Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 186 Long time no see

"Happy to leave!" Yu Wenxian shouted loudly while chasing.

"If you don't run, you're an idiot!"

Gao Xing thought so in his heart, but the speed under his feet was even faster.Although Xing Xing sealed the wounds in his lungs with zhenqi, slowed down the speed of blood outflow, and suppressed its impact on the body to the lowest point, the impact of a severe lung injury on the human body is extremely huge, especially Xing Xing at this time At the juncture of life and death, every ounce of strength is very precious, and every bit of misfortune may be fatal.What's more, sealing the wound with zhenqi is only a temporary expedient measure, and this method consumes a lot of zhenqi.

From happily jumping off the roof to now, the time is only a short cup of tea.While ordinary people were still busy running away, Gao Xing, who was majestic and unstoppable before, was seriously injured and fled in embarrassment under Yu Wenxian's pursuit.

The people in Chang'an City may really hate the joy that disturbed their peaceful life too much, and the number of people who came to the Meridian Gate to watch was very large.They couldn't completely disperse in this short period of time. Many people were still crowded and wanted to retreat. The dense crowd formed a natural line of defense.

Seeing such a scene, I was happy but not worried but happy in my heart.His eyes widened suddenly, he let out a low drink, and his running body suddenly jumped up high like a cannonball, surpassing the height of a person.Under the astonished eyes of the crowd, the happy body drew a parabola and fell towards the crowd of onlookers.


The happy right foot quickly stepped on the shoulder of a commoner, and his body, which was falling down, stagnated, and the next moment it was raised again, and it also jumped forward.It's a pity that the person who was stepped on by Gao Xing felt very uncomfortable, and he slumped on the ground with a scream.

Gao Xing stared at the front tightly with both eyes, stepping on the heads or shoulders of the common people alternately and moving forward at high speed.The joyful act once again caused panic among the onlookers. No one can guarantee that the killing god will not suddenly stab the bloody steel knife into his body.The onlookers couldn't help dodging to the side in panic, wanting to leave the direction they were happy to move forward, pushing and shoving, making the scene even more chaotic.

"Stop him, stop him!" Yu Wenxian watched the joy gradually go away, and couldn't help feeling anxious, while whipping the horse under his crotch, he shouted loudly: "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"The prostitute is happy, where are you going!" It was the fake Zhang Rong who followed up with a happy look, with a bloodthirsty glint in his eyes, and angrily rebuked in his mouth.

Happy's movements made the already chaotic crowd even more chaotic. The random movement of the crowd caused great interference to the fake Zhang Rong's running through the air, and she could only stare blankly as the happy gradually faded away.

After a short time, Xing Xing jumped over the crowd, leaving Yu Wenxian behind, and the fake Zhang Rong was only ten meters away from Xing Xing.

"See how you run this time, hum!" Fake Zhang Rong smiled coldly and cruelly, thinking to himself.

Gao Xing was seriously injured at this time, and coupled with the fierce fighting before, False Zhang Rong has every reason to believe that as long as he pursues closely, X X X will definitely fall to the ground at the moment, it's just a matter of time.

Thinking of this, the fake Zhang Rong was no longer so anxious and irritable, with a victor's smile flashing in his eyes, his feet moved quickly, and at the same time he uttered a voice that disturbed Gao Xing: "Xiao Xing, what is your relationship with Zhang Rong? Tell me, maybe I will Maybe let you die!"

"Happy, don't you want to know why we set up a trap to kill you? Don't you want to know who ordered me to take the opportunity to stab you?"

"Happy, all of this was done by the leader. She gave up on you and betrayed you for the benefit of Moon Worship Sect!"

"Ah, Zhang Rong!"

The speed of joy in the extremely fast running slowed down suddenly, and he roared to the sky in annoyance and sorrow.

Hearing the sadness in Happy's tone, Fake Zhang Rong's eyes flashed a smugness, and the speed of his feet increased sharply. In the blink of an eye, he stepped on the head of the last commoner blocking the way, and his body rushed towards Happy like a fluttering butterfly.

"court death!"

Just when the fake Zhang Rong's body reached its highest point, Gao Xing's cold voice suddenly sounded.


A shrill scream sounded, and a blue copper coin shot like a shooting star.

False Zhang Rong was startled. Just because of its much larger size than before, and its creepy screaming sound, Fake Zhang Rong also knew that Gao Xing shot the copper coins this time and it was definitely not easy to deal with.

In the blink of an eye, the happily shot copper coin came before her eyes, feeling the cold and uncomfortable feeling coming from between her brows, Fake Zhang Rong was terrified.However, she was in mid-air at this time, and she had nowhere to use her strength, and she couldn't use it to dodge.And the right hand holding the short sword is raised high, it is somewhat difficult to block it with the short sword.In desperation, the fake Zhang Rong had no choice but to shake her head as hard as she could, and at the same time put her left hand in front of her face.


The copper coin decisively pierced the fake Zhang Rong's blood-stained left palm, and pierced through it with full force.With the blocking of the false Zhang Rong's palm, the copper coin finally changed its original route and missed the false Zhang Rong's forehead, but fell weakly to the ground by rubbing her forehead.

False Zhang Rong let out a cry of pain, and instinctively withdrew her palm, at this moment, something that horrified her happened.

Another copper coin appeared, this copper coin lagged behind the first one, but the route it traveled was the same, so it fooled the fake Zhang Rong.

Almost at the moment when Fake Zhang Rong cried out in pain, the copper coin flew in front of her eyes.Looking at the blue shadow, the fake Zhang Rong seemed to have seen the tremor of the air and heard the whine of the air.The next moment, the fake Zhang Rong only felt a pain in his right eye, a red blood curtain appeared in front of his left eye, and his right eye showed permanent darkness amidst the severe pain.


The fake Zhang Rong let out a terrifying scream, and the sharp voice made people's hair stand on end.She threw away the dagger in her hand, covered her face with her hands and fell powerlessly from the air to the ground.The fake Zhang Rong's right eye was blind, and the eyeball was cut by a copper coin. From then on, the right eye could no longer see the light and the colorful colors of this vast world. .

Happily, without looking back, he continued to run wildly.

Regarding the fake Zhang Rong's words, I am happy to say whether I believe it or not.At the juncture of life and death, where can I take care of a lot.For Gao Xing, the most important thing at this time is to escape, and everything else is vain.

After being deceived once, Gao Xing was already very wary of the fake Zhang Rong, and he was always watching her movements.When the fake Zhang Rong spoke out to disturb Gao Xing's mind, Gao Xing had a plan of action in mind.

Gao Xing used the deceleration and roar of sadness and anger to gain the trust of the fake Zhang Rong, which caused her to be negligent for a while.However, it was this momentary negligence that was fatal to the fake Zhang Rong.

Happily clenching his teeth, dripping with cold sweat.The trauma to the lungs gradually showed signs of being irrepressible, and the speed of soaking in the bright red blood accelerated.

Gao Xingben was seriously injured. After the previous fierce battle, nearly [-]% of the zhenqi in his body had been consumed. In addition to the [-]% zhenqi used to suppress the wound, he could only use [-]% of the zhenqi.

For Yu Wenxian, there is nothing to be afraid of being happy. A general on a horse cannot be used in a crowd, especially if the crowd is still innocent people under his rule, Yu Wenxian can be said to be struggling.But the existence of the fake Zhang Rong was happy but he dared not ignore it. With this woman chasing after him, it would be even more difficult for him to escape.

Therefore, Gao Xing finally chose to consume [-]% of his true energy and completely disintegrate the unstable factor of fake Zhang Rong.Gao Xing finally succeeded, but it became more and more difficult for him to run. The pain in his lungs and excessive blood loss made him dizzy for a while, and he gradually felt powerless.

"I promised Lihua that I would go back, and I would marry her; I promised Zhang Shunzhi that I would help the poor people in the world, and I would not fall down; I would go back to take care of my parents and protect them from anyone's bullying and harm; I still need to find Zhang Rong and ask her clearly. Hold on, I am the Laughing Buddha Demon Hand, how could I fall down?"

Gao Xing ran with difficulty according to the route he had explored long ago, screaming in his heart, squeezing the strength in his body.

At this time, there are many pedestrians on the street, so if you are happy, you will not be stupid to run on the street.He braced himself up and quickly shuttled between the houses, throwing away all the pursuers in a short time.

Finally, when the true energy in his body was about to run out, Gao Xing panted heavily and jumped over the wall into the yard of an ordinary family.This is a place that Xing Xing had surveyed before he acted, and the owner was not at home.Gao Xing rushed into a room quickly, and then took off the blood-stained clothes on his body.

"Hiss!" Gao Xing slumped on the ground, gasping for air, the veins in the corners of his eyes throbbing violently.

Gao Xing took a few deep breaths, looked firmly at the dagger on his chest, and gently held the handle with his right hand.Gao Xing gritted his teeth suddenly, there was a soft "噗", Gao Xing grunted, the short knife was pulled out straight away, and a bloody arrow shot straight far away.The nearly two-inch long wound quickly gushed out blood, like a spring.

He was so happy that he didn't dare to stop, he quickly picked up a porcelain bottle beside him, sprinkled the contents on the wound, and bound the wound tightly with a piece of white silk.

Gao Xing didn't take long time between coming to Chang'an City and robbing the court, but it was enough for him to find an escape route that was easier to avoid the pursuers, and Yu Wenxian needed to spend some time looking for an escape route. Supplies have been prepared, such as the hemostatic medicine in this small porcelain bottle.Xing Xing prepared the medicine himself. Although Xing Xing is not a doctor, he often lives a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife, and he still has a lot of experience in treating bruises and stab wounds.

The wound on the right lung lobe did not bleed out much blood because of the suppression of true qi.Gao Xing must ensure a steady stream of true energy and quickly stabilize the injury, so that there is hope of escape.

Therefore, after doing all this, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground when he was happy, and calmly began to mobilize his true energy.

As soon as Gao Xing closed his eyes, he suddenly heard the sound of "cracking" footsteps, and the sound came from outside the house.

Gao Xing's heart sank, he didn't move, the true energy in his body was slowly swimming in the veins, his eyes were fixed on the closed door.

"With a creak, the door opened, and there were five people in front of Gao Xing. The first person was in his early twenties, dressed in a blue Confucian shirt, very handsome, and it was Sima Fu.

"Happy Mr. Gao, long time no see, why have you become so old, tsk tsk!" Sima Fu put his hands behind his back and looked at Happy with a relaxed expression.

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