Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 195 Resist, King Lanling

Feeling the icy aura of the black-clothed boy, everyone in the tavern fell silent and remained motionless, causing the tavern, which seemed somewhat deserted, to fall into a strange silence for a while.

Xue Sanhuai saw that Xiao Er was still in a daze, and became anxious. He quickly waved his hand to signal Xiao Er to pick up the gold letter and come over.

It wasn't until Xue Sanhuai felt his heart was about to jump out of his throat and his arms were waving a little weakly that Xiao Er woke up like a dream. He quickly picked up the gold on the ground and ran, that speed was definitely faster than the soldiers charging on the battlefield. point.

"Huh, shopkeeper, huh," Xiaoer clenched the gold letter in his hand tightly, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and shouted out of breath.

Xiao Er's voice seemed so abrupt in this quiet tavern, which startled Xue Sanhuai. He immediately looked at the black-clothed boy in a panic, and only when he found that the latter was still eating quietly and was not dissatisfied by it did he startle. Heaving a sigh of relief, Xue Sanhuai gave Xiao Er a vicious look, then took out a jug of good wine from the shelf behind him and handed it to Xiao Er, signaling him to give it to the boy in black.

Where did Xiao Er rush to, shaking his head like a rattle, and kept stepping back, looking at Xue Sanhuai pleadingly.

Xue Sanhuai gritted his teeth and stared, forcing out all the evil spirit in his body, looking at Xiaoer with menacing eyes.

Finally, the waiter succumbed to Xue Sanhuai's coercion, and walked towards the black-clothed boy with the jar of wine in both hands. His every step was careful, smaller than the lotus steps of a delicate woman.

No matter how long the distance is, there will be a time to finish it, not to mention that Xue Sanhuai's store is not big, the distance from the counter to the boy in black is no more than ten meters away. In the mood of the waiter in the store, he came to the store with the wine jar in his hands. Beside the boy in black.

Xiao Er swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty, his hands were trembling, and he was about to put the wine jar on the table, but he didn't want to be overly nervous, his palms were full of sweat, and the wine jar accidentally slipped out of his hands and fell to the ground.

It’s over.

This is the common thought of everyone including the original diners in the tavern, especially the waiter and Xue Sanhuai. The moment the wine jar slid down, their hearts jumped at the same time, and their eyes were fixed on the wine. Altar, waiting for the sentence of the boy in black.

With a soft "pop", everyone's minds returned to the right track, but to their surprise, the wine jar did not fall to the ground, but rested firmly on a slender and white palm, The owner of the palm was the boy in black, and no one could see when his hand came under the wine jar.

"Be careful, your wine," the boy in black looked at the waiter indifferently, his tone was still cold, without any emotion.

"Thank you, thank you, this, this, is for you," the waiter stammered.

"Thank you, but I don't drink, bring me some hot water, no tea," the boy in black twitched his mouth slightly, and he seemed to smile, but the shop waiter didn't feel the slightest bit, just nodded blankly, holding The wine jar quickly returned to Xue Sanhuai.

Xue Sanhuai took the wine jar and flirted with Xiaoer, who understood and ran to the back hall quickly, and after a short time, brought a bowl of water emitting white air to the black-clothed boy.

The boy in black took the bowl, thanked him softly, ignored the waiter, and continued to bury his head in eating the food. He ate very quickly, but very carefully, without making any abnormal noises.

After about a cup of tea, the boy in black cleaned up all the food on the table, including not a single drop of hot water in the bowl.

"The taste is good, the quantity is very large, it's not the work of a profiteer," the black-clothed boy stood up, glanced at Xue Sanhuai, left this sentence, then strode out the door, and quickly disappeared among the crowd.

"Huh," Xue Sanhuai's suspended heart finally returned to its original position, but a burst of deep exhaustion came from his body, causing him to slump down on the chair behind him, his mind went blank, and he didn't want to think about anything.

Time soon came to lunch time, the number of guests in the tavern gradually increased, and the remaining depression in the tavern was also driven away, but Xue Sanhuai and the waiter were still a little bit out of their minds.

When the sun was setting and the sky was covered with colorful clouds, the shadow in Xue Sanhuai's heart had not completely dissipated. After thinking for a long time, Xue Sanhuai called Xiaoer, ordered "watch the store carefully", changed his clothes, and hurriedly Exit through the back door of the tavern.

Xue Sanhuai walked through several alleys, and finally stopped in front of a very peaceful house. Xue Sanhuai took a few deep breaths to calm down his restless mood before knocking on the door.

Soon, the gate of the house opened with a "squeak", gradually revealing a young man in plain clothes.

"Boss Xue, you're here, what's the matter?" the boy asked with a smile.

"Is Boss Zhang here? I have something to talk to him about," Xue Sanhuai replied.

"Boss Xue, you came just in time. My boss just came back from outside, please come in," the young man chuckled, and moved away to invite Xue Sanhuai to enter.

Xue Sanhuai waited for the young man to close the gate again before walking into the courtyard under his leadership. The courtyard is not big, but it is very clean, and the decoration is very simple, without the slightest sense of luxury.

After a while, Xue Sanhuai and the boy came to the main hall, and the boy said loudly: "Boss, Boss Xue Sanhuai is here to visit."

"Oh, Boss Xue, please come in," a hearty voice came from the hall, and after a few footsteps, the door opened, and Boss Zhang appeared at the door, but he was not a middle-aged man with a big belly, but a long man The young man was tall and tall, and his body was particularly slender in a tight-fitting blue dress.

The boy in blue looks to be eighteen or nineteen years old. Although his appearance is ordinary, he has a pair of calm and calm eyes under his strong and thick eyebrows, and light black hair on his thin lips. He looks heroic. .

"Boss Zhang, Xue Sanhuai is being polite," Xue Sanhuai cupped his hands with a sincere smile on his face.

"Boss Xue is polite, please come in," the boy in blue let Xue Sanhuai into the hall and asked him to take a seat.

The boy in blue was about to pour tea for Xue Sanhuai, but Xue Sanhuai hurriedly stopped him: "Boss Zhang, you don't have to be polite, but Xue has some news here."

"Boss Xue, please tell me," the blue-clothed boy stopped and looked at Xue Sanhuai seriously.

"Boss Zhang, at noon today, a strange guest came to Xue's small shop." Xue Sanhuai paused and continued: "He is young and dressed in black, but he is frighteningly cold, which makes people afraid Getting closer, especially his pair of dead eyes, makes people dare not look at him, the most surprising thing is that he is inquiring about the whereabouts of Mr. Gao Gao, for what purpose, "

"Inquire about the whereabouts of Mr. Gao," the blue-clothed boy frowned suddenly, feeling a sense of vigilance in his heart.

"Boss Zhang, Xue's small shop still has business to take care of, so Xue won't bother you. Let me go." When the news came, Xue Sanhuai stopped staying and got up to leave.

"Okay, thank you Boss Xue for delivering the letter, but I won't deliver it," the blue-clothed boy frowned even more after sending Xue Sanhuai away.

Someone asked about the whereabouts of the leader, what is his purpose, leader, where are you, Xuyi is in trouble, please come back quickly.

This blue-clothed boy is not only happy, but also Zhang Shunzhi, the top leader of the Beggar Gang. After the temporary truce between Qi and Chen, Zhang Shunzhi returned to Xuyi City and carefully managed the Beggar Gang. After more than half a year of growth, Zhang Shunzhi has matured I have grown a lot, and I have become more sophisticated and calm in doing things.

Xue Sanhuai was persecuted in Huaiyin County, and came to Xuyi City after being rescued by Zhang Shunzhi by accident. Zhang Shunzhi once asked him to report if he found any suspicious person who wanted to harm Gao Xing's family.

"No matter who it is, as long as it threatens the gang leader's family, it must be eradicated decisively," Zhang Shunzhi mused for a long time, but he got nothing, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said firmly to himself.

The light in Zhang Shunzhi's eyes was only fleeting. He stood up and went out. He went straight to the backyard and walked out of the yard through the back door. Zhang Shunzhi first looked around vigilantly, and then looked at a dying man not far from the door. Seeing the latter shaking his head imperceptibly, Zhang Shunzhi took big strides towards the former Neishi's Mansion and the current Governor's Mansion.

After Gao Xing left Xuyi, Gao Changgong defeated Chen general Wu Mingche several times. Zhang Shunzhi, who was in charge of collecting information, naturally contributed a lot.

It didn't take Zhang Shunzhi much time to enter the Governor's Mansion, and met Gao Changgong in the study of the Governor's Mansion.

"Shunzhi has met Lord Inspector," Zhang Shunzhi pushed open the door and entered, and respectfully saluted Gao Changgong who was sitting behind the table.

"Shunzhi is here, sit down," Gao Changgong's tired voice sounded.

The governor is old again.

Zhang Shunzhi sat down as he said, and looked at Gao Changgong who was sitting on the chair not far away, sighing in his heart.

Gao Changgong is only in his thirties, but he has gorgeous hair on his temples, and there are a few deep wrinkles on his forehead, his bloodshot eyes are full of exhaustion, and his face is even a little sickly pale.

The once handsome King Lanling is now much older.

Zhang Shunzhi sighed again in his heart, and then with a straight face, he said in a deep voice: "Lord Inspector, the envoy of the imperial court will arrive at the city of Xuyi at noon in three days' time."

"It came so fast," Gao Changgong twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh, but he didn't. He sighed softly and asked, "Shunzhi, is there any news about Xing'er?"

Zhang Shunzhi shook his head, looked at Gao Changgong with some worry and said, "My lord, the son appeared in Chang'an City a few days ago, but he disappeared very quickly. There is no news yet, but you don't have to worry. The son was not found,"

"Alas," Gao Changgong sighed, stood up, and slowly came to the window, staring fixedly at the gradually dimming night outside the window, and said in a low voice, "It's hard work, it's all because of my incompetence. ,"

Zhang Shunzhi was shocked, at this moment he clearly felt the deep sorrow and helplessness on Gao Changgong's body, as well as the suffering and worry from the heart, as well as the hesitation and hesitation.

"My lord, resist," Zhang Shunzhi stood up, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice,

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