Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 199 The sky has changed

Cui Jishu was very surprised by the tall robber's words. He was so stunned for a moment that he forgot his words and actions.

"My lord, please take off your clothes and hand over your official letter," the tall robber repeated.

Cui Jishu looked at the tall robber carefully, and looked at his dirty face, but his eyes were very clear. Cui Jishu didn't ask any more questions, gritted his teeth, took off his official uniform, and took off the hat on top Pass it to the tall robber together.

"Thank you," the tall robber grinned and nodded at the shorter robber. The latter understood and immediately took out a black robe from the package on the horse's back and handed it to Cui Jishu.

The tall robber quickly threw Cui Jishu's clothes into the raging fire, but he threw the hat, which was stained with horse blood and the official seal, by the side of the fire, which could guarantee that it would not be burned.

After all this was done, the anxious and panicked shouts of the five hundred soldiers sounded in the woods. Knowing that they were about to come out, the tall robber did not hesitate, and while pushing the short robber onto his horse, he said to Cui Jishu, "My lord, please get on the horse,"

Cui Jishu remained silent again, and faithfully followed Gao Xing's words and got on another steed.

Through the previous actions of the tall robber, Cui Jishu already understood that his purpose of doing this was not to destroy the body, but to prove the false impression that Cui Jishu was dead. Cui Jishu believed that with the help of the tall robber, Guo Liang and his son The method of killing, if he wanted to harm himself, even if he resisted, it would be useless. What's more, from the beginning to the end, the two robbers did not show hostility towards him.

The tall robber smiled slightly, shared a ride with the short robber, and headed west first.

The horse galloped all the way, and it took about half an hour before the tall robber controlled the horse to stop. Cui Jishu also stopped the horse, looked at the tall robber quietly, and waited for his explanation.

The tall robber got off his horse, and under Cui Jishu's surprised and startled eyes, he quickly threw his claws with both hands, and the hair like dry grass fell in pieces, revealing a shiny bald head.

"Master Cui, I am happy, my father Gao Changgong," the tall robber casually took a brocade handkerchief handed over by the short robber, wiped off the dirt on his face, revealed his true colors, and saluted Cui Jishu respectfully, smiling said gently.

"Hiss," Cui Jishu gasped, holding the reins tightly with both hands, his eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Regarding the identities of these two robbers, Cui Jishu had guessed in every possible way, and he also suspected that these two were sent by Gao Changgong to hinder his actions so that he could be more fully prepared, but he would never have thought that, This robber turned out to be the joy that everyone in the world wanted to find.

"Master Cui, I offended you a lot in the previous incident, I hope you will forgive me." Gao Xing naturally knew that Cui Jishu was shocked by his sudden appearance.

"It turned out to be Mr. Gao." Cui Jishu glanced at him with emotion, then got off his horse, his face straightened, and then said: "Speaking of which, Mr. Gao is still Cui's savior, and it's too late for Cui to be grateful. How dare you?" blame,"

"My lord is too serious," Gao Xing said quickly.

"I don't dare to forget the grace of saving my life. My son, please accept Cui's worship," Cui Jishu shook his head solemnly, and then respectfully bowed down to Gao Xing with all his clothes on.

After Cui Jishu returned to his hometown in Boling, he still had correspondence with Zhao Yanshen in letters. When he sighed and sighed about the joint letter, he knew from Zhao Yanshen that the real savior was joy, but joy was far away in Yecheng at that time. , even if Cui Jishu wanted to thank him, it would be inconvenient. I am happy to meet you this time, so I should thank you no matter what.

"Your Excellency, don't do this. Gao is not only a white man, but also a criminal of the imperial court. You shouldn't be like this." Gao Xing hurriedly supported Cui Jishu's arms, and did not let him bow down.

What Gao Xing did in Chang'an City not only made the Northern Zhou royal family lose face, but also made the Northern Qi royal family feel ashamed. Gao Wei was furious at the aggressiveness of Tang Guogong Li Yan in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, so he issued an edict on the spot to revoke the In order to be happy with the title of Duke of Huaiyang County and the official position of Yingzhou Governor, Gao Xing is indeed a veritable white body at this time.

"Cui's life is not as precious as gold and jade, but it is not worthless. The young master saved my family from being punished. This is such a great kindness, even if I die, I will not forget it. Please ask the young master to accept Cui's gift. "Cui Jishu's face was very serious. Although his strength was far from being happy, he still bowed down obstinately, with too much force, his face was flushed.

"My lord, the reason why the boy is you is that I don't want you, a good official for the country and the people, to be framed by traitors. I hope you can keep a useful body and work for the welfare of the people of the world. If you really want to thank the boy, then Please use all your talents from now on to let the poor people in the world live a better life," Gao Xing let go of Cui Jishu's arms, took a step back, and said solemnly.

Cui Jishu was startled at first, frowned and pondered for a while, then he suddenly raised his head, his eyes were shining brightly looking at him, his mouth was slightly opened, the beard on his chin trembled slightly, and he couldn't speak for a moment.

"My lord, you must be aware of the current situation of my Daqi. The temple is full of treacherous villains. They harm the country and the people, and kill the loyal and good. The mountains and rivers that Emperor Shenwu spent his whole life building are now gradually shattered and dying. I am happy to be Gao The children and grandchildren dare not compare their talents to the supernatural, but they can't just watch the great foundation left by the ancestors be ruined, even if I die for it, I will not hesitate." Looking at Cui Jishu's eyes happily, he said sonorously, his His eyes became extremely deep and fiery, with a firm and persistent look on his face.

Cui Jishu was amazed, looking at the joy in shock and curiosity. At this moment, from this ragged boy, he saw the ambition to look down on the world and the domineering arrogance. Gao Wei did not have this kind of momentum, nor did Gao Changgong. At this moment, Cui Jishu seemed to see the Gao Huan who galloped the world decades ago, made all the people submit, and made Yu Wentai terrified.

"My lord, Gao Wei is not only fatuous and incompetent, but also jealous of the virtuous and capable. He not only brutally killed the general Hu Luguang, but also killed you and Zhang Diao and other loyal officials and good generals. As for my father, he is pressing every step of the way. Get rid of him soon, now, the Yuwen family in the west, the Chen family in the south, and the Turks in the north, all of them are eyeing us, but Gao Wei is only obsessed with women and ignores state affairs," said happily and angrily One sentence, and then the tone slowed down, and he said very earnestly: "My lord, when this country is in danger, I hope you can put the people of the world first and help my father,"

Although Cui Jishu already had guesses in his heart, he was still very shocked when Xing Xing clearly revealed his intention of rebellion. Cui Jishu frowned tightly, weighing the pros and cons in his heart and thinking hard. Breakfast is not a trivial matter. Cui Jishu is not a carefree poor like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, he can fight hard and don't care about everything else.

In this world, high returns are always accompanied by huge risks.

If Gao Changgong succeeded in the rebellion and became the lord of the Northern Qi Dynasty, then Cui Jishu's participation in this matter must have contributed a lot. Naturally, he can be expected to be a high-ranking official. The consequences are also very serious.

According to what Gao Xing said, Gao Changgong's rebellion seems to have become inevitable, but how much chance does he have of winning? Huaizhou is a mere state, and there is no natural danger to defend. There is Gao Wei in the front and Chen Xu in the back. to win.

"My lord, I know this is a big deal, so I don't expect you to agree immediately. Otherwise, your lord will go to Xuyi to help you make a final decision." Seeing Cui Jishu's silence, the expression on his face changed. Stop, happy to know why he was in trouble, so he said with a smile.

"That's fine," Cui Jishu sighed, nodded and said, for the current plan, he had nowhere to go, and happily created the illusion that Cui Jishu was dead. If he appeared alive again, what would Gao Wei do after seeing it? In the end, Cui Jishu knew everything without even thinking about it.

"Boy, I still have important things to do, so I won't go on the road with Master Cui, so I'm leaving," Gao Xing smiled, clasped his fists with Cui Jishu and said goodbye, then got on the horse's back, didn't stay any longer, and drove without looking back. The horse galloped north.

"The day is going to change," Cui Jishu looked up at the sky as he watched Xing Xing disappear in the billowing smoke. At some point, the sky became a little hazy. Just like Cui Jishu's state of mind at this time, it is also like the current state of the world. situation.

Cui Jishu, the envoy Gao Wei sent to greet Gao Changgong, was killed by someone in Xuzhou. The news exploded in Ye City like a bomb, especially Gao Wei was furious and overturned the office table on the spot.

On January 574, 23 A.D., the fifth year of Wuping, the Empress of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Gao Wei issued an edict against rebellion. In the name of the emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Gao Changgong was revoked from all his positions and titles, and decided to raise [-] troops on the second day of the next month and personally lead the expedition against Gao Changgong.

The news came out from Ye City, and the whole world was shaken. The people near Ye City rushed to tell the news, and Gao Changgong's reputation suddenly plummeted.

In the Jianghuai area, especially the people in Huaizhou, they resolutely defended Gao Changgong. They didn't know who the emperor was, but they knew that when Chen Guo attacked Jianghuai, it was the existence of Gao Changgong that supported them. The safe sky is precisely the existence of Gao Changgong, so that the people of Huaizhou can live a prosperous life without worrying about the oppression of noble landlords.

With Gao Wei's edict against rebellion, the situation in the entire Northern Qi Dynasty suddenly became tense, and soldiers and horses from all over the country started to move, especially those stationed outside Yecheng. Ready to head south.

The sudden changes in the Northern Qi made the Northern Zhou, Southern Chen, and Turkic all nervous, and they each quickly took defensive measures. After all, no one could guarantee that Gao Wei would sneak into Chen Cang under the guise of crusade against Gao Changgong.

Because of the death of Cui Jishu alone, the mainland that had just calmed down suddenly became turbulent.

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