Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 179 Goodbye Beggar

When the sky was completely dark and it was about to go completely dark, all the monks who came to the military camp had completed their examinations. The successful ones were gathered by an instructor to wait for the chief examiner's lecture, and the losers returned to Chang'an City under the escort of a pair of soldiers, waiting for the imperial court next steps.

Just when the young examiner general came to speak in front of the [-] soldiers who had been initially selected, there was a sudden chaotic quarrel at the gate of the camp, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The Yuanmen Gate of the self-operated village has already entered the huge martial arts arena, so it is easy for newcomers to see what is going on at the Yuanmen Gate.At this time, it was already the beginning of the bright lights, and a row of braziers and torches for lighting were erected at the gate, illuminating a large area in front of and behind the gate as bright as day.

"Let me in, I want to see your general!"

"Little beggar, you can see my general whenever you want, leave quickly, or don't blame the military master for being rude!"

After more than half a year of development, under the living conditions of eating and drinking, coupled with the transformation of "Longevity", I am happy that my height is close to 180 at this time.Although he was standing in the back row, his keen six senses allowed him to clearly see the scene at the gate.

At the gate, the four soldiers on duty were arguing with a petite and thin boy in ragged clothes.When Xing Xing saw the boy's appearance clearly by the light of the fire, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"I'm here to join the army, why don't you let me in? Get out of the way!" the beggar boy said angrily.

It's a pity that the young man's words only caused those soldiers to laugh loudly: "Just you? Haha, don't be kidding, is it because you can't get food in the city and want to come to the barracks to eat and drink? I have seen a lot of people like you Hurry up and get out!" For more than half a month, Chang'an City was under martial law, and the boring and tense life suffocated these passionate soldiers.

It was a happy event for Yu Wenyong to announce the lifting of martial law. However, before they were excited and accepted monks and monks who had returned to secular life, the task of training the new army fell on them, which made them lose the opportunity to enjoy and relax.

In this day and age, soldiers don't have much to pursue.The reason why they joined the army, apart from the emperor's oppressive order, was mainly to earn enough to eat and earn some money, so these soldiers were not surprised by the intention of the young beggars.

"You don't know how to make progress, and you eat things waiting to die! I joined the army only to kill the enemy and serve the country. How can you have such vulgar, pig-like ideas?" The beggar boy said with a bit of disdain.

"Hey, you're looking for death!" The four soldiers were furious, swearing angrily and waving their fists at the beggar boy.

Compared with this beggar, they looked much stronger and fiercer. The viewers were all monks, and they unconsciously had the compassion of the Buddhists in their hearts. They hated blood, so many people showed a trace of unbearable What's more, he put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name, as if he was praying or saving the beggar.

"Stop!" The examiner shouted loudly, and the soldiers who were about to punch the beggar couldn't help but stop and looked at the examiner in surprise.

"Bring him here!" The examiner faced the gate and ordered loudly.

"Yes!" Although the four soldiers were surprised and puzzled, they faithfully carried out the examiner's order.

The beggar boy smiled triumphantly, and strode up to the examiner. He wiped the messy hair hanging from his forehead to the back of his head, and looked at the examiner calmly with his eyes wide open, without the slightest fear on his face.

There was a gleam in the examiner's eyes, and he did not speak, he carefully examined the boy in front of him.Although he looks very thin and thin, dressed in a beggar's attire, but it gives people a strange feeling, and the tattered and dirty clothes can't hide the unique aura on his body.The beggar boy's face was very clean, and compared with his dirty clothes, it was a world of difference.His appearance is very handsome, although he looks very young and childish on the surface, but his eyes have a sense of vicissitudes of life, deep and wise, calm and persistent.

The examiner's eyes gradually became sharper, and a faint murderous aura began to exude from his body, and he slowly approached the beggar.The beggar frowned slightly, but his expression did not change at all, he was still calm and calm, without any fear.His figure was straighter, like a lush pine and cypress, people couldn't help but ignore his blue clothes and disheveled hair.

"What's your name?" About half a cup of tea later, the examiner suddenly put away his momentum and asked calmly.

"General, my name is Hulu Zhongdu." The beggar boy replied loudly.

"Hulu Zhongdu?" The examiner frowned slightly, read aloud silently and asked, "Are you going to enlist in the army?"

"Yes, General!" the beggar boy Hu Luzhong replied.His voice was very loud, and his speaking speed was very crisp, without the slightest procrastination, very much like a soldier.

"Dhu Lu Zhongdu, please prove yourself!" The examiner said and moved his eyes to the stone lock that had not been removed, the meaning was self-evident.

"General, I'm weak, and I can't lift this one hundred catty stone lock." Hu Lvzhong looked at the stone lock and shook his head and replied, his face was still very calm, without the slightest embarrassment, and his tone was justified.

Hearing Hulu Zhongdu's answer, everyone was in an uproar. It was really unbelievable that a little beggar would have such courage.Many people lowered their voices and began to discuss, lamenting the audacity of the beggar.But the joy standing in the back row of the line was different. There was no trace of sarcasm or disdain on his face, only a trace of surprise and amazement, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, revealing a hint of thoughtful expression.

The examiner couldn't help but frowned, looked at Hu Lvzhong carefully, and asked, "Then how do you want to prove yourself?"

"General, please allow me to challenge the four of them!" Hu Luzhong looked closely into the examiner's eyes, and pointed to the four soldiers who had just had a dispute with him and were originally in charge of guarding.

"What? Kid, you actually want to challenge us?" Before the examiner could speak, the four soldiers asked in disbelief. The four looked at each other, almost unable to believe their ears.

All the people present showed astonishment on their faces, and their eyes were full of suspicion and astonishment when they looked at Hu Lu Zhongdu.

"Are you sure?" The examiner asked in a deep voice with a sudden flash of light in his eyes.

"Yes!" Hulu Zhongdu's answer was very simple, but his tone was very firm.

"Okay!" The examiner said lightly, and then stepped back a few steps to get out of the way.

"Boy, you are courting death!"


"Just let the horse come here!" Hu Lvzhong raised his chin slightly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Arrogant boy, die!" Hearing the words, the person in front of Hulu Zhongdu suddenly became furious. He roared, and then stretched out a pair of thick arms and rushed towards Hulv Zhongdu with a lot of momentum.

Seeing this, the other three also howled and rushed towards Hulu Zhongdu. Just listening to the sound of the wind driven by their waving arms, they could know that the power in it was not small.

Hu Lvzhong seemed to be stupefied by fright, and stood there without moving, seeing four sand bowl-like fists about to greet him one after another.Seeing this, many people couldn't help mourning for this arrogant little beggar. Perhaps in the next moment, this fresh life will fall forever.

However, things went beyond everyone's expectations.

Just when the fists of the front soldiers were about to touch Hulu Zhongdu's face, Hulu Zhongdu suddenly lowered his body, and at the same time rushed into the man's arms with his feet.


A howl sounded like a wounded beast, but it didn't come from Hulu Zhongdu, but from the man in front of him.

"Puff puff puff" three times in a row, but it was the fists of the other three soldiers who hit the comrade's body, causing the unlucky guy to scream and fall to the ground.

This result stunned everyone, and even the other three soldiers couldn't help turning their search eyes to Hulu Zhongdu.

Gao Xing, Yang Lihua, and the chief examiner saw it clearly. At the moment the soldier approached, Hu Luzhong punched the man's descendants hard, and when he bent over in pain, he punched from the man's body. Dodged sideways, and pushed the man hard, causing him to bump into his companion's fist.

Where are the Hulu bells?At this moment, he had turned around, faced the other three soldiers, and rushed towards them quickly.

The three soldiers were startled suddenly, it was too late for the one who was facing Hulu Zhongdu to dodge, so they could only raise their arms and make a blocking motion to protect their head and face.The other two waved their fists without giving in, and smashed at Hulu Zhongdu.

"Hey!" Hu Lvzhong yelled softly, his running figure suddenly became short, and suddenly rushed to the left, and then there was another terrifying scream in the sky.The one on the left side of the three soldiers howled and bent over, holding his abdomen with both hands, his face was already distorted.

Hu Luzhong withdrew his right fist, jumped up into the air suddenly, kicked the soldier's body, and used his body to rush towards the man in the middle who was in a defensive posture.

No one expected that Hu Lvzhong would suddenly disguise himself, and even punched the soldier on the left side despicably, making him lose his combat effectiveness.

The defensive posture of the person in the middle was useless because of Hu Lvzhong's actions, and Hu Lvzhong jumped in front of him with his strength, and before he could react, he punched this person behind the ear. There was a roar in his ears, his arms relaxed, and he punched him hard on the bridge of the nose again.

The roar in the ears made the brain dizzy for a while, and the soreness from the wounded nose made the soldier burst into tears, and he also temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.In a blink of an eye, only the one on the right was left among the four soldiers.

Hulu Zhongdu's speed was very fast, before the person in the middle fell down, he had already jumped towards the person on the right.This person had rushed towards Hulu Zhongdu because of a misjudgment before, but at this moment he finally stopped, but Hulv Zhongdu was behind him.

"Looking for death!" The scream of his companion aroused the ferocity in this man's heart. He howled with red eyes, and without turning around, he suddenly waved his arms and smashed towards Hulu Zhongdu with great force.

"Hum!" Hu Luzhong snorted coldly, his body stopped suddenly, and he slid out a step quickly, narrowly avoiding the vigorous punch of the only remaining soldier, and then flew up with a kick to land impartially. Kicked the man's lower body.

"Aw!" The last soldier knelt down on the ground with his belly in his hands, his eyes popped out, and he howled in pain.

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