Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 194 Strange Guest

Xue Sanhuai.People from Huaizhou in the Northern Qi Dynasty.40 years old this year.He looks ordinary.He looked very honest and honest.The body is slightly fatter.There is always a smile on his face.He really doesn't look like a businessman.But Xue Sanhuai opened a modest tavern in Xuyi City, Huaizhou.And business is booming.

It was not time for lunch yet.There are only three or two customers in Xue Sanhuai's tavern.Xue Sanhuai, the shopkeeper, has nothing to do for the time being.He sat behind the counter.While sipping tea comfortably.While looking at the busy street outside the house.Look at the smiles from the heart on the faces of the people coming and going.Xue Sanhuai suddenly sighed.A trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Xue Sanhuai was originally from Huaiyin County, Huaizhou.It has only been three months since I came to Xuyi City.But he fell in love with this land deeply.Fall in love with life here.

Compared with Huaiyin County.Life in Xuyi County is simply heaven.it's here.You don't have to worry about the endless exploitation of nobles and rich people.Don't worry about your own life all the time.Because there is a person who loves the people like a son.The generous and benevolent Lanling King Gao Changgong.Although he has now been relegated to Xuyihou.He was even stripped of his surname Gao.But the people of Xuyi City still prefer to call him Gao Changgong, the King of Lanling in private.

Although Xue Sanhuai's name looks rustic.But he is someone who has read sage books.It's a pity that he is not very interested in the way of governing the country that the saint said.Just learned some math.It is precisely because of this.He has a very sharp mind.In August last year, he decisively escaped from Huaiyin County and came to the fertile land of Xuyi City to develop.

In Xuyi County.After half a year of development.The population has rapidly expanded from the original tens of thousands to 60.That number sounds pretty scary.But it's normal in this day and age.But not to mention the land of Jianghuai.Hundreds of thousands of people who were displaced by the war between Chen and Qi took refuge in Xuyi.Even the affluent place near Kyoto in the Yellow River Basin.There are also people who can't stand the oppression and exploitation of the nobles and settle down in Xuyi County with their families.

The rapid growth of the population has caused tremendous pressure on Xuyi City.Gao Changgong was forced to expand Xuyi City.From September last year. It took 15 migrant workers three months to finally complete the new city wall.However, many facilities in the city have to wait for the next spring when the flowers bloom because of the cold weather.

Today's Xuyi City has undergone earth-shaking changes.But the huge area of ​​twelve miles in length and width is amazing.Not to mention the thriving scene everywhere in the city.

There are new handicraft workshops everywhere in the city.The various grades of wooden furniture produced have been sold all over Daqi.Even many merchants from the Zhou and Chen countries traveled thousands of miles for these furniture.And those textile workshops where women are the main labor force.The quantity and quality of cloth produced daily are directly inferior to other places.The businessmen who make a living by this are furious with jealousy.

A businessman's nose and eyes are always very keen.As a result, Xuyi City has attracted merchants from all over the world.In this way, Xuyi City will be more prosperous.It also brought huge wealth to Xuyi City.This is why Gao Changgong was able to build a huge city with money.And the people in the city are rejoicing.

But all this may soon disappear.

One thought here.Xue Sanhuai was worried.I couldn't help feeling angry and helpless in my heart.

Just ten days ago.Li Zong, the Duke of Tang from Zhou State in the west, came to Yecheng in Qi State.They are called recruiters.In fact, it is a question of guilt.Question Gao Wei's real attempt to send Gao Xing to propose marriage.At the same time, Cushman was strongly urged to hand over his happiness.

Now the whole world is spreading rumors.The governor of Qi State Yingzhou.Duke of Huaiyang County.Gao Changgong, the son of Zeng Lanling King Gao Changgong, is an obscene and shameless person.He is daring.He kidnapped the Crown Princess of Zhou.raped and killed.

Chen Guo and Zhou Guoren talked about Gao Changgong.He thinks he has no way to teach his son.Even many Northern Qi people condemned Gao Changgong and his son.But none of these Northern Qi people were from the Jianghuai Valley.

But in Xuyi City, there was no rumor about Gao Xing's father and son being unfavorable.All were silent about it.And those foreign ones.Those who dared to slander Happy father and son were ruthlessly expelled by the local people.

Happy is a thief?Even if the whole world thinks so.But the people of Xuyi City will never believe that Gao Xing is a prostitute.Although I am happy that I have not been in Xuyi City for a long time.But people who have seen him or have not seen him trust him firmly.

For that white dress.The happy Mr. Gao who is always smiling.The people of Xuyi City are not only grateful.He has an extremely high evaluation of him.

It was because of his proposal.Countless workshops sprang up in the city.Accommodate countless refugees.Let them settle; it is because of his command.Even the treacherous merchants in the city dare not oppress the poor who work for them.Let every drop of their blood and sweat get their due rewards.Life is no longer miserable.

Especially for the majority of women in Xuyi City.Happiness is not just a messenger to guide them.Let them use their own hands to earn money for life.improve their status in the family.Handsome.Humility and kindness are the dream lovers of many young girls.But alas.A happy smile is never gender-neutral.Turning a blind eye to the winking eyes thrown at him by the girls in the city.He still shuttled through the streets in a chic manner.Let countless girls who are pregnant with spring sigh.Stunned.

Just such a person who is favored by all the girls in the city like floating clouds.Could it be the one who did such despicable things for the sake of beauty?This is a blatant frame-up.This is the unanimous view of all female compatriots in Xuyi City.

But no matter how the people of Xuyi City defend Gao Xing and his son.Those in Yecheng have long been envious of Xuyi's wealth.The dignitaries who are jealous of Gao Changgong's talent very much hope that this is true.They are already gearing up.Ready to swallow the delicious pastry of Xuyi.

It is said that the envoys of His Majesty the Emperor of Yecheng will visit Xuyi City in these two days.No need to think about Xue Sanhuai also knew that it was not good news.Ever since Emperor Wuchou sat on the throne of the ninety-five lord.Xue Sanhuai did not receive any good news from him.

Lord Lanling has always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic.This time he may have to succumb to Emperor Wuchou again.Is Xuyi City without Gao Changgong still Xuyi City?There is no shelter for happy father and son.Is Xuyi City still safe?Will people's lives be so comfortable and rich?Could this last piece of paradise be about to disappear?

Just when Xue Sanhuai cried out anxiously and helplessly.The door of the tavern suddenly went dark.He just felt a chill all over.A figure flashed into the store.

This is an unusually thin boy.But there is a sense of vicissitudes between the brows.He was pale.Not much blood.The appearance is very ordinary.So ordinary that you would forget his existence as long as you turned around.His lips are thin.Squeeze tightly.The eyes are long and narrow.His eyes were numb and dead.He was covered in a black robe that was quite old.The whole person looks so lonely.It makes people a little afraid to approach.

"Two catties of beef. One catty of meat." The waiter went up to him and was about to speak.The boy in black said.The voice is very low and without a trace of emotion.Let the waiter in the shop shut his mouth abruptly.He just agreed and hurried to the back hall.

The boy in black went straight to a seat by the window.He doesn't move fast.But every step is the same distance.As measured.Exactly.from his walk.Under the wide sleeves with swinging arms.Xue Sanhuai faintly saw a short machete like autumn water.Even if they are separated by seven or eight meters.Xue Sanhuai seemed to be able to feel the coldness on it.

It seems to have noticed Xue Sanhuai's gaze.The boy in black suddenly looked back.

Xue Sanhuai was startled suddenly.He lowered his head in a panic.His back was drenched in cold sweat.What kind of eyes are those.cold.Dead silence.He looked at himself as if he were looking at a dead man.Xue Sanhuai's breathing was stagnant.The heart was beating violently.The hands hidden behind the counter were trembling unceasingly.

"Huh..." When the boy in black looked away.Xue Sanhuai felt light all over.He hurriedly wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve.Just that moment.Xue Sanhuai seemed to last for decades.Fear and despair are suppressed in the chest.Let him suffocate.

This must be no ordinary person.It's better not to mess with them.I have to tell Xiao 2000 million not to offend this evil spirit.

soon.Xiao Er brought the food that the boy in black asked for.He didn't dare to talk too much after being instructed by the shopkeeper.Holding the tray is about to retreat silently.But the boy in black stopped him.

"Answer me a few questions. This is yours." The boy in black took out an ingot of gold from his pocket and put it on the table.His tone was still as cold as ever.

"Excuse me." Xiao Er was a little embarrassed.The coldness on the boy in black made him feel uncomfortable.There is always an urge to turn around and run.

"Do you know where Gao Xing is now?" the boy in black asked.

"You are looking for Mr. Gao." Xiaoer said in surprise.Seeing the dead still eyes of the boy in black.My heart suddenly panicked.Quickly said: "I'm sorry. Little one. Little one doesn't know."

"Except for happy family members. Who knows him best in Xuyi City? The closest relationship." The black-clothed boy withdrew his gaze.continue to ask.

"Very, many. Generals and soldiers in the barracks outside the city. There is also Boss Ye Jinye in the city." Xiao Er was a little trembling.I stuttered a bit when I spoke.The palms of both hands were full of sweat.

"Take it." The boy in black said lightly.He lowered his head and began to eat.

Xiao Er suddenly felt as if he had been pardoned.Turn around and leave immediately.It seemed that there was a beast chasing after him.

"Wait." Just as Xiao Er sighed in his heart and finally left that terrifying weirdo.The cold voice suddenly rang in his ears.Immediately, Xiao Er was so frightened that he fell out of his wits and fell to the ground.

"You forgot your own things." Just Zai Xiaoer was trembling all over.When I was struggling to decide whether to turn around and go back.That icy voice sounded.then.A slight cracking sound sounded.next moment.An ingot of gold characters appeared next to Xiao Er's feet.

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