Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 352

Gao Xingben was a little surprised at the sudden appearance of the poppy, but soon felt relieved. The headquarters of Baihua Palace is in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Hongfeng, who won the "Secret of Longevity" and the treasure map, appeared here. How could the master let go of the meat that reached their mouths?

Facing the greedy, jealous, and obscene gazes of everyone in the hall, Tianxianzi frowned slightly, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, while Poppy Flower giggled coquettishly, walked in with a slender waist and ostentatiously.


Glad that the nearby mace swallowed the saliva that was about to slip out of the corner of his mouth, a pair of blood-red eyes fixedly stared at the trembling and towering part of Poppy's chest, wishing to smash the gauze tube top into four pieces, and take a look at the beauty of spring .

The poppy flower is charming and seductive, but it is highly poisonous. I am happy but have a deep understanding of the charm of the poppy flower. Even he was almost tricked back then. How can a reckless person like a mace with poor self-control resist it? I can't help the charm of the poppy flower's frown and smile.

"Slut," in the quiet inn, the murmur was clearly audible, but it was a woman in her twenties, and she looked decent, but she paled in comparison to Tianxianzi and Poppy, obviously , being taken away by the poppy flower, she was a bit apprehensive.

"Where did the little dog come from, barking around there," Poppy Lihua raised her brows and scolded loudly.

The woman earlier stood up suddenly with a "chuckle", and said angrily, "Who are you scolding?"

"Yo," Poppy Flower glanced at the woman up and down, with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, "I thought someone was so bold, but I turned out to be a brat disguised as a woman." After finishing speaking, Poppy Flower She winked at the woman, and pushed her chest out vigorously. The fullness and firmness of her chest immediately rippled, making her eyes hurt.

The woman looked down at her breasts which were much smaller in size, and then at Poppy Flower's mocking and playful face, the flames in her heart burst out, and her face turned green and white, "Shut up, you **** ,"

"I know you don't have enough capital, and you feel aggrieved, sister, I won't be as knowledgeable as you," Yinglihua said without changing the smile on her face, but what she said made the woman furious.

"You, I'll kill you," the woman scolded coquettishly, a murderous look flashed in her eyes, she rose into the air, and flew straight at the poppy flower.

Poppy, on the other hand, smiled coquettishly, watching the woman's approach, her body was like a willow in the wind, she easily got out of the way of the woman's attack, crashed into her arms, and caressed the woman's chest with her slender hands, Give it a firm grip.

"Ah," the woman screamed as if she had come out of the spot, and she stepped back suddenly, her pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were both angry and shy.

"Tsk tsk, the touch really doesn't feel good, no wonder you're so angry, but no man hurts you," Yinglihua sighed, but the words she said were particularly bold, which made people think about it and blush.

"Eldest brother, you just let others bully me, but you don't ask, I ignore you," the woman's pretty face turned pale with rage, she stomped her foot suddenly, and threw a clay bowl on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

Poppy, however, turned a blind eye and smiled sweetly.

"Third sister, don't make trouble, we have to rest for a while and continue on our way," Tianxianzi said reproachfully, and then said to the foolish shopkeeper: "Come to the two upper rooms, and we are preparing a table of exquisite wine and dishes. Bring it to my room." After finishing speaking, Tianxianzi lifted the hem of her skirt and walked upstairs slowly.

"Hurry up and lead the way," Poppy said, throwing an ingot of silver on the counter, and glaring at Xiaoer.

"Yes, yes, yes," Xiao Er trembled all over, and hurriedly ran upstairs, but made a mistake in his busy schedule, and almost fell to the ground, causing the diners in the hall to burst into laughter.

"Wu Na girl, stop for me." Seeing his junior sister crying sadly, Poppy Lihua and Tianxianzi walked upstairs, the senior brother naturally wanted to express something. Although this senior brother is not as handsome as happy, but his facial features are also good. Correct, he strode down the stairs, glared at the poppy flower and shouted.

"What advice do you have?" Tianxianzi stopped, looked at the senior brother indifferently, and said.

Looking at Tianxianzi's beautiful and refined face, the senior brother's eyes flashed with obsession, "Your companion insulted my junior sister, I'm afraid you can't leave so easily,"

"what do you want,"

"Naturally, according to the rules of the world, drink to make amends," the brother said loudly, but he was very excited in his heart, if he could drink at the same table with Tian Xianzi, it would be a good kiss.

"Okay, remember to drink more," Tian Xianzi smiled slightly, and the sleeves of her robe were lightly lifted, revealing a smear of white skin on her arms, which made the brother's mouth dry for a while, but he didn't pay attention, God When the fairy's sleeves slid past her eyes, a strange fragrance entered her nose.

After finishing speaking, Tian Xianzi stopped talking, leaving behind the sluggish senior brother, turned around and went upstairs, disappeared in the blink of an eye, the beauty left, everyone felt a sense of loss, the wine and dishes on the table also lost their taste, like chewing wax .

"Ah," at this moment, the sluggish senior brother suddenly screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground, tightly covering his lower abdomen with his hands, rolling on the ground, fine beads of sweat covered his pale face.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with you," the woman rushed forward and asked anxiously just now, but the senior brother was screaming in pain, his teeth were chattering, and he couldn't speak.

"It must be those two women, they really have the heart of snakes and scorpions," the woman was anxious and angry, tears rolling down her cheeks, and she was about to rush upstairs to reason, but a hoarse voice sounded: "Drink more, drink strong wine,"

The woman looked around, but she couldn't see the speaker, but she remembered what he said, so she gritted her teeth, picked up a bowl of wine and poured it into the brother's stomach. The brother coughed a few times. It's a good point.

The woman was overjoyed, and quickly poured wine bowl by bowl for the senior brother. After drinking a total of eighteen bowls of wine, the pain in the senior brother's abdomen disappeared completely, but she was already drunk and fell asleep on the ground like a dead dog.

Gao Xing did not go back to the room, but quietly left the door after leaving the detoxification method. Poppy had seen him before, and it would not be a good thing if his identity was revealed. It is rumored that the special envoys of Baihua Palace are all beautiful and vicious. See, it really is worthy of the name, the face of a fairy, the means of a devil.

For such a woman, it is better to be close and far away.

Gao Xing sighed, then hurried away, found an unremarkable inn to live in, Gao Xing changed into a white shirt in the room, and began to change his face in front of the bronze mirror. After an hour, Gao Xing turned into a 30-year-old The middle-aged man, with a sallow complexion and dull eyes, seems to be plagued by old illnesses.

After finishing all this work, Gao Xing changed into a red dress, put on a black outer cape and inner red cape, and covered his face with a black scarf, casually holding a knife that he just passed by a blacksmith shop on the table, and walked to the street swaggeringly.

Out of the door, I was happy to go out of the city without stopping. The image of Hongfeng wearing a red dress, a black scarf facing her face, and holding a steel knife in her hand was widely known a month ago. As soon as the disguise appeared, others recognized him as Hongfeng.

Soon, the news of Hongfeng's appearance spread like wildfire, and spread throughout the city. Whether it was a dead man supported by a dignitary or a master in the rivers and lakes, they all abandoned their affairs and chased outside the city.

Leaving the city, the speed of joy suddenly accelerated, and a few flashes disappeared at the end of the official road. The seven or eight people hanging behind him did not give up, so they ran wildly along the official road. They chased for half an hour, ran After traveling more than [-] miles away, I was sweating profusely and steaming hot. I reached the bank of the Yangtze River, but I still didn't see the figure of "Red Wind".

"Fourth, are you mistaken? Even if Hongfeng is a ghost, he should have left some traces," the leader gasped.

"Brother, didn't you also see it? It is rumored that the red wind came from Tiandaozong, so it is natural for the martial arts to be strong," said the fourth child, wiping his sweat and sitting on the ground.

"Oh, forget it, it's getting late, let's go back to the city, there are many people in Jiangling City looking for Hongfeng, we just need to follow behind,"

"Brother is really smart, the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins, let's be a fisherman too, haha," everyone laughed, and when they were about to go back to the city, a hoarse and cold voice suddenly sounded behind him: " Are you looking for me?"

"Who," the fourth child suddenly jumped up from the ground, with a large carved ax in his hand across his chest, with a vigilant expression on his face.

"Red Wind," the boss exclaimed suddenly, and saw a man in red clothes ten meters behind them. Who else would come if he was not happy to pretend to be "Red Wind".

"Good boy, we are looking for you, how dare you come to your door," a rough man among several people laughed excitedly.

"Really, why are you looking for me?"

"Hongfeng, hand over the baby, we may spare you," the boss suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and the others quickly surrounded Gao Xing.

"The thing is in my arms, it depends on whether you have your life to take it, but I want to remind you, if you retreat now, I may spare your life, otherwise you will have to pay some price," clapped happily chest, voice hoarse and cold.

"Don't be ashamed, kill," the eldest brother shouted, and rushed forward first, the carved ax in his hand was fierce, and the others didn't hold back, they all shouted and rushed towards Gao Xing, and the first move was a killer move.

Those who came to Jiangling City, there are few people who did not come for the treasure. They are happy and have no bad feelings towards these greedy people, but they definitely have no good feelings towards them, especially they despise and loathe the people who kill and seize treasures in front of them. Therefore, seeing the opponent's vicious moves, how could he be merciful if he was happy.

Xing Xing waved his left hand, and the cloak behind him was immediately raised high, and his body suddenly went towards the fourth child with a large carved axe. While running, Xing Xing's steel knife was unsheathed.


A scream pierced the hazy sky, and the arm of the fourth child holding the big ax was broken at the elbow, but the happy body had already come to the side of the boss, and the bloody steel knife slashed towards his ankle.

The boss was disturbed by his brother's screams, and it was too late when he realized that Gao Xing was bullying him. He watched as Gao Xing trembled with the steel knife in his hand and broke the big tendon on his right ankle. Ruan just collapsed to the ground, not only lost his combat effectiveness, but also became a useless person in the future.

Gao Xing's figure was like a wisp of green smoke, fluttering, and screams sounded one after another. When everything stopped, only Xing Xing was left standing on the field. Xing Xing did not kill this time, but for the lying on the ground For the eight people, it is worse than death now. They depend on their survival, and their kung fu to run amok in the world is almost completely crippled by happiness. Since then, they have become useless people who are not as good as ordinary people. How do you tell them to live.

"Facts have proved that you are not qualified to own treasures, get out, before I change my mind," Gao Xing put the steel knife into its sheath, and said in a calm tone.

Everyone on the ground seemed to be pardoned, they quickly picked up their own stumps and arms, and walked towards Jiangling City regardless of the weapons on the ground supporting each other. If they didn't ask a doctor to treat them soon, they might bleed to death. It's hard to be happy and resentful, but when I think of his ghostly posture, I feel frightened in my heart.

Gao Xing was about to step away when he suddenly heard a soft sound coming from his side. He was shocked in his heart and whispered: "Who?"

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