Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 185 Betrayal


Gao Xing trembled all over, he only felt a chill in his right chest, and a strong pain hit his mind instantly.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang" there was a chaotic sound, Gao Xing drew a circular arc with the steel knife in his hand, and the strong force knocked back all the pounced soldiers.

Gao Xing staggered back two steps, looking in shock at the gleaming dagger piercing his chest, the blood gurgling from the wound was so shocking.Only one inch away, the short knife is only one inch away from the happy heart.If it weren't for Xing Xing's keen sense of touch and extraordinary reaction power, he would have died of exhaustion at this time.Even if he possessed the formula of longevity, his current skill might not be able to save himself with a broken heart.

The sudden change shocked almost everyone. The soldiers who had swarmed in couldn't help but stop and look at Gao Xing and Zhang Rong in astonishment. They forgot to attack Gao Xing for a moment.

"Why?" Gao Xing's lips trembled slightly, and he looked at Zhang Rong in disbelief, his voice was extremely dry and hoarse.

Compared to the tearing pain in my heart at this moment, the physical pain is almost negligible.The happy face was extremely pale, and the cold eyes suddenly turned blood red, and there was no indifference anymore, only endless heartbreaking pain.He was shaking violently, like sifting chaff.The suffocating pain in the chest made Gao Xing's chest heave violently, and Yin Hong's blood flowed out quickly, soaking the clothes on his chest very quickly.

Gao Xing is an extremely sensitive person, and the deception he received in his previous life made him extremely vulnerable.In this life, Gao Changgong and Zheng's meticulous care for him gradually warmed his cold and lonely heart.

For Zhang Rong, I am very grateful and guilty in my happy heart.Zhang Rong's strength makes Gao Xing admire, and her fiery makes Gao Xing fascinated.

Zeng Jin, Gao Xing wondered if he fell in love with Zhang Rong.However, at this time, when Zhang Rong pierced his chest with a dagger, an unacceptable deception hit his heart, and the heartbroken sadness of being betrayed instantly filled his heart, and he was happy to clearly feel Zhang Rong's position in his heart .At some point, Xing Xing had already placed this strong yet fragile, dissolute and steadfast woman deep in her heart.

"Happy, you should be damned! Heck, heck!" Zhang Rong gently brushed the hair in front of her face, looking at Happy with resentment, her mouth was full of sneers, her voice was very clear, but it was very unpleasant to hear. Comfortable.

"Aren't you Zhang Rong? Okay, okay! Cough cough!" Looking at the very beautiful but very unfamiliar face of "Zhang Rong", Gao Xing was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face.

Because of his excitement, the movement of Gao Xing's breathing immediately affected the wound in his lungs, and the burning pain spread to his mind, making Gao Xing's face pale again, and fine beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.He coughed repressedly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

False Zhang Rong's knife was really sharp, even though Gao Xing avoided the end of piercing his heart, the short knife almost pierced Gao Xing's lungs, seriously affecting his breathing.

In just a moment, Gao Xing understood the whole story.Everything is a trap, a trap set for his pleasure.

Before coming here, Gao Xing also considered that this was a trap, but Gao Xing did not have enough time to investigate and prepare, not to mention that he had to ensure Yang Lihua's safety.Furthermore, Gao Xing dared not gamble, in case Zhang Rong was really convicted and executed, but Xing Xing did nothing, he would never feel at ease for the rest of his life.If you can't even save your own woman, how can you save the world?

"Happy to die!" In this moment, Yu Wenxian rode his horse to less than five meters away from Happy.


Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, in the battlefield, only stupid people have that senseless kindness.In the eyes of everyone, happiness is a stepping stone to promotion to a golden rank, and it is a golden mountain that is close at hand.Everyone shouted frantically, rushing towards Gao Xing like a violent storm.

I don't know if Zhang Rong is the manipulator behind the scenes, but it definitely has something to do with Dasheng Casino.The fact that the woman in front of him was not Zhang Rong made him feel a lot better, and his sanity returned instantly.

There was no trace of fear on the happy face, he slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a bright and compassionate smile, his eyes became indifferent again, and there was a look of disdain.

Xing Xing put two fingers in his left hand and quickly tapped his chest several times, the gurgling blood suddenly slowed down.

"Those who stand in my way will die!" Gao Xing raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, and he immediately released a majestic evil spirit like the sea, and that powerful momentum oppressed all around, making the soldiers who were sprinting frantically suffocate, and the pace of sprinting was slow. When you lose stagnation, you lose your sharpness.

The happy eyes are very indifferent, which is the indifference to life, including the enemy and himself.

At the moment when all the soldiers froze, they were excited.His body rushed towards the crowd like a gust of wind, and the steel knife in his hand was slashing down like a mountain top with unrivaled momentum.



With two sounds in succession, the weapon in the hands of the person who rushed to the front was cut off by Gao Xing's great force, but the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand was still chopped off.Like cutting tofu with a knife, the soldier's body was split in half from head to toe.The red and white things were scattered all over the place, and the organs and intestines were shattered all over the ground.

Such a sharp knife made the fake Zhang Rong and Yu Wenxian, who were rushing towards Xing Xing, fix their eyes. Although they had a high estimate of Xing Xing, Xing Xing's performance still exceeded their expectations.

"Surround him!" Yu Wenxian had rushed forward at this time, and he swung his sword at Gao Xing while issuing orders loudly.

Gao Xing didn't stop after smashing the road blocker with a knife, his feet moved quickly, his figure turned left and right, front and back, very strange, but if you look closely, you can find that Gao Xing is rushing rapidly along a straight line.And the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand didn't stop at all, waving it like a phantom, covering his figure, making it hard to see clearly.

The sound of the blade piercing into the flesh could be heard endlessly, and countless glaring blood and stumped limbs were swept away by the blade curtain.

If you are happy, there is no one-on-one general at all.Soon, Gao Xing broke through the encirclement of the enemy, stepped on a road paved with blood, and left Yu Wenxian behind.

Rushing out of Zhou Jun's encirclement, Gao Xing was about to breathe a sigh of relief when a cold air suddenly came from his right side.An angry look flashed in Gao Xing's eyes, he let out a low cry, and quickly turned the steel knife in his hand.

With a crisp sound of "ding", although Gao Xing stopped the fake Zhang Rong's sneak attack, his body couldn't bear the force and jumped forward two steps.

The fake Zhang Rong was in control, holding a dagger in her hand, and rushed towards Gao Xing with small steps.Her messy long hair flutters wildly, coupled with a blood-stained prison uniform, the whole person is as terrifying as a hagsha, and as fierce as an angry tiger

Gao Xing's figure has not yet stood still, and with injuries on his body, he didn't need much strength in a hurry. Although the steel knife in his hand was able to block the fake Zhang Rong's short sword, his figure took two steps back again.The violent impact caused him to surge with Qi and blood, and the wound on his lung was also affected by it. The severe pain made Gao Xing cough twice, and a mouthful of blood froth spewed out of his mouth.

"Happy, take your life!" Fake Zhang Rong showed a cruel smile, those originally beautiful eyes were full of hatred and bloodthirsty excitement, and his face was slightly twisted, looking so hideous and terrifying.

With a sound of "dang", the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand was swung away, and his tiger's mouth went numb for a while, and the steel knife in his hand almost fell away.


The empty door in front of Gao Xing's chest opened, and the fake Zhang Rong kicked it quickly. Gao Xing leaned back as hard as he could, and finally took the powerful kick with his abdomen, avoiding the right chest being hit again.Even so, Gao Xing still felt a cramping pain in his abdomen, he let out a muffled grunt, flew up into the air, and flew backwards.


Gao Xing fell on the bluestone road, the violent impact made him dizzy for a while, his throat was sweet, and with a "poof", a mouthful of blood spattered out, and his happy face instantly turned pale.

"Xiao Xing, you can't run away, just grab it!" Yu Wenxian's majestic voice came, and the fake Zhang Rong rushed to Xing Xing's figure again and stopped immediately.

"Huh, huh—" Gao Xing was panting violently, and with each breath, the pain in his lungs made him tremble all over.Gao Xing struggled to get up from the ground, sweat poured down from his forehead, and the blood at the corner of his mouth fell to the ground drop by drop like a drizzle of rain.

Gao Xing looked at Yu Wenxian coldly, his brows were trembling because of the pain from his body, but the corners of his mouth still pulled out a curved arc, with a pitiful smile on his face

"Yu Wenxian, it's okay to want me to die, but if you want me to surrender happily, it's absolutely impossible!" Before Gao Xing finished speaking, he suddenly rushed forward.

"Where to go!" Fake Zhang Rong has been locked on Gao Xing, seeing that he wants to escape at this time, how can he agree.With a light reprimand, she rubbed her body, the dagger in her hand shone with dots of cold stars, covering the empty door behind Gao Xing.

"court death!"

Just when the short sword in Fake Zhang Rong's hand was about to stab Gao Xing's back, Xing Xing's speed increased sharply while running, making Fake Zhang Rong's moves fall short in an instant.At the same moment, Gao Xing let out a low growl, and the body that was running at high speed suddenly half-turned inconceivably.

Fake Zhang Rong's complexion changed drastically, she stopped her forward figure abruptly, and moved the dagger in her hand down to block the steel knife.

However, the fake Zhang Rong's plan failed again, and the steel knife in Gao Xing's hand suddenly fell down before it touched the dagger in her hand.


The steel knife hit the ground, and there was a low growl of joy, and the body that had been falling backwards suddenly borrowed force, and shot forward like an arrow leaving the string.At the same time, Gao Xing waved his left hand forward, and the sound of "咻咻咻" sounded, and countless copper coins were shot at the fake Zhang Rong.

The fake Zhang Rong had no choice but to stop, brandishing a dagger to block the dense copper coins, and watched Gao Xing retreat quickly while swaying the copper coins.

Yu Wenxian was leading the team to pursue, but he didn't want a piece of blue copper coins to rush towards his face, causing the soldiers to panic again.

"He can't run far, let me chase him!" Seeing Gao Xing running farther and farther, and about to pass between two houses, Yu Wenxian couldn't help shouting.At the same time, Yu Wenxian no longer swung his sword to block the copper coins. He lay down on the horse's back and galloped towards Gao Xing.

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