Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 183 Wait for me

Compared with Yang Lihua's tiptoe movements, the joyful movements were neat and neat. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a lying position to a standing position without making any sound, just like a ghost.Yang Lihua was not surprised by this, she handed her hand to Gao Xing, and quickly stood up straight with his help.

Gao Xing held Yang Lihua's gentle little hand, and slowly came to the gate of the military tent to stand still.Gao Xing lightly raised a slit in the cloth curtain in front of the general's tent, and looked out carefully.He was happy to hold his breath, and when he was sure that the patrolling soldiers had left, he gently pulled Yang Lihua, and the two of them slipped out of the curtain lightly and smoothly, and came to the side of the military tent one by one.

Although Gao Xing has only been in this barracks for two or three days, he already knows the patrol rules of the soldiers in this battalion and the arrangement of each sentry post, which just comes in handy at this time.

Xing Xing led Yang Lihua left and right, forwards and backwards, easily avoiding the secret post and the secret post, and arrived at the side wall of the Israeli army camp in just a stick of incense.The fence in the barracks is very simple, and it is only less than two meters long, which is rare but happy.With just a light jump, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua came outside the barracks.

Xing Xing took a deep breath, and the next moment he hugged Yang Lihua and jumped towards the west, as swift as an arrow leaving the string.

Gao Xing ran west with Yang Lihua in his arms for about 150 miles, then turned to the southwest, non-stop all the way, and Xing Xing finally stopped after an hour.An hour of rapid running consumed nearly [-]% of the zhenqi in Gao Xing's body, but the effect was remarkable.Gao Xing made a rough estimate, and now he is nearly [-] miles away from Chang'an City.

"Brother Xing, take a rest!" Yang Lihua broke away from Gao Xing's embrace, and hearing Gao Xing's heavy breathing, she couldn't help but feel distressed, she said with concern, and gently wiped the sweat on Gao Xing's forehead with her sleeve .

"Hehe, not tired!" Gao Xing smiled lightly, and then said: "Shi Wansui can't find it for the time being, we are safe for the time being!"

"Brother Xing, where are we going next? Is it going to the country of Qi?" Yang Lihua asked while taking out a gourd from her own baggage and handing it to Gao Xing.

Gao Xing took the water hyacinth, just took a sip, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, and then said: "Yes and no." Without waiting for Yang Lihua to ask, Gao Xing continued: "Li Hua, here is It's not far from Liangzhou, but I can't go with you, sorry!"

Yang Lihua didn't speak, just looked happily, waiting for his explanation.

Gao Xing sighed and said, "Lihua, I believe with your intelligence, you must have guessed what I'm going to do, right?"

"Brother Xing wants to return to Chang'an City?"

"Yes, Zhang Rong from Dasheng Gambling Shop has a good relationship with me, and she was convicted because of me, so I have to save her, otherwise I will feel uneasy!" Said happily, looking at Yang Lihua seriously.

Yang Lihua didn't answer, except for the slight sound of wind and breathing, there was no sound under the dark night sky, and the atmosphere fell into silence for an instant.

After a long time, I was thinking about the words in my happy heart, and when I was about to explain my relationship with Zhang Rong to Yang Lihua, Yang Lihua's soft but firm voice sounded: "Brother Xing, be careful, Lihua will always be waiting for your return in Liangzhou!"

"Lihua, thank you, wait for me!" Gao Xing was stunned for a moment, then pulled Yang Lihua into his arms, hugged her tightly, and sniffed the faint breath on her body.

Happiness comes from modern times, and the concept of equality for everyone has been deeply rooted in his heart. He is not a shameless person, nor is he a rascal, so he still has unavoidable guilt and embarrassment when facing the issue of cheating.However, Yang Lihua did not get entangled with this, but supported his decision, which made Gao Xing feel a little guilty when he was grateful.

Feeling the joyful and warm embrace, Yang Lihua suddenly felt the urge to cry, and tears rolled in her eyes.In the end, under Yang Lihua's best efforts to control, the tears still did not fall down.

Women are sensitive, especially smart ones.Through a few words and changes in Gao Xing, Yang Lihua vaguely guessed that the relationship between Gao Xing and Zhang Rong is not simple, but she wisely did not ask.

No woman wants to share her lover with others, and Yang Lihua is no exception. However, Yang Lihua, who lives in a big family, has long been accustomed to men having three wives and four concubines, so she doesn't have much resistance in her heart.

And I am happy to respect Yang Lihua very much, whether it is actions or words, which is unique in this era, and it is also the place that shocked Yang Lihua the most.Although Yang Lihua and Gao Xing have known each other not long ago, her heart has been firmly tied to Gao Xing.

About to part with Gao Xing, Yang Lihua was full of reluctance, and more worried about Xing Xing's trip, but she couldn't stop Xing Xing's heartbeat.For a while, the melancholy of leaving her relatives, the worry of being happy, and the jealousy and grievance towards Zhang Rong lingered in her heart, so Yang Lihua couldn't help but have the urge to cry.

After about a cup of tea, Xing Xing let go of Yang Lihua cruelly, lowered his head and kissed her smooth forehead, and solemnly said "Take care", the next moment Xing Xing's body flew ten meters away. In the misty tearful eyes, just a few flashes disappeared under the night sky.

Only when she could no longer see Yang Lihua's figure again did she stop happily.Looking up at the dim moonlight above his head, he happily sighed softly, dispelling the reluctance and guilt in his heart.

Gao Xing took another deep look in Yang Lihua's direction, the next moment his face was as calm as water, his eyes became as deep as the sea, even under the dim night sky, the cold killing intent in Gao Xing's eyes was clearly visible.

No matter who framed him or hurt the people around him, he would have to pay a huge price for happiness!

The person who took Yang Lihua captive to the Yecheng Hall was undoubtedly the Poison King Yinchi, who was the one who informed Lu Sande, and who was the one who spread the news in the city?

No matter how Northern Qi and Northern Zhou have their own ulterior motives, it is a fact that they are preparing to form an alliance. Who wouldn't want to see this kind of result?Apart from the Turks and the Chen Kingdom, the war between the Northern Qi and the Northern Zhou was also the two countries that they would most like to see.

Knowing that Yang Lihua was in her room, besides the traitor Xiao San, the perpetrator was Yin Chi, but Xing Xing felt that someone else was spreading the news in the city.According to inference, Yinchi is Gao Ajunfeng's lackey, and his intention to frame him is very clear, but he has no reason to expand the matter infinitely.

The war between Northern Qi and Northern Zhou not only caused Gao Wei a headache, but also Gao Anaku.Without a peaceful external environment, how can their group of hedonists be able to have fun in peace?

There will always be a day when things come to light, and the top priority is to rescue Zhang Rong.

Thinking so, Gao Xing sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and quickly entered the cultivation state.Gao Xing has already foreseen that tomorrow's World War I will be inevitable, and there will be many crises in it. He must ensure that he is in the peak state to deal with all changes.

When the bright moon was slanting to the west and the dawn was approaching, Gao Xing suddenly opened his eyes, and two bright lights shot out, which was very impressive.After cultivating in the middle of the night, the joyful zhenqi has fully recovered, and the zhenqi that has not grown for a long time has also improved a little, one step closer to the fifth stage of the "Longevity Formula".This makes Gao Xing overjoyed, and has a little more confidence in today's actions.

"Rong'er, I'm here!" Gao Xing stood up from the ground, said softly, and then flew towards Chang'an City.

When the daylight was completely bright, Gao Xing had already arrived ten miles outside Chang'an City.Without Yang Lihua's encumbrance, the speed was not fast, so after running for nearly two hours, the zhenqi in Gao Xing's body was only consumed by less than [-]%.

Xing Xing took off the black military uniform of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (at this time, the Northern Zhou military uniform was mainly black, while the Northern Qi Dynasty was mainly red), revealing a large monk's robe inside.Then Gao Xing took out a seminal vesicle from his bosom, took out tools for makeup one by one, and quickly dressed up in disguise.

It didn't take long, and the happy appearance had changed drastically.His originally yellowish complexion has now turned a little dark, and he has aged a lot, his forehead is full of forehead lines, his face is weathered, and the three-inch messy beard under his jaw is a little gray in color.

After dressing up, he rolled happily on the ground, his body was covered with dust, this pair of looks, coupled with his miserable face, looked like an ascetic monk who had traveled a long distance.

Xing Xing put away the tools next to her body, buried the clothes she had taken off on the spot, and strode towards Chang'an City.

Although Yu Wenyong revoked the order of martial law, the people entering and leaving were still strictly questioned at the gate of Chang'an City.Gao Xing is a man of professional background, and it is no effort at all to deal with the cross-examination of these soldiers.It didn't take much effort to be happy and swaggered into Chang'an City, mingling with the crowd and approaching the Meridian Gate.

When Gao Xing came near the Meridian Gate, many people had already gathered here, talking in low voices.Gao Xing looked carefully, but found that the execution ground was empty, and there was no figure of Zhang Rong.Knowing that the time has not come, I am happy and not in a hurry.

"This benefactor, there are so many people gathered here, but what happened?" Gao Xing put one hand on his chest and politely asked a man in his thirties beside him, his face full of doubts.

The man looked at Xing Xing strangely, shook his head and said: "Zhang Rong, the proprietress of Dasheng Casino in the city, is Xing Xing's accomplice to the traitor, and she will be executed at three o'clock today. These people are here to watch the excitement!"

Although Yu Wenyong ordered the ban on Buddhism, it was impossible for Yu Wenyong to drive all Buddhist disciples to extinction.Gao Xing still regarded himself as a Buddhist disciple, although the man felt a little strange, but he didn't say much.

"Oh, sin, sin, Amitabha!" Gao Xing had a sympathetic face, and the wrinkles on his forehead became more profound, "I have to forgive others and forgive others. It is a pity that a life is about to be lost, a pity!"

"Hey, you monk, do you know that being happy is a crime worthy of death. It is because of him that the city of Chang'an has been in turmoil for more than a month, and many troubles have occurred. This traitor is so bold that he bullies our country in every possible way. It is really hateful. pole!"

"Ah, Amitabha!" Gao Xing folded his hands together, uttered the Buddha's name, and then quietly withdrew from the crowd without saying a word.

Maybe being happy to defile the princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty really stimulated all the people in Chang'an City. It was half an hour before noon, and the area around the Meridian Gate was almost surrounded by crowds who came to watch.

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