Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 196 The Shadow in the Prefect's Mansion

Gao Changgong was shocked all over.But he didn't turn around.He didn't speak either.Just keep the original standing posture.His eyes were still staring at the night sky.Only the heavy and rapid panting sound showed his inner unrest.

"My lord. How many times have you been born and died for Daqi's country. You have gone through fire and water. But you only have the land of one state and the name of governor. You are the son of Emperor Wenxiang. You have extremely noble blood. Now you have been deprived of your surname. Reduced to a lowly Lord Marquis. Even your only son had to go to Yecheng alone as a hostage. Prince, are you really willing?"

Zhang Shunzhi stood up excitedly.Looking at Gao Changgong, he was originally very tall and straight.But now there are some hunched backs.said loudly.

Gao Changgong remained indifferent.But his clenched fists became tighter and tighter.There was a creaking sound.Gao Changgong exuded a powerful evil spirit.This is the hostility tainted by years of fighting on the battlefield.Ordinary people simply cannot bear it.

But get happy teaching kung fu.Zhang Shunzhi, whose hands were also stained with blood, was not afraid.He said to himself: "My lord, how can you bear to let the stable and prosperous city of Xuyi fall into the hands of others; how can you have the heart to let hundreds of thousands of people in Xuyi fall into the heat of water again; The country was destroyed by a group of treacherous villains."

"My lord. According to reliable news, the [-] troops outside Ye City are already gathering. You must know what their intentions are. Resist. My lord. For your son. For your perseverance. For the people of Xuyi. It is even more important for the country of Daqi. You must stand up. Fight. Great King of Lanling."

Zhang Shunzhi was extremely excited.Trembling violently.The sound is a bit distorted because of the high pitch.His face turned red like blood.With a faint light.His breathing was unusually heavy and irregular.The heart beat violently and made a sound like a drum.

"Fight. Great King Lanling."

Zhang Shunzhi's words are full of encouragement and eager expectation.at this moment.Gao Changgong seems to have returned to the outside of Jinyang more than ten years ago.Back to the shouts like thunder.The battlefield where killing sounds shook the sky.He seemed to feel the tragic evil spirit again.It seemed to smell the strong and pungent smell of blood again.

Facing the [-] elite Zhou Jun.He has no fear.Take the lead.He rushed forward bravely to the besieged Jinyang City.that moment.He forgot life and death.Forget everything.He has only enemies in his eyes.There is only the belief of victory.

Zhang Shunzhi's words were like a burning flame.It ignited the blood that had been dormant in Gao Changgong's body for a long time.Let his whole body become excited.Blood rushes rapidly in the blood vessel.Infinite power gushes out from the body.

so many years.He has been trembling.Walking on eggshells.Never dare to go beyond anything.Zeng Jin was afraid of Gao Wei's jealousy.He didn't hesitate to defile himself.tarnish one's own reputation.In the end, it was even more aggrieved.Not only was he kicked out of the family.Lost the distinguished surname.Even the only son was imprisoned in Yecheng.His safety cannot be guaranteed.

now.Gao Wei even showed himself the butcher's knife again.He will never remember.Face up to oneself and risk one's life to build a solid line of defense on the banks of the Huaihe River.He will never remember.How much wealth did I pay for him.He just knows.I just want to live.His position will be unstable.

Back off again and again.what i got.Loyal and patriotic.I love my great country.Love the land that raised me up.Honored as a descendant of the Gao family.To protect Daqi Jiangshan as their own responsibility.But now.I am nothing but waiting to be killed and fighting back.Is there no third way to go?

My grandfather.My lord father.If you have spirits in heaven.Then please guide me in the direction to go.Tell me what to do.

However, the only answer to Gao Changgong was the swishing sound of the breeze outside the house and the gradually brightening sky.A full moon gradually rose in the eastern sky.Although the bright moonlight illuminated the earth, it did not bring any warmth.Instead, it makes people feel a little cool on their bodies.

Gao Changgong's face kept changing colors.The aura on his body also fluctuated from strength to strength.Zhang Shunzhi didn't say a word.Just quietly watching Gao Changgong's back.His face was full of respect.It's just that there is a trace of sympathy and helplessness in my heart.And a touch of guilt.

Rise up.For Zhang Shunzhi, it was just four words.But for Gao Changgong, it was far from that simple.

This means that he may embark on a road of no return.It is possible to become the hero who saves Daqi, which will collapse the building.Perhaps he will become the country's greatest traitor.The greatest shame of the family.His wife, relatives and friends will lose their lives because of this.

As Zhang Shunzhi who had had enough of the brutal exploitation by the Gaowei regime.He earnestly hopes that Gao Changgong can stand up.Completely destroy that corrupt regime.Seek a new life for the poor people.Therefore.Zhang Shunzhi risked being severely punished by Gao Changgong.Dare to speak your mind.Hope it can stimulate Gao Changgong to make a decision.But Zhang Shunzhi also knew that Gao Changgong was very embarrassed.That's why he feels guilty for his selfish thoughts.

Gao Changgong just stood quietly in front of the window.An hour passed.Zheng's gentle and delicate voice sounded outside the house: "Husband, it's getting late. Otherwise, your body won't be able to bear it."

"Well. Got it. Ma'am." Gao Changgong replied.The body moved slightly.But I don't want to stand for too long.Legs are numb.Accidentally, his body fell to one side.

"My lord, be careful." Zhang Shunzhi had quick eyes and quick hands.He quickly supported Gao Changgong.Said with concern.

"Husband, what's wrong with you." Zheng exclaimed anxiously.Then the door of the study was pushed open with a bang.A beautiful figure rushed in.With a stride, he rushed in front of Gao Changgong.Looking at him worriedly and concerned.

"It's okay. Don't worry." Gao Changgong held Zheng's catkin.A smile appeared on his face.said gently.

Zheng Shi didn't believe it.He looked Gao Changgong up and down carefully.Afraid to let go of the slightest.

"Ma'am. The prince just stood for too long. His energy and blood are not flowing. Just take a rest." Zhang Shunzhi supported Gao Changgong to sit on a chair beside him.Said respectfully.

"That's good." Zheng Shi immediately relaxed.But she looked at Gao Changgong reproachfully and said: "Why do you not cherish your body so much. If something happens to you, Xing'er's life and death are uncertain. How can you make your concubine live." The words were not finished yet.Zheng's already reddened eyes were filled with tears in an instant.Fluttering down the cheeks.

"Xing'er is living well. Why are you crying?" Gao Changgong quickly wiped the tears off Zheng's face with his sleeve.Said pretending to blame.

Zhang Shunzhi immediately lowered his head.He said firmly: "Madam, don't worry about the young master. He is very skilled in martial arts and resourceful. No one in this world can catch him yet."

Hearing this, Mrs. Zheng snorted angrily: "Xing'er is my heart. How could I not worry about it. He is a man, not a god. How could he be able to defeat Zhou's army of hundreds of thousands? Why did Xing'er Such a bitter life. God. Tell me. Tell me how to make Xing'er safe and sound." The tears on Zheng's face grew more and more.Like a river breaking its embankment.

Although Zheng was worried when he was happy to go to Yecheng.But more is missing.But today is different.It is well known that Gao Xing raped Yang Lihua, the concubine of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.Now he has become the object of condemnation by the world.He is also the most wanted criminal in Beizhou.How could this not make Zheng worried.During this half, she was almost in tears.Haggard a lot.

"Shunzhi. Go down." Gao Changgong said softly to Zhang Shunzhi.The latter bowed his hands respectfully.Without saying a word, he quietly exited the study and closed the door behind him.

"Ma'am. Don't cry. It's just a joke. I will find Xing'er. Don't let him get hurt again. I promise."

Hearing the voices coming from the study behind him.Zhang Shunzhi pursed his lips tightly.Look up to the sky.do not know when.But the bright full moon got into a cloud.It looked so hazy.

helper.Today I overstepped.Hope you don't blame.I believe.You also don't want the prince to receive any more grievances and persecution.You said it.To help the poor all over the world.Only you and the prince sit on the supreme throne.Only then can the people of the world truly live a good life.

Zhang Shunzhi said something silently in his heart.His eyes became extremely firm.He didn't stop.Take a big step and walk out.

Through the garden in the front yard.Zhang Shunzhi stopped suddenly.In the garden under the moonlight.A beautiful woman stood quietly.Hear the sound behind him.The woman turned around.Showing that extremely soft face.

"Miss Wu, you haven't rested yet." Zhang Shunzhi took a few steps forward.Saluted respectfully.

The woman's name is Wu Shun.More than a month ago, I came to Xuyi Governor's Mansion from Yecheng with a happy autograph letter.Gao Xing only said that she was his friend.But Zhang Shunzhi found that the woman had some inexplicable affection for her clan boss.Therefore, he has always been very respectful to Wushun.

"Mr. Zhang, you are welcome. Today is the Lantern Festival. I couldn't sleep. So I went out for a walk." Wu Shun smiled slightly.Said lightly.The voice is warm and soft.She took fine lotus steps.Come to Zhang Shunzhi.Looking at him expectantly, he asked, "Master Zhang. Is there any news about Mr. Gao?"

Zhang Shunzhi shook his head.Wu Shun's bright eyes suddenly dimmed.Concern flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Shunzhi was about to comfort Wu Shun with a few words.Suddenly, he saw a black shadow flashing in the distance.He suddenly became alert.Shout out "who".At the same time, the body flew out like an arrow from the string.Go straight after the shadow.

"Master Zhang..." Wu Shun was puzzled.He hurriedly looked in the direction Zhang Shunzhi was rushing towards.But only saw a blurry figure flashing away.

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