Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 311 Someone Breaks into the Door

"Governor. Yu Wenyong was sick. Zhou Jun had to retreat. General Fu Fu wanted to take advantage of the situation to pursue him. But Qihe Fugui refused to agree. Although Qi State barely won the victory, it did not expand the results of the war. It was let go for nothing. Emperor Zhou."

Xinghua City.Happy mansion.

Zhang Shunzhi stood in front of Gao Xing respectfully.He stated to him about the Northern Zhou Dynasty's Eastern Expedition to the Northern Qi Dynasty.The outcome of the war was too dramatic.It makes people feel a little overwhelmed.Tens of thousands of people in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.The front line stretches for tens of hundreds of miles.The momentum is like a rainbow.mighty.Destroyed all the way.Unstoppable.But who would have thought.Fu Fu from Zhongtan City and Dugu Yongye from Jinyong City are so tough.Zhou Wu was stopped abruptly.Wait for reinforcements.

And even more incredible.Sighing that Gao Wei's life should not be terminated.Yu Wenyong actually fell ill at a critical moment of the war.This also means that the Eastern Expedition of the Northern Zhou Dynasty failed completely.

"It's time for Yu Wenyong to be ill." Gao Xing smiled indifferently.Not the slightest bit of worry or curiosity.But it is quite unpredictable.

"Why did the governor say that?" Zhang Shunzhi was stunned.Then he blurted out and asked.

"Yu Wenyong is not Gao Wei. He fights cocks and walks dogs all day long. He is sensual and sensual. His body is already broken. Yu Wenyong is an emperor who can ride a war horse. He can go to the battlefield. How can he be in poor health. The Eastern Expedition is at a critical juncture. How could Yu Wenyong be so easy?" Falling ill. The real reason why he did this. It was just that he didn't want the Eastern Expedition to suffer heavy losses. He just lost face." Gao Xing said with a confident smile.

Zhang Shunzhi frowned slightly.Think carefully about happy words.Although he was still a little confused.But I believe in happy words more.In Zhang Shunzhi's memory.His own governor seems to have the ability to predict the prophet.He knew the result before many things happened.

When Zhang Shunzhi was thinking.But I heard Gao Xing continue to say: "South of the Yellow River. Qi's defense is very tight. There are brave generals Fu Fu and Dugu Yongye in command. Even if the Zhou army is mighty, it must not be easy to win. Especially in Luozhou. Even if the Zhou people win One city and half a pool. Facing the continuous reinforcements from the Qi State, they can't hold on. Therefore, Yu Wenyong's strategy of marching from the south of the Yellow River this time was a mistake."

"A few years ago, Gao Si was prone to chaos. Although it has been more than a year. But the people of Bingzhou are in turmoil. The power is still very weak. And King Gao Yanzong of Ande has a gap with Gao Wei. The best strategy is to choose to attack Bingzhou. As long as Jin is destroyed Yang. The city of Ye has no barriers. The Zhou army can take advantage of the situation and win in one battle. What a pity. Yu Wenyong is too proud. He chose the wrong strategy for his own face. So the result of this Eastern Expedition is doomed .”

"But Yu Wenyong is really good. He is decisive and decisive. He is not procrastinating. It is far from Gao Wei's useless firewood. I know that there are Dugu Yongye and Fu Fu. The reinforcements from Qi State are coming again. Zhou Jun's chances of winning are slim. Even if he wins It was also a heavy loss. The gain outweighed the loss. Therefore, he was decisively 'ill'. Zhou Guo also had an excuse to withdraw troops."

"Ah. I see." Zhang Shunzhi suddenly opened his eyes wide.Exclaimed.

"How's the situation in the south recently?" Gao Xing smiled.then asked.

Zhang Shunzhi regained his composure. "Return to Governor. The war between Sima Fu and Chen Xu has reached a stalemate. Both sides will win or lose. But if we want to decide the winner, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"Well. Let them fight. All these years, Chen Guo has been focused on going north. Naturally, he has neglected the south. The year before last, he was defeated by Sui Wang and General Wang Lin. He suffered heavy losses. He returned without success last year. The morale of the army is far worse than before. And There is also a shortage of money, food and materials. Order Ye Jin to buy as much food as possible from Chen Guo and Zhou Guo. But it must be done in secret." Gao Xing nodded.Then he ordered in a low voice.

This year.Under happy guidance.Shandong and Jiangsu provinces produced many novel and practical things.It has a great impact on the entire Central Plains.Although Gao Wei has repeatedly ordered to strictly prohibit exchanging with the rebels.However, things produced in Shandong Province.Whether it is cloth clothing.Or match soap.Wine glasses etc. are all good value.The profits are huge.Countless businessmen and wealthy households could not resist the temptation.I would rather risk my life to trade with pleasure.Happy will naturally not refuse.

In this way.Although Shandong and Jiangsu are only a dozen states and counties.The population is less than one million.But the changes in the past year have been earth-shaking.Very prosperous.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties were not only politically chaotic.The economy is also in disarray.There are many types of currencies.The value varies.Very bad for trade.In particular, many people minted coins privately.It made the economy even worse at that time.

When Gao Xing was in Xuyi, he was used to trading grain and gold and silver.The same is true of the two provinces under his rule now.Except for official coins from the government.Happy to deny all other currencies.And for foreign business travelers.Happy but asked them to trade only in gold.

A large amount of real gold and silver flowed into Shandong and Jiangsu provinces.Countless goods flowed out.How can the two provinces not be prosperous.But the situation of a year.There are many factories in the two provinces.There are row upon row of houses in the city.The streets are bustling with traffic.

There is a lot of money.If you are happy, you will buy food in large quantities.Iron, coal and other industrial materials.Vigorously develop and expand your own strength.With coal and iron.Then there is the steam engine to help.Happiness can do more things.

"Yes." Zhang Shunzhi nodded.Gao Xing asked again: "How is the Renzhou battlefield?"

"Wu Sangui got your instructions. He led 2 horses to fight in the wild with the Huaizhou army every day. Although the screams were shocking and the momentum was terrifying. But both sides were in harmony. Basically, there were more injuries and fewer deaths."

"Yeah. Let them continue. Let the Huaizhou army assume a aggressive posture when necessary. Send some people who don't open their eyes to top the tank. Otherwise, if our place is too harmonious, Gao Wei will have trouble sleeping and eating. Today's Shandong , Jiangsu is not a grass arrow. It is a golden sword. Gold is everywhere. Not to mention Gao Anagong and Gao Wei are coveted. I am afraid that even Chen Xu and Yu Wenyong are coveting here." A touch of joy appeared on the happy face pride.The changes in the two provinces are indeed amazing.

Whether it is the royal family and nobles.Or traffickers.Who doesn't want to have inexhaustible glory and wealth all the time.The two provinces of Shandong and Jiangsu were originally poor and humble places.The wealth created today is envied by some people.

Zhang Shunzhi took the order.I am also quite proud in my heart.Although the take-offs in Shandong and Jiangsu are all thanks to the joy.But to be able to follow such a master.Create prosperity together.How could he not be happy and proud.

"Governor. Master Lu Ping, please see me." Gao Xing was about to let Zhang Shunzhi go down.But I heard someone from outside the house to report.

His eyes suddenly brightened with joy.He shouted "please hurry up".People have left the case.go to the door.

not long time.The study door was pushed open.Lu Ping in gray clothes appeared in front of the door.Although Lu Ping is no longer young.Looking tired.But a pair of eyes are getting brighter.His thin body is very vigorous.

Behind him followed a handsome young man.I hold a long one in my arms.Nearly half the length of a person.Things wrapped in black cloth.The things in the boy's arms seemed to be heavy.Because his hands are slightly white.Mouth pursed tightly.Sweat on forehead.You can tell one thing or two if the breath is short and heavy.

"Lu Ping sees the governor." Glad to see you.Lu Ping bowed immediately.

"Master Lu, don't be so polite. Please get up quickly." Lu Ping didn't wait for him to bend down.Gao Xing quickly grabbed his arms.He said with a sincere and gentle face.

"Thank you Governor." Lu Ping's smile was full of admiration and respect.And deep gratitude.

"Master Lu. Come in and talk. Please." Gao Xing gently supported Lu Ping's arm with one hand.Extend it into the house.

"Master Lu. Look at your expression. I'm afraid you have some good news to tell me." After happily asking Lu Ping to sit down, he asked with a smile.

"Thanks to my lord. The things you ordered your subordinates to make are now successful. Please take a look at your lord." He said.Lu Ping turned his head and called "Zhier".

The boy who followed Lu Ping immediately took a step forward.Put the things in your arms on the happy desk.

"Bang." The happy desk shook while making a muffled sound.It can be seen that the thing is really not light.

"Could it be Mo Dao." Gao Xing raised his eyes.While asking, he reached out and opened the black cloth package.reveal its contents.

The thing wrapped in black cloth is indeed a knife.The blade is thick.The blade glowed coldly.No blood yet.The chill on it has already made the hairs stand on end.

I am happy to hold the sword in my right hand.Hold it lightly in your hand.Feel free to dance a few times.Then there was the sound of whining wind.The cold is wanton.

"Good knife." Gao Xing put the Mo knife on the desk.Laughing and admiringly said.

Mo Dao is a double-edged sword.Very heavy.Appeared in Sui Dynasty in history.The lethality is astonishing.It is a big killer for heavy infantry.

There is joy in Shandong Province.Technology such as metallurgy and chemical industry has been developed by leaps and bounds.It is already very different from other places.Therefore, the quality of Mo Dao at this time is much lighter than that of Mo Dao in history.But more solid and sharp.The Modao Army in the Tang Dynasty were all burly men in the army.Powerful.It's just because the Mo Dao is too heavy.Ordinary people can't grasp it at all.The happy Mo Dao is light and strong.The requirements for users are greatly reduced.This is definitely a boon for infantry in the cold weapon era.

"Master Lu. Thank you for your hard work. Your technique has become more and more exquisite." Gao Xing stroked the cold and smooth blade.He sincerely praised.

I am glad that I have not killed science and technology in my mind.But it's all theory.It is Lu Ping's skill that makes what Gao Xing knows come true.Thereby creating a lot of wealth.For this old man.Happiness is admiration and respect from the bottom of my heart.Shandong and Jiangsu can achieve today's development.It is inseparable from Lu Ping's meticulous research day and night.

"The governor should never say that. Without your guidance, Lu Ping would have been just a craftsman all his life. He would never be able to make so many things. As long as he can help the governor, his subordinates will be satisfied." Lu Ping's words His face instantly became serious and serious.

Happy just wanted to talk.But suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.Then a guard exclaimed: "Your Excellency, someone broke into the door."

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