Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 316 Poisoning

It is now mid-September, and the bright moon hangs high in the night sky, illuminating the earth brightly.

Far away, I was happy to see a woman with disheveled hair and wearing moon-white clothes running away in embarrassment. Although she had exerted all her strength, her speed was unsatisfactory. The strange thing was that this woman seemed to be affected. Injured, stumbling, looking like he might fall to the ground at any moment.

A hundred meters behind the woman, there was a man in gray with a strange smile, hanging behind him unhurriedly, making annoying voices from time to time: "Little beauty, you can't run away, give up!" Well, from the looks of you, you seem to be a young girl, you haven't tried sex between men and women yet, please follow me, I will guarantee you ****, ahahaha,"

"Shameless..." The woman was so angry that she spat out two words with great difficulty.

It was a bad thing when the woman opened her mouth. She had already reached the limit of her body and insisted on it all in her heart, but now she was discouraged.

"Why, I can't help it anymore, little beauty, obediently wait for the old man to pamper me," the gray-clothed man laughed excitedly when he saw the woman fell to the ground, his voice was hoarse and shrill, like a night owl .

"Don't think about it,"

The woman struggled a few times, but she had no strength left in her body. Then she saw the man in gray approaching her at lightning speed. Thinking of what she was about to face, she suddenly shuddered. Even if she dies, she doesn't want to be raped.

Although the man in gray was very proud, he had been paying close attention to the woman's movements. Seeing that she was about to seek death, how could he be willing? It hit the woman's shoulder blade, instantly breaking up the woman's concentrated strength, making her death-seeking action come to nothing.

"Wow," the woman softly fell to the ground, but there was a soft moan from her throat, the voice was soft and sweet, very alluring.

The man in gray laughed lightly, his feet were faster, and he came to the woman in the blink of an eye, and saw that he was lying on the ground, trembling slightly, his limbs entangled in one place, sniffing, and his eyes were suddenly embarrassed and confused. A lewd smile instantly appeared on the face of the man in gray, and his breathing gradually became heavy.

"Little beauty, the old man is here," the gray-clothed man whispered, and knelt down to touch the woman's tender, now crimson neck.

"Get away...get away, Yin, Yinchi, kill, kill me," the woman panted coquettishly, her hands tightly grasping her skirt, her eyes were full of resentment, and there was also some pleading.

"The old man is not interested in dead people," grey-clothed mouth murmured, gently brushing away the messy hair on the woman's face, revealing a beautiful face. His pretty face added a bit of charm, and the man in gray gulped down a few mouthfuls of spit.

"I have seen countless women in my body, and this is the first time you are so beautiful and fierce. Today is really lucky, haha," the man in gray pinched the woman's delicate chin frivolously, and said with emotion while licking his lips .

The woman whimpered and struggled, but it was futile, and the voice of the struggle was more like a moan of comfort and desire, and the writhing body stimulated the desire of the man in gray.

The eyes of the man in gray suddenly turned scarlet, he let out a low growl, and curled his right hand to hold the woman's towering peaks.

"Yinchi suffers death," just when the man in gray was about to touch the woman's body, Gao Xing suddenly yelled loudly, at the same time, Gao Xing shot from ten meters away like an arrow When he came, there was a sharp short knife in his hand.

The speed of joy was extremely fast, the short knife cut through the air and made a soft "hissing" sound, and the surging murderous aura made Yinchi's breath suffocated, at that moment he seemed to be as wise as a cold hell.

"Who?" Yinchi was able to escape under the siege of good and evil for many times, so his alertness and reaction speed were naturally not slow.

As soon as he felt the murderous aura coming from behind, Yin Chi shouted loudly without even turning his head, his right hand suddenly grabbed the woman's clothes on the ground and threw it back forcefully, the woman immediately flew into the air, towards the dagger in Gao Xing's hand Hit him, but Yinchi turned around suddenly at this moment, followed the woman like a hungry tiger and rushed towards Gao Xing, those pitch-black claws were full of fishy wind, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Yin Chi's decision to use a woman as a shield was delightful, although he was unexpected, but he was not in a panic. He is not a novice martial artist, and he will not try his best in every move and style, but has spare energy and adapts to the situation.

Gao Xing scolded lightly, his wrist trembled slightly, and the dagger skilfully passed across the woman's armpit like a spirit snake, and gently embraced the woman in his arms. Get up, and his left hand is dancing rapidly, suddenly punching and palming towards Yinchi.

"Bang bang bang bang,"

Yin Chi wanted to take advantage of the cover of the woman to suddenly appear in a surprise attack and spoil his happiness, but he didn't want to be happy to be prepared to defuse his offensive one after another.

"Yinchi, why aren't you dead yet?" Gao Xing forced his way back from Yinchi, holding the woman in his arms and drifting back three meters, looking at Yinchi with deep and cold eyes.

"Who is the kid, and why did he spoil the old man's good deeds? I'm really impatient to live," Yin Chi frowned, his whole body overflowing with murderous aura, his voice was hoarse and cold, and his eyes gleamed fiercely.

"The person who killed you," Gao Xing said lightly, as if killing the Poison King Yinchi was no different from killing a chicken.

"Arrogant," Yin Chi was furious suddenly, his voice became thinner and more imposing, and before he finished speaking, Yin Chi rose from the ground like a goshawk and rushed towards Gao Xing fiercely.

"I'll do it," Gao Xing was about to make a move, but Xiao Ling, who was hiding in the darkness, had already jumped forward, facing the Yinchi like wind and electricity, and the golden moon scimitar shone dazzlingly under the moonlight.

"Looking for death," suddenly there was one more person, Yinchi was startled, but he was even more angry in his heart. Once upon a time, his title of poison king Yinchi made people in the world frightened, but now two boys with unknown names suddenly appeared to challenge His own prestige, this has to make Yinchi angry.

While speaking, Xiao Ling had already collided with Yinchi, Xiao Ling was good at speed, and the golden moon scimitar was danced into a phantom by him, only a shimmering blade curtain and the sound of gold and iron clashing in the air.

Although Yinchi does not have a weapon, his claws, which have been soaked in poison for decades and tempered in a special way, are as hard as iron, and their lethality is even more astonishing.

Swords and claws came and went, the two of them fought in a ball, which dazzled the eyes, and the radiant vigor even drew ravines on the ground.

The fight on the field was extremely exciting, but they were happy but had no intention of watching it.

On a September night, the weather was already a bit chilly, but the body of the woman in her arms was extremely hot, especially the moaning that seemed to come from her throat, the blush on her cheeks, the panting from her mouth and nose, and the spring vibes. Her eyes all proved that this woman was not normal.

"Miss, wake up," Gao Xing said in a low voice, grabbing the woman's arms that were trying to climb up her neck with her right hand like iron tongs.

This voice contained true energy, although the voice was not loud, but it sounded like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening to the woman. Her mind was cleared immediately, and when she saw that she was being held in the arms of a man, she was about to strike when she was annoyed, my lord. The arm is limp and weak.

"Miss, you have been poisoned by Yinchi's spring poison," Gao Xing asked in a deep voice without any displeasure, looking at the woman with clear eyes.

"Yes, please, kill me, kill me," the woman said with difficulty, biting her red lips tightly. Before she could answer, the woman's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and she moaned softly. She immediately urged Said: "Kill me, quick,"

"Ah, it's hot, it's so hot, help me, I'm so uncomfortable," Gao Xing hesitated, the drug in the woman's body burst out suddenly, and she immediately moaned in pain, her soft body twisted in Gao Xing's arms, her delicate red The lips can't help but kiss the happy lips.

"Hey," Gao Xing scolded in a low voice, and his strike was like lightning, hitting the back of the woman's head suddenly, knocking her out.

This woman is not inferior to Zhang Rong and Yang Lihua in appearance, and now she is suffering from sexual desire, if she is happy, if she doesn't control her quickly, I am afraid that I will not be able to control her.

Thinking of how Zhang Rong was almost defiled by Yinchi with such despicable means, and how many women in the world have been murdered like this, he was so happy that he became furious.

"Yinchi, you shameless old man, I'm going to kill you today," Gao Xing put the woman aside, and rushed towards the battle group with a stern reprimand.

"Despicable," Yinchi cursed when he saw Xing Xing rushing towards him, his claws danced even faster, and he felt very anxious. It was not easy for Yin Chi to deal with Xiao Ling alone, but now when Xing Xing came, that would be Big bad.

"Hey," Yin Chi rushed Xiao Ling back with several moves, and then suddenly smiled coldly at Gao Xingsen.

Gao Xing was alert and stopped immediately. Sure enough, a cloud of powder came over Yin Chi shaking his hands.

Although he was happy to see the opportunity quickly, he held his breath and didn't get hit, but Yinchi was not discouraged, he let out a strange laugh, his robe sleeves fluttered, and another cloud of powder was sprinkled on Xiao Ling, forcing the latter to stop Footsteps, hold your breath and concentrate carefully.

"It's useless to hold your breath. You two don't know how to live or die. I'll end you today." Seeing Xiao Ling's vigilant look, Yin Chi laughed triumphantly.

"Hmm," Gao Xing snorted, his body staggered suddenly, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"How are you?" Xiao Ling was shocked, and as soon as he opened his mouth to ask, he didn't want to inhale a mouthful of the poisonous powder, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen, and immediately staggered back a few steps, with cold sweat dripping on his forehead.

"Should die," Seeing that the two were hit, Yinchi yelled angrily, moved his body suddenly, and suddenly rushed towards Gao Xing. After a short contact, he already found that Xing Xing is more powerful, and it is serious to deal with him first.

"Huh," Gao Xing snorted, and suddenly swung the knife forward, but his body was staggering, the short knife was crooked, and he didn't have much strength at all.

Seeing this scene, Yin Chi was overjoyed, his feet were faster, his eyes showed a bloodthirsty light, and his dense claws went straight to the happy throat,

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