Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 178 Joining the Army

Yang Lihua, the daughter of Yang Jian, Duke of the Sui Dynasty, who would have become the concubine of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, died.Her body was found in a deserted temple in the city. Her face was severely damaged by a sharp weapon and her original face could not be discerned, and her body was covered with blood. Find out her true identity.

Next to Yang Lihua's body, there was another male corpse, which was completely unrecognizable just like Yang Lihua's, and his death was horrifying. I don't know who did it so viciously.Maybe the young man is happy, maybe not, the people of Chang'an City have no way of knowing.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month in 574 AD, Yu Wenyong formally ordered to withdraw the pursuit of Gao Xing and Yang Lihua, and to bury Yang Lihua generously.This news made all the people in Chang'an City heave a sigh of relief, and their suppressed mood was as bright and gentle as the sky gradually clearing up.

In the past month or so, there have been many major facts that happened in Chang'an City, which made it difficult for everyone to accept.First, the empress dowager denounced the death of the slave lady, then she was happy to defile the princess, and then there was a mighty movement to destroy Buddhism.This series of events made the city very turbulent.Today, following Yu Wenyong's order, Chang'an City has gradually restored its former prosperity and hustle and bustle, and it is even better than it used to be today.After all, there are not a few monks and Taoists who have been ordered to return to vulgarity.

Is it possible for Yang Lihua to die suddenly?The answer is obviously no.

As the capital of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Chang'an City was the center of culture, politics and economy, with a population of no less than one million.Even if Yu Wenyong has a million soldiers, it is undoubtedly extremely arduous and difficult to find two people who can pretend to be out of a million people.Martial law and raids for dozens of days in a row not only made the people in the city panic, but also caused a great burden to the country.

Yu Wenyong and his son don't know whether Gao Xing really tarnished Yang Lihua, and it seems that there is no need to know.The so-called people's words are terrible, but no matter the truth of the matter, this matter is really a great shame to the Yuwen royal family.

But Yu Wenyong is not Yu Wenyun. He was able to endure for more than ten years, silently accumulating his own strength, finally killing Yu Wenhu, and finally taking power. One can imagine how firm his mind is.Successful people may not be the smartest, but they will definitely assess the situation, be able to afford it and let it go, and seize every opportunity.

Although with the help of Yu Wenxian, Yu Wenyong's policy of prohibiting religion was implemented successfully, but as the saying goes, where there is oppression, there will be resistance. Not everyone will be afraid of Yu Wenyong's steel sword and spear.There are always some fanatics who will defend their beliefs to the death. Even if they are spurned and crusaded by the world, their hearts will remain the same.Such people are ignorant, but at the same time they are lovely and worthy of the admiration of all living beings.

Chang'an City has almost been dug three feet by Yu Wenxian and Yu Wenzhao, but Gao Xing and Yang Lihua are still nowhere to be found.However, the manpower and material resources consumed in the past half a month are terribly huge, and the pressure on the national treasury has increased sharply.

So Yu Wenyong decisively issued an order to stop the large-scale search and arrest operation.At the same time, Yu Wenyong also found two corpses similar to Gao Xing and Yang Lihua, whose faces were painted so that people could not tell them apart, so as to end Gao Xing and Yang Lihua's incident.But Yu Wenyong privately still asked Yu Wenxian to secretly pay close attention to all movements in Chang'an City, looking for happy whereabouts.

No matter how much the people in the city used the recent events as their after-dinner conversation, no matter how much Yu Wenyong was secretly distressed, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua had appeared in the barracks outside the city in a fair manner at this time.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, Yu Wenyong ordered conscription, and the source of soldiers was ordered to return to vulgarity, and he was selected from monks and Taoists aged 15 to 40.Ever since, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua followed the large army out of Chang'an City, and came to the military camp only twenty miles away from Chang'an.

The army should be fine rather than large, as long as there is food.Therefore, Yu Wenyong specifically requested that the newly recruited soldiers must be strictly screened to avoid wasting food.

In the military camp outside Chang’an City, under the warm sunshine, nearly ten thousand monks who had returned to secular life lined up like a long queue, waiting for the examiner’s assessment with mixed emotions of worry, depression, or novelty.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua were next to each other, at the back of the team.After a few days of growth, the scalp of the two of them has become somewhat black, not as bright and eye-catching as before. Both of them have changed out of their monk's clothes, and they only wear ordinary people's clothes, coarse linen clothes, the hem of which just reaches the thighs, Lean but not beautiful, the main function is to save fabric and money.

The assessment and selection of newcomers is actually quite simple, one is strength, and the other is speed.The martial arts arena of the barracks is the venue for the assessment. There are ten stone locks on it, and there are weapon racks on the edge. Common weapons such as knives, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks are all available.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua both waited for the assessment with a calm face, and only talked a few words occasionally, but they never talked about their personal identities or what happened recently, only talking about things about the assessment.Gao Xing was a complete lone ranger in his previous life. Although he has changed a lot now, he still doesn't talk much. The most important thing is that he will lose his words. To be on the safe side, Xing Xing almost keeps silent.

As the sun draws a beautiful arc in the sky, time goes by little by little, and the assessment continues. The team in front of Gao Xing is getting shorter and shorter. Finally, when the setting sun is about to fall into the hibiscus tree, it is finally X X X’s turn. .

"What's your name?" The examiner is a young man in his early twenties, with a slightly dark face of Chinese characters, full of fortitude and stability after going through wind and frost; thick eyebrows, erect like knives, and a heroic spirit between the brows; a pair of eyes He is piercing and energetic, and with the black beard on the corner of his lips, he is very majestic.

Although this person did not leave the banquet from early morning to evening, his waist was still straight, his face showed no trace of fatigue, and he was still full of energy.His broad and strong chest fully supported the slightly darker armor, making him look mighty and extraordinary.

"Ahem, Yang Fan." Gao Xing hunched slightly, coughed a few times, and then said.His sallow complexion became more bloody and less sick because of the cough.

The chief examiner frowned, and looked at Xing Xing carefully: he was tall and tall, but thin and a little stooped, with a sick face and continuous coughing.

How could this sickly, obviously weak person get on the battlefield?

The examiner was frowning and thinking, when a young general behind him reprimanded: "Hey, what are you doing here, you sick ghost, are you here to entertain us?"

"Ahem, don't dare!" Gao Xing glanced at the young general lightly, uttered two words forcefully, and then went straight to a stone lock.

Gao Xing coughed twice again, then bent down, stretched out a hand to grab the groove of the stone lock, exhaled and said, "Hey", the stone lock weighing a hundred catties rose from the ground, and he was very happy with one arm. Lifted to the top of the head.Gao Xing coughed violently a few times, his face flushed a little more, but his right arm holding the stone lock was almost motionless, and his face also looked relaxed.

"You are so big..." The young general was extremely angry and wanted to reprimand Gao Xing, but was dumbfounded by Gao Xing's sudden action, and forgot to continue reprimanding Gao Xing for a moment, looking at Xing Xing with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Hiss", there was a sound of gasping for air from all around, and there were soldiers onlookers, most of them came from hundreds of monks who had returned to lay life behind Yang Lihua.

In the regular army, there are people who can lift a hundred catties with one hand, but definitely not many.The monks who returned to the secular world ate fast and recited Buddha all day long, and their lives were very chic. How could they compare with the physique and strength trained by the soldiers who got up early and worked hard at night, bleeding and sweating.As for Gao Xing, who looked sickly on the surface, who would have thought that his thin body contained such enormous power.

The chief examiner was also surprised, and then his brows relaxed, his eyes burst out with brilliance, and he praised loudly: "Good strength!"


Gao Xing casually threw the stone lock on the ground and made a loud noise. He smacked the dust on his hands casually, then clasped his hands into fists, and said with a modest smile on his face, "I'm so proud, cough cough, cough cough!" Gao Xing coughed violently again.

"Happy to pass, next one!" The examiner's eyes flashed, he nodded approvingly, and shouted at Yang Lihua.


"Yang Hua." Yang Lihua stepped forward. Although she tried her best to speak in a rough voice, her natural advantages as a woman made her voice very clear and pleasant. In addition, she only made up a little, and her face was very delicate and graceful. , Immediately it is eye-catching, but it has a weird feeling.

"Let's show your strength first!" The chief examiner nodded lightly and said lightly.

Yang Lihua nodded and came to a stone lock, she lowered her waist and tied the horse, her slender and tender hands clasped the groove of the stone lock tightly, and she gave a soft scolding, her waist suddenly exerted force, and the stone lock rose up in response, Yang Lihua lifted it to her chest forward.

Yang Lihua is a weak woman, only 13 years old, how much strength can she have?If she hadn't been happy to dredge the main meridians for him to help her practice the "Longevity Jue", and reached the peak of the first level of realm in only half a month, how could she lift this one hundred catty stone lock?

Yang Lihua gritted her teeth tightly, her fair face was flushed, her eyes were firm and persistent.Yang Lihua only held on for about ten breaths before letting go of her hands, threw the stone lock on the ground, and gasped violently with her mouth wide open.

"Yang Hua, how old are you this year?" The examiner looked at Yang Lihua in self-study, his tone was not too serious, but it was not too gentle. It should be described as "formula".

"General, I'm 13 years old." Yang Lihua replied.

"Thirteen? Your Majesty has ordered that recruits must be at least 15 years old. You should go home!" The examiner said in a gentle tone with a slight difference in his eyes and regret.

"General, Yang Hua was originally a poor and humble orphan. He joined the Samana for his life. Now that the opportunity to serve the country is in front of him, how can I retreat?" Yang Lihua strode up to the examiner and said sonorously, her eyes full of determination.

The examiner was stunned, and looked at Yang Lihua steadfastly. The latter was not afraid, and responded frankly.After a long time, the examiner showed a smile on his face and praised: "Good job, I have a brave young man like you, how can I not dominate the world? Haha, just wait on the side!"

"Thank you, General!" Yang Lihua breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved expression on his face.In the eyes of outsiders, Yang Lihua was relaxed because she passed the examination, but in fact she was relaxed because she could leave Chang'an more safely.

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This book is the official release of (Let’s read novels together), I hope that the pirated children’s shoes can be held high, and I also hope that the pirated children’s shoes can support the genuine one, Taotao is very grateful!

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