Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 175 Zhang Rong Seduces Yin Pond

The emperor summoned a group of ministers to let the monks and priests debate openly to compare the pros and cons, so as to determine the order of the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.For such a grand event, how could the people of Chang'an City who lack entertainment activities give up the opportunity to watch.What's more, in the past ten or so days, the atmosphere in the city has been extremely tense, and the reputation of Buddhism has plummeted, making countless people who believe in Buddha feel confused and helpless. Confused believers pointed out a bright way.

On the 10th day of December, the dawn of the East, the square in front of the Imperial Palace in Chang'an City was filled with crowds of onlookers.Looking around, there are probably nearly [-] people in a patch of black heads.In the middle of the square stood a high platform covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters, but now it was like a flat boat, tightly wrapped by the tidal flow of people, and it looked a little weak and thin.

Around the high platform, nearly [-] royal guards lined up in a tight formation, tightly protecting the high platform behind them.The chilling aura of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard also made the surrounding people feel oppressed and did not dare to make trouble, and even the noise was much quieter.

Between the high platform and the imperial guards, there is a large open space, but it is also full of people at this time, nearly a thousand monks are standing on the west side, while a similar number of Taoist priests are standing on the east side, and the two sides face each other across the high platform Looking, with a serious and solemn face.

When the glowing red sun struggled to break free from the last shackles of the horizon and jumped into the air, a loud and clear shout came from far away from the palace: "The emperor is here!"

All the voices in the square quickly subsided, and everyone turned their eyes to the north, which was the main entrance of the palace.The gate of the towering palace opened slowly. In the eyes of everyone, the two thousand habayashi soldiers with bright armor came out first. They walked out of the palace with their chests upright, and came to the high platform from the passage made aside by the imperial guards. Down.

Yu Wenyun appeared at the gate of the imperial palace in the morning light, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe with a faint golden light under the sunlight, and the dragon pattern embroidered on the dragon robe swayed with his walking, very mighty.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" When Yu Wenyong appeared, the crowd standing in the square immediately knelt down and shouted respectfully. Except for the Habayashi army, only two parties remained standing People and horses, one side is a monk disciple, and the other side is a Taoist priest.

"Pingshen—" Yu Wenyong stepped up to the high platform vigorously, sat on the dragon chair that had been set up in the north, looked at the crowd under the high platform with disdain, and shouted majesticly.

As early as the primitive period, Chinese ancestors had the habit of sitting north and facing south, and the gates of most houses were also facing south.Sitting north and facing south is not only for lighting, but also for shelter from the wind.From the perspective of yin and yang theory and divination, the ancients regarded the south as the supreme, while the north symbolized defeat and submission.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Under the leadership of civil and military officials, the crowd stood up one after another after thanking each other, looking at the high platform quietly, waiting for Yu Wenyong to speak.

Compared with the crowded and noisy scene in Chang'an City Square, the Dasheng Gambling House, which used to be a thriving business, seemed a little deserted at this time.It seems that gamblers also go to the square to watch the wind, to see which sect has a long-lasting luck, and they will pay more visits in the future, so as to be able to win in the casino.

In the backyard of Dasheng Casino, in Zhang Rong's residence, Zhang Rong and Shang Peng are standing opposite each other.

Shang Peng stood with his head down, his face was calm and respectful, only when Zhang Rong couldn't see, there would be a look of burning and gloating in his eyes.

Zhang Rong was frowning. Although she was still so magnificent and charming, Shang Peng could still see the anxiety, exhaustion and haggardness in her brows.There are bloodshot eyes in her big watery eyes. While Shang Peng felt a little pain in his heart, he hated the happiness that robbed his beloved even more.

"Shang Peng, how are things going? Is there any happy whereabouts?" Zhang Rong asked anxiously.

"I'm sorry, leader, my subordinates are incompetent!" Shang Peng replied in a low voice.

"It's been eight days, and you don't have a single clue. Have you put your heart into it? What have you been doing in Chang'an City for the past ten years?" Zhang Rong scolded with her brows upside down, her face full of anger.

After eight full days, Xing Xing disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea. Not only tens of thousands of imperial guards were looking for his whereabouts, but even the people in the city were frantically looking for his whereabouts for the dignity of the empire and the reward.For the past eight days, Zhang Rong was so anxious that she almost used all the power of the Moon Worship Sect in Chang'an City, but she didn't get the slightest message about happiness.

No news may be the best news, which proves that happiness is safe, but Zhang Rong still can't help worrying about happiness.It is a great disgrace to the Yuwen family to defile the crown princess happily, it is a trample on their dignity, no one can bear such humiliation.Once Xing Xing's whereabouts were leaked, Zhang Rong really couldn't imagine what would happen to him.

"I'm sorry, Master!" Shang Peng's face became extremely ugly in an instant, his eyes were full of anger and resentment, his fists hidden in his sleeves were clenched tightly, and his veins were bulging.Because Shang Peng lowered his head, Zhang Rong didn't notice the change in him.

"Happy, please don't let me find you, otherwise I will definitely make you unable to survive or die!" Shang Peng clenched his teeth, feeling ruthless in his heart.

Shang Peng is not what Zhang Rong said, he didn't try his best to find happiness.On the contrary, he devoted all his energy to finding happiness.For Xing Xing, Shang Peng can be said to hate it to the bone. Xing Xing not only made him seriously injured, but also hated him for taking his wife. This is obviously his wishful thinking.These days, Shang Peng is eagerly looking forward to Gao Xing's appearance. He wants to watch him helplessly and sadly fall into the arms of hell, but unfortunately, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua seem to disappear out of thin air.

Zhang Rong snorted coldly, with frost on her pretty face, and said in a deep voice: "The things that have happened recently are quite strange, and I'm afraid something will happen. Today the emperor convened a public debate among the three religions. You go and wait and see what the result is. Once there is a change, report to me quickly!"

"Yes!" Shang Peng agreed and left under Zhang Rong's gesture.

"Alas—" Zhang Rong sat down slowly, and sighed softly. There was so much sadness, so much helplessness, and so much resentment in that low sigh.Zhang Rong rested her arms on the table, resting her cheeks in her hands, staring out the window with empty eyes, her face full of haggard fatigue.

"Husband, where are you? Is your injury healed? Why didn't you come to Rong'er when you were in trouble?" For some reason, Zhang Rong suddenly felt upset, she stood up abruptly, and said to herself: "No , I’m going out to find him, and I must ensure his safety!” As she said, Zhang Rong quickly changed into very ordinary clothes, at first glance she looked like a village girl, but her appearance was very delicate.

Zhang Rong quietly came to the street from the back door of Dasheng Gambling House, feeling a little dazed for a while, not knowing how to find happiness.Just as Zhang Rong was scanning the surroundings, guessing where Gao Xing might be hiding, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her and was about to disappear at the intersection.

Zhang Rong was startled for a moment, and then her whole body was shaken. A flash of lightning flashed across her mind, and a certain guess suddenly appeared in her heart.Zhang Rong's eyes froze suddenly, she restrained her breath, and quickly stepped towards the familiar figure.At this time, many people in Chang'an City gathered in the square, and the pedestrians on the street were much sparser. Although Zhang Rong was quite far away from there, she was not afraid of being lost.

"Huh? Where's the person?" Zhang Rong followed the man for two streets, but suddenly disappeared at a secluded alley, and couldn't help but wonder.She was suddenly vigilant in her heart, raised her hands slightly, and placed them across her chest, her feet were slightly separated, in uneven shape, her eyes were like knives, and she scanned the surrounding environment fiercely.

"Huh!" There was a sound of wind in the back of her head, and without turning her head, Zhang Rong suddenly took a step forward, followed by a short body, and her right fist struck back quickly like a pendulum.



With a low drink and a muffled sound, Zhang Rong's body retreated a few steps to the side, the enemy's surprise attack was also resolved, and Ling Kong's body quickly jumped back.

"Old thief Yinchi, long time no see!" Zhang Rong said as she stood up straight and looked at Yinchi calmly.

The person Zhang Rong was chasing after was Yinchi. If he hadn't been happy to show up at the right time last time, Zhang Rong might have already got his way. Therefore, Zhang Rong has a deep memory of Yinchi's figure.

"Long time no see, the little lady is getting more and more juicy!" Yin Chi showed a lewd smile on his face, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips slightly, his eyes were scanning Zhang Rong's chest and lower body, full of aggression .

"Oh, is that so?" Zhang Rong smiled coquettishly, brushed her hair at the temples lightly, and blinked her beautiful eyes, which suddenly became moist, which seemed to contain infinite love and resentment Delicate, heart-pounding, pitiful.

Yinchi's eyes lit up immediately, staring straight at Zhang Rong, his Adam's apple twitched and swallowed, and said eagerly, "If I get the love of this old man, I'm afraid it will be even more juicy!"

Zhang Rong narrowed her eyes slightly, stretched out her spring onion-like index finger of her left hand and gently placed it on her delicate red lips, then stretched out her pink and tender tongue to lick it lightly, and there was a touch of crystal on the pale pink nails, Glittering in the sunlight.

A faint blush appeared on Zhang Rong's fair face, and her eyes became a little blurred, looking at Yinchi with a desire to refuse and welcome.Her plump chest began to rise and fall violently, and her delicate nostrils fluttered slightly, showing the excitement and desire in her heart.

Although Zhang Rong didn't speak, Yin Chi already understood what she meant.

"The old man is here!" Yin Chi swallowed hard, with red eyes, opened his arms and rushed towards Zhang Rong.

Zhang Rong didn't dodge or dodge, her eyes were blurred and joyful, Yinchi cheered, and her feet were faster.

When Yinchi was less than a foot away from Zhang Rong, Zhang Rong's eyes suddenly became as cold as frost, her eyes were like sharp swords, murderous, and a disdainful and mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

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