Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 309 Rui Xue's Prosperous Year

"Green Ant's new fermented rice wine. Red mud small stove. It's like snow in the evening. I can drink a cup. Master Cui. Gao Mou didn't know that you made good rice wine. Although I haven't tasted it yet. But it's mellow. The breath is already so tempting. Haha."

I am happy to sit in the gazebo in the back garden of the mansion in Xinghua City.Close your eyes gently.Said with a look of intoxication.

Although it was not dark yet.But the sky is full of dark clouds.It was cloudy.The cold north wind raged across the land like a blade.The flowers and plants in the courtyard have also withered.Everywhere is bleak.

Happy opposite.Cui Jishu, Governor of Shandong Province, was sitting.The old man was wearing a blue robe.It was covered with a gray cloak.Smiled amicably.

"Good poems. Good poems. I have long heard that the governor is not only outstanding in martial arts, but also has amazing literary talents. I just saw the rumors today and realized that the rumors are true. The governor's accomplishments in poetry are far beyond our comparison." Word.Cui Jishu's eyes widened instantly.High five applauded on the spot.

The north has been ravaged by the barbarians for hundreds of years.Many of the things left by the ancestors were lost in the flames of war.therefore.Excellent poetry and songs rarely appear in the Northland.years ago. The poem "Qingping Diao" shocked everyone in Yecheng.Even with Zuiyuelou, the business has improved a lot.And Zhang Lihua, who was praised by this poem, is even more popular.It's a pity that the woman is like a shining meteor.It's just a flash in the pan and then disappear.Let many literati and poets sigh.

"Master Cui praised it. Gao was just doing it out of pleasure. He was talking nonsense. It made him laugh." The happy smile was very modest.This poem is the work of Bai Juyi.Happiness is just a matter of whim.

"The governor is too modest." Cui Jishu smiled gently.Then pour the wine for pleasure himself.Then he said: "Your Excellency, this is the first glass of wine. I would like to respect you on behalf of the people of Shandong Province. I hope you are in good health. Your success will come soon." He said.Cui Jishu stood up.He bowed down solemnly and respectfully.

"Master Cui, you are too polite." Gao Xing quickly got up and helped.

"Your Excellency. I, Uncle Cui, have been an official for decades. I have seen a lot of knowledge. But I have never seen anyone as amazing as you, my lord."

talking.Cui Jishu stood up.His eyes were a little dim and he continued: "Since Emperor Wucheng ascended the throne, Qi State has been in a state of disrepair. The court is chaotic and traitors are rampant. The immortal feats of Emperor Shenwu have been ruined by his descendants. There are powerful enemies on the outside and bandits on the inside. .The people of Li are miserable."

Speaking of which.Cui Jishu suddenly changed the subject.Looking at Xing Xing with scorching eyes, he said: "As for you, the governor. You have only been in power for half a year. Shandong Province has undergone earth-shaking changes. The city is prosperous. The people are safe and peaceful. The treasury is rich and the army is strong. These are all your credit. Even if The King of Sui, whose martial arts and martial arts are far superior to ordinary people, is probably nothing more than this when he ruled Huaizhou. Yes, the governor must drink this glass of wine. This is not my Uncle Cui, who is respecting you. It is the respect of hundreds of thousands of people in the whole province. . Your Excellency please."

"Okay. I'll drink." Happy eyes moved slightly.Emotionally.After speaking firmly, he took the wine glass offered by Cui Jishu with both hands and suddenly drank it down.Pale green.The warm liquor immediately flowed down his throat.

Although the north wind howled outside the pavilion.Extremely cold.But sitting in front of the small red clay stove that is burning.I was happy but didn't feel the slightest bit of chill.The rice wine remaining on the lips and teeth is also extraordinarily mellow and refreshing.This is not just because Gao Xing bears a deep internal energy.It is because of the past few months.The momentum of development in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces is quite gratifying.Far beyond happy expectations.

This is not.Today is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.New Year's Eve is almost here.When I was happy, I had a chance to invite Cui Jishu to the house for a talk.One is to connect with emotions.Leisure and relaxation.The second is to talk about the current development of the two provinces and the upcoming problems.

October.Gao Changgong, king of the Sui Dynasty in the Northern Qi Dynasty, was ordered to crusade against the traitor Gao Xin.At first things were fine.Even break the thieves.There were 4 prisoners alone.It can be described as a great achievement.But just when Gao Changgong was about to go all out.When Gao Xin was completely wiped out.Huaiyin County suddenly rebelled.Chen Guo also took the opportunity to move his army northward.Gao Changgong had no choice but to return to the army to save himself.Naturally, the crusade against Gao Xin was shelved.

Time has slowly entered winter.It was freezing cold.Not suitable for expedition.In Northern Qi, natural disasters continued year after year.The flames of war continued.The national power has long since declined.The people are even more miserable.Gao Changgong has no time for him.In the case of Gao Ana's shy and timid battle.Gao Xin finally had time to continue to develop his plans.

Although I am happy to go south to fight.But Lu Zhishen did not let go of the abolition of the army.The [-] soldiers plus the original [-] soldiers and horses now only have four full-strength armies left.Big waves wash the sand.The rest are naturally masters.Not to mention being physically strong.Military literacy is sufficient.More importantly, it is loyal and reliable.Determined.

The embryonic imperial examination was also arranged by Cui Jishu.The supervision by Zhao Gou came to an end.Happy exams are as amazing as his previous administration measures.Although the title also involves the Four Books and Five Classics.Poems and songs.But ten times out of ten is a topic that has nothing to do with it.It left the test takers stunned.Scratch your ears and cheeks.

Those who read sage books are not necessarily gentlemen and honest officials.On the contrary, it may be a traitor wearing a Weishan mask.

This imperial examination.Many famous wits and calligraphers failed the rankings one after another.And the old scholars who worked hard to study knowledge also shed tears.On the contrary, some are often deviant.down and out.The son of a poor family who has experienced the sufferings of the world has achieved amazing results.be hired.Get rid of poverty and become rich.One step to the sky.

For the awarding of military ranks.The limits of pleasure are extremely strict.Be happy here.Military rank is not just treatment and rank.More important is honor.The reason why soldiers are not afraid of death.Defend the country.What supports them is the belief in their hearts.The dedication to guarding honor.They are not politicians.Simple and straightforward.But also the cutest.

Lu Zhishen is now the leader of a serious army.But the rank is only lieutenant colonel.And in the four reorganized armies.Among the team of more than [-] people.There are still many level-up officers who have not even obtained the lowest rank of second lieutenant.The scarcity of military ranks and the difficulty of obtaining them stimulated the Qingzhou Army even more.Now it has been renamed as the Training Enthusiasm of the Allied Forces of Rebels in Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces.Everyone held their breath in their hearts.Vow to obtain the honorable lintel of the military rank.

September.Gao Xing once allocated a sum of money to build a large cemetery in the north of Xinghua City.Signature Tomb of Heroes.In the Tomb of Heroes.There is also a majestic 18-meter stele.It is written: the people's heroes are immortal.

Happy to stipulate.Every warrior who died in battle will be buried in it.Worshiped and admired by the people.at the same time.Glad also ask.On the Ching Ming Festival every year.All officials below him must go to pay homage to the sleeping hero.

One will succeed and all will die.Although being a soldier and eating food means bloodshed and sacrifice.But being respected and being treated as cannon fodder are clearly two different things.

With the Tomb of Heroes.Military rank and generous treatment.There is also cultural and ideological education.Although the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces of the rebels in the two provinces did not skyrocket.But the will to fight is by no means comparable to that of ordinary troops.And one has faith.Thinking army.His potential is endless.

For the past two months.In the guidance of pleasure.After dozens of experiments by the craftsman Lu Ping.The steam engine was finally born.in those days.Watt improved the steam engine.sparked the Industrial Revolution.Since then, mankind has entered an era of soaring.

now.Although the birth of the steam engine could not give a kick to the wheels of human progress like the Watt era.But its appearance has also caused a gap between Gao Xingzhi and other places.And over time.This gap will become wider and wider.An extremely large force erupted.

Although the cold winter is not suitable for field farming.But the people in Shandong Province and Jiangsu Province are not idle.The two provinces are in the midst of booming development.Not to mention that construction everywhere requires a lot of labor.It is the newly established leather factory.match factory.Factories such as soap factories are also in short supply.

In my free time, besides practicing "The Secret of Longevity", I am writing books.To be precise, Happiness is dictating all the scientific knowledge he knows in his mind.Although most people at that time could not understand it at all.More will think it is a fallacy heresy.But happy to ignore these.Facts speak louder than words.

Although many supernatural events cannot be explained by science at all.But this cannot deny the existence and correctness of science.All roads lead to Rome.There are many theoretical systems to explain the truth of everything in the world.People need a more dialectical vision.rather than blind obedience.

With happy guidance.Countless novelty things were born.Simple and easy to use matches.Coal-fired tin stove.It is fragrant and tangy.Daily necessities such as soap that are convenient to use are produced.This not only greatly improved people's living standards.It also promotes local development and construction.Earn a lot of money for pleasure.

Yang Sanwan and Pei Nianqian who were the first to follow Gao Xing naturally also made a lot of money.Others are both envious and regretful.

Compared with a happy business.Landlords rely on tens of thousands of hectares of land.The money earned by working so hard is nothing at all.Can't compare.And at this time.Everyone couldn't help thinking.Is it right at all to regard the land as the sole means of survival?

Wealth and interests are touching.Countless people have cooperated with Happy through various channels.Happiness is naturally that those who come are not afraid.There is only interest.Only when it is ruled can it be like a piece of iron.Stability and unity.The "Commercial Law" is a good coordination of workers and businessmen.Interests and disputes between businessmen and businessmen.And only then did everyone discover the joyful foresight.


"Good wine. Good wine." Gao Xing put down his glass.Shake your head in admiration.Although this rice wine is not as sweet as distilled wine.But the entrance is soft and mellow.Great stamina.very good.

"Your Excellency Governor likes it. I still have a few altars at my place. Someone will bring them to you later." Jian Xing praised.Cui Jishu also smiled happily.Said cheerfully.

Gao Xing waved his hand and said: "I don't have any special hobbies for the things in this cup. I won't take away your love. Please sit down, Mr. Cui. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. You have worked hard for a year. Let's take this opportunity to have a good rest. "

"My lord, please." The two sat down politely.Cui Jishu stared at the increasingly thick dark clouds in the sky.Some looked forward to it: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year. I hope we will have a bigger harvest next year."

"Let me give you a good word. Let's drink." Happy hearty laugh.Cui Jishu also laughed out loud.

With the laughter of the two.Suddenly there was a thunderclap in the sky.Then there were snowflakes as big as goose feathers falling down.The snow is getting bigger and bigger.The earth was quickly covered by it.Wrapped in silver.Although it was snowing heavily outside.The cold wind raged.But the hearts of all the people in Shandong Province are extremely hot.full of hope.

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