Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 308

Gao Chang was defeated again. The people in Jiangsu Province did not seem to be too surprised by the news. Gao Changgong is the God of War, the patron saint who guards the Northern Qi and prevents Chen *jun from overstepping the barrier. Gao Chang is just a brat, although he is brave, But after all, he was young, so his failure seemed reasonable and inevitable.

Gao Xing was defeated, the entire army of 3 horses was annihilated, and his whereabouts were unknown. The entire Jiangsu Province can be said to be like a lamb in the wild, with little resistance at all. For those who stand up and resist, it is undoubtedly a godsend opportunity.

Qian Yuan, about forty years old, is the head of the money gang. He is not tall, and he is slightly fat. He looks kind and friendly, but whoever thinks he is easy to get along with is definitely an old man. Wrong.

As the head of the Qiang Gang that runs across the Yangtze River waterway, the number of life lawsuits in his hands cannot be counted with both hands, especially the Qiang Gang forcibly occupying the waterway and exploiting the merchants and boatmen in the past, it can be described as extremely shameless and despicable.

The people on the Yangtze River waterway dare not speak out, one is because the money gang is in league with the local officials, and the other is that the money gang has a large number of people, and Qian Yuan is skilled in martial arts. You know, this money gang is still a peripheral organization of Baihua Palace, and ordinary people really dare not offend that huge backer.

At the end of September, Qian Yuan came to Jiangsu at the invitation of his friends in Renzhou. He wanted to do a big business. The Qiang Gang occupies the golden waterway of the Yangtze River. He traveled all the way to Qi, and he had other things to do this time.

Some time ago, Baihua Palace suddenly issued an order to send people to Nanqingzhou to investigate the whereabouts of a person named "Ling Xiaoyun". The latter's task was not completed, but it was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, and there was no news at all.

Not to mention that Tian Meng is as close as a biological brother to him, and the Qiang Gang is well-known in the world, but Tian Meng disappeared without a trace, which undoubtedly slapped Qian Yuan in the face.

Qian Yuan is obviously not a reckless person, otherwise he would not be able to run the huge money gang well and become one of the spokespersons for the peripheral members of Baihua Palace.

Over the past few months, he has made secret investigations, and finally found out that the deaths of Tian Meng and others were related to Gao Xin. Knowing the truth, Qian Yuan felt a little troubled. Gao Xin is not a knight who walks the rivers and lakes. He is a warlord with a lot of soldiers and horses in his hands, and the money gang wants to fight against it, it is like hitting a stone with an egg, especially the rumored Gao Xin's martial arts are superb, and his reputation of fighting three thousand soldiers alone is even more famous all over the world.

There is another reason why Qian Yuan didn't dare to come to Gao Xin to seek revenge, that is, the Northern Qi Dynasty is the sphere of influence of the Moon Worship Sect, if he acted rashly, it would not be a good thing to attract the Moon Worship Sect.

Maybe it was God's favor, Qian Yuan didn't have to wait long for an excellent opportunity to come. The Northern Qi Emperor ordered Huaiyin King Gao Anagong and Gao Changgong to put down the rebellion at the same time. At the invitation of Qian Yuan, Qian Yuan was anxious to have more than a thousand experts under his command, divided into dozens of groups, dressed as business travelers, and traveled day and night to Renzhou City.

When he first arrived in Renzhou City, Qian Yuan was still a little trembling, but when he saw Gao Xing easily defeated the Sui Prince's son, he felt contemptuous of him, and when the news that Gao Xin was going to attack the Huaizhou military camp on the seventh day of October Yuan's friends had already known about it, and reported it to Sui Wang Gao Changgong.

Sure enough, Gao Xing was defeated, completely defeated, the entire army of [-] was wiped out, and his whereabouts were unknown, so Qian Yuan and others took advantage of the night to launch a counterattack. The fact is indeed true, Qian Yuan and others conquered the other three gates of Renzhou City except the East Gate in lightning speed, and the government officials who were in charge of ordinary security in the city were also easily subdued.

However, what is disturbing is that Zhang Diao, the governor of Jiangsu Province, and Wu Sangui, the evil god, are missing, but Qian Yuan is unaware of this. Going down the East City Gate, the Sui King's tens of thousands of troops could drive straight in, and it would be useless for Ren Gaoxin to be overpowered.

The common people, who have been through the war for a long time, seem to have gotten used to the noisy and brutal killings in the city. They just closed the door numbly, stuffed their heads tightly into the bedding, and waited for the dawn in fear and numbness.

"Brothers, Gao Xin is inhumane and disobedient. We turned against him today and demoted the imperial court. The king of Sui must reward you a lot. Go ahead." He jumped suddenly, but at this time the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. He could only roar and rush forward first.

"Thief, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Brothers, let the arrows go," just as Qian Yuan led the crowd to 30 meters in front of the city gate, an angry shout suddenly came from the dark city gate.

Hearing the angry shout, Qian Yuan was terrified. Just as he was about to speak out to remind everyone to dodge, there was a "swoosh" piercing sound from above his head, followed by the sound of sharp knives piercing into flesh and the horrified death of his brothers. The screaming sounds are intertwined in one place.

"Withdraw, withdraw," Qian Yuan's heart seemed to bleed, since the other party had been waiting for a long time, he obviously knew the actions of himself and others, and it would not help if he tried his best.

"If you want to leave, it's not so easy, Qian Yuan, come and let me know how powerful you are." Qian Yuan turned around and wanted to escape, but suddenly a cold and joking voice came from in front of his face, Qian Yuan looked up, He was seeing a very handsome black-clothed boy holding a Senhan long sword, who else would come if it wasn't Wu Sangui.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, accept the move," Qian Yuan roared, suddenly waved the pair of water thorns in his hand, and rushed towards Wu Sangui, looking as majestic as a tiger on the mountain.

Wu Sangui just let out a cold snort, still unafraid, he raised his footsteps lightly, and then his body came leisurely, swift as the wind, and the sword glow cut down like a horse.

"Ding ding ding,"

Amidst the dense clash of gold and iron, countless flames splashed, Wu Sangui and Qian Yuan fought together, strong winds blew up, and phantoms surrounded them, making it hard to see clearly.

The five hundred disciples of the Money Gang were stunned by the rain of arrows pouring down from the top of the city. No less than 200 people died on the spot, and more than [-]% of the injured were injured. However, Zhouzhou killed two thousand soldiers to block their way.

Qian Yuan tried his best, but he couldn't easily break free from Wu Sangui's entanglement. He could only listen to the miserable cries of his own people in his ears. After thirty moves, Qian Yuan let out a low growl, and wanted to use a method that would hurt both sides. After getting away, he suddenly heard the city gate open behind him, and the shocking shouts of killing sounded.

Qian Yuan glanced at it for a while, and was so startled that he was so scared that he was so happy that he killed him back. Besides, there were probably no less than ten thousand people around him, and they were like wolves and tigers. A few breaths and all died.

Seeing Gao Xin's return, Wu Sangui's morale surged, he gave a light reprimand, and took advantage of Qian Yuan's distraction to intensify his attack, stabbing Qian Yuan's arm with just three moves, and the latter was seriously injured and fell to the ground after five more moves. Seal the throat with a sword.

Gao Xing returned with [-] elite soldiers, and the rebellious forces in the city naturally collapsed. In just half an hour, all the rebellion fell silent. As for those who participated in the rebellion, Gao Xing was naturally not polite. The family property was confiscated, and Jiangsu Province's tight finances were greatly relieved.

When Gao Xing quelled the rebellion, Sui Wang Gao Changgong came late, but he could only feint for a while, leaving thousands of arrows under the city and leaving angrily.

On the eighth day of October, Gao Changgong was gathering troops and horses to attack Renzhou City. Suddenly news came from behind: Huaiyin County was suddenly turned against by Chen Guoce, Chen *jun suddenly made a northern expedition, and Huaizhou was in crisis. Gao Changgong no longer cared about attacking Renzhou. City, leaving [-] troops to deter Jiangsu, while the others hurried back to Huaizhou, preparing to fight Chen Guo.

Knowing that Gao Xin went to Renzhou City, Jiangsu Province to fight Gao Changgong, Gao Anaji was naturally happy. Although Jeju and Qizhou had no soldiers to use, he inherited the title of Gao Chuo Taiwei. Was it a fraud? At his command, Gao Anagong mobilized [-] troops and prepared to march towards Xinghua City on the fifth day of October.

Although Sangui and Gao Wei of the Northern Qi Dynasty both disliked Gao Changgong, no one would doubt his ability to fight on the battlefield, and let him restrain him. , the probability of capturing Xinghua City is very high.

However, just when Gao Anagong was full of ambition and vowed, bad news suddenly came from other states and counties. However, all the generals who received Gao Anagong's order to gather troops and horses to fight against rebellion were more or less in trouble. An assassin's assassination, death or serious injury means that the lives of family members and friends are threatened.

When the news came out, everyone was in danger, and Gao Anaku's speed of gathering soldiers and horses was greatly reduced. Gao Anagong was also taken aback by the news, and hid under the heavy guard of soldiers all day long, feeling aggrieved.

On October 20th, Gao Anagong finally mobilized [-] troops and vowed to march eastward to completely wipe out the bandits, but suddenly there was a rebellion in Huaiyin County in the south. Chen *jun marched northward, Gao Changgong withdrew, and Gao Xin returned to Xinghua City news.

Xinghua City, which is also happy to sit in the city, is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Gao Anagong is only a man who is trying to drill camp, and his talents are limited. In addition, Gao Chuo's 18 army has been newly defeated. He dare not go east easily for a while, especially himself. It is the cowardly people who like to enjoy themselves and are tired of weapons. Naturally, they don't want to fight anymore at this time, so they put all the responsibility on Gao Changgong and Chen *jun, and hurried back home.

So far, the crisis in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces has been easily resolved. On the surface, Gao Xing lost [-] soldiers, but Xuyi has [-] elite soldiers, which is enough to account for half of Gao Xing's troops. Moreover, with these capable and loyal soldiers guarding Jiangsu, Jiangsu will naturally have no worries. If you are happy, you can develop the economy and people's livelihood with peace of mind, accumulate strength,

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