Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 177 The Death of Yang Lihua

December 573, 25 A.D. was an unforgettable day for the entire Northern Zhou Dynasty, especially for Buddhism and Taoism.This day will definitely be engraved in history and will play a decisive role in the development of history.

Beginning on December [-], the six-day debate on Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism finally came to an end with the victory of Northern Zhou Emperor Yu Wenyong.

In the five-day debate, neither Taoism represented by Zhang Bin nor Confucianism represented by court officials could defeat Buddhism represented by Zhixuan.When most people thought that this debate would end with Buddhism winning like the previous times, Yu Wenyong came to the front desk to discuss with Ji Hyun in person to distinguish right from wrong.

Whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, or Confucianism, it is the summary and overview of the world and everything in the world after exploring and thinking about society.To be precise, there is no distinction between them, they are just different theories and systems.

In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when natural disasters and wars continued for a long time, and Han culture was destructively impacted by ethnic minorities, Buddhist thought could provide people with spiritual support. Coupled with the strong support of those in power for ruling needs, Buddhism became the whole The most powerful sect in China.The Buddhist teachings not only get the people's approval for the analysis of the current public psychology and social life, but also are very systematic, so they have won the final victory in every debate.

A person like Zhang Bin who specializes in trading metaphysics has suffered a complete defeat against Shang Zhixuan, how can Yu Wenyong, a half-way monk, win?Although Yu Wenyong was defeated magnificently, how could he be defeated as the king of a country?

Buddhism has long been a thorn in Yu Wenyong's side, but he has won several debates on Buddhism, making Yu Wenyong's teacher unknown.This time, Yu Wenyong made up his mind and vowed not to give up on Immortal Buddhism.

Yu Wenyong is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, possessing the power of heaven. Under his tyrannical oppression and the reprimand of the ministers, Zhixuan had to bow his head and admit defeat, and accepted the imperial decree helplessly and humiliated. The victory of the debate.

Because Taoism lost to Buddhism in the debate, Yu Wenyong, in order to show fairness, issued an edict to ban Buddhism and Taoism, ordered "all the scriptures and images to be destroyed, dismissed monks and Taoists, and ordered them to be returned to the people. All prostitution sacrifices are prohibited, which is not allowed in the ritual ceremony. Those who carry it will be eradicated." At this point, a shocking and vigorous movement to ban religion kicked off.


The nearly six-meter-high gold-plated Buddha in the Daxiong Hall finally fell to the ground under the efforts of hundreds of soldiers amidst the wailing of countless monks. The ground trembled uncontrollably, stirring up a cloud of flying dust.

The Buddha statue, which was once high above, overlooked all beings, and was worshiped by countless faithful men and good women, fell down, and its golden body was broken into countless pieces.Looking at the broken head of the Buddha statue again, the compassionate smile remained, but for some reason, Yang Lihua suddenly felt a chill down her spine, which made her involuntarily lean against Gao Xing.

"Brother Xing, how did you know that His Majesty would ban Buddhism and Taoism?" Yang Lihua stood behind a yellow-faced monk and whispered in his ear, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, her eyes were full of doubt and curiosity, There is a trace of regret.

At this time, Yang Lihua was wearing a black monk's robe, her cloud-like hair had disappeared, revealing her fair scalp, and she looked like a delicate little novice monk.Fortunately, Yang Lihua is only 13 years old at this time, and has not yet fully developed. Wearing a slightly loose monk's robe, even if she doesn't wear makeup, she doesn't have to worry about being recognized as a woman disguised as a man.

"Yuwen Xiangui is the general of the Zhu Kingdom, how could he find a wife for a mere commoner? Cough cough, there must be a demon if things go wrong, I just made a bold guess, cough cough, sure enough..." The yellow-faced monk was exactly Happily, he tilted his head and said in a low voice while watching the imperial guards under the leadership of Yu Wenxian destroy Buddha statues and demolish the Yiying building of Fuying Temple.

I am glad that his fair face has been dyed waxy yellow by his self-made potion, and with his slightly hunchbacked back, he coughs lightly from time to time, making him look a little sick. It is difficult for people to compare him with Zeng Jin in person , The image of a handsome and extraordinary teenager is linked.

At this time, the square in front of the Daxiong Palace was already crowded with people.Fuying Temple was built in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and it has been hundreds of years. It not only covers a vast area, but also has a long history. There are about ten thousand monks here, which is really an astonishing number.

After Yu Wenyong's edict, although countless monks were dissatisfied, they had to bow their heads when facing the wolf-like soldiers brought by Yu Wenxian, and could only watch helplessly as the place where Zeng Jin lived was being destroyed little by little. , Bury all the bitterness and resentment deeply in the bottom of my heart.

Yu Wenxian gathered all the monks together, one of which was to agree to make a book and order them to return to vulgarity, and the other was to carefully search for the whereabouts of Gao Xing.

In recent days, the news that the thief was happy to appear in the city wearing a monk's uniform has spread, and coupled with the scandals that occurred in the Buddhist sect a few days ago, the people in the city have greatly reduced their resistance to Yu Wenyong's act of destroying the Buddha. This policy has been implemented much faster.

Gao Xing wisely did not continue to hide in the attic, but disguised himself and mixed with a group of dejected monks. With his current appearance, he was confident that Yu Wenyong would not find out.

Compared to Yang Lihua who was a little nervous, surprised, and regretful, she was happy but calm as usual.He had known about Zhou Wu's extermination of Buddha a long time ago, and he was not surprised at all.Although he is happy to practice the "Secret of Longevity" and believes in metaphysics, he comes from the age of science after all, and he is far from blindly worshiping and trusting gods and Buddhas like the ancients.

When Yu Wenxian was dealt with by monks who raped women in Fuying Temple, Gao Xing keenly sensed that Yu Wenyong was about to make a big move.Sure enough, there were countless incidents in Chang'an City, all of which were undoubtedly related to Buddhism.

Although the affair between Liu and Qingfeng was planned by Yu Wenxian alone, but not all of the subsequent evils related to Buddhism were framed by Yu Wenxian.

Because the conditions are too favorable, the development of Buddhism has swelled to an extremely terrible level. They occupy countless living resources and have become veritable social moths.

At that time, Buddhist disciples did not engage in production, but occupied a lot of fertile land. They did not pay taxes, did not have to perform labor and military service, but enjoyed the provision of the court and the offerings of the people. This brought a great burden to the society, the country, and the people at the bottom.Because of these conditions, countless people have devoted themselves to Buddhism. They have no Buddha in their hearts, and all they want is to survive.In this way, Buddhist disciples are not people with strong minds and good minds, so there are naturally many cases of men stealing women and prostitution.

Historically, after Zhou Wu invaded Yecheng and overthrew the Gaoqi regime, he continued to implement the policy of exterminating Buddhism.In the entire Northern Qi Dynasty, more than 300 Buddhist temples were destroyed, and more than 300 million monks were exiled into the army. As for the fertile land and property, there are simply countless. 300 million people, what is that concept?In the era of turmoil and scarcity in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, [-] million people were not only enough to sweep the world, but also how much wealth they could create.

It can be said that Zhou Wu's extermination of Buddhism followed the trend of history and was an inevitable product of the intensified contradiction between royal power and religion.It is precisely because of Yu Wenyong's ban on religion that liberated countless productive forces, which can also be regarded as the peak of the feudal era, and laid a solid foundation for the development of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Yang Lihua was already very smart, and he was happy that he understood it just by mentioning it a little bit, but he was still a little confused by Yu Wenyong's drastic approach, so he asked again: "Brother Xing, why did your majesty want to destroy Buddha!"

"Buddhism only eats and doesn't work, how can Yu Wenyong tolerate it? What's more, if Yu Wenyong wants to unify the world, he needs a lot of soldiers and food, and Buddhism has a lot of these two." Happy paused, seemingly looking at it inadvertently In the next four weeks, after finding that no one was paying attention to the two of them, the voice was lowered, "Earlier, there were rumors among the people that 'the king in black', and the influence of Buddhism is unprecedentedly huge, and it has already threatened the imperial power. The emperor does not allow it, so it is inevitable to destroy the Buddha!"

Yang Lihua's eyes widened suddenly, and she almost exclaimed.Although she is smart, but after all, she is still inexperienced, and she is in the middle of the situation. Naturally, her understanding of the feudal era is not as comprehensive and detailed as happy.Therefore, as soon as I heard Gao Xing's words, I can imagine the shock in my heart.

After a long time, Yang Lihua regained her composure. Looking at the busy work of the imperial guards, she continued to ask: "Brother Xing, what should we do next, should we take advantage of the chaos and run away?"

"No, that's too dangerous, we don't need to do anything, we just need to follow the imperial court's arrangement!" Gao Xing smiled and shook his head imperceptibly, and said in a low voice.

Yang Lihua was stunned, but she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she stood quietly behind Gao Xing, looking at the dilapidated Fuying Temple with a dejected expression.

Yu Wenxian led nearly [-] imperial guards, and in just one day, they smashed all the Buddha statues and burned all the scriptures in the huge Fuying Temple.As for the buildings in the monastery, not many were actually demolished, so it can be seen that Yu Wenyong is still a very simple person, much better than Gao Wei's extravagant fool.

As the capital city of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Chang'an City, at the foot of the emperor, no one dared to obey and violate.It took only five days for Yu Wenyong to issue the edict prohibiting religion, and the temples and Taoist temples in the city were almost wiped out.There are nearly 30 monks and Taoists who are ordered to return to secular life, and there are countless land properties.These gains made Yu Wenyong very happy. With money and people, he is one step closer to his dream of unifying the world.

No matter how painful the Taoist monks were, how much they cursed Yu Wenyong, the long river of time was still flowing in its own way, and the New Year in 574 AD finally came in the tense and fearful mood of the people in Chang'an City.

At the beginning of the new year, another shocking news came out of Chang'an City: Yang Lihua, the crown princess who had been missing for more than half a month, finally appeared, but she had been dead for a long time.

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