Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 197

"Where are people?" Zhang Shunzhi stood quietly in a somewhat dark alley.He looked around very vigilantly.The mind dare not relax in the slightest.

Zhang Shunzhi came chasing after the shadow that had disappeared in the governor's mansion.But I don't want to just cross two streets.The black shadow disappeared without a trace.And what made Zhang Shunzhi more cautious.The speed of the shadow was very fast.The movement is extremely flexible and sharp.If it weren't for him, he was still a little unfamiliar with Xuyi's terrain.Zhang Shunzhi really can't guarantee whether he can chase two streets.

Could this black shadow be the boy in black that Xue Sanhuai mentioned?

It was quiet all around.Zhang Shunzhi's eyes slowly scanned every dark corner like a falcon.But until the time for a cup of tea passes.Except for the sound of the breeze blowing in the air.There was no other abnormal sound.

"No. Let's go back early." Zhang Shunzhi stayed where he was for a while.But still nothing after that.He muttered to himself.Then strode away.The alley seems to have completely returned to calm.

After a while.Zhang Shunzhi, who had gone back and forth, came to the alley again like lightning.He looked around alertly.But again he was disappointed.The surrounding area was as quiet as before.Nothing has changed.

It seems that Sangui's help is needed.Anyway.Before the leader came back.Even if it is all the beggars have.I must also ensure the safety of the young master's family.

Zhang Shunzhi became more and more vigilant.He secretly warned himself in his heart.Then quickly turned and left.His figure didn't froze in the slightest.It will disappear soon.

"Some skills. I don't know what happiness looks like. It's really exciting." After Zhang Shunzhi left.A dark shadow came out of a dark place not far away.Under the dim moonlight.I saw him wearing a large black robe.But he couldn't see his face clearly.

After the Lantern Festival.Xuyi City, which was originally noisy and bustling, suddenly became a bit bleak.Although the streets are still full of traffic.But the satisfaction and joy from the heart of the past can't be seen from the faces of pedestrians.Many people have a deep worry on their faces.Streets and alleys.Tea House Tavern.There was a lot of discussion.There is only one topic.That is: the emperor's envoy is about to come to Xuyi City.

Think of the deeds about happiness that are going viral in the world today.The purpose of the Yecheng envoy is almost self-evident.No one knows what the fate of Xuyi City will be.But it is conceivable that it will not be optimistic.This does not matter to the local residents of Xuyi.It is still for those foreign businessmen who come here admiringly.Neither is good news.

Compared with the gradually depressed and tense emotions of the people in the city.The people in the governor's mansion seemed very calm.They do not seem to feel that the crisis is getting closer.Gao Changgong is still working with a smile on his face.Seriously handle official duties.Greetings to those in need.Very busy.

Perhaps King Lanling had a premonition that his time was approaching.So use the last time to do something for the people.In order to have no regrets after death.

People have guessed so.I feel more and more grateful and respectful to King Lanling in my heart.Simultaneously.He hated the imperial court and the dignitaries of Yecheng more and more.That little sense of identity is fading away.

at the same time.The people of Xuyi also began to have doubts.I'm glad where Mr. Gao is now.Could it be that he was killed by Zhou people?If so.It seems that it is unreasonable for Zhou people to come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.But if you are happy to be alive.So why didn't he show up at this very tense moment?

Cui Jishu sat on the horseback.Look up at the red sun in the sky.It was dark in my heart.Think of the purpose of this trip.Cui Jishu felt a headache.Maybe this is the last time I ride a horse in my life.It's better to exercise more.

years ago.Shouyang was besieged.The situation in the Jianghuai area is extremely critical.Gao Wei planned to go to Jinyang.Cui Jishu, Zhang Diao and other officials jointly signed the letter.I hope that Cushman will postpone the departure.So as not to disturb the people along the way.It even shakes the morale of the army who is about to fight.

But Han Changluan said bad things in Gao Wei's ear.This made Gao Wei suspicious.Detained in the name of an unwarranted rebellion.If Zhao Yan hadn't pleaded deeply.Cui Jishu and the others probably died long ago.

Although Cui Jishu was not executed by Gao Wei.But he was dismissed from office.From then on, he became a commoner with a low status.This is for an official's life.For people who once had a high status.Maybe not a good thing.But the family did not die.It is also a blessing in misfortune.

Originally, Cui Jishu thought that he would never have the chance to return to the temple in this life.Frustrated, he returned to Boling Anping (now Yidu, Shandong).Ready to go back to the mountains and forests.Studying medical skills will last forever.

However, only a few months have passed.The eunuch who announced the decree came to Anping.At the same time, he brought greetings and appointments from Emperor Gaowei.Although Cui Jishu did not return to his original post.However, Gao Wei handpicked him as the envoy to Huaizhou to greet Zheng Changgong, Marquis of Xuyi.

This is definitely not a good job.

The emperor's order cannot be violated.Although Cui Jishu was unwilling in every possible way.But he also had to pack his bags.At the beginning of the new year.Say goodbye to wife and children.Embarked on the road to Xuyi.

Cui Jishu and his party.Except for the five hundred soldiers sent by the imperial court to escort him.There are also two eunuchs who pass orders.The name is to assist in reminding Ji Shu to work.In fact, it was just monitoring and urging Ji Shu.

Cui Jishu and Gao Changgong were officials in the same dynasty.Naturally, we know each other.For Gao Changgong, a freak in the Gao royal family.He admired it in his heart.There is also some sympathy.Although in politics.Neither friend nor foe matter.Everything is driven by interests.But Cui Jishu also has the integrity of a literati.Their loyalty to the country and the monarch is always incomprehensible.Even looking up.

Will Gao Changgong back down again?If he chooses to rise up.Then he will undoubtedly become the wronged soul of Jiqi; if he continues to back down.What awaited him was death.Is anyone willing to die?Even if there is.That also has some compelling prerequisites.

Cui Jishu sighed silently.My heart is desolate.For their own unknown destiny.It was not Gao Changgong's choice.I am even more confused and sigh in the thousands of miles of Jiangshan Sheji.

"Mr. Guo. It's noon. Let's take a break and eat something before we go on the road. We will arrive at Xuyi City at noon the day after tomorrow." Seeing that the time is approaching noon.There happened to be a forest ahead of the road.Cui Jishu said calmly to a luxurious carriage beside him.

"Everything is at Master Cui's orders." A high-pitched voice came from the carriage.There was a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Cui Jishu was about to give the order to stop the march.An order to take a break in the woods. "Hula la" a sound.Two riders jumped out of the woods.

"Hey. I planted this tree. I opened this road. If you want to live from now on, save money to buy roads. If you dare to say the word no. Let's see. Kill or not bury." Cui Jishu was wondering.Then there was a sudden thunder-like shout from the sky and the earth.The horse that Cui Jishu was sitting on neighed so much that he stood up.Straight to lift him down.fell to the ground.

This loud roar was too shocking.The five hundred soldiers present were all dizzy from the shock.The horse pulling the cart was so shocked that it foamed at the mouth.Limp on the ground.The carriage swayed left and right.It took a long while to stop.

"Ah. What's the matter. What happened. Whoops..." The voice of the spy in the carriage was very high.His tone was full of fear and anger.

Cui Jishu groaned and got up from the ground.and looked toward the one who was shouting.I was also very angry in my heart.

Hearing the roar earlier, Cui Jishu thought it was such a fierce person blocking the way.At this time, it is not the case.The two people blocking the way were tall and short.But they are all very thin people.They are disheveled and dry.Beneath the dull hair was a thin face.Ragged and dirty clothes.The exposed skin in many places is also very dirty.And the horses they sat on were really poor.It turned out to be a skinny and naive horse.And the hair color on the body is also very messy.It is simply unsightly.

"What's going on. Oh hello. Are they all dead? I don't know how to help Sa's family." Cui Jishu was about to speak.A white face does not need.The eunuch, about thirty years old, struggled to get out of the carriage.His face was full of anger.Swearing in the mouth.One hand was still rubbing his forehead.over there.There is a blood-red mark clearly visible.

"Godfather. Be careful. Don't fall." A crisp voice sounded.A little eunuch with red lips and white teeth came down from the car.Looking at the middle-aged eunuch with flattery and worry.

"Who is so bold? How dare you hit your godfather. Doesn't it mean he doesn't want to live?" The little eunuch glared at the surroundings angrily.Said grimly.

"Hey, you little baby. Why can't you hear my king's words. Hurry up and take out the money to buy roads. Otherwise, don't blame the king for being ruthless." The tall one among the highway robbers saw that no one paid attention to him for a long time.Immediately screamed in anger.While vigorously urging the horse under his crotch to take a few steps.While waving his right hand.

at this time.Cui Jishu found out.The robber was actually holding a hatchet in his hand.It's just that the hatchet is full of gaps.Reminding Ji Shu, he could only laugh and cry.He slapped the dust off his body.At the same time, he looked at the two robbers jokingly and helplessly.

Can this really kill people?

"Who are you? How dare you be so bold. Do you know who the Sa family is?" The little eunuch took a few steps.Hands on hips.The lower jaw is slightly raised.He looked at the robber with disgust and anger.The sound was very shrill and piercing.

"Shut your beak. Little baby. Are you blind or something. This king is stealing money. Do you understand the money grabbing. Hurry up and take out all the money on your body. Otherwise, let's see the king's money." means." The tall robber glared angrily.But his sallow face and emaciated body really lacked deterrent power.

"Come here. Capture these two life-or-death creatures for the Sa family. Only by skinning them can I vent my hatred." The little eunuch was about to play tricks again.The middle-aged eunuch was impatient.Looking at the two robbers gloomyly and resentfully, he roared.

"Yes." The soldiers behind who were a little embarrassed by the robber's roar immediately responded in unison.Holding the spear in his hand, he roared and rushed towards the robbers.

"Dead eunuch. I really don't have any kind. You guys with kindness. You actually worked for that kindless guy. I'm really ashamed of my parents. Yah." The tall robber looked at the soldiers who were gradually approaching.He cursed rather disdainfully.And spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm towards the front.

The robber looked emaciated.The ability to spit is first-rate.The thick yellow phlegm crossed a parabola.Over a distance of seven or eight meters.Unexpectedly, with a "snap", it accurately hit the front door of the soldier running at the front.

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