Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 343

"Mr. Gao, since you want to settle this matter peacefully, how can you do it without showing some sincerity? As the leader of the sect, Zhang Rong violated the canon rules, and the crime is aggravated. If you forgive her so easily, how can I obey the Moon Sect? People, how to gain a foothold in the world,"

Although the Great Elder's tone was tepid, he was happy but did not dare to relax at all. From the anxiousness of the old man locking himself, it can be seen that his skill is not inferior to his own. The opponent is attacking violently and violently, masters are fighting, the outcome of life and death is only a thin line, I am happy that I am only here to save people, if I die, everything will become empty talk.

"I'm sorry, I don't have either the "Secret of Longevity" or the treasure map. I really can't help you with your request," Gao Xing said with regret, "Change to other conditions."

"Does Mr. Gao think that you have anything more valuable than the dignity I taught you?" the elder elder opened his eyes suddenly, and two beams of sharp swords shot straight at him with joy.

Gao Xing sneered, and said angrily: "Pedantic old guys, Zhang Rong worked hard for the Moon Worship Teaching and devoted her most precious youth. Why do you treat her like this? As for the unreasonable teaching rules, they are simply extinct human garbage,"

"Shut up, boy, if you dare to speak rudely and insult my teacher again, don't blame the old man for being merciless,"

"Old miscellaneous hair, try it," before the words finished, the happy body suddenly moved, without any warning, and rushed towards the second elder like a phantom, and pointed at the second elder with the machete in his hand The elder slammed his head down, Gao Xing's actions were really as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, beyond everyone's expectations, even the second elder was a little sluggish because of being insulted by Gao Xing.

"Dare you kid," the elder has been paying close attention to Gao Xing's movements, so the reaction is also the fastest. When Xing Xing moved, the elder's body blocked Xing Xing's way in a flash, and there were two more hands in his dry hand The short knife with a handle about one foot long seems to be slowly attacking Gao Xing.

Gao Xing let out a cold snort, and suddenly retracted the machete into his bosom, twisted his waist slightly, raised his footsteps lightly, unexpectedly avoided the blocking of the First Elder with a tricky angle, and continued to pounce on the Second Elder.

"court death,"

The First Elder reminded him that the Second Elder had come to his senses at this moment, and when he thought about being attacked by the brat, the three corpses jumped out of anger. Hearing a muffled sound of "bang", the iron staff flew up into the air and made a whining sound. The second elder took a stride, held the iron staff with both hands and threw it at Gao Xing.


Xing Xing did not choose to defend hard, his wrist trembled slightly, the blade turned, and the back of the machete hit the lower part of the iron rod, sparks splashed in the air and at the same time there was a crisp sound, Xing Xing's running body stopped instantly, and his mouth He took a deep breath and was shocked. The strength of Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, and Xiao Mohe was already extremely frightening. Not only was the old man in front of him not weak at all, he was faintly taller than the three of them.

Although he was shocked in his heart, he was happy that the movement of his hand was non-stop. He took a step forward obliquely, allowing the elder to stab the short knife at his back, and the machete in his hand slashed backwards, just in time to block the other handle of the elder. dagger.


Gao Xing let out a loud roar, his eyes were about to split open, his eyes were blood red, and a monstrous evil spirit erupted all over his body, causing the surrounding Moon Worship Sect disciples to change their colors one after another. Then, he dodged the long sword that the third elder stabbed at the Huantiao acupoint on his right leg, Gao Xing was in the sky, raised the machete high, and smashed Huashan with a powerful move, and the target was still directed at the second elder.

Gao Xing and the three elders are all top-notch masters, both in terms of reaction and speed. Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by the fierce fighting between Gao Xing and the others, there was a phantom like smoke leaping down from the mountain behind the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect, just two breaths, a few ups and downs, the black Ying climbed onto the execution platform and came to Zhang Rong.


Zhang Han held his chest tightly with one hand, and looked at Xing Xing angrily, the light in his one-sided eyes was as cold as a knife, and he was seriously injured when he lost a move. Lost in her mind, seeing that Gao Xing still did not show her defeat under the siege of the three elders, she couldn't help feeling angry from her heart, and the evil turned to the gall, resisting the discomfort in her body, and holding the lancet tightly towards the execution platform walk quickly.

"Who, don't leave Zhang Rong," Zhang Han suddenly saw a man in black appearing on the execution platform, who was about to untie Zhang Rong's shackles. Seeing that the enemy wanted to escape, it was okay, Zhang Han shouted He drank loudly, and rushed towards the execution platform with a forced breath of true energy.

A sound awakened the dreamer, everyone raised their eyes to look, a golden light flashed, and the rope bound on Zhang Rong broke with a "snap". Only then did everyone understand that the joy from the beginning to the present is just to delay time, and to make noises. , to create conditions for the helper to rescue Zhang Rong, if Zhang Han didn't hate Zhang Rong so much, and always wanted to put her to death, I'm afraid he would be happy to succeed.

"Don't go, thief," the three elders couldn't get away for a while, but the four guardians had a place to use their skills. The one who spoke was the four guardians, a handsome middle-aged man, dressed in Tsing Yi, dressed as a Confucian shirt, with a sword in his hand. With a long sword, the second guardian is a rough-faced man, tall and big, with a halberd weighing thirty catties, who is the second elder's direct disciple.

All the disciples of the Moon Worship Sect know that once Zhang Rong is gone, it would be useless to obtain the "Longevity Secret", not to mention the fact that the sect loses face. They surrounded Zhang Rong and the man in black.


Gao Xing cursed secretly in his heart, and shouted loudly, his body spun around, and the heavy and solid machete in his hand swung away the weapons handed to him by the three elders one after another, countless sparks splashed out.

Taking advantage of the short-lived vacuum around him, Xing Xing let out a low shout, his body suddenly rose from the ground, and slid towards the execution platform like a goshawk, Xing Xing was in the air, with the knife in his left hand, and the sleeve of his right robe fluttering, only to hear "咻咻" "咻咻" sounded through the sky, and suddenly black shadows appeared in the sky.

"Be careful of hidden weapons," the Great Elder hurriedly reminded the disciples when he saw this, and at the same time he froze, dancing with short knives in his hands so tightly that Feng Shui could not pour in.

The hidden weapon that Xing Xing throws this time is no longer the usual copper coins, but steel needles as thin as a cow's hair, tens of hundreds, dense like rain, the momentum is very astonishing, and it is hard to guard against.


Screams of screams rang out. Although the Great Elder reminded them in time, the steel needles came too suddenly and at such a high speed that many disciples of the Moon Worship Sect who were low in martial arts were recruited and fell to the ground screaming.

"Everyone, be careful, hidden weapons are poisonous." Seeing that the doorman beside him was not hit by a hidden weapon, but was limp and unable to move, the Great Elder was startled and angry, his hands were waving faster and faster, and the murderous aura on his body was astonishing .

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Gao Xing naturally knew that coming to rescue Zhang Rong this time must be extremely dangerous, so why didn't he make some preparations? The power of the steel needle that was thrown out should not be underestimated, especially the hidden weapon is still full of poison.

However, Zhang Rong is always a disciple of the Moon Worship Sect. In order to take care of her feelings, the hidden weapon is only filled with powerful anesthetics, which will make people lose their combat effectiveness and will not endanger their lives.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Xing's body crossed a distance of nearly 20 meters, and stopped in front of the three guardians of the Moon Worship Sect. Without any hesitation, Gao Xing scolded angrily, and the machete slashed in an arc horizontally. Seemingly wanting to tear apart the robes of the three guardians, the three guardians had no choice but to stop and brandish their weapons to defend.

"Go and keep Zhang Rong, we'll take care of this kid ourselves," the three big guardians and Gao Xing made a move, and before the two sides could decide the outcome, the three elders followed angrily, and the three elders ordered the three big guardians , the long sword in his hand groaned softly, piercing Gao Xing's throat like electricity, the first elder and the second elder didn't talk nonsense, they used their housekeeping skills to attack Gao Xing.

"Don't even think about it," Gao Xing yelled, using his whole body's power to the extreme, a machete turned into a sea dragon, entangled and danced around his body, unexpectedly enclosing the three guardians and the three elders into the battle circle.

From the moment when Xing Xing fought Zhang Han, the joy in Zhang Rong's heart disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by worry. When the top masters of Yuejiao were besieging, Zhang Rong's heart was raised tightly. As soon as Xiao Ling rescued him from the stake, Zhang Rong ran towards Xing Xing.

"Ma'am, come back," Xiao Ling couldn't help but exclaimed, frowning.

Gao Xing was startled when she heard this, and when she looked up, she saw that Zhang Rong was surrounded by thirty or forty disciples of the Moon Worship Sect. , but it was really hard to escape, and he couldn't help but shouted: "Xiao Ling, take Rong'er away,"

However, it was this distraction, but the great elder saw the right time, and silently slashed at Gao Xing's armpit. When Gao Xing wanted to avoid it, it was too late. He could only rely on his flexible body and superhuman reaction. He avoided the vital point, but the Great Elder's dagger still cut an inch-long gash in his waist, and the bright red blood seeped into a small piece of clothes in an instant.

The body was injured, and there was a very short delay in Gao Xing's movements. Naturally, the second elder and the third elder would not let it go. The former smashed Gao Xing's back with iron crutches, and the latter pierced the dantian of the lower abdomen with a long sword.

At this critical moment, Gao Xing suddenly stuck the machete behind him, and at the moment the second elder Tieguai hit the machete, he turned his body slightly sideways with all his strength, breathed in and retracted his abdomen, and slapped hard with his left hand.


The second elder smashed Gao Xingbei with his iron staff, and even though there was a machete blocking him, Gao Xing avoided the vital point, but still spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and the third elder's long sword also cut a three-inch hole on Gao Xing's abdomen The length of the mouth.

"Husband," seeing Gao Xing injured, Zhang Rong roared mournfully, her slender palms fluttered up and down, no matter how merciless her strikes were, the tricks killed her. Zhang Rong's martial arts were originally not as good as Zhang Han's, but she was happy to teach the "Longevity Secret" It is a lot of diligence, and it is already above the four guardians.

Now that Gao Xing was injured, Zhang Rong no longer cared about the friendship of the same family, and there was another top killer, Xiao Ling, who cooperated with each other.

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