Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 345

Seeing Zhang Han with a ferocious face rushing towards her frantically, Zhang Rong's mind was in a trance for a moment. Sister, now she has become so strange, so crazy, so wanting to kill herself.

"Hey," Xiao Ling also realized the seriousness of the matter, but he was a little far away from Zhang Rong, so he could only condense all his true energy on his right palm, shouted, and held the dagger towards Zhang Han from the air. The arm clapped a palm.


When the happy machete cut Zhang Han's arm, the dagger in the latter's hand also pierced Zhang Rong's chest, and a stream of bright red blood shot out, soaking Zhang Rong's purple clothes in an instant, and the color around the wound healed. His hair was deep, so deep that it was a little black, just like the state of mind when he was happy.

The moment the dagger pierced Zhang Rong's chest, he was happy to feel that the world was collapsing, and he fell into the abyss. Deep fear and helplessness flooded his heart, completely obliterating him and making him almost suffocate. At this moment, the world As if he was the only one left, he couldn't see Zhang Han's arm being severed by him, and couldn't hear her miserable wailing.


At this moment, a cold arrow suddenly flew towards Zhang Rong's shoulder blade. Zhang Rong couldn't help crying out in pain, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Zhang Rong's cry of pain awakened Gao Xing in an instant, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Rong in his arms. Looking at her distorted face because of the pain, Gao Xing began to tremble violently, and his chest almost exploded with raging anger.

At the same time, a bloodthirsty desire to kill surged from the bottom of my heart in an instant, and went straight to the Lingtai, and the speed of Qi in Gao's body was more than ten times faster in an instant. With great force, he galloped through his limbs like a runaway wild horse. He was so happy that his bones creaked, his blood spurted out, and his muscles were stretched out. In just a short time, his whole body became thicker and naked. The skin on the outside turned red.


With more and more explosive power in the body, Gao Xing couldn't help roaring up to the sky, like a dragon singing in Kyushu, a tiger roaring in a forest, the sound waves rolled up to the sky, and there were dozens of people around the Moon Worship Sect disciples with weak skills who couldn't bear the impact of the sound waves , and fainted on the spot with a muffled groan, bleeding from the mouth and nose, apparently seriously injured, and the others also looked ugly and dizzy for a while.

In the howling sound, Gao Xing's aura instantly climbed to the peak, and an extremely crazy and fierce evil spirit came out through his body. The cold and gloomy aura made everyone around him change their faces. The eyes are full of madness, but the smile on the corner of his mouth is very strong, it is a high, compassionate smile, which looks very strange.

The cold arrows shot by the agency had stopped, but no one dared to act rashly. The three elders looked at Xing Xing solemnly, and they were full of vigor, ready to deal with Xing Xing's offensive.

"Xiao Ling, take Rong'er away, if she gets hurt again, you don't have to come back," Gao Xing's voice was extremely hoarse, but his tone was so cold that it made people's hearts tremble. After speaking, Xing Xing turned pale Zhang Rong handed it over to Xiao Ling.

"Husband, I won't go, I want to be with you." Although Zhang Rong was extremely weak due to the injury, and there were fine beads of sweat on her smooth forehead, she still pulled herself together and stood up straight. , looked at happily with a firm face.

Gao Xing's current appearance reminded her of that night more than two years ago, the night that completely changed her fate. All signs showed that Gao Xing had reached the critical point of madness. The outbreak, the consequences are unimaginable.

"If you are my wife, just listen to me obediently," the happy tone softened, and a touch of warmth flashed in the bloody eyes.

Seeing Gao Xing said so, Zhang Rong had no choice but to keep silent, her tear-filled eyes were full of worry, Gao Xing gently hugged Zhang Rong, then said softly "wait for me" and handed it over to Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling Ling didn't talk nonsense, just took a deep look at Xing Xing, and pulled Zhang Rong away without the slightest hesitation.

As soon as he went out, Xiao Ling didn't care whether he was overrepresented, so he clamped Zhang Rong's body under his armpit, and his body immediately rushed towards the distance like an arrow from Li Xuan, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The disciples of the Moon Worship Sect wanted to stop Xiao Ling and Zhang Rong from chasing after them, but seeing Gao Xing's cold and crazy eyes and feeling the terrifying evil spirit emanating from him, they had to give up this plan.

"Master Gao, since Zhang Rong has left safely, can we continue with our transaction," the elder stared at Xing Xing closely, his tone a bit dignified.

"You're right, since Rong'er is safe, we should settle the accounts between us," Gao Xing chuckled and nodded.

"What do you mean?" the third elder frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

"You will know what you mean immediately," said here, the happy words suddenly changed, the sword eyebrows stood upright, and the canthus tearfully shouted: "Zhang Han, you femme fatale, take your life," before the words fell, The happy body suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, leaving only an afterimage in place.

"Stop," said the Great Elder, who had been guarding against the happy sneak attack, so as soon as he saw him move, he jumped out suddenly, as swiftly as a goshawk pouncing on a rabbit.

"Get out," I was glad to see the Great Elder rushing forward, and let out a low growl, and slashed at the Great Elder with the machete, with a loud "Dang", the Great Elder stopped running, and then staggered back, But Gao Xing's wrist trembled slightly, and with one move, he chopped Huashan straight down.


The knife fell to the head, and Zhang Rong's miserable howling stopped instantly, and her body twitched a few times and finally stopped.


The death of Zhang Han caught everyone in the Moon Worship Sect for a moment, and then they shouted together and rushed forward together, obviously happy that they would not obediently hand over the cheats, but Zhang Rong had already escaped, and the head of the four guardians was beheaded on the spot How could the Moon Worship Sect stay behind again? The three elders, Shang Peng, the fourth protector and a hundred of the Moon Worship Sect disciples crazily rushed towards Xing Xing.

Gao Xing was not afraid, instead of retreating, he made progress, passed the three major protectors, and rushed directly into the camp of Moon Worship Sect disciples. Even a master like Zhang Han couldn't please Gao Xing, let alone ordinary disciples, Xing Xing was like a tiger. Entering the flock, there is no general under his command, and the places he passes are full of sorrow and blood.

The three elders yelled in anger, but Joy was like a slippery loach, it just shuttled back and forth among the ordinary disciples, killing wantonly, and didn't fight them hard at all, just a few breaths, and fell under the knives of Joy There are nearly ten people.

Xing Xing's skills on the battlefield came in handy this time. Although Bai Yue taught many people, but Xing Xing couldn't take advantage of Xing Xing in the chaotic battle.

Seeing more and more disciples killed and injured in battle, the three elders were heartbroken. While raising their skills to the extreme to encircle and rejoice, they ordered ordinary disciples to quickly withdraw from the battle in order to reduce casualties.

After Zhang Rong left, Gao Xing no longer had any worries in his heart, and completely let go of his hands and feet. Although he also knew that killing would inevitably trigger inner demons, there are some things that you cannot control if you want to.

When Zhang Han's head was chopped off, the demons that had been suppressed for a long time broke out completely and became more violent than before. The blood vessels all over his body seemed to be bursting, and the strength in his limbs and bones made him feel uncomfortable.

The blood had already stained Happy's white shirt red, and the wound burst due to violent exercise, but he still didn't notice it, and he still swung the machete like a machine, attacking the enemy in front of him with instinct, and swayed the hostility in his chest Clean, let the bursting power in the body vent out.

I don't know how long it took, but Gao Xing felt that the enemies were killing more and more, but the strength in his body was also gathering more and more. Some capillaries on the limbs couldn't bear it and exploded, mixing with the enemy's blood, completely dyed Xing Xing to death. A blood man.


Gao Xing chopped off half of the head of a Moon Worship Sect disciple with a slanted knife, white brains and bright red blood spattered him, but Xing Xing let out a hoarse and harsh laugh, and the machete in his hand stabbed another one person.

"Madman, take your life." After sacrificing more than 20 disciples, the three elders finally surrounded Gao Xing again, and the irritable second elder couldn't bear it any longer, and threw the iron crutch in his hand at Xing Xing. , It's as terrifying as Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

Gao Xing's eyes flashed fiercely, he let out a roar, raised the machete from bottom to top, and fought hard with the second elder, there was a loud noise, Gao Xing's body swayed, a trace of blood spilled out of his mouth, the second elder was not feeling well, "Kick Teng Teng" took a few steps back, a burst of energy and blood surged.

Naturally, the First Elder and the Third Elder would not be idle, they used the fiercest killing moves to greet Gao Xing, and Xing Xing naturally did not show weakness.

The monkey steals the peach, the black tiger digs out the heart, lifts the cunt's legs, in short, all the insidious tricks, the joy makes the fire perfect, and the three elders are furious, but they can't hold the joy for a while.

Although Gao Xing was acting extremely vigorously at this time, several people also understood that Gao Xing was seriously injured, even if he erupted, it would not last long, and he would die when his oil ran out. No longer fighting against Gao Xing, but surrounding You Dou to death, the purpose is to exhaust his strength.

Unable to kill the annoying goshawk in front of him for a long time, he roared happily and swung the machete in his hand more and more fiercely. The whistling wind made the surrounding Moon Worship Sect disciples tremble with fear.

But all this is in vain. Although the three elders' single skills are not as good as the explosive joy, it is not difficult for the three of them to work together to trap Gao Xing. As time goes by, Gao Xing's heart becomes more and more irritable and angry, and the true energy in his body Like a flood breaking a dike, more and more meridians were torn and destroyed, but the desire to kill and bloodthirsty in Gao Xing's heart continued unabated, and the strength of his body was still growing at an extremely terrifying speed.


The third elder was overjoyed, the long sword in his hand pierced the Tanzhong acupoint in an instant, he wanted to dodge in joy, but it was too late At night, the long sword of the third elder had pierced into his clothes.


Unexpectedly, the third elder hit Gao Xing's body with a blow with all his strength, and Xing Xing's body suddenly shook, and an extremely crisp voice sounded from his chest.

At the moment when everyone was surprised, they saw a ball of golden light suddenly burst out from Gao Xing's chest. The golden light was so soft that it melted away the strong evil spirit on Gao Xing's body and cleared his mind.

"Hey," Gao Xing, who had woken up, immediately understood his situation. He cursed secretly, his right foot flew up, and kicked the third elder's abdomen. , flashed out of the gate in the blink of an eye.

"Where are you going?" Gao Xing wanted to go, how could the Great Elder be willing, and hurriedly greeted his subordinates and chased after Gao Xing.

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