Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 344 Jun 1

Breaking through the encirclement, Xiao Ling was even faster, like a wisp of green smoke swept behind Shang Peng, and the golden moon scimitar in his hand cut towards the latter's back silently.

"Be careful," the Great Elder saw it clearly, and shouted loudly. At the same time, the dagger in his left hand came out and shot at Xiao Ling.

"Hmph," Xiao Ling snorted coldly, the golden moon scimitar in his hand was inconvenient, he twisted his body strangely, narrowly dodging the dagger thrown by the great elder.

After being reminded by the Great Elder, Shang Peng finally made an evasive move in time. However, Xiao Ling was the number one killer known for his speed. The scimitar cut a half-foot-long wound with bone deep visible, and bright red blood spurted out instantly.

Shang Peng let out a miserable cry, he could no longer hold the weapon in his hand, he fell to the ground with a clang, staggered and fell to one side, Xiao Ling was a killer, and he always believed in the principle of "take your life while you are sick". After the first move, the second move came again, and the target was still the key to death.

"Hey," the Great Elder saw just now how powerful Xiao Ling was, so when he threw the dagger, he temporarily gave up the pleasure of attacking, and instead stepped forward to rescue Shang Peng.

Without the two Great Elders and Monk Peng, he was happy and the pressure was greatly reduced. He forced a breath of true energy and took a hard slap from the Four Guardians. Flying out, at the same time, Gao Xing used soft force to dispel the thunderous iron crutches of the second elder, and slapped the arm-thick iron handle of the second guardian halberd with his palm.

After several muffled sounds in a row, the fighting people dispersed immediately.


Happy "Teng Teng Teng" retreated five steps in a row before stabilizing his figure with the help of the machete. thin line of blood.

The third elder was kicked five or six meters away by Gao Xing, and fell into a disfigured face. Seeing the faint blood on the corner of her mouth, she was obviously injured. Like gold paper, with a wilted look and dying breath.

Gao Xing's palm to the second guardian actually borrowed the full blow of the second elder, how could the combined strength of the two be resisted by the second guardian whose skill is far inferior to the two, if it weren't for the help of several other people, happy If his internal organs were injured, he was afraid that that blow just now would have killed him.

"Husband, how are you?" When Zhang Rong arrived, Gao Xing and the others happened to separate. She rushed forward, supported the staggering Gao Xing, and quickly wiped the blood that was constantly overflowing from the corner of Gao Xing's mouth while choking and said, Tears fell down even more.

He looked at Zhang Rong happily and tenderly, and was about to speak when a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, spilling on Zhang Rong's head and face.

"Husband, don't scare me, don't scare me," Zhang Rong suddenly panicked, crying helplessly like a weak little girl, only knowing that she kept wiping the blood on the corner of Happy's chin and mouth, but it was Rub more and more.

"Rong'er, I'm sorry for making you suffer," the blood on the chest and abdomen was spit out, and he felt much more comfortable when he was happy, and his complexion improved a little. He gently wiped the blood on Zhang Rong's face with his sleeve Go, said softly, his deep eyes full of affection.

"No, no," Zhang Rong kept shaking her head, but the tears on her face grew more and more, "It's my fault, it's my fault, Husband, you go away, don't worry about Rong'er, I'm a teacher of worshiping the moon." Traitor, you deserve to die, Rong'er is not worth it for you,"

"Rong'er, it's worth it, you are my woman and my lover, everything I do for you is worth it," Gao Xing gently stroked Zhang Rong's cold and wet face with a warm smile on his face, his tone It is so firm.

"Husband," Zhang Rong clutched Happy's arm tightly, weeping uncontrollably.

Gao Xing stroked Zhang Rong's hair lightly, and said lightly: "Rong'er, don't worry, I won't die, and neither will you. There are people in this world who can kill my Xing Xing, but they are not here." Although the happy tone was very light, the aura of looking down on the world in the tone was fully revealed.

Happy to talk with Zhang Rong, the Moon Worship Sect did not take the opportunity to besiege, one was guarded by Xiao Ling, and the other was that many disciples were seriously injured and their lives were dying, and they needed emergency treatment, especially the second protector, if it wasn't for the second elder Help him to disperse the stagnated Qi and blood in his chest in time and stabilize the injury, he is afraid that he will die.

"Rampant, happy dog ​​thief, you have tricked the leader of my religion into betraying the sect with your flattering words, and now you are rude and trespassed into our residence, killing and wounding countless disciples. Today, the old man will kill you here to correct the number of my worshiping the moon." The majesty of a hundred years," the second elder couldn't bear it any longer when he heard Gao Xing's words, and handed over the second guardian to the care of the disciples, staring at Xing Xing with fire-breathing eyes and shouted loudly.

"Old miscellaneous hair, don't want to say something grand," Gao Xing snorted coldly with disdain, then coldly glanced at the fearful or hateful eyes of the surrounding Moon Worshipers, and then said coldly: "Let's not talk about your The canons are inhumane and unreasonable, but your greed is the most shameful and hateful, what a holy thing the "Longevity Formula" is, how can such villains covet it, "

Seeing that Gao Xing's words were very unpleasant, everyone's face turned livid in an instant, and they glared at him one after another, full of murderous intent.

Happy but turned a blind eye, let Zhang Rong deal with the wound on her body with a distressed expression, her face was calm and calm, and she talked eloquently to herself: "The "Secret of Longevity" is auspicious and auspicious, how can I have a chance to read it? Changli King Han Changluan and all the people in Xuyi city can testify that if you ask me for the "Secret of Longevity", isn't that the same as asking Yu Blind," said Gao Xing with a mocking smile on his face.

"Mr. Gao's words are wrong. As far as I know, you were just a weak young man when you followed Naifu to Xuyi City, and you didn't know any martial arts. Why did you possess such a terrifying ability in less than three years? Does this prove that the second volume of the "Secret of Longevity" you mentioned is absolutely not a lie," the First Elder stared at Gao Xing with burning eyes, and his tone was very calm, as if he had forgotten that the two sides were still fighting for life and death just now.

"You're right. I did have some adventures in Xuyi, but it wasn't "The Secret of Longevity", but an unknown martial arts secret book, and I got all my martial arts from it," Gao Xing admitted with a nod, and then smiled strangely : "Do you want it?"

Everyone in Baiyuejiao took a tight breath, their eyes couldn't help revealing a greedy look, and some with poor restraint almost blurted out the word "yes".

People in the Jianghu value nothing more than martial arts and wealth. Although the Moon Worship Sect is a master of both black and white, its foundation is in the underworld, which is the so-called martial arts. If the Moon Worship Sect has seven or eight Glad that a master with this ability is enough to compete with any sect in the world. The victory of the underworld is an opportunity, and it can completely affect the development of other aspects.

Gao Xing shook his head and sighed, with sarcasm and pity in his eyes, "Old guys, you only know how to force Rong'er blindly, trying to use her to obtain the secret book in my hands, but you don't know that I have already taught her the secret book,"

"What," the third elder exclaimed, and then suddenly said, "No wonder, no wonder Zhang Rong's martial arts has improved so much, the reason is actually here,"

"Hmph," Gao Xing snorted coldly, "If you weren't aggressive, maybe I would have exchanged denseness for Rong'er's freedom, but you actually want to divide her into cruel torture, how can I be polite to you when I'm happy?" ,"

Everyone was silent. If they had known the reason, they would not have made such a big move and completely torn their skins with Xing Xing.

"Master Gao, I don't think there's room for change," the Great Elder took a deep breath and said with a smile on his old face.

"Brother," the Second Elder shouted anxiously when he heard the words, but the First Elder ignored it, just smiled and looked happy, and waited quietly.

"Great Elder, please speak, Gao is all ears," Gao Xing smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Gao, you must be aware of the current situation. Although we have lost a lot of people, we old guys still have the strength to fight, but you have suffered serious injuries. You want to fight for hundreds It may be difficult for the disciples of the Moon Worship Sect to besiege." Although the Great Elder looked very friendly, the threats in his words were naked.

Gao Xing didn't speak, but just looked at the elder quietly, with no fear on his face, let alone panic, the elder looked at Xing Xing for a long time, but couldn't detect any thoughts in Xing Xing's heart, so he had to continue: "Since Zhang Rong didn't get hurt, can we make a deal,"

"Okay, let your people disperse and let Rong'er go out," Gao Xing agreed without hesitation.


Zhang Rong, who was busy bandaging Gao Xing's wound, suddenly raised her head and shook her head anxiously. She knew the Great Elder and others very well. With the huge power of Yuejiao in Northern Qi, he himself was determined not to be able to escape.

Gao Xing smiled at Zhang Rong, then looked at Xiao Ling and said, "Xiao Ling, escort Rong'er away." After speaking, Gao Xing brushed back the hair that fell from Zhang Rong's ears, his movements were extremely gentle.

"No, husband, I won't leave, I want to be with you, even if I die, I won't leave," Zhang Rong tightly grasped Happy's sleeves, and the tears that had just dried up swayed again.

"Great Elder," Gao Xing just patted Zhang Rong's fragrant shoulder lightly, and looked at the Great Elder lightly.

The Great Elder stared at Gao Xing closely, and the latter also refused to let go, frankly, for a while, the Great Elder waved his hand lightly, and shouted: "Stay away." Immediately, the surrounding Moon Worship Sect disciples dispersed, letting Opened a way.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Gao Xing reached into his arms and took out a scroll. When the scroll appeared, everyone's eyes froze.

"Let's go," Gao Xing pulled out the machete from the ground, said something in a low voice, and then slowly retreated along the path that the Moon Worship Sect disciples gave way to, while the Great Elder and the others followed slowly, without speaking a word. But each other maintains the highest vigilance.

"Zhang Rong, go to hell," just when Gao Xing and the three were about to exit the gate of the Moon Worship Sect's stronghold, a shrill voice suddenly came from beside them, followed by the sound of "咻咻咻" piercing through the air, Hundreds of black feather arrows shot at the crowd from both sides of the gate.

The sudden cold arrow made everyone stunned, and then each quickly waved their weapons to block the sharp cold arrow.

"Despicable," happy, startled and angry, shouting and cursing, pouring the machete until the water couldn't get in. He really didn't expect the people of the Moon Worship Sect to be so vicious, and even hundreds of his disciples would kill him for a single martial arts secret book. To kill brutally.

While everyone was busy resisting the cold arrows, a black shadow quietly came to Zhang Rong. It was Zhang Han, the first protector of the Moon Worship Sect, holding a sharp dagger in his hand.

"Go to hell," Zhang Han screamed with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes, and stabbed Zhang Rong's left chest with the dagger in his hand.

"Stop," Gao Xing found out that the dagger in Zhang Han's hand was less than a foot in front of Zhang Rong. He yelled sharply while slashing at Zhang Han's arm holding the dagger.

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