Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 312

Tong Ling's big eyes rolled up slightly.Look at the scorching red sun in the sky.Cheng Yaojin couldn't help pursing his slightly dry lips.I can't help but feel a little irritable.Even so.But his body is still straight as loose.The military uniform stretched tightly around the body.Coupled with his burly figure.Make him look more aggressive.

It has been a year since Cheng Yaojin joined the coalition forces of the two provinces.But this year, Cheng Yaojin has been quite troubled.He has been in good health since childhood.Like to be competitive.I often dream of being able to ride a horse with a whip.Gallop the world.

It's a pity that Gao Chuo is too stupid. The 18 army was easily destroyed by Lu Zhishen.And Cheng Yaojin had no choice but to be a prisoner of this class.

Although Cheng Yaojin was born in a wealthy family.But he really didn't have much loyalty to the Northern Qi royal family.Especially when Gao Chuo was in Jeju.There is no shortage of oppression and humiliation of local officials and nobles.Cheng Yaojin's Lao Tzu is naturally among them.

Cheng Yaojin was very happy.I thought it was due to his amazing physical strength and martial arts.At any rate, he can become a general.I never thought about it, but I can only be a soldier.Every day must also endure the wind and the sun.Do some unknown training.There is no real battle with the enemy at all.This is too boring.

Cheng Yaojin was a little impatient and rude.Coupled with being brave and proud.Disobedience to control.Finally met with joy.After being taught a lesson by Haosheng, he became honest.

A year of training.Cheng Yaojin's body became stronger and stronger.The temper has also restrained a lot.However, it is inevitable that there will be complaints in the chest.This year.I am happy to often exchange the troops of Shandong and the two provinces.And occasionally there are some frictions with Huaizhou.It is inevitable that swordsmen will meet each other.

However, what made Cheng Yaojin angry was.This year.Although I have excellent performance in all aspects of training.But Gao Xing never let himself go to fight with the enemy.Let yourself stand guard in front of the mansion.Be a little boss.

Such an arrangement really made the brave Cheng Yaojin unacceptable.It is also a waste of resources.But it took a happy year of training.Cheng Yaojin has restrained himself a lot.Although I don't like it.But he dared not make an outrageous move.You must know that standing guard for happiness is something that many people dream of.It's just that Cheng Yaojin's nature is eager to fight on the battlefield.I am very dissatisfied with my current position.

A month ago, the army of Zhou came east suddenly.Gao Changgong obeyed the order to seek rebellion.Cheng Yaojin thought that there was a battle to be fought, and he was really happy.But happiness is as stable as Mount Tai.Stay in Xinghua City and not go anywhere.It's just that Yao Zhong was sent to Renzhou City.

The boring and monotonous life makes Cheng Yaojin very boring.Especially the hot sun overhead.The test made him very anxious.In Cheng Yaojin's heart.The greatest tragedy in life is that you have nowhere to vent your unparalleled strength.Ever since.He widened his eyes.Watching the streets vigilantly and dignifiedly.Fervently hope that something wrong will happen.So that you can show yourself.

I am happy to be in charge of Shandong.The local law and order has long since disappeared.Although Xinghua City can't close its accounts at night.The road does not pick up lost things.But there are very few violations of law and discipline.Therefore, Cheng Yaojin looked straight at the eyes.But did not find a dazzling thing.

Just when Cheng Yaojin was depressed.The noisy street suddenly fell silent.The inexplicable silence made Cheng Yaojin suddenly uncomfortable.He couldn't help frowning curiously and looked down the street.Just a glance.His eyes suddenly widened.

On the street ten meters away.There is a character woman walking gracefully towards Gao Xing's mansion.Her appearance is already extremely beautiful.But what makes people's blood spurt even more is her clothes and slim figure.

The woman seemed to be a young girl in her twenties or eighties.But she seems to be a graceful woman.There was a frivolous and charming smile on his face.A pair of beautiful eyes overflowing with spring water.Gentle and affectionate.

Especially when her upper body is only covered with a tulle.The white and pink arms are faintly visible.The inside is a tight fit.small.The red tube top can restrain the full peaks on the chest.And on the highest part of her chest.But embroidered with a black flower.Delicate and charming.Follow the woman's walk.The flower swayed tremblingly with the bosom.The flower seemed to come alive.There is endless mystery and charm.

look further down.It is a pair of white as snow.Straight and slender legs.It seemed to glow under the sunlight.Cheng Yaojin's eyes brightened.

Cheng Yaojin stared blankly at the woman.The heartbeat accelerated dramatically.Throat throbbed involuntarily.Swallow the full saliva in your mouth.His eyes had turned blood red.Breathing also became more and more heavy.

The woman looked fragile.The lotus steps are graceful.But just for a few breaths.He has already come to Cheng Yaojin.Looking at Cheng Yaojin's dull look.The woman laughed before saying anything.The crisp and pleasant voice is very pleasing to the ear.But also with a hint of charm.Straight to the heart.so you don't know where you are.Only a pair of eyes were fixed on her delicate and flawless face.Obsessed.

"Brother Soldier. Is the servant's house nice?" The woman's red lips parted slightly.The tone is waxy and soft.With endless temptation.

Cheng Yaojin felt his heart beating rapidly like a war drum.The whole body is ironed and comfortable.It seems to fly on the head dizzy.Unconsciously said: "It looks good. It looks good."

"The servant can go in." The woman smiled coquettishly.The noodles contain spring.Said with shame and joy.

"Yes, yes." Cheng Yaojin replied.

"Binggege. You are so kind." The woman smiled coquettishly.The lotus steps move lightly.Accompanied by the fragrant wind.Her graceful figure is like a fluttering butterfly heading towards Gao Xing's mansion.Only Cheng Yaojin and a group of people were left staring at the slender figure foolishly.

"Who are you?" Just as the woman was about to turn around the front yard.When walking to the backyard.A vigilant voice suddenly sounded.In an instant, Cheng Yaojin and other eight guards, who were obsessed with the woman's beauty, were awakened.Only then did they discover that unknown persons had been placed in the mansion.Neglect of duty.There is both horror and regret in my heart.One by one hurriedly picked up their weapons and rushed towards the mansion.

"Why are you so brutal." The woman's tone was full of resentment.It makes people feel ashamed.

It was the happy guard leader Ling Xiaoyun who blocked the woman's way.He is not a brash boy like Cheng Yaojin.As a top martial artist, he is born with a vigilance that is beyond ordinary people.Although this woman is full of charm.But the steps are very light and nimble.And the bohemian dress is also the most suspicious place.

"Who are you? What's the purpose of sneaking into the governor's mansion. Why don't you invite me?" Ling Xiaoyun didn't relax at all.On the contrary, he became more and more vigilant.The right hand holds the hilt tightly.Footsteps moved slightly.Ready to strike at any time.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in the servant's house." The woman raised her chest.The resentment on his face dissipated.Put on an angry look.

"What?" Ling Xiaoyun couldn't help being taken aback.I really don't know when the Governor's Mansion had such a woman.

At the moment when Ling Xiaoyun was stunned.There was a cold light in the woman's eyes.A pair of slender plain hands wrapped in a light veil suddenly swept towards Ling Xiaoyun's eyes like wind and electricity.Seemingly fluffy movements.But with extremely fierce murderous aura and strong wind.

Ling Xiaoyun is not easy to deal with either.He woke up when he felt the strong wind blowing.The legs are like rooted on the ground.Take it easy.The waist suddenly folded back.Can barely avoid the woman's moves.A cold sweat broke out on his body.

"The response is not bad." The woman's move was in vain.But not discouraged.With a charming smile in his mouth.The movements of the hands are continuous.Fast and slow.Erratic.But every move and style is to greet Ling Xiaoyun's vital points.

"Demon girl. You are from Baihua Palace. Damn it." Ling Xiaoyun lost the opportunity.As a last resort, I can only keep parrying.For a while, he was in a hurry.After three or five strokes.Ling Xiaoyun's expression changed drastically.shouted angrily.

"Did you just find out. Ling Xiaoyun. Today is your death day." The woman chuckled lightly.The moves in his hand became more and more fierce.

"Chulang." Ling Xiaoyun knew that the situation was critical.Suddenly burst out to the greatest potential.The long sword at the waist was unsheathed.The momentum is steep.Although still at a disadvantage.But it's not as dangerous as before.Embarrassed.

"There are assassins. Protect the governor." Cheng Yaojin saw the scene.Where is the beauty of a woman estimated.While shouting in his mouth, he suddenly drew his sword and jumped into the battle circle.Cheng Yaojin has been suppressed for a long time.Now is the opportunity.That's not enough to sway.A steel knife danced vigorously.The momentum is terrifying.Although Cheng Yaojin's attacks were dodged by the woman.But with the help of Cheng Yaojin.Ling Xiaoyun also regained his breath.Mouth reprimanded lightly.The sword in his hand is murderous.

"Your Excellency Governor is here. Stop fighting." The three of them fought for more than ten times.The woman suddenly laughed.His hands danced a few times like the shadows of butterflies wearing flowers, forcing Cheng Yaojin and Ling Xiaoyun to retreat.She took advantage of the situation and jumped out of the ring.Looking towards the backyard.

Ling Xiaoyun also stopped moving.Look to the backyard.Just seeing the joy of being dressed in white is coming.Although the face is full of smiles.But the eyes are deep and cold.

"Xiao Yun. Are you not injured?" Gao Xing looked at Ling Xiaoyun first and asked with concern.

"Thank you, Governor, for your concern. My subordinates are fine. It's just that I didn't catch the daring thief. I'm really ashamed." Ling Xiaoyun was moved in his heart.Said with a face of shame.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you are fine." Happy shook his head.Then he looked at the woman carefully.Looking at the familiar face and attire.Happy brows suddenly frowned.

Haven't waited to be happy to speak.The woman took a few steps forward.He looked at Gao Xing affectionately and said: "My lord, I don't know if I still remember my family. These days, my family misses you very much." He said.There was an unresolvable resentment in the woman's eyes.

Everyone's eyes widened immediately.Watching happily in disbelief.

Could it be that this woman is the governor's friend.But he was abandoned all the time.Now people come to the door to question the crime.

Although so guess in my heart.But they still didn't want to believe it.Glad to be high and powerful.But he doesn't like female sex like ordinary rich and powerful children.The past two years.The crowd didn't see any woman he fell in love with at all.Many girls in Shandong Province who are waiting to be married secretly agree with Gao Xing.But happy is ignored.Still alone.Chic and comfortable.

"It's all gone. The one who came is not an assassin." Gao Xing looked uncomfortable.Watching more and more guards gathering.ordered lightly.

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