Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 182 Departure

Next, those few people just talked about some romantic affairs, and did not involve the Dasheng Casino. They were happy to see that there was no news they needed, so they withdrew their minds and began to think silently.

Dasheng gambling house was sealed up because of itself, what will happen to Zhang Rong?

Gao Xing randomly shifted his dull eyes to one place, his brows were tightly frowned, and his heart was full of worry and anxiety.

Gao Xing didn't care whether the Dasheng Casino was closed down or not. What he was worried about was Zhang Rong alone.

The Northern Zhou government spent countless manpower and material resources, and spent more than [-] days but still got nothing.Although Yu Wenyong gave the order to give up, it does not mean that he can forgive Gao Xing for his mistakes and forget the anger and shame that this incident brought to Bei Zhou and the Yuwen royal family.

Now someone reported that the happy currency had won the gambling house, which undoubtedly gave Bei Zhou a clue to find happiness, and it was also a punching bag to vent his anger.As the owner of Dasheng Casino, Zhang Rong is too happy to imagine how tortured and punished she will be.

Although he was restless in his heart, the remaining rationality still made Gao Xing feel puzzled.In Chang'an City, Gao Xing only visited three times.Only the first private conversation with Zhang Rong will fall into the eyes of others.Who exactly launched Dasheng Casino and dragged Dasheng Casino into the water?Is it Yinchi or Sima Fu, or someone else?Zhang Rong's martial arts are not much lower than her own. With her ability, she should have a great chance of escaping Zhou Jun's pursuit, and she will never be caught so easily.

Could it be to preserve the strength of the Moon Worship Sect?

Happy and upset, he couldn't think of a solution, and finally he only came up with such a far-fetched reason.Since childhood, Zhang Rong has been indoctrinated with the idea of ​​putting the sect's interests first and shouldering the historical mission. In order to worship the Moon Sect, she is likely to make the decision to sacrifice herself and give up resistance.

In the eyes of outsiders, Happiness is just sitting quietly, enjoying the warm sunshine silently.But Yang Lihua keenly discovered that Gao Xing's seemingly calm appearance was an extremely restless heart.Yang Lihua found that his happy breathing became disordered a lot, and even faintly restless emotions appeared from him.

"Brother Xing, what's wrong with you?" Yang Lihua gently held Gao Xing's arm and asked softly with concern.Yang Lihua also heard a few words from those people's conversation, and thought of the happy change, Yang Lihua also vaguely understood something.

Gao Xing woke up, suppressed the worries and irritability in his heart, looked at Yang Lihua with a light smile and said in a low voice: "Lihua, we are leaving soon, are you ready?"

Yang Lihua was startled, and said hesitantly, "So urgent?"

Although Yang Lihua knew that she would leave Chang'an a long time ago, she never thought that this day would come so fast.When she thought that she would be far away from Chang'an City where she grew up for more than ten years, and away from her parents and relatives, Yang Lihua felt a little melancholy and a deep sense of reluctance.

Gao Xing didn't speak, just sighed silently, and patted Yang Lihua's thin shoulder lightly.A few months ago, I also had the same state of mind when I followed Han Changluan happily and helplessly to leave Xuyi City.

After a long time, the faint sadness on Yang Lihua's face disappeared, and she asked in a low voice, "Brother Xing, when are we going to leave?"

"Leave at midnight tomorrow night!"

"Okay!" Yang Lihua took a deep breath, her fair face was calm, no trace of sadness and melancholy could be seen anymore.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua didn't talk any more, while casually looking at the "comrades" chatting in twos and threes around them, they changed their minds and considered tomorrow's actions.

In a happy and anxious mood, the day finally passed with difficulty.In the eyes of joy and anticipation, a new batch of monk Shi Shiran who participated in the selection walked into the barracks, and at the same time brought the news that he was most concerned about.

"Senior brother, how is the coquettish proprietress of Dasheng Casino doing now?"

"Amitabha! Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Brother, as a monk, how can you never forget a woman in the world? Aren't you afraid of the Buddha's blame?"

"Brother, put away your vain tricks! Brother, I know that you once sneaked a glimpse of female Tanyue taking a bath in the back mountain!"

"Amitabha, sin, sin! Brother, I'm telling you it is! That Dasheng gambling house has ruined countless people's homes, which is a disaster for the world. Now Zhang Rong, the owner of the Dasheng gambling shop, is suspected of harboring criminals from the court. She refuses to admit it to death, how can this end well? Today the city has issued a notice that His Majesty will behead Zhang Rong at the Meridian Gate at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow, under the supervision of Lord Qi Yu Wenxian!"

"Oh, it's a pity for that beautiful girl who is as beautiful as flowers and jade!"

"The pink is like a skeleton, the younger brother has a picture, Amitabha!"

"Brother, now that we are not disciples of Buddhism, we don't have to do such hypocritical acts anymore!"

"Well done, well done! If it wasn't for the joy and daring that provoked His Majesty to conduct a thorough investigation of Chang'an City, how could my Samana have suffered such a calamity, and how could you and I have abandoned the Buddha? Compassionate and merciful, but you want to wield weapons to infect those murderous karma that made us fall into the Abi region?"

"That's right, it's the joy of killing thousands of swords that made us so embarrassed and homeless! Happy should be killed, and so should Zhang Rong! All Qi people should be beheaded!"

"We should kill Gao Xing and conquer Qi Kingdom!"

The loud shout of hatred was instantly echoed by the crowd. They immediately tore off their hypocritical faces, stood up, waved their arms, and roared angrily to the sky, completely releasing the negative emotions in their hearts.

"Kill Happy, stepping down Qi Kingdom!"

Yu Wenyong wanted to eradicate Buddhism for a long time, but he did not find an appropriate excuse and opportunity, and his happy actions happened to serve as an introduction to this matter.

These monks used to eat fast and chant Buddha in the temple, enjoying the world's worship and arrogance, and their lives were very comfortable and peaceful.However, now they are dispatched to the barracks, and they are about to face inhuman and arduous training, and they must also have the awareness to face death.How can they accept this huge gap between heaven and hell?Ants are still alive, let alone humans?Who in the world doesn't want to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life?

As the king of a country, Yu Wenyong's power is unpredictable, and all the monks are no more than ordinary people, even if he feels dissatisfied, he never dares to complain to him.But Gao Xing is different, he is from Qi country, and he is the sinner that everyone shouted and beaten in Zhou country, so Xing Xing, the "culprit", has become the best target for everyone to vent their anger and hatred.

Emotions spread rapidly to the surroundings like a plague, and soon, almost the bald monks in the entire camp roared angrily, their voices shaking the sky, and their momentum was astonishing.

Hearing the angry shouts of the monks around him, although Shi Wansui was a little confused, a sincere smile appeared on his face.

Although these monks are strong and strong, they eat fast and recite scriptures for a long time, so they naturally carry the breath of Buddhism on their bodies. They lack blood and hostility.Confrontation on the battlefield, either you die or I live, any kindness is unacceptable.

Ever since he received the order to reorganize the army of monks, Shi Wansui has been worried about how to make these monks give up the benevolent creed of the Buddha and show their wild and wild fangs. Yesterday, I saw these monks chanting "Amitabha" from time to time. Worse.It is precisely because of this that Shi Wansui admired Hu Lvzhong's ruthless performance yesterday, and severely reprimanded those negligent veterans.

The mountains are poor and the water is full of doubts, and there is another village.

While Shi Wansui was worrying, these monks roared suddenly for some reason, and a faint murderous aura gradually exuded from their bodies. As the shouts became louder and louder, the hostility and bloodthirsty emotions in these people's eyes became more and more intense .These are exactly what Shi Wansui is happy to see.

"Happy to kill, level the country!" Shi Wansui stood up suddenly, pulled out the sword from his waist with a "clang" and raised it high above his head. , breathtaking.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a louder shout suddenly broke out: "Kill Happy, step down to level Qi!"

The whole barracks erupted immediately. Under the leadership of Shi Wansui, everyone shouted crazily. The sound of landslides and landslides went straight to Xiaohan, and the horseless momentum made the horses in the stables lie down on the ground in fear. On the ground, while neighing uncomfortably, while trembling.

Listening to the deafening shouts, Yang Lihua couldn't help looking at Happy with some worry.Contrary to her expectations, the happy face was calm, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, without the slightest hint of anger.But Gao Xing's deep eyes became as cold as ice, revealing endless indifference, which made Yang Lihua's heart palpitate.

"Brother Xing, you..." Yang Lihua asked softly with some hesitation, her eyes full of worry.Her slight voice was instantly drowned in the loud shout, but Gao Xing understood her meaning.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. We'll leave on time at midnight!" His happy eyes suddenly softened, he looked at Yang Lihua tenderly, and said softly.His voice was not loud, but it came to Yang Lihua's ears clearly.Yang Lihua nodded vigorously, looking at Happy curiously.

"When your skills are up, you can do the same!" Gao Xing smiled and explained softly.Happiness is just to restrain the voice with true energy and reduce the interference of the outside world on the voice.The method is not difficult, but it is quite a test for the internal strength of the user.

The shouting in the barracks lasted for nearly a cup of tea before it gradually stopped under Shi Wansui's greeting. At this time, the morale of the entire barracks had already reached its peak.

Once again, the sun crossed a beautiful parabola, sank into the horizon with the expectation and nostalgia of all things, and gave up the stage to the night, to the countless stars and the bright moon.

At the beginning of January, the moon has only one crescent, and its brilliance is limited.Although it is not said that you can't see your fingers on the ground, it is still quite dark, which is what Gao Xing hoped for.The dark moon kills people, and the high wind sets fire to the sky.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua lay side by side on the blanket in the military tent, closed their eyes gently, and silently listened to the snores of the "comrades in arms" in their ears, and occasionally murmured in sleep, quietly waiting for the right time 's arrival


Suddenly, there was a light sound from the torch burning outside the tent, Gao Xing opened his eyes immediately, and two sharp rays of light shot out from his eyes, hidden in the darkness.

"Lihua, let's go!"

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