Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 198 Sir, please take off your clothes

"Ah, damn it, I'm going to kill you," the soldier stretched out his hand, and the disgusting and viscous phlegm covered his entire cheek, which made people want to vomit. Gaining strength, he rushed forward like a wild beast.

"Lihua, the wind is tight, tear up," the tall robber yelled in horror, turned his horse's head and ran towards the woods, while the short robber who hadn't said a word was even faster and had already He steered the nauseous horse into the woods and disappeared.

Slow to say that the [-] soldiers with sound functions, even the two eunuchs who had lost their penis, were completely enraged by Gao Xing's provocative and contemptuous words, as well as his extremely disgusting actions. All the soldiers shouted crazily, The screaming robbers rushed forward. If it wasn't for the lack of weapons in their hands, the middle-aged eunuch Guo Gonggong would probably go into battle himself.

"Don't run, stop if you have the guts," all the soldiers shouted loudly while running wildly after chasing into the forest.

"Bah, you gang of eggless eunuchs, you are ashamed of your ancestors, what are you doing out there," the tall robber slapped his hips frantically, while spitting and cursing behind him, trying his best The ability to insult and contempt.

"Ah, you son of a bitch, you want to die, rush and kill him," the soldiers were furious, and the speed of sprinting became faster and faster.

However, the horse under the bandit's crotch looked weak, but because of his thin body, he was not hindered much in the forest, and the bandit didn't know if it was intentional, and always dangled in front of the soldiers. As he said, the unsightly words popped out of his mouth, which made people want to go crazy.

No one noticed that the short robber had disappeared at some point, while the soldiers went deep into the woods. They were already out of breath and exhausted under the running of the tall robber leading them by the nose.

"Hey, you guys who don't grow, grandpa won't be with you anymore, you go on, haha," about a quarter of an hour later, the tall robber suddenly turned around and showed a bright smile, and said something loudly.

Under the astonished gazes of the soldiers, he jumped off the horse, blinked at the crowd, and then ran into the depths of the woods with a wild smile. After a few blinks, he could no longer see the shadow. Seeing the speed, all the soldiers were dumbfounded, thinking in their hearts: Is this still that thin robber?

For some reason, when all the soldiers chased the two robbers away, leaving only Cui Jishu, godson Guo Liang, and himself, Guo San suddenly felt restless, but he looked around. Look, under the bright sun, the field of vision is very wide, and there is nothing dirty on the ground, which also makes him feel at ease.

However, just after half a cup of tea time, there was a sudden noise by the edge of the forest, and then Guo San saw the short robber go and come back. Looking at the robber's smiling eyes, Guo San finally understood Why are you upset.

"Who are you? Don't you know that Sajia is the eunuch handpicked by the emperor? If you dare to hurt me, you will be exterminated by the nine clans." After all, Guo San is a person who has seen the world. There was no change, he looked at the short robber sharply, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Hehe, you eunuch, you dare to speak hard when you are about to die. If Gao Wei has the ability, just go and kill my nine clans. I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts." Laughing like a bell, and looking at Guo San with teasing eyes, everyone knew that the robber was actually a woman.

"Bold, the name of the Holy One is also called by you, a pariah at will," the little eunuch Guo Liang pointed at the short robber and snapped.

"Sure enough, you are a dog slave. Even if you are dying, you will not forget to be loyal to your master. It is really courageous," the short robber sighed and shook his head, looking at Guo Liang with sympathy.

"Oh, what a braggart, let's see how my father-in-law takes down you, a rebellious pariah," Guo Liang said coldly with an angry look on his face, and rushed towards the short robber with his sleeves rolled up.

The short robber seemed to be dumbfounded, with his hands hanging down his legs, motionless, and he didn't make the slightest defensive movement.

Seeing this, Guo Liang couldn't help showing a cruel smile on his face. He had already decided that he must capture this bastard who spoke rudely and dared to offend his godfather alive, and tortured her in every possible way, so that he could not live or die.

"It's too slow,"

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Just when Guo Liang's hands were about to pinch the short robber's neck, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded in Guo Liang's ear. Guo Liang was taken aback for a moment. I only felt a pain in my shoulder, and my body was thrown backwards like riding a cloud.


Guo Liang fell more than one meter before landing on the ground, stirring up a cloud of flying dust. The violent impact made him sore all over, his breathing was difficult, and he couldn't get up for a long time.

"The strength is too weak," the short robber clapped his hands lightly, without looking at Guo Liang, and said to Guo San with a smile.

"Hiss," reminding Ji Shu and Guo San to take a breath at the same time, the look in their eyes when they looked at the short robber completely changed, becoming serious and vigilant, who would have thought that this seemingly weak person actually contained such a thing in his body With such a great power, the two looked at each other, feeling a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"This strong man, no, miss, if you are really in trouble, I still have some money here, you can use it."

As he spoke, Cui Jishu took out the money bag from his sleeve and waist, took out two copper coins from it, looked at it, and took out another coin. When the three coins were taken out, the money bag deflated in an instant. Obviously, this was almost Remind Ji Shu of all his belongings.

Cui Jishu tossed three copper coins to the short robber, and advised him kindly: "Rooting a house is an illegal activity after all, and it can't last long. It's right for Miss to find something to make a living."

Cui Jishu's attitude is relatively gentle, and he doesn't have the domineering appearance of Guo San and his son at all. Cui Jishu still understands the living standards of the people in Northern Qi today, so he sympathizes with but also helpless for the poor who can't survive and take risks. He is proficient in medicine himself, and he doesn't look down on ordinary grassroots like Guo San.

"I didn't expect you to be a good official, no wonder brother Xing didn't want to embarrass you," the short robber caught the money thrown by Cui Jishu, exclaimed with a mouthful of fine white teeth on his somewhat dirty face.

"Who is Brother Xing?" Cui Jishu asked suspiciously.

The short robber was about to speak, when there was a clatter in the woods behind him, and soon a person came out, it was the tall robber, and behind him were two fat and strong horses The two naive horses are too strong to count.

"Brother Xing," the short robber called out in surprise.

"Lihua, are you okay," the tall robber said with a light smile, but the concern in his tone was not difficult to hear.

"No," the short robber walked briskly to the tall robber and stood still.

"Who is your Excellency, and why did you block Cui's way?" Cui Jishu couldn't see that this was a premeditated action at this time, so he had been an official for so long.

"Master Cui was shocked. Let's talk about it later. Let me get rid of the eye-catching guy first." The tall robber cupped his hands and said in a gentle tone. Although he was still in rags, Cui Jishu could feel it. He has a noble and refined temperament.

"Lihua, go and wait for me over there," the tall robber said to the short one with a smile, and took a clay pot from a horse he brought.

The short robber was startled, and quickly understood what was going on. A trace of unbearableness flashed in his eyes, but he still didn't say anything. He nodded obediently, and led the two horses towards the distance.

"Master Cui, you can go there too," the tall robber said politely, but there was a hint of doubt in his tone. Although Cui Jishu was full of doubts, he didn't say anything, and nodded towards the short robber direction.

After urging Ji Shu to leave tens of meters away, the tall robber turned his gaze to Guo San.

Looking at the indifference and dead silence in the eyes of the tall robber, Guo San's heart trembled, a feeling of fear slowly brewed in his chest, and gradually increased. He stepped back in a panic, and shouted harshly: " What do you want to do, the Sajia is the eunuch of the Chief of Rituals, and is favored by His Majesty, if you dare to do harm to the Sajia, you have to be careful not to lose your head, "

"Gao Wei's confidant, that's the best thing, don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame you for being my enemy in this life," the tall robber said in a low voice, walking towards Guo San slowly, with compassion on his face smile.

"Don't come here, don't come here, come here, come here quickly," Guo San screamed in horror as he looked at the robber who was full of evil spirits, and the shrill voice was heard far away.

"Rest in peace," the tall robber was very fast, and as soon as Guo San's voice fell, his right hand stuck to Guo San's throat, and he made a strong hand without any hesitation. After a slight "click", Guo San Sana's pupils, which were still full of fear, began to gradually slacken.

"Where do you want to go?" the tall robber suddenly said lightly. Guo Liang, who was getting up quietly and preparing to escape, felt extremely frightened all over his body, and stumbled and fell to the ground again.

"Don't kill me, don't," Guo Liang used all four limbs, backed up, and wailed and begged in his mouth. His originally white face had already turned bloodless, and cold sweat poured down his forehead.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can't do it," the tall robber sighed, and the compassion on his face became more and more intense. The next moment, after Guo Liang let out an "uh", his fresh life was gone with the wind, and the eyes in his eyes Nostalgia for this world remains.

Next, Cui Jishu saw from a distance that the tall robber beheaded the rough horse that the short robber was riding on, and piled it on Guo Liang's carriage together with the bodies of Guo Liang and his son, and then put the clay pot in his hand Open it and pour the liquid over the corpse and the carriage.

Seeing this, Cui Jishu already understood that the purpose of the tall robber was to set fire. Sure enough, after a short time, with a bang, the corpses of Guo Liang, father and son, and the dead horse burned violently, and the smell of barbecue wafted in the air. .

"My lord, please take off your clothes," the tall robber came to Cui Jishu, cupped his hands and said,

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