Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 200 Very Good

"Brother Xing, it's getting late, and we have to continue our journey tomorrow, you should rest early," Yang Lihua said softly while sitting on the bed, looking at Gao Xing who was standing tall and looking out the window.

At this time, because she was in the inn, she didn't have to worry about others discovering her daughter's identity. Yang Lihua had already untied the white silk that restrained her breasts, and she was very slender and exquisite under the wrapping of a light-colored Hu suit. After more than a month, Yang Lihua's hair was about an inch long, and Gao Xing came to Beiqi from the Northern Zhou Dynasty. After working hard all the way, her face became more weathered, which made her less feminine, but she Three points more heroic spirit of a man.

On that day, Zhang Lihua was so happy that she supported her. After getting rid of Sima Fu and Shang Peng's entanglement, she quickly found a hidden place to heal her injuries. It took only one day for Zhang Lihua to heal [-]% of her injuries, and the wound on her chest had scabbed over. , the lung lobes are even more intact, all this is due to the "Longevity Jue" and the unique Buddha statue pendant.

During this day, the magical power continuously gushed out from the Buddha statue pendant, which not only increased Gao Xing's vitality, but also stimulated the huge potential in Gao Xing's body, and promoted the body's self-healing. Compared with the improvement of the injury However, what surprised me the most was that the "Secret of Longevity" finally broke through and reached the fifth realm.

With a healthy body, greatly improved skills, and being alone, it is not so difficult to leave Chang'an happily in this era of very lagging information.

Originally, Xing Xing thought that it would not be easy to find Yang Lihua in the huge Liangzhou territory, but she didn't want Yang Lihua to make any progress. She had been waiting for Xing Xing's arrival in the post house next to the pipeline outside the city.

After happily meeting Yang Lihua, the two set off again, heading south, passing through Xiaoliang, and then passing through Chen Guo, and finally returned to the territory of Northern Qi.

As soon as he set foot on the land of Qi State, countless gossips and rumors about him naturally spread into Gao Xing's ears. Being scolded as a prostitute by poking his spine, Gao Xing felt very uncomfortable, but he couldn't argue with a bunch of foolish people.

Just when Gao Xing was about to return to Xuyi, he suddenly heard that the emperor's envoy was about to arrive in Xuyi. Gao Xing immediately gave up the idea of ​​returning to Xuyi, and together with Yang Lihua stopped Cui Jishu and his party halfway.

Although Cui Jishu didn't "die" in Huaizhou, and there was no sign that Gao Changgong did it, but to Gao Wei, these are not important, what is important is that he has an excuse to attack Gao Changgong, a thorn in his side.

Knowing that Gao Wei issued an edict against rebellion and swore to go south with great fanfare, he was happy and did not show too much worry. He had already expected this kind of result, and it can be said that he had been looking forward to it for a long time. It's really not a wise move to be the first bird in rebellion.

However, in front of Gao Xing is a single-choice question, and it is a multiple-choice question with only two options, that is, war and surrender. .

In fact, Gao Changgong still has another way to go, and that is to run away, hide his name from now on, and don't ask about world affairs, but this way is slow to say that he will not choose it if he is happy. With Gao Changgong's self-esteem and pride in his heart, he would rather choose to die Fleeing away like a snake or rat, after more than half a year of development, Xuyi has gathered a considerable amount of money and supplies. Losing it, happiness means losing its foundation. If happiness wants to participate in the ranks of world hegemony, the difficulties will not be It can be counted.

When Gao Wei conquered Xuyi, there were [-] soldiers sent from Kyoto alone. In addition, there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers from states and counties along the road, especially those near Huaizhou. But Gao Xing did not want his power to be crippled, nor did he want Bei Qi to lose too much power due to the civil war. Therefore, Gao Xing did not choose to return to Xuyi with Cui Jishu, but went north with Yang Lihua to prepare for the upcoming war. The civil war added some chips, and also made the soon-to-be-turbulent continent more turbulent.

After more than ten days of trekking through mountains and rivers, eating and sleeping in the open air, on the second day of February, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua finally came to Jinyang City in Bingzhou Prefecture, one of the largest cities in Northern Qi Dynasty.

"Okay, you should go to bed early too. Following me these days has caused you a lot of hardship," Gao Xing turned around and smiled gently at Yang Lihua, a trace of guilt and heartache flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Xing is serious." Yang Lihua stood up, came to Gao Xing, raised her head and looked at Gao Xing tenderly, and said, "If you say that traveling thousands of miles is not hard, it is obviously a lie, but with Brother Xing, I am happy." I feel very happy and at ease. In the past, I was always worried that I would marry Yu Wenyun, a prince in the deep palace. From then on, I would lose my freedom like a bird in a cage. Fate, let me see a whole new world, "

"Your hair has grown a bit longer, and I don't know when it will grow that cloudy hair again. It's all my fault," Gao Xing stretched out her slender and fair palm, and gently stroked the soft hair on the top of Yang Lihua's head. stubble, guilt and regret filled his eyes.

"It's okay, the hair will always grow," Yang Lihua said shaking her head.

Smiling happily, he gently held Yang Lihua in his arms, closed his eyes and sniffed the fragrance of her body after bathing, his tired mind immediately eased a lot.

Yang Lihua also didn't open her mouth to speak, like a well-behaved kitten, lying quietly in Happy's arms, listening to the slow but powerful beating of her heart.

After a long time, Gao Xing opened his eyes and sighed before saying anything. Under Yang Lihua's worried and surprised eyes, Gao Xing asked softly: "Li Hua, what if one day I become enemies with your father and brother?"

"Qi and Zhou are enemies from the beginning," Yang Lihua was puzzled.

"Lihua, with your ingenuity, you must know what I want to do, and your father is a man of imperial destiny, and he will become a great weapon in the future. If one day in the future, for the sake of the country, I will appear with him What will you do on the battlefield," Gao Xing shook his head, looked at Yang Lihua seriously and said.

Yang Lihua's eyes widened immediately, and she said with disbelief: "Brother Xing, how can my father be a man of imperial fortune? His Majesty Zhou is now at the peak of his spring and autumn, the country is rich and the people are strong, don't say that my father is not wrong." With the heart of a minister, even if you have him, you won’t be able to succeed.”

Yang Lihua obviously didn't believe the happy rhetoric. Now that everything was booming in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and Yu Wenyong was a great talent, even if Yang Jian wanted to usurp the throne, he was powerless. What's more, Yang Lihua knew that his family was loyal and had no rebellious heart.

"Hehe, Lihua, what I said is true. Your father is a person favored by heaven. If it weren't for some special factors, he would definitely become the master of the world. As for whether your father will betray Zhou Guo, it is better not to act rashly at the moment." Let's make a conclusion, it's night, go to bed early," Gao Xing said with a light smile, then patted Yang Lihua's shoulder tenderly, then turned and left the room.

"Will Daddy really be disobedient as Brother Xing said? If one day they confront each other on the battlefield, what should I do?" After Gao Xing left, Yang Lihua sat on the bedside, frowning and thinking.

After leaving Yang Lihua's room, Gao Xing didn't go back to his room immediately, but stood quietly outside Yang Lihua's door, looking at the closed door in front of him with a look of unbearable and apologetic expression. Now the war is about to start, and the world will be in chaos again It is almost predictable that I am happy, and I will definitely compete with Yang Jian in the future. I am happy to ask this question, and I hope that Yang Lihua can be prepared in her heart, so that she will not be in a dilemma when she is really faced with this matter. Endless move.

I don't know when, Yang Lihua, who couldn't resist the exhaustion of the journey, finally fell into a deep sleep. He happily and gently covered Yang Lihua with a quilt, and looked at the sleeping beauty quietly. leave.

On the second day of February, under the attention of all the major powers in the world, he finally arrived. Gao Wei did not disappoint everyone. Early in the morning, he and Yecheng Imperial Palace ordered troops. In order to meet the war, he finally left Yecheng and went to the battlefield in person, but this was to conquer his elder brother surrounded by powerful enemies. For the sake of the civil war, it was a bit ironic.

Gao Wei set off, and Gao Xing also set off, but the directions of the two were opposite.

Not to mention how Gao Wei led [-] soldiers to show off their power and march towards Xuyi in a mighty way. After five days of running around, Gao Xing and Yang Lihua finally entered Guang'an County, Shuozhou Prefecture, on the evening of February [-]th. It's a happy destination.

Gao Xing and Yang Lihua washed up and had a full meal, then went to bed early and had nothing to say all night.

At noon the next day, Gao Xing got up from the bed full of energy. He asked Yang Lihua to rest in the inn, while he changed into an ordinary Hu suit and went out on the street.

Shuozhou is located in the northern border of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Even at noon, the weather is still a bit cold. Compared with the prosperity of Yecheng and Luoyang, the scene in Guang'an City is really bleak. Sparsely.

However, this place has more contact with Turkic and other nomadic peoples. Most of the people in the city wear some thick Hufu, which seems to have a fierce air, and the gentleness and delicateness of the south is less in the speech, and more rough and heroic. .

Gao Xing walked leisurely on the street with his hands folded behind his back, while feeling the different folk customs, while carefully observing the various constructions in Guang'an City, and gradually approaching the center of the city.

Suddenly, there was a commotion not far away, and there were occasional cries of women. Xing Xing stopped walking and looked to the side.

On the broad avenue, some common people gathered from a distance, their faces were mostly angry, but they were timid, even though they were discussing a lot, they were evasive.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, maybe this trip will get what I want, so I walked two steps quickly to the lively place when I was happy, I looked up and saw a middle-aged man tightly holding a handsome man. The woman's small hands, her face full of obscene smiles.

The middle-aged man looks very good, but there is a hint of yin and arrogance between his eyebrows and eyes, and he looks very mean. He is wearing a very luxurious Hu suit, obviously of extraordinary status, and there are still people around him. Followed by seven or eight burly men, each with a swollen face and a fierce look.

"Brother, what happened," Gao Xing frowned, he had already guessed a little bit about the situation, but he still asked the people around him.

"Ai, what a crime, the bone-bone light-ben is harming women again, alas,"

"Ku Gu Guang Bian, it's him, very good, very good," Gao Xing heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said "very good" twice,

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