Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 176 God-given opportunity

Zhang Rong's heart was startled suddenly by Yin Chi, and his sanity, which had lost most of his lust because of his desire, returned instantly. His heart jumped, and he tried his best to stop his figure, but it was too late.Hearing Zhang Rong's soft reprimand, he swung his right hand from bottom to top, and a bright light flashed across, slashing towards Yin Chi's chest.It was Zhang Rong who attracted Yinchi with his left hand, and took out the lancet with his right hand.

Yin Chi was horrified, he shouted loudly, and dodged to the side with all his strength. With a sound of "chi", a stream of bright blood beads flew into the air with the sharp blade, and the clothes on Yin Chi's chest were torn off by more than a foot.Through the broken clothes, Zhang Rong obliquely tore a half-foot-long and half-inch-deep gash in Yinchi's chest and abdomen, and blood quickly spilled out, soaking a small piece of clothes.

"Hiss!" Yin Chi gasped, ignoring the pain, and quickly stepped back three steps, narrowly dodging Zhang Rong's knife to the neck, and at the same time raised a piece of white powder in his hand, dispelling it. This gave Zhang Rong the idea of ​​chasing after the victory.

Yinchi covered the wound with one hand, the muscles on his livid face were twitching constantly, there was no trace of lust in his eyes, only a killing intent that was as cold as ice.

"Yinchi, everyone in the world says that the happy son kidnapped the princess and then raped her, but the servants think you are the real murderer, don't you?" Zhang Rong said with a cold face, with the lancets in her hands hanging by her legs, and the corners of her mouth Sneered again and again, eyes fixed on Yinchi and said.

Yin Chi's expression changed suddenly, and then he said with a sad smile: "Young lady is really smart, the princess was indeed kidnapped by the old man to the Yecheng Pavilion, but it's a pity that the old man didn't touch the delicate body of the princess, it's a pity It's over!" Saying that, Yin Chi shook his head regretfully.

Yin Chi was really sorry, Yang Lihua's appearance was no less than Zhang Rong's, and he was extremely lethal to the evil spirit like him.But Yin Chi was ordered, in order to put Xing Xing to death, he didn't eat Yang Lihua, and whether he took advantage of his siblings, the answer is obvious from his personality.

"Now Happy is almost like a street mouse, everyone is shouting and beating, but the old man is enjoying himself in Chang'an City, so happy, haha——" Yinchi laughed triumphantly as he said, but it touched his chest. His laughter stopped abruptly, he sucked in the cold air, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"It really is you!" Zhang Rong snorted coldly, taking advantage of the moment when Yinchi was enduring the severe pain of the wound, she angrily scolded: "Shameless old thief, die!" As she spoke, Zhang Rong's body suddenly rushed towards Yinchi, The two gleaming lancets were cold, and with a strong wind, they went straight to Yinchi's head and neck.

"Good time, let's see what's going on!" Yin Chi snorted, and with a flick of his sleeve, another cloud of powder flew out.

Zhang Rong abruptly stopped, and at the same time quickly retreated, furious in her heart, and cursed angrily: "Yinchi old dog, you are so shameless!"

"Little lady, when we meet next time, I will love you so much!" When the powder dispersed, Yin Chi's figure had already flashed far away, and Zhang Rongzong could only watch helplessly as he fled away.

"Hmph!" Zhang Rong put away the lancet, her silver teeth were tight, and she snorted bitterly.Yin Chi was good at using poison, so he had to be very careful when confronting him, so he was a bit restrained.And it is also because of his excellent poisoning skills, if he can't kill him with one blow, he can always escape.Although Zhang Rong was quite helpless in her heart, she couldn't do anything about the slippery Yinchi. Fortunately, she finally knew who framed Happy.

Not looking for a happy direction in her heart, Zhang Rong stopped staying, but quickly returned to Dasheng Casino.

"Who?" As soon as Zhang Rong entered the door, she saw a bald monk sitting by the table. She was startled, and she let out a low cry. The lancet was already in her hand and was about to chop off.

"Rong'er, it's me!" Just when the lancet in Zhang Rong's hand was still a foot away from the shiny head, the monk said suddenly, and at the same time stretched out a pair of slender and white palms, grasping Zhang Rong's hand like lightning. With bright wrists in both hands, it was possible to defuse this killer move.

"Dangling", Zhang Rong threw the lancet on the ground, tightly grasped the monk's arms with both hands, stared closely at his cheek, and said in a trembling voice: "Husband, is it you? What, how did you change?" Is it like this?" As she spoke, Zhang Rong's eyes turned red, and tears flowed down like a river breaking its embankment.

"It's me, come, sit down and talk!" Gao Xing gently patted Zhang Rong's jade hand, and said with concern while helping Zhang Rong to sit beside her.

"Husband, where have you been these days, have you been injured?" Zhang Rong looked up and down nervously, Xing Xing, especially Xing Xing's bald head made her both confused and worried.

"I'm fine, don't worry! Don't cry, your face is all blurred!" Gao Xing smiled gently and shook his head, saying that Gao Xing gently wiped the tears on Zhang Rong's face, and a touch of distressed tenderness flashed in his eyes, " Rong'er, you've lost weight!"

"Husband——" Zhang Rong called out emotionally, and shook her head with a smile, but there were more and more tears on her teary face, which couldn't be wiped clean.

Gao Xing sighed in his heart. He could clearly feel Zhang Rong's concern and worry for him. Because of this, Gao Xing felt more and more guilty, and a faint warmth and pain lingered in his heart.

Gao Xing pulled Zhang Rong into his arms, quickly lowered his head, and kissed Zhang Rong's tear-stained red lips.

"Well", Zhang Rong snorted softly, stretched her arms, hugged Gao Xing's neck tightly, and at the same time squeezed herself into Gao Xing's arms, sucked her delicate red lips roughly, and pried open Xing Xing's neck with her dexterous tongue. Mouth, frantically sweeping the happy territory.


After about half a cup of tea, Gao Xing and Zhang Rongshi separated. The two looked at each other without saying a word, but their eyes were full of tenderness, as the saying goes, silence speaks louder than words at this time.For a while, there was no other sound in the room except for the "pounding" violently beating heart and the violent panting.Zhang Rong's face was covered with a seductive blush, and her rosy lips were shining with a crystal luster, which was very attractive.

"Husband, how did you become like this?" Zhang Rong was the first to break the silence, looking at Gao Xing's bald head with some blue stubble, and asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, does it look good?" Gao Xing grinned, rubbed the top of his head lightly and said, "It's easier to avoid the soldiers who are hunting me in the city!"

"No wonder Yu Wenxian and Yu Wenzhao couldn't find you for so many days!" Zhang Rong was suddenly stunned.

Gao Xing smiled and said: "Rong'er, I came to look for you this time but I have something to ask for."

"Husband, please tell me, I will do my best!" Zhang Rong said seriously with a complete expression.

Gao Xing nodded slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said: "I was framed this time. It is a small matter that there is no place for me in the huge Chang'an City. The failure of this envoy mission is a major issue. Gao Wei will definitely vent his anger on my father. He has hated my father for a long time, this time I am afraid he will take the opportunity to embarrass my father! So I want to ask Rong'er to convey some news for me, one is to tell my father that I am fine, so that he does not have to worry; the other is to tell him Make plans early and be careful of Gao Wei."

Happy to call Gao Wei by his name. Although Zhang Rong was a little surprised, she wisely didn't ask, but nodded firmly and said, "Husband, don't worry, my concubine will definitely convey the news to Lord Lanling for you." !"

"Trouble you!" said happily and gratefully.

"Husband, you are being polite. It's too late for me to be happy if I can help you!" Zhang Rong shook her head and laughed.

Gao Xing couldn't help laughing, looked at Zhang Rong tenderly and said, "Rong'er, I should go!"

Zhang Rong was startled, with a strong reluctance flashing in her eyes, she opened her mouth to persuade her to stay, but in the end she only said "yes".

Gao Xing hugged Zhang Rong tightly in her arms again, gently kissed her smooth forehead, then stood up and was about to turn around and leave.

"Husband, wait!" Zhang Rong grabbed Gao Xing's sleeves, and seeing Gao Xing looking back in doubt, she said with a serious face: "Husband, the person who framed you is the poisonous king Yin Chi, who took the princess from the palace." It was plundered from the Duke's mansion of the Sui Dynasty."

"It's him? No wonder!" Gao Xing raised his brows, and two knife-like sharpness flashed in his eyes, and he recovered in an instant, looked at Zhang Rong and said with a smile: "I know, take care of yourself, don't worry about me !"

Zhang Rong nodded and said: "The concubine saves her life, and my husband takes care!"

"Take care!" He said happily, and took out a hat from his sleeve and put it on his head, covering his bald head.After finishing all this, Gao Xing turned around and strode away. As soon as he went out, he jumped to the roof, and quickly left from the backyard of Dasheng Casino without staying too long.

Seeing the happy figure disappearing outside the door, Zhang Rong felt a loss in her heart, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes, blinding her eyes.Finally knowing that happiness is still in the world, Zhang Rong was both delighted and excited.However, before the joy in her heart passed, the joy left in a hurry again. If it wasn't for the joy that remained on her lips, she would have thought that all this happened in a dream.

Neither the melancholy Zhang Rong nor the joy of leaving in a hurry, in a window more than ten meters away from Zhang Rong's door, a young man has been watching Zhang Rong's room, and even watched him leave happily .

The three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have been developed for hundreds of thousands of years. It is really not easy to distinguish which is better.Long before this debate, Yu Wenyong held several large-scale debates, but each time lasted more than ten days, but Buddhism won the final victory. Such a result obviously did not satisfy Yu Wenyong.

This time, taking advantage of the repeated mistakes made by Samana disciples, Yu Wenyong held another debate meeting, obviously determined to curb the development of Buddhism, and to put it bluntly, he wanted to destroy Buddhism.

As the sun sets and the birds return to their nests, it means the end of the day, but the people in Chang'an City feel that the time passes quickly.During this day, monks and Taoists debated right and wrong with each other, benefiting all beings a lot, especially the debate between Zhixuan, the representative of the Samana in Chang'an City, and Taoist Zhang Bin, which was not only very exciting, but also clarified countless truths.

Although Buddhism has a bad reputation recently, Samana still has the upper hand in today's debate. Zhang Bin was dumbfounded and speechless by Zhixuan several times. Zhang Bin was about to be defeated directly.

Back in the palace, Yu Wenyong couldn't help but feel a little worried. If this debate is still the same as the previous few times, then his memory plan cannot continue.However, if he wants to oppress Buddhism with the respect of the emperor, his words will not go well if his name is not correct, which will not only be detrimental to his reputation, but also the resistance he will encounter will inevitably be very fierce.Yu Wenyong is not afraid of opponents and killing people, but this kind of result is always bad.

Just as Yu Wenyong was pacing back and forth in the imperial study, thinking hard about the countermeasures to destroy the Buddha, Yu Wenxian was begging to see him outside the door.

"Your Majesty, someone came to report just now, and he was happy to be seen in the city. He is dressed as a novice at this time!" After Yu Wenxian and Yu Wenyong greeted each other, he said bluntly without waiting for Yu Wenyong to ask.

"Huh?" Yu Wenyong frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Is the news reliable?"

Yu Wenxian pulled a strange smile from the corner of his mouth and said, "What difference does it make if it's reliable or not?"

Yu Wenyong was taken aback for a moment, then he burst out laughing, and his frown spread out, "Your brother is right, let's pretend we don't know it for the time being, and stay put. Continue the debate tomorrow and let the news spread in the city." .”

"Yes!" Yu Wenxian smiled slightly, replied respectfully and then left.

"Gao Wei, Gao Wei, I should really thank you for sending joy to my side. I originally planned to use the joy as an opportunity to eradicate Buddhism, but this joy turned into a novice. Could it be that God helped me, I, the Yuwen family, are destined to unify this world!" Yu Wenyong said silently in his heart as he looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky with his hands behind his back.

"Gao Wei, Chen Xu, just wait, you will surely surrender at my feet, the name Yu Wenyong is destined to be famous in history forever. Maybe if we get the "Secret of Longevity", my Yuwen clan will last forever! "Yu Wenyong took a deep look at the endless sky, exuding infinite aura from his whole body, vigorously, and lashed out at Fang Qiu.

In the next three days, the debate on Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism was still in full swing. Although Zhang Bin and other Taoist priests tried their best, they could not refute Zhixuan and other monks, and they were still at a disadvantage.As a result, Buddhism, which had been in a slump due to such small evils as hiding filth, has a tendency to rise and has won the strong support of most of the people in the city.

Although Buddhism has always been in the upper hand during the three-day debate, Zhixuan didn't have the slightest smile on his face. On the contrary, the thrilling feeling in his heart became more and more intense.Reminiscent of the turmoil in the past few days, but the calmness recently, Zhixuan felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, which made him feel anxious and irritable.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. A disaster can't be avoided, Amitabha!" Zhixuan didn't go back to the room, but sat cross-legged on the main hall, facing the Buddha statue, and silently recited scriptures.Because of that sense of crisis, he was a little impetuous, which was extremely detrimental to tomorrow's debate.Zhixuan recited the scriptures over and over again, slowly regaining his composure, and finally entered a state of meditation.

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