Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 180 4 Great Generals

Three of the four soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers fell down in the blink of an eye. The only one who stood was also tearful and dizzy.

Hu Lvzhong snorted softly, quickly stepped back a few steps, and left the battle circle with a look of disdain on his face.Although Hu Lvzhong tried his best to keep his face calm, Xing Xing still clearly captured his heaving chest and the faint sparkle on his forehead.

The Hulu clock seems to be relaxed and freehand, but in fact it consumes a lot.Through careful observation, Xing Xing already knew that Hulu Zhongdu's strength was not outstanding as he said, but his reaction speed was very good, and the most important thing was that his shots were tricky and ruthless.

The fight between the five ended too quickly, and the unexpected result made the onlookers unable to react for a while, they just stared blankly at the few people on the field, speechless.Even the chief examiner frowned slightly, examined Hulu Zhongdu carefully, and did not speak.

"Boy is despicable, I'm going to kill you!" About five breaths later, the first soldier who fell stood up, bowed his waist slightly, stared at Hulu Zhongdu with blood-red eyes, his face twisted extremely Ferocious, it seems to choose people and devour them.He roared, and suddenly picked up a bright steel knife on the weapon rack beside him and rushed towards Hulu Zhongdu.

The soldiers are like a stimulated bull, with extremely fast speed and unparalleled strength.The steel knife was raised high by him, reflecting a cold and strange luster in the flickering firelight.The whistling wind sounded, and the shining steel knife came to the top of Hulu Zhongdu's head with the light of a horse, and chopped it down with the momentum of Mount Tai. The fierce wind made Hulu Zhongdu's hair messy. Dancing wantonly.

Hu Lvzhong's face suddenly changed, he stepped back two steps, and suddenly leaned back, avoiding the sharp edge of the steel knife.Although Hu Lvzhong didn't open his belly, the tattered clothes on his body burst apart with a "hiss", and a shallow scar was opened on his abdomen by the wind of the knife, oozing blood beads .

"Pfft", this frenzied soldier couldn't hold back the powerful and heavy knife, the blade slammed into the ground under the action of inertia, until it reached the handle, it is conceivable that the power on it is huge, making the onlookers Many of them were terrified.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!" The soldier yelled wildly, his eyes were about to split open, his arms were fully energized, he pulled out the gun with a "chuo", and then swung it in a semicircle, facing the Hulu bell. cut off.

Hulu Zhongdu almost returned to his hometown before, how could he dare to take it lightly at this time, when the soldier raised his steel knife, the man from Hulu Zhongdu stepped back two steps, his waist suddenly folded back, and a Tie Banqiao let the steel knife slide against his abdomen again.

"Hey!" When the steel knife fell into the air, Hu Lvzhong gave a soft shout, straightened up suddenly, and took advantage of the momentum to hit the soldier on the chin firmly with a right uppercut before he could react.


There was a dull collision sound, and the soldier staggered back two steps, his head inevitably raised back, and he let out a painful cry.

"Drink!" Hu Lvzhong knocked back the soldier with a punch, kept his feet on the ground, rushed forward, and hit the soldier's right rib with his left fist from bottom to top. At the same time, his right arm was curled up, and his hard right elbow hit It hit the soldier's exposed throat.

"Ah, cough cough, cough cough!"

The severe pain in his throat made the soldier extremely painful. With a sound of "clang!", he threw the steel knife away, and coughed violently with his hands holding his throat. He staggered and fell to the ground, his face full of pain. There was no trace of fierceness in his expression.

"Huh, huh——" Hu Lvzhong looked at the fallen soldier, panting violently with his hands on his knees, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he was happy to see his body trembling slightly. It is the performance of the muscles after a high-intensity burst of extreme tension.

"Boy, take your life!" In this short period of time, the other three soldiers also recovered some strength. They felt very shameful about losing to Hulu Zhongdu. Fierce, almost every move and style is a deadly style of play.Especially the move of hitting the lower body made several people hate Hu Luzhong, and they just wanted to kill him quickly.

"Stop!" Just as the three soldiers were wielding their weapons and were about to pounce on the panting Hulu Zhongdu, the examiner suddenly shouted, and he stopped in front of Hulv Zhongdu, stopping everyone.

"General!" The three soldiers looked at the examiner with red eyes, tightly gripped the weapons in their hands, and looked at Hulu Zhongdu behind the examiner through gritted teeth.

"Stop it, you have already failed, Hu Luzhong has passed the test!" The chief examiner said with a majestic glance at several people.

"Here, general, this beggar is despicable and shameless. He has no martial arts virtues, and he actually made black hands in the competition. His subordinates refused to accept him!"

"The subordinates are not convinced!"

The three soldiers suddenly became unhappy, looked at the examiner emotionally and said, looking at Hu Lu Zhongdu's eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"Shut up!" The examiner stared at the three soldiers coldly, making them shut their mouths. He said with a stern face: "You are soldiers, you must always remember that, use all means Defeating the enemy, you can't be slack in the slightest! How can you win if you actually have the thought of underestimating the enemy in battle? As for the ridiculous martial arts, can it save your life on the battlefield?" After speaking, the examiner's voice Raised up suddenly, with a stern voice, the majestic formation frightened the monk who had just returned to vulgarity into silence, and his breathing became much calmer and lower.

The three soldiers were still quite dissatisfied, but they had no choice but to lower their heads in humility to the chief examiner's cold eyes, without saying a word, but the bulging veins on their hands holding the weapons still revealed their injustice heart.

The examiner snorted angrily, ordered the four of them to go down to recuperate, then turned around and looked at Hulu Zhongdu, his eyes were still serious and cold, and said firmly: "Hulv Zhongdu, I hope you will always remember what you said today, Kill the enemy and serve the country!"

"Yes, General!" Hu Lvzhong straightened up and replied loudly.

The chief examiner nodded, ordered Hu Luzhong to return to the team, paused, and said loudly to the happy people: "First of all, I would like to congratulate you! Congratulations on being able to stand out and become a glorious soldier, for the stability of the empire." Fight for the glory and dignity of His Majesty, and always remember the responsibilities and obligations of being a soldier! Your Majesty is watching you, your parents, relatives and friends are also watching you, and the people of the whole Dazhou are watching Looking forward to you, I hope that you can become the masters of tigers and wolves, conquer all directions for the empire, expand the territory, and even more, you will be named princes and ministers, and you will honor your ancestors!"

Men are warlike.

At this moment, the sonorous voice of the chief examiner and the provocative words instantly ignited the blood and passion in everyone's hearts.At this moment, they seem to have straddled their horses, brandishing knives and guns frantically, trampling on the enemy's homeland recklessly, watching countless gold, silver and jewels, and high-ranking officials descending on their heads.

A blush appeared on the faces of most people, looking at the examiner with bright eyes, trembling slightly, the excitement and excitement on their faces could hardly be suppressed.

"I am Long Live Ningyuan General of the Empire, from now on..."

Next, what the examiner said was so happy that he couldn't listen to it anymore, and only the words "Shi Wansui" remained in his mind.

In troubled times, there are always heroes.Compared with the chaotic Three Kingdoms, the chaotic Southern and Northern Dynasties have never lacked famous generals and capable ministers. Their achievements are not inferior to those of their predecessors, but because of the factors of the times, they are not well known to everyone.

For example, Gao Changgong, the king of Lanling, looks like a white-faced boy, but he is extremely brave. I am afraid that there are not many people in history who dared to use five hundred cavalry to attack the Zhou army's one hundred thousand army. How is "The Song of Entering the Battle" better than Li Shimin's "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle"?

Wang Lin, he supported soldiers but didn't respect himself, and even ran around after Xiao Liang's fall, just for the steadfastness in his heart, which made the Chen royal family panic and sleepless.Even if he was ultimately defeated by Wu Mingche in history, it was mostly caused by Gao Wei and the Northern Qi government. We can only lament the bad luck!

Hu Luguang, just one person, made Bei Zhou dare not look eastward. With such power, who can beat him?

In the Sui Dynasty in history, there were four famous generals, Han Qinhu, Yang Su, Shi Wansui, and He Ruobi.Yang Jian was able to completely remove the stumbling block to the unification of the world, and these four people definitely contributed.

Regrettably, compared with Yang Su and Han Qinhu's good beginnings and good endings, Shi Wansui and He Ruobi could not escape the ending of "the cunning rabbit dies and the lackey cooks".

No matter how talented Yang Jian and Li Shimin are, they all have the common problem of emperors. They are afraid that their subordinates will be powerful and out of control. There is an element of threat to power.

In history, Shi Wansui died unjustly, because Yang Su hated his achievements and offered slander, which made Yang Jian kill him mercilessly.What is even more tragic is that Yang Jian killed a loyal minister by mistake. Although he regretted it in his heart, he did not admit his mistake. Instead, he issued an edict to punish Shi Wansui.

In the face of power and interests, mercy and kindness are just a display, especially for the emperor, they do not allow any unstable factors to appear, even their own children, as long as they threaten the throne, they can be slaughtered.

The ridiculous thing is that Yang Guang killed Yang Yong and sat on the throne. Li Shimin also killed his own brother and became the king of the world. , is recited by thousands of people.

The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, nothing more!

When the team disbanded and Gao Xing entered the military tent, there was still a sigh of relief in his heart.Gao Xing often asks himself, if he climbs to the peak of the Ninth Five-Year Lord in the future, will he be like Yang Jian and Li Shimin, with a black belly and a cruel heart, extending the butcher knife to those meritorious ministers for the power and interests in his hands.


Whenever this kind of thought appeared in his heart, he would feel a chill in his heart when he was happy, which made him panic.If Gao Xing is the same as Yang Jian, then what is the difference between him and history, his existence seems to be superfluous!The ass determines the head, and many things can only be explained by involuntary self-control. This kind of statement is far-fetched, but it is very true.

"Brother Yang Fan, what's the matter with you?" Yang Lihua couldn't help asking in a low voice, seeing that Happy's eyes were a little erratic and confused.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering about that Hulu Zhongdu!" Gao Xing came to his senses, shook his head and said softly.

"Hulu Zhongdu? His methods are a bit vicious!" Yang Lihua said with a frown, her tone somewhat displeased.

"He was originally from Qi!" He smiled happily and didn't bother with this question. Seeing that Yang Lihua still wanted to ask, but there were other people around, he said in a low voice happily: "Let's rest, we have to train tomorrow!"

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