Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 315 Familiar Voices

Bailihua, the special envoy of Baihua Palace, was defeated. She was defeated very simply, but she was not in a panic. The most peculiar thing was that she didn't have any scars on her body, only a strand of hair was missing from her temple.

It was Xiao Ling, the leader of Yesta, who made the move. From the beginning to the end, Xiao Ling only used one move, and just one move defeated the poppy flower under the golden moon scimitar.

When Xiao Ling's bright and beautiful golden moon scimitar was tightly attached to her delicate and fair neck, and she saw a strand of soft black hair fluttering down from the corner of her eye, Poppy's mind went blank. I can't believe that someone can take his own life so easily.

This is a legend in the world, it's unbelievable, but it's true, Xiao Ling's entire process from when he drew the saber to when he retracted it took less than one breath.

When it comes to real martial arts, among the people who have come into contact with Gao Xing, there are two people who are most unpredictable odds.

Under Yuan Tiangang and Zhixuan, there were Gao Xing and the fat monk Huilun. Although the latter faintly surpassed Xing Xing, Xing Xing would not lose to him in a life-and-death fight.

The third level should be Zhang Rong, the leader of worshiping the moon, Yinglihua, the special envoy of Baihua Palace, and Yinchi, the poison king. Don't dare to underestimate it, as for the Poison King Yinchi, there is no need to talk about the means of using poison.

The fourth level is Xiao Ling, Xiao Mohe and others. The former is a killer. Although his skill is not very deep, his ability to kill is absolutely first-rate. Not better than him.

Although Zhang Shunzhi, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Wu Sangui and others are quite talented, they are still young and weak in cultivation, so there is naturally a big gap compared to Gao Xing and others.

Assassins are known for their speed, and Xiao Ling is one of the best. Although Gao Xing did not teach Xiao Ling any assassination skills, he would often teach Xiao Ling some things that killers need to pay attention to, and these, many Time is often more practical than fighting skills.

Although Xiao Ling's martial arts were not as good as Poppy's, but as a walker in the dark, how could the killer fight people head-on.

"Xiao Ling, you are becoming more and more like a king of killers," Gao Xing looked at Xiao Ling who was standing quietly in front of him, the admiration in his eyes was undisguised, and Xiao Ling was happy in the process of assassinating Poppy Flower. Although I didn't see it in person, but seeing Xiao Ling's calm and composed appearance, there was no need to say anything about it.

"I'm not as good as you." Although Xiao Ling has learned to restrain his breath and eyes, his temper has not changed, his emphasis is a bit cold and hard, and he cherishes words like gold.

"You are still young," Gao Xing said with a smile.

Xiao Ling was at a loss for words, frowned and looked at Xing Xing and remained silent. As Xing Xing's confidant, how could he not know that the boy in front of him was actually only 15 years old, but Xing Xing was the governor after all, and to him he was both a teacher and a friend, the most important thing It was because he was better than himself, so Xiao Ling, who was proud of it, did not refute or feel unhappy about it. He just gritted his teeth secretly and vowed to surpass happiness and become the veritable number one killer.

"There are some things that can't be explained by common sense." Seeing Xiao Ling's reaction, he was happy and immediately understood why, but he couldn't explain it. He just sighed and continued: "Go and rest, we will set off for Jeju tomorrow morning. "

Xiao Ling nodded and left quickly. If it weren't for the fluctuating air, who would say that he was here before.


The administrative organization of Shandong Province is basically completed. Governor Cui Jishu and six ministers sit in charge. All affairs are handled in an orderly manner, and it is easy to be happy. As for military affairs, Gao Anaku does not want to go eastward, and he does not want to expand in a short time when he is happy. Power, to tease Gao Wei's nerves, so apart from training soldiers and normal defense, there are not many chores. Lu Zhishen, Yao Zhong and others should be responsible for these matters.

Now there are only four armies in Shandong Province, with more than 8 soldiers and horses. Although these people's experience in fighting on the battlefield is far inferior to that of the Huaizhou Army, they are all strong and vigorous young men under the big waves.

I am happy to carry out cultural courses and ideological education in the army, so although these people are not elegant scholars, they are no longer illiterate reckless men, and they are happy to have strict and fair military regulations, generous treatment, and sincere respect coupled with ideological education. There is no doubt about the loyalty of these 8 people. The most gratifying thing is that the fighting power that these 8 people can explode now is definitely comparable to that of 18 people a year ago.

Now Gao Xing has four very elite troops under his command.

One of them is 2 people from Huaizhou, who are now stationed in Jiangsu, responsible for deterring the local Xiaoxiao and guarding against sneak attacks by Qi.

The second is the Shadow Thorn Troop. Although there are only 100 core members, none of them are brave and fearless.

The third is Wu Sangui's special forces. On the basis of the original 100 people, today's special forces have expanded to 500 people. This is the result of selection from hundreds of thousands of local troops and surrendered troops in the two provinces. On the one hand, Wu Sangui has rich experience, and he especially likes to lead this capable army to "do evil" in the enemy's territory.

The fourth is the cavalry division led by Qin Qiong. With the news of the beggar gang, Gao Changgong's secret help, and Wu Sangui who likes to join in the fun, Qin Qiong has only 1 people, but he also made the Chen Guo Jingzhou territory turbulent. It gave Huang Faji a headache, and in the battle after battle, the cavalry division grew up rapidly. Although there was still a gap with the old Xuyi cavalry, it was not far behind.


In the early morning of the next day, Gao Xing changed out of his white clothes and replaced it with a gray bunt, with his trousers rolled up high, a pair of straw sandals on his feet, his hair tied up with a square scarf, his fair and handsome face was a little sallow, and the tip of his nose was sallow. There are some freckles, this outfit doesn't have the majestic Governor's appearance, and it is very different from the chic and elegant Young Master Jia.

Xiao Ling was slightly taken aback when he saw the happy attire at first glance. Although he had tried his best to change himself to become an excellent killer, due to his innate temper restriction, he could not change some habits, or It's because he doesn't want to change, such as his unchanging black clothes.

"Let's go," Gao Xing said without any nonsense, greeted Xiao Ling, and strode towards the west of the city. Xiao Ling responded, but he didn't follow Gao Xing, but turned into a black shadow and disappeared without a trace.

When Gao Xing arrived ten miles away from the western suburbs of Xinghua City, Xiao Ling had been waiting for him for a long time. There were two more horses by his side. Gao Xing greeted him, turned on the horse, whipped lightly, and there was a crisp sound in the air, and the horses came Spread all four hooves and leap forward.

Because they were not in a hurry, Gao Xing and Xiao Ling hadn't arrived at Jeju City after three days of work, and now they even missed Sutou, so they could only settle outside a forest fifty miles away from the eastern suburbs of Jeju City.

Xiao Ling traveled all over the world, and survival in the wild was no problem, so he didn't need to be told by Gao Xing, he went and hunted two hares, and when he came back after finding a source of water to wash, X X X had already lit a bonfire and set up a barbecue bracket.

Xiao Ling didn't talk much, but his hands and feet were very nimble. He quickly put the cleaned rabbit on a branch, and flipped it skillfully over the fire. The orange fire snake licked the delicate hare, and the oil kept falling into the campfire. , accompanied by the burning of the dead branches, making a "beep beep boom" sound.

"Come on, I have salt here, it tastes better if you sprinkle it on it," Gao Xing took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Xiao Ling, and said with a smile.

Xiao Ling looked happy strangely. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were obviously asking: "Are we killing people or playing?"

"Killer doesn't mean you must be cold and live a life like an ascetic monk. We live in this world. Whether your pursuit is the best in the world, princes and generals, or rich clothes and food, you have to live anyway," paused After a pause, Gao Xing continued: "Since this is the case, then don't treat yourself too badly. Fame and fortune are always empty, only the belly is real. Gao Wei pursues too much pleasure, so the country is dying, and you are too demanding of yourself, so you are a bit artificial,"

"If you want to become the best killer and surpass your master, then you must forget your own identity. Even if you kill others, you must let others have no way to suspect you, but only think that you are harmless to humans and animals. Innocents, when you reach this level, there will not be many people you can't kill in this world."

Xiao Ling kept moving his hands, but every word Gao Xing said was deeply engraved in his heart.

Thinking about it carefully, no matter whether it is the disheveled happiness dressed as a farmer today, or the chic and unrestrained happiness in white clothes in the past, people who are not familiar with him will not be able to feel the slightest danger from him, especially happy although he has no performance. He has tried to assassinate him, but he can always easily find his traces and approach him quietly, which is a skill that ordinary people can't learn.

There is no need to beat the drum with a heavy hammer, and there are some things that you can only experience more after you have experienced them. Therefore, after you are happy, you don’t speak anymore, just sit lazily on a big rock, watching quietly. The rabbit meat turned golden brown under the flame, smelling the fragrance in the air, with a face of satisfaction.

After a while, the hare was finally roasted, happily tore a piece of rabbit meat in his mouth, and was about to praise "burnt on the outside and tender on the inside", when he heard a hoarse male voice faintly from a distance: "Little lady, you can't escape, or Obediently obey me, hahahaha,"

Listening carefully, the voice came from two miles away. It can be seen that the owner of the voice is very skilled. From the tone and content of the speech, one can guess what is going on, especially when the hoarse voice is familiar. Joy suddenly rose, and his expression became extremely serious.

Seeing Xing Xing got up, Xiao Ling naturally also became alert, looked sideways to the direction where the sound came from, frowned slightly, and tightly held the golden moon scimitar with his right hand in his sleeve.

"Go, go and have a look," Gao Xing said, and walked away, like a phantom, with only a few flashes, the person was already [-] meters away,

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