Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 187 is really you

Sima Fu took a step back and drove four people in a row.These four people were about thirty or forty years old, and there was nothing unusual about their appearance. They were all dressed in short clothes suitable for moving around.These four people stood behind Sima Fu solemnly, their faces were so cold that there was no expression, but they looked at Sima Fu with respectful eyes.

"Hehe, it's been a long time. Thank you Mr. Sima for your concern!" Gao Xing didn't get up, but with a faint smile on his face, he looked at Sima Fu calmly.

"Young Master Gao, you're being polite!" Sima Fu looked at Gao Xing with a half-smile, then changed the subject, and suddenly said with a look of surprise on his face: "Mr. Gao, what's wrong with you? Who is so bold? How dare you hurt you, you are Zhou Guo's son-in-law, the Duke of Huaiyang County of Qi!"

"It's nothing but a short-sighted little thief, not worth mentioning!" Gao Xing smiled lightly, with a very disdainful tone.

"I see." Sima Fu nodded suddenly, and suddenly said: "Ah, Mr. Gao, why is there so much blood on your chest? I'm afraid the injury is not serious. Do you need to help me?"

"Mr. Sima's kindness, Mr. Gao's heart, and a small injury is nothing to worry about!" Gao Xing smiled indifferently, and stood up from the ground as he spoke. Although his movements were not so fast, they were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water without any lag.

"Really?" Sima Fu stared closely at Happy's face, but to his disappointment, Happy's face was unusually calm, without the slightest discomfort, not to mention the appearance of fear and anxiety.Especially Gao Xing's deep eyes showed a slight smile, but it made people feel a little scared for no reason.

"Mr. Sima is tired from standing outside, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea to rest!" Gao Xing smiled, bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

Sima Fu looked inside the house, then said with a smile: "Young Master Gao, you are welcome. The sun is shining outside and the air is fresh. If you don't come out, Mr. Gao, it would be better for us to catch up with each other!"

Gao Xing smiled noncommittally, and asked lightly: "Mr. Sima, since you refuse to come in, Gao Mou naturally dare not force it. I just don't know why you came to find me?"

As Gao Xing said, he gently sat down on a stool beside him, and at the same time picked up a long black gown that was placed on the table, and slowly put it on.

"Oh, I was passing by this family, and I happened to find some undried blood at the door. I came in out of curiosity, but unexpectedly I met Mr. Gao." Sima Fu explained, looking at Xing Xing very vigilantly, brows Wrinkled slightly, not knowing what to think about.

"Mr. Sima is really kind!" Gao Xing said so, but he laughed in his heart, and thought to himself: You must be lying to ghosts!

Sima Fuhui is so kind?The answer is obviously no.It is self-evident that his purpose is happy. As the saying goes, those who are kind do not come, and those who come are not good.

Gao Xing had several holidays with Sima Fu, not to mention all the unhappiness that happened in the Northern Qi Palace.The burden formed a deep beam in Chang'an City.

After Sima became the Jin family, he shouldered the responsibility of restoring the glory and power of the Sima family.If you want to compete for world hegemony, you can't just rely on two fists and two feet. You must be rich and powerful.

How many forces are hidden behind Sima Fu is Gao Xing has no way of knowing, but through contact with Zhang Rong, Gao Xing is also quite shocked by the power of Moon Worship Sect.Think about the Zuiyue Tower in Ye City and the Dasheng Gambling Shop in Chang'an City, which one is not making a fortune every day, and it is obviously impossible to operate such a large business in these two places without a strong power in the court of.It can be seen from this that the foundation and heritage of the Moon Worship Tower, a sect that has existed for hundreds of years, is so deep.

Because of this, Sima Fu wanted to form an alliance with the Moon Worship Sect to gain more capital to fight for world hegemony, and Zhang Rong, the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, was the best medium.

Ever since the celestial phenomenon changed suddenly on the Qingming day in 573, the entire land of the Central Plains has been undercurrents, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that a chaotic war is about to begin.Therefore, all parties have begun to step up their plans in order to seize the opportunity and obtain the greatest benefits.

Sima Fuxing originally planned to use gambling to run Zhang Rong to let her express her opinion. It would be the best if she could marry Zhang Rong so that he could tie Yueyuejiao to the chariot. Debt, for future use.However, just as Sima Fu's winning ticket was in his hands, he got excited halfway and destroyed Sima Fu's plan.

Although Sima Fu could still use the "Secret of Longevity" to please the Moon Sect, but how could he take out such treasures rashly?As a result, Sima's plan to make friends with the Moon Worship Sect was temporarily shelved.

Sima Fu hated the joy of letting his plan fail.However, when he was looking for opportunities to retaliate, he was happy but cunning and cunning. He not only pretended to be incompetent in martial arts to deceive Sima Fu, but even succeeded in a sneak attack, which made Sima Fu feel embarrassed.

Being teased twice in a row by a boy who was more handsome than himself, this felt very humiliating to Sima Fu, who often regarded himself as an emperor and grandson, and it was really unbearable.

I was glad that I didn't get entangled in the question of Sima Fu's intention, and then asked: "Mr. Sima, Gao has something that I don't understand. I wonder if you can explain it for me?"

"Please tell me, Mr. Gao, I know everything!" Sima Fu nodded and said, but his heart became curious.

"Although Gao Mou asked himself quite courageously, he didn't dare to take the risk of destroying the friendship between Qi and Zhou countries and kidnap the princess, let alone defile her. However, this matter happened in less than an hour. It almost spread throughout Chang'an City, and even aroused the hatred of the Zhou people towards Gao and Qi, and there must be someone fueling the flames behind this!" He paused happily, then looked closely at Sima Fu and asked: " Mr. Sima has great powers, so I don't know if I can tell Gao, who is behind this scene?"

After speaking, he happily lowered his head, picked up the empty teacup on the table, and poured two cups of tea in a leisurely manner, secretly observing the changes in Sima Fu's face from the corner of his eyes.

Sure enough, it was him, very good!

When Gao Xing saw his words fell, Sima Fu was stunned, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, he understood the whole story, he felt great hatred in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, Gao Xing suddenly raised his head and said in a deep voice: " Mr. Sima, please drink tea!"

As he spoke, Gao Xing wiped a teacup with his right hand, and the teacup containing boiling hot tea swirled and shot electricity at Sima Fu, and the air trembled and made a "woo-woo" sound.

Gao Xing has long guessed who is behind the scenes, and once put Sima Fu as the prime suspect, and now Sima Fu's changes are even more in line with his guess.Sima Fu is a person without roots, only when the mainland is in chaos can he fish in troubled waters and rise up, the bigger the trouble, the more he likes it.


When the teacup was still a foot away from Sima Fu, the eyes of the oldest of the four people behind him suddenly lit up, he stepped forward suddenly, gave a low drink, and stretched out a generous palm at the same time.Although the person caught the teacup, he swayed a few times, and the hot tea in the teacup overflowed a little.

Sima Fu frowned, and looked at the old man, who shook his head lightly, then stretched out his right hand and waved lightly, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Sima Fu remained silent, but his heart became more and more confused.

As Gao Xing guessed, Sima Fu came here because the weasel was uneasy and kind to give the chicken New Year greetings.Sima Fu is quite sensitive to the name Gao Xing now.The Dasheng gambling house was suddenly sealed up, and Zhang Rong was about to be executed. This news naturally attracted Sima Fu's attention.

Previously, he was not far from the execution ground, quietly observing the development of the situation.When Gao Xing appeared, Sima Fu was very excited, especially Gao Xing seemed to have suffered a lot, which made him even more satisfied.But he didn't come forward, but when Gao Xing escaped, he led four of his men to follow quietly.

Sima Fu suffered two losses in the hands of Gao Xing, which made him very vigilant when facing Gao Xing.And the scene where Gao Xing defeated the fake Zhang Rong with two copper coins, and the amazing hidden weapon technique made Sima Fu even more frightened.

Therefore, Sima Fu didn't dare to act rashly when he didn't know what happened to Gao Xing's injury.His life is very precious, and every ounce of strength in his hands cannot be sacrificed easily.Therefore, Sima Fu tried every means but failed to make a move.

Gao Xing's face was very pale, his lips had no trace of blood, and the wet blood on the white silk on his chest indicated that Gao Xing was seriously injured.But the happy demeanor is very natural, and the expression is very calm and calm, especially the faint smile in the eyes, which always makes Sima Fu feel a little terrified.

Gao Xing naturally understood Sima Fu's intentions, and he was happy to procrastinate for time. Although this time was not long, it was enough for Gao Xing to breathe a sigh of relief.The longevity formula in the body has never stopped flowing, and the most amazing thing is that whenever the true qi flows through the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest, there will be a scorching hot air flow into the body, strengthening the longevity true qi, helping Gao Xing to quickly repair the wound on the lung lobe.

I am glad to know that the heat flow is from the Buddha statue pendant on the chest.Although he was wondering why the Buddha statue pendant released so much heat this time, Gao Xing obviously had no time to take care of it at this time.

Sima Fu was hesitant all the time, and when he was happy, he threw out the teacup at the right time. The teacup wrapped in internal force was very strong, although the man took it, it was a bit difficult.This also told Sima Fu that Gao Xing was not as weak as he seemed on the surface, which made Sima Fu, who was already hesitant, more cautious, so he also stopped his subordinates from trying to test Xing Xing.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, for the hot tea!" Sima Fu took the cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "I have disappointed Mr. Gao. Although I have some tricks, I am unable to answer Mr. Gao's doubts."

"Forget it, Mr. Sima, please drink tea!" Gao Xing sighed helplessly, and made a gesture of invitation.

Just as Sima Fu was about to say something, he suddenly turned around and looked into the distance, his brows furrowed deeply.

"Mr. Sima? It's a pleasure to meet you. I wonder if I missed the good show? I'm glad you're not dead yet!" A low voice came from far to near.

"Shang Peng, you old thief is alive, and your young master An Neng is dead?" Sima Fu didn't answer, so he chuckled disdainfully when he was happy, and said unceremoniously.

"You, hum!" An angry look flashed across Shang Peng's face, and a figure appeared in the courtyard with a cold snort.Gao Xing glanced at it casually, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he didn't find any companions behind him. (Please support the original version. This article was first published on Kankan Chinese.com, and I hope you will support it.)

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