Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 184 at this moment

Gao Xing was currently lying on the ridge of the roof closest to the execution ground. While quietly watching the surrounding environment, he was silently circulating the true energy in his body, constantly adjusting his state.Under his feet, there were two bulging small cloth bags and a steel knife inserted into the leather sheath, but he didn't know what was in the cloth bag.

With the sound of commotion coming from the street in the distance, Gao Xing's heart tightened, and a team of escorting prison cars appeared in his vision, slowly approaching here.

"Here we come!" Gao Xing said silently in his heart. He quickly hung the two cloth bags under his feet on his waist, one on the left and one on the right.

As the prison car approached, Gao Xing's originally respectful heart suddenly rippled, and his palms became a little sweaty. This was the first time Xing Xing faced a life-and-death struggle in his previous life.

I am glad to know that this is caused by worrying about Zhang Rong.

Just now, after leaving the Meridian Gate, I was happy to go to Dasheng Casino.When I saw that the Dasheng gambling house, which was full of people in the past, is now empty and deserted, the black and white seal on the main entrance completely shattered a trace of luck in Gao Xing's heart.

Happy took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, relaxed the muscles around his body, slowly adjusted his heartbeat and breathing, relieved the pressure on his heart, and let himself return to his former calmness.More than ten years of life-and-death honing told Gao Xing that when facing a life-and-death struggle, only a calm and calm attitude can increase the chance of completing the task, and it is the guarantee of his own life.

Slowly, Xing Xing entered the ethereal realm, and the surrounding hustle and bustle suddenly went away, leaving him alone in the world.Although the speed of the restless heart slowed down a lot, it was beating more powerfully, and the energy channels were getting longer.

Gao Xing slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and dead, without any emotion.Gao Xing ignored the rioting crowd at his feet and turned a deaf ear to the noisy sounds between heaven and earth. Like an outsider, he quietly watched the interpretation of each picture without being moved.

The team of escorting the prison car was approaching, Gao Xing slightly squinted his eyes, carefully sizing up the people in the prison car.

The prisoner stood in the prison cart, shaking constantly as the prison cart moved, and the iron chains binding his bloodstained hands made a "crash clatter" sound.The prisoner's long hair was disheveled, almost covering his entire face.

It was a woman, and he could tell it was a woman with just one happy look.Although the man was wearing a blood-stained, white, loose prison uniform, the firmness of her chest still showed her gender.And the joy is to see the prisoner's clean neck through the messy hair on his face.

Adam's apple and chest are the most obvious sexual characteristics.

There are about 500 soldiers in charge of escorting the prison car, all of them are strong and healthy people, each of them looks serious and vigilantly paying attention to the surrounding environment, and holds the cold weapons tightly in both hands.They were not moving fast, but they were very steady and steady.The entire team exuded a chilling aura, and the people watching couldn't help but give way to a large space for them to pass.

Although these soldiers were very capable, he didn't pay attention to his happiness. Even if he confronted them head-on, he was not afraid of these five hundred soldiers.What's more, at this time, there are mostly innocent people watching the excitement, which is not beneficial to the attack of the established army, but it is very beneficial to his own actions.

Gao Xing inserted the steel knife into his belt, curled his legs, clasped his hands tightly to the ridge of the roof with claws, and lowered his upper body, almost his entire upper body stuck to the roof, like a cheetah ready to go.

Gao Xing's muscles tensed slowly, his eyes fixed on the approaching escort team, and he silently calculated the distance between the prison car and himself.

20 meters, 15 meters, 14 meters, 12 meters, ten meters, right now!

Xing Xing's limbs exerted strength at the same time, and the tiles on the roof could not eat the main force, and there was a crisp sound, but Xing Xing's figure had already jumped off the roof and rushed towards the prison car in the air.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Gao Xing was in mid-air, and quickly reached into the cloth bag at his waist with his right hand.He gave a low drink and shook his hands happily.The next moment, countless cyan shadows appeared in the sky. With a scream piercing the air, they shot electricity at the soldiers around the prison car.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack——" The shrill shout resounded through the sky instantly, and the crowd suddenly became chaotic. Countless people screamed in panic, rushing to the side of the road one by one.However, their disorderly approach made the scene extremely chaotic. Countless people fell to the ground, trampled under their feet, crying for their father and mother, ghosts and wolves howling.

"Puff puff!"

A cyan shadow like a locust crossing the border enveloped nearly a hundred soldiers who were facing joy. Even if someone reacted and quickly waved the weapon in their hands, this could not stop the small and fast-flying cyan thing, which was finally penetrated into the body , causing continuous screams.

It wasn't until this moment that these soldiers realized that what they were throwing happily were small copper coins, and the words "Buquan" were engraved on the front of the coins.

What made the soldiers even more terrified was that their happy hands didn't stop at all, waving them again and again.The copper coins in the air are as dense as rain, forming a blue shadow, which seems to block out the sky and the sun.Gao Xing didn't aim at all, he just filled his hands with true energy, aimed at the direction, and kept throwing copper coins.

Because of this, although the copper coin hidden weapon looks terrifying, its lethality is not great. This is also the reason why I am happy not to kill innocent people.However, even knowing this, these soldiers did not dare to confront him head-on.Inevitably, these soldiers facing the copper coins dodged aside, revealing a small open space in front of the prison cart.

"Crack", happy to land on both feet, less than two meters away from the prison car.

"Rong'er, don't be afraid, my husband is here to save you!" There was a trace of tenderness in Gao Xing's cold eyes, and his tone was gentle and firm.

"Husband, leave me alone, you go, go!" Zhang Rong shook her head quickly, her voice was extremely hoarse, and there was no charm and allure in the past.

Gao Xing felt a great pain in his heart, his deep eyes became colder and colder, and a murderous aura suddenly erupted from his body, causing the temperature within three meters of his body to drop by a point.Gao Xing pulled a pitiful smile from the corner of his mouth, and glanced around indifferently.Facing Gao Xing's indifferent, murderous eyes, a group of soldiers who were about to rush forward were temporarily caught by it, and they couldn't help but stop in their tracks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Xing suddenly rushed to the prison car.When Gao Xing came to the prison car, the steel knife at his waist had already revealed its clear and cold blade.The steel knife drew a circular arc in the air, and split the prison car in half with a "click".

"Someone hijacked the prison car, stop him, kill him!" At this moment, a shout came from afar.

Xing Xing turned his head and saw that the person who came was Yu Wenxian who was riding in the lead. Behind him, there were countless elite soldiers running towards him with a murderous look, and the distance was only 50 meters away.

"Kill, kill!"

The soldiers who escorted the prison car came to their senses, shouted, and quickly surrounded Gao Xing and Zhang Rong with their weapons, while the soldiers in the inner circle stabbed them with spears.

"Hey!" Gao Xing didn't even look at the weapons stabbing at him, he let out a low growl, and the steel knife infused with true energy suddenly slashed down in the air. There were two crisp sounds of "ding ding", and the iron chains binding Zhang Rong's hands and feet broke and fell to the ground.

"Go!" Gao Xing stopped Zhang Rong's waist, stomped his right foot on the ground, and with a "boom", Gao Xing and Zhang Rong rushed towards the direction they came like cannonballs.

"Ding Ding Dang", Xing Xing slashed horizontally with the steel knife in his right hand, and immediately blocked the spears stabbed by more than a dozen soldiers, and Xing Xing's figure rushed towards him at a high speed, like a mad bull.

With a sound of "bang", the bodies of the two soldiers who were facing the joy suddenly jumped up and fell one after another, like kites with broken strings, leaving two strings of delicate blood beads in the air and their miserable cries.

Gao Xing ran forward with ingenious steps on his feet, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He swung a steel knife, and his moves opened and closed, roaring wantonly around his body like a stormy sea.

At this moment, joy was like killing a body. Every time he swung the steel knife in his hand, someone would fall down screaming.Countless blood flowers are flying wantonly in the sky, delicate and poignant.

However, within ten breaths, more than ten soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty fell at Gao Xing's feet, and Gao Xing's body was also stained bloody, and the hostility emanating from his body made people sick.The happy eyes became colder, but the smile on the lips became brighter, as compassionate as a Buddha, coupled with his monk's attire at this time, complement each other, but it is even more terrifying.

For a while, Xing Xing's frontal resistance was much weaker, and Xing Xing was about to break through the blockade.

"Happy dog ​​thief, don't go! Kill Happy, the reward is ten thousand taels, kill!" Yu Wenxian opened his eyes wide, pulled out the saber from his waist, and roared loudly, urging the horse under his crotch to gallop towards Happy Come.

The so-called brave men must be rewarded with great rewards, and these soldiers who were a little timid suddenly became excited.At this moment, they forgot death and fear, their scarlet eyes were full of greed and madness, only the golden hills of gold and the joy of blocking the way.

"Kill!" All the soldiers suddenly exploded with a soaring aura, squeezing out all the potential in their bodies, and rushed towards Gao Xing like a hungry beast.

"Good time!" Happy and fearless, he pulled out a blade with the steel knife in his hand, and the blood-stained blade slashed at the grim-faced soldier with a shrill howling sound.

Just when the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand was about to be chopped down, Gao Xing's heart throbbed suddenly, and an inexplicable crisis hit his heart.Before he had time to think about it, Gao Xing let go of Zhang Rong in his arms suddenly, and turned to the left side with all his strength.

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