Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 188 "The Secret of Longevity" Volume [-]

Shang Peng didn't know Gao Xing at first, but he was very familiar with his eyes, figure, and voice Xing Xing, and when he thought of the reminder he got when he saw Zhang Rong, Xing Xing recognized the person who was here at a glance. who.

Sima Fu and the five of them alone couldn't cope with Gao Xing, and at this time, adding Shang Peng who hated him very much, Gao Xing felt the pressure was greater than the mountain, and he was secretly crying in his heart, and his mind kept spinning and thinking. The way to deal with it.

"Young Master Sima, I don't know you and this colleague..." Shang Peng looked at Sima Fu hesitantly and asked.

Shang Peng single-handedly came to look for happiness, just to finish him and vent his hatred.Given Shangpeng's position in charge of Baiyuejiao's affairs in Chang'an City, how could it be possible that there is no one under his command.The reason why he didn't invite his subordinates to come with him was because he wanted to be happy with the result and humiliate him at the same time, and the second was because he didn't want his secret to be known to outsiders.

Shang Peng likes Zhang Rong, and apart from Zhang Rong, no one in the entire Moon Worship Sect knows about this.

Shang Peng and Zhang Rong entered the Moon Worship Sect at about the same time. The two grew up together and can be regarded as childhood sweethearts.The beautiful Zhang Rong once made Shang Peng fall in love with him like crazy, but Zhang Rong did not show the slightest admiration for him, only a little sister's affection for her brother.

Fifteen years ago, when Shang Peng was about to express his love to Zhang Rong, Zhang Rong suddenly passed the assessment of the old leader and the elders and became the leader of the new generation.The identities and statuses between the two were drastically different, and Shang Peng couldn't help feeling ashamed, but more deeply helpless.

Since the creation of the Moon Worship Sect, all the leaders of the past generations have been women.Women are often more powerful than men.

The leader of the Moon Worship Sect exists for the benefit of the sect, and basically has no self.As for love, it seems to them just a luxury.The canon clearly stipulates that the leader of the Moon Worship Sect is not allowed to marry someone from his own religion. Even if he marries, it is a political marriage for the benefit of the sect.

Under their seemingly glamorous appearance, what they actually endure is endless pain and loneliness, as well as deep helplessness.They seem noble, but in fact they are just poor people who cannot control their own destiny. More seriously, they are just political prostitutes.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Rong and Gao Xing are always very anxious when they are together.She violated the teachings and betrayed her teacher. She was afraid of the scolding eyes of her tutor, and the torture she would suffer after the Dongchuang incident happened. She was even more afraid that Gao Xing would be implicated and persecuted.

Gao Xing didn't know the cruel teaching of the Moon Worship Sect, but Shang Peng knew it very well.Therefore, he could only helplessly and sadly hide his love for Zhang Rong deep in his heart, and from then on he could only silently wait for her, not daring to overdo it.

However, on that day, Shang Peng was going to report to Zhang Rong, but suddenly heard a strange man's voice in Zhang Rong's room, which made Shang Peng very curious.You must know that men are not allowed to step into Zhang Rong's room. In Chang'an City, the number of times even someone as noble as him entered Zhang Rong's room is very few.

For the first time in his life, Shang Peng listened to Zhang Rong's corner.However, the word "husband" that Zhang Rongrou claimed to be calling from the house made Shang Peng feel as if struck by lightning, and he was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, and the anxiety in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Shang Peng once hoped that he had heard it wrong, but the reality ruthlessly crushed his self-deception.Zhang Rong's gentle, emotional calls were like a heavy hammer hitting Shang Peng's heart, making him almost suffocate in pain.

Shang Peng wanted to rush into the house, chop the damned man into eight pieces and throw them into the moat, but in the end he had to suppress the grief and jealousy in his heart, and left quietly, hiding by the wall, waiting for the man appear.Shang Peng is very clear that if this matter becomes serious, Zhang Rong will not only lose her identity as the leader, but the cruel criminal law will make her life worse than death. This is definitely not what Shang Peng wants to see.

When the handsome and unrestrained Happiness appeared in the field of vision, dressed in white, the jealousy and anger in Shang Peng's heart reached the peak.No matter how you look at it, Shang Peng doesn't think that Happiness can compare to him in anything other than appearance.

Shang Peng decided to take revenge on Gao Xing, and he wanted to pull out all potential crises around Zhang Rong.Shang Peng turned into a man in black and went to the Yecheng Pavilion for joy, but the result of the incident shocked him greatly.Happy not only knows martial arts, but also is no less powerful than Zhang Rong.

Shang Peng is a persistent person, which can be seen from the fact that he can spend more than ten years waiting for his feelings for Zhang Rong.After the injury improved slightly, Shang Peng began to secretly follow Gao Xing, patiently waiting for the time for revenge.

Most of the reason why Zhang Rong came to Chang'an City was because she was worried about Gao Xing's safety.Although I am glad that my martial arts are strong, but as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, not to mention the poison king Yinchi is sinister and cunning, and his poison kung fu is all-pervasive.When Zhang Rong came to Chang'an, she hoped that when Xing Xing was in danger, she could use the power of the Moon Worship Sect to support Xing Xing.

As the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, it is not difficult for Zhang Rong to know the movements of the people under his sect.Shang Peng's sudden injury naturally made Zhang Rong attach great importance to it. Knowing that Shang Peng was injured because of provocation, Zhang Rong didn't teach Shang Peng about it. She pretended not to know anything about it. , and then go to provoke happy.

However, things backfired, Shang Peng still went his own way, monitored Gao Xing more closely, and even followed him, even delaying some sect affairs, which Zhang Rong could not tolerate.If Shang Peng gets injured, it will be a great loss to Moon Worship Sect, but Zhang Rong is even more afraid of the happy dissatisfaction caused by it.So Zhang Rong reprimanded Shang Peng severely, hoping that he would take care of himself.

However, things backfired, and Zhang Rong's reprimand stimulated Shang Peng's heart even more, and his jealousy almost buried his reason.He transformed all the pain and resentment in his heart into resentment and jealousy for happiness, and only waited for the time to erupt completely.

At this moment, Gao Xing finally made a mistake. He actually robbed and defiled the future princess of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.As for whether Gao Xing kidnapped the crown princess Yang Lihua, Shang Peng doesn't know, but he only needs to know that the person who is happy with her is Yang Lihua, the eldest daughter of Yang Jian.

It is not correct to be happy to attribute the person who spread the negative news to Sima Fu alone, because Shang Peng was also involved in this matter, otherwise how could this matter have spread throughout the huge Chang'an city in a short period of time.

What made Shangpeng regret endlessly was that Gao Xing ran away surrounded by three thousand soldiers, but still disappeared without a trace. Even if tens of thousands of troops searched the entire Chang'an City, he could not be found.

Shang Peng firmly believes that if Gao Xing wants to escape from Chang'an City, he must go through the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, so he always sends people to keep an eye on Zhang Rong.Sure enough, the hard work paid off, and he entered Zhang Rong's room after drinking.Shang Peng could guess that this was happiness almost without thinking.

Without any hesitation, Shang Peng passed the news directly to Yu Wenxian, which happened to give Yu Wenyong another excuse to destroy the Buddha.

However, what drove Shang Peng crazy was that Happiness was like a slippery loach, and it took nearly twenty days in the entire Chang'an city, but he still couldn't catch him.Although Yu Wenyong gained a lot from exterminating the Buddha, the follow-up affairs were also very complicated, and he was a little unable to take care of happiness, so he gave up hunting for happiness.

Yu Wenyong chose to give up based on the overall situation, but Shang Peng had no reason to give up.When Shi Xing Xing left Chang'an City for some reason, Shang Peng finally decided to make a tough move after thinking about it several times.

Shang Peng planned this attack on Gao Xing at the cost of winning the gambling house. If Xing Xing really cares about Zhang Rong, then death awaits him; Disappointed with Happiness, she distanced herself from then on.No matter what the outcome is, it is beneficial to Shang Peng, but it is a pity that Dasheng Casino, which has been in business for decades, will be destroyed.

Shang Peng's plan was a success, and he was really happy.It's just that no one expected that Gao Xing's vigilance and reaction were so sensitive that he was able to avoid the surprise attack of the No. 1 martial arts leader Zhang Han.The most frightening thing was Gao Xing's hot and ruthless method, which shocked everyone, not only destroying one eye of Zhang Han, but also briefly escaped Yu Wenxian's roundup.

But even if he is happy, he can't escape, and his fate can only end here, by himself.But Sima Fu's appearance here made Shang Peng frown. If Sima Fu is happy accomplice, then happy life and death cannot be decided by himself.

"It turns out to be Protector Shang. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Sima Fu clasped his fists in a salute, looked at Happy and then at Shang Peng, and said with a playful smile on his face: "Protector Shang, I am not friends with Happy, on the contrary, there are some friends. Rift?"

"Oh? That's good!" Shang Peng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Sima Fu and said, "Mr. Sima, I have some grievances and grievances that I want to understand with Gao Xing. Look..."

"Guardian Shang, please do your own thing!" Sima Fu waved his hand, led the four people behind him back a few meters, and gave Shang Peng the position in front of the door.Shang Peng is one of the four guardians of Baiyue Sect. Not only is his martial arts top-notch, but his subordinates also possess considerable strength. This is why Sima Fu respects him very much.

"Xiao Xing, have you figured out how to die?" Shang Peng walked slowly to the door, looking at Xing Xing jokingly, with hatred and complacency shining in his eyes.

"Old thief, does your chest still hurt?" Gao Xing asked coldly with a disdainful smile.

"Ah, I'm happy, I'm so angry, I want to die!" The anger in Shang Peng's heart could not be tolerated by Gao Xing's behavior of exposing the scar.

"Hey!" Gao Xing snorted softly, without any fear, and when Shang Peng came close, Gao Xing stood up suddenly, kicked his right foot quickly, and then kicked Shang Peng's abdomen first, kicking him out He went out of the house and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Sima Fu couldn't stop talking. He was shocked by the power of hundreds of soldiers who were happy to face a herd of tigers. He didn't want him to be so vigorous even though his body was injured, and sent Shang Peng flying.

Sima Fu didn't know that the reason why Gao Xing's move worked was because Shang Peng underestimated the enemy because of anger, Gao Xing almost used all the zhenqi in his body that had recovered so hard, the purpose was to deter Sima Fu so that he would not dare act rashly.

This blow knocked Shang Peng to pieces, and he struggled for a while before getting up from the ground, his face was very gloomy, and there was bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Sima, Mr. Gao heard that you got a wonderful book called "The Secret of Longevity". Unfortunately, it was only the first volume, and Mr. Gao happens to have the second volume of "The Secret of Longevity". I wonder if you need it?" Instead of looking at Shang Peng, he looked at Sima Fu with a smile, and said in a very flat and soft tone.

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