua were at the top of the Daxiong Palace at this time, hiding behind a corner on the side, it was difficult to find their existence below, but they had a clear view of everything that happened in the square, which was an excellent place for spectators.

Before dawn, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua were already here, quietly waiting for the drama to happen.

Last night, Gao Xingben took Yang Lihua to the kitchen to find some hot water to wash her body and have a full meal along the way, but she didn't expect to find a pair of mandarin ducks in the woodshed.Although I was happy to only hear a few words, it was not difficult to guess what the two of them were doing.

I don't feel happy about it at all. When I performed missions in my previous life, I watched a lot of live broadcasts, so I just got used to it.Yang Lihua was very shocked, it was hard to imagine that in the Buddhist temple, there are shameless people doing such meager things.

When Xing Xing took Yang Lihua into the kitchen, first let Yang Lihua wash her body, and then the two of them ate and drank enough, an hour had passed.Just when Xing Xing was about to return to the hiding place, the sound of "hmm, huh, huh" in the firewood room continued for a long time.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, the two people working in the woodshed seemed very excited, especially the woman, who was absolutely demanding and tried her best to squeeze the man's energy.

When he was happy and curious, he took Yang Lihua to sit down on a roof not far from the firewood house. While enjoying the bright moonlight, he listened to the passionate music that made Yang Lihua blush and curse endlessly.

When the sky turned white, the fierce battle in the firewood room had not stopped, which really shocked Gao Xing, but he faintly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, just after the man disarmed comfortably again, the woman suddenly let out a scream, and then yelled words like "Come on, help me".Soon, the nearby monks were awakened and hurried over.The two men and women who had a good night were brought to the front of the Daxiong Palace, and Gao Xing took Yang Lihua to follow all the way, hiding on the roof of the Daxiong Palace, quietly observing everything.

The next thing is simple, this incident quickly alarmed Zhixuan and other monks who were preparing for the morning class, so the good show began.

"I don't know that the Duke of the State came, but I have lost my way to welcome you. It's a sin!" Zhixuan said loudly to Yu Wenxian, who led the team, with a smile on his face, and at the same time clasped his hands together to salute.

"Master, you are polite, Yu Wenxian is polite!" Yu Wenxian performed a Buddhist salute with respect on his face.

"Then I don't know what happened, the Lord Duke led an army to break into our temple?" Zhixuan stared at Yu Wenxian closely, his tone was a little stiff, obviously unhappy in his heart.

Yu Wenxian was about to speak, when a man in his thirties suddenly shouted beside him: "Miss, ma'am, are you okay!" After speaking, the man staggered towards Mrs. Liu with a surprised expression on his face.

The man looks handsome, but his clothes are quite luxurious.

"This..." Zhixuan was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but frowned and looked at Yu Wenxian.

"Master, to tell you the truth, this general was originally ordered to search for Happy's whereabouts in the city, but he was suddenly stopped by that man in the street. I only found out after asking that his wife came to Fuying Temple yesterday and did not return overnight. You know, Now the city of Chang'an is not very peaceful, and I dare not slack off, so I came here to inquire in person, and I hope Master Haihan if I disturb you!" Yu Wenxian looked at Zhixuan with an apologetic expression, and said in a gentle tone. It also seems to have some truth.

Zhi Xuan's heart twitched, his brows twitched slightly, and his heart was even more worried, but his face didn't show the slightest bit, and said: "Your Excellency has worked hard, let's go and have a look together!"

"It is our duty to serve His Majesty loyally, so why bother to talk about it!" Yu Wenxian straightened his face, and then said: "Master, please!"

"My lord, please first!" After Zhixuan and Yu Wenxian exchanged courtesies, they came to the steps of the Daxiong Palace together. In front of Liu Shi and Qingfeng, the general who followed Yu Wenxian hushed the whole square. The encirclement caused a commotion among the monks, but Zhixuan's face changed violently.

At this moment, Mrs. Liu and the man were already hugging each other, and Mrs. Liu cried out the whole story while calling out "Husband".

"My lord, you must be the master of the villain!" The husband Liu said saw Yu Wenxian coming and fell to his knees with a plop, crying sadly, his face was already full of tears as he spoke.

"What's going on, tell me slowly!" Yu Wenyun frowned and said softly.

"Silent mourning for you, boy!" Gao Xing shook his head lightly, looked at the anxious, angry, helpless, and aggrieved Qingfeng, and sighed softly, it was like a gentle whisper, which no one heard except Yang Lihua.

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