Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 174 Time is running out

"My lord, this evil monk is despicable and shameless, and he raped my wife. You must be the master of the villain!" Liu's husband held Yu Wenxian's trouser legs tightly with both hands, first pointed at Qingfeng, his eyes were full of resentment and anger Huo, then he raised his head and looked at Yu Wenxian, pleading.

The man was crying loudly while complaining, his nose and tears covered his entire face in just a moment, his miserable and helpless appearance was really heartbreaking, no matter who it is, wearing a cuckold will not feel good.

"Bold, Buddhism is a quiet and sacred place, how could there be such a shameless act?" Yu Wenxian's face changed, he glared at the man under his feet, and shouted in a deep voice.

"My lord, the villain's words are true. I hope my lord will see clearly and make the decision for the villain!" Liu's husband trembled, and a look of fear flashed across his face, but he did not back down, but instead grabbed Yu Wenxian's trouser leg. It got tighter, the crying became more and more sad, and the look of pleading and pity in the eyes made all the monks frown, and they all felt compassion.

"My lord, this little monk was wronged. It was this shameless woman who seduced me, but now she is slandering me. Don't believe her nonsense!" Although Qingfeng was furious, she didn't dare to make a fuss in front of Yu Wenxian. Glaring at Liu Shi, he reprimanded.

"My lord, this evil monk is despicable and shameless. He bullied me all night. A girl from the people would be better off dead!" Suddenly Liu tore off her clothes, revealing a white and greasy back. From the scriptures.

But at this time, under the bright sunshine, on Liu's bare back, there were several blue marks on her fair skin, which were the marks of being tortured, and it was so shocking in the sun.

"You evil monk, you are so cruel!" Liu's husband widened his eyes, then raised his head to the sky and let out a mournful cry, and roared, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Xiang Qingfeng, but was held back by a general beside Yu Wenxian.

Ms. Liu cried bitterly: "My lord, the woman is willing to die to prove that what she said is true. I also hope that my lord will punish this wicked monk and get justice for the woman!" He climbed up and rushed towards a bronze incense burner not far away. Judging by the posture, he obviously wanted to test his iron head skills.

"Miss, don't!" Liu's husband was terrified, and wanted to stop her, but he couldn't even grab a piece of Liu's clothes, so he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Amitabha", seeing the woman was about to bump her head into the incense burner, when the incense faded away, a resounding Buddha's chant sounded, and then there was a flash in front of her eyes, and in the next moment, a fat monk appeared in front of Liu, it was Huilun .

"Female benefactor, how can you be so contemptuous of your own life, right and wrong, everything is up to you, you better calm down!" Hui Lun let Mrs. Liu bump her head on her fat belly, her feet remained motionless, her face full of compassion and kindness , gently persuading, when Mrs. Liu straightened up, Huilun nodded with a smile and shouted the Buddha's name again.

"My lady, you can't die. What will I do if you die!" The tragedy didn't happen, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Holding her hand, he looked at her in horror, for fear that she would commit suicide again.

"Master, what do you think about this?" Yu Wenxian looked at Zhixuan with a serious face and asked.

Zhixuan frowned, looked at the Liu couple who were embracing each other and weeping, and then looked at Yu Wenxian, his head was as big as a fight.

Yu Wenxian, as the governor of Otsuka, the dignified Duke of Qi, and the great general of the Zhu Kingdom, led thousands of imperial guards to break into Fuying Temple in order to find a wife for a commoner. This is so ridiculous that people can hardly believe it.

Liu and Qingfeng insisted on their own opinions. Although it was impossible to judge the truth of the matter, Liu's disheveled and weeping weak posture was obviously easier to win the sympathy and trust of the people present.However, from the beginning until now, Zhixuan has been observing Qingfeng carefully, and he keenly discovered that in addition to being surprised and puzzled, what Qingfeng sees most is the resentment of being wronged.

If what Qingfeng said is true, it was Liu who deliberately seduced him first, and then designed to frame him, and Yu Wenxian led troops to break into Fuying Temple abnormally at this time, all of which are strange and unusual.Could it be...

Zhixuan's face was shocked, and his slightly narrowed eyes were full of horror. He really didn't dare to continue thinking about it. If things really happened according to the guess, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

All of this flashed in Zhixuan's mind in a flash, but his face did not show any change, but a look of disappointment and pity, sighed and said: "My lord, you are all under the old monk's command." I am really ashamed that such a scandal has happened in our temple!" Zhixuan paused, and then said: "However, regardless of whether Qingfeng raped Mrs. Liu, he has already broken the precepts, but he is still a member of our temple. My dear, please allow me to clean up the house first!" Zhixuan said, looking at Yu Wenxian seriously, his eyes full of determination.

Yu Wenxian squinted his eyes, looked at Zhixuan steadfastly, and said indifferently: "There are many disciples in Fuying Temple, and the master is alone and weak. It is inevitable that there is some lack of control. The master does not need to blame himself. This evil monk is Buddhist disciples, let the master deal with it first."

When Yu Wenxian said "there are many Buddhist disciples", Zhixuan's heart trembled again, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger, but he didn't show it at all on his face.Zhixuan smiled gratefully at Yu Wenxian, and then shouted loudly: "Junior Brother Zhihua, Buddhist disciples committing adultery, what crime should we have?

"Twenty stick blames!" Zhihua stood on his chest with one hand, and said solemnly, without any emotion, "But Qingfeng raped a woman from a good family, and she denied it. I think the crime should be increased. Forty sticks, expulsion from the gate of the temple!"

"As a disciple of Buddhism, Qingfeng's six roots are not pure. Now he has committed the crime of adultery and does not know how to repent. This not only blasphemes my Buddha, but also brings shame to this temple. Therefore, this seat pronounces the sentence and punishes Qingfeng for forty years, and then Expelled from the gate of the temple, eternal life will not be able to take half a step!" After a pause, Zhixuan's face became serious, and he shouted: "Where is the law enforcement monk?"

"Here!" Four strong and powerful young monks came to Zhixuan with awe-inspiring expressions.


"Abbot, I was wronged, I was wronged!" Qingfeng begged Zhixuan with a look of panic.

However, Zhixuan sighed, clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and said softly: "Amitabha!"

"Amitabha!" Zhihua and a group of elderly monks all stood tall with compassion on their faces, and whispered in their mouths.

"Amitabha!" All the monks in the square clasped their hands together and sang the Buddha's name loudly, the voice was as loud as a bell, but the tone was full of compassion and penetrated people's hearts.

"Wrong, wrong, let me go, let me go!" Qingfeng couldn't help but struggled, but couldn't break free from the shackles of the law enforcement monk and was pushed down on a bench.

"Crack, snap!"


The crisp sound of stick and meat clashing with Qingfeng's screams spread throughout the audience, but everyone remained silent and watched everything silently.

Qingfeng was exhausted all night, and his body was already weak, so how could he stand the service of sticks at this time.Until later, he didn't even have the strength to howl, and his voice was extremely hoarse. When the No.40 stick fell down, he decisively passed out.And Qingfeng's buttocks and back showed a bloody mess, which made Yang Lihua speechless for a while.

"My lord, Qingfeng is no longer a member of our temple, you can take him away!" Zhixuan said while looking at Yu Wenxian.

"Thank you, master, let's go!" Yu Wenxian pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth, said something loudly, then turned around and strode away with a wave of his hand.

Under the watchful eyes of Zhixuan and other skinheads, Yu Wenxian came and left quickly.Did not take away a cloud, but took away two living people, a man and a woman.

"It's all gone, what should I do!" Zhixuan sighed until all the imperial guards disappeared, and turned around and left after telling Huilun beside him.Watching Zhixuan's leaving back, Huilun suddenly felt that his figure was a little stooped, his steps were a little heavy, and there was a depressing and depressing aura all over his body.

"There is a good show to watch, maybe Zhou Wu can't wait!" Taking advantage of Yu Wenxian leading the army to retreat, Gao Xing also quietly returned to the attic where he was hiding with Yang Lihua.Gao Xing closed the door, with a flash of light in his eyes, and sighed softly.

Yang Lihua looked on in surprise, her eyes full of inquiries.

Gao Xing gestured for Yang Lihua to sit down, then said in a low voice: "Yu Wenyong is going to destroy the Buddha, the disaster of Buddhism is coming!"

"Destroy Buddha? Your Majesty, why did he do this?" Yang Lihua was even more confused, and was confused for a while.

Gao Xing smiled lightly and said, "Of course he has his intentions, just wait patiently! Lihua, hurry up and practice, our time is running out!"

"Okay!" Although Yang Lihua was still puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions. She sat up straight in response, closed her eyes, and soon entered the cultivation state.

Xing Xing sat opposite Yang Lihua, and followed Yang Lihua into the cultivation state.As he said, time is running out, he must ensure that he is in peak condition, only in this way, the chances of escape for him and Yang Lihua will be greatly increased

A monk in Fuying Temple cheated a female pilgrim, and the story of her rape spread throughout Chang'an in less than half a day, and the people were in an uproar.All of a sudden, rumors and rumors about Fuying Temple swept through the city of Chang'an like a storm, and the status of Fuying Temple in the hearts of the people dropped sharply, which also weakened the prestige and prestige of Buddhism in the hearts of the people.

On the second day after Qingfeng raped Liu's Dongchuang, a white-haired old woman came to the Chang'an government office. Her purpose was to report a murderer in a temple in Chang'an City and bully the village.

The Chang'an government office did not dare to slack off, and immediately reported the matter to Zhao Guogong Yu Wenzhao.Yu Wenzhao, like Yu Wenxian, personally led a thousand wolf-like guards to hunt down the murderer with the old woman in order to eliminate all unstable factors in Chang'an City. Sure enough, he found the criminal in the temple.The gangster was a country bully who had absconded because he killed the old woman's only son.When the old woman came to pilgrimage by chance, she found that the murderer had already shaved ordained and continued to dominate the temple, so she came to the government office to surrender.

For several days in succession, people continued to report the incident, and the spearheads without exception were directed at the Buddhist temples and treasure temples in the city.For a while, the reputation of the place of Buddhism declined sharply. The situation where the tents were full of pilgrims has now become empty and cold.

On December [-]th, the late Empress Dowager of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was buried, and the whole country gave amnesty, but Chang'an City was still heavily guarded.The funeral scene was very grand, with nearly a thousand monks and priests participating in the French ceremony, but people around the emperor found that Yu Wenyong's attitude towards the monk was a little cold.

Just when the city of Chang'an was in turmoil and people were panicking, Yu Wenyong announced that he would publicly convene a group of ministers on December [-] for a debate between the monks and Taoists to decide the order of the three religions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.

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