Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 353 The Hooligan in Empress Xiao's Eyes

The voice came from behind a boulder by the river, and a happy figure appeared on the boulder with a flicker.

"Don't come here," Gao Xing hadn't seen the scene behind the boulder clearly when a woman's terrified scream came from next to his ear, and Gao Xing was startled by the super high decibel.

Gao Xing suppressed the murderous aura on his body, looked down condescendingly, and saw a woman curled up behind the boulder, looking at him in horror.

This woman is about twenty-eight years old. Although there are a few patches on the hairpin of the commoner clothes, it is difficult to conceal her natural beauty, and from the fine patches and exquisite stitches, it can be seen that this is a girl with a delicate mind.

Happy is not a first-time brother who has never seen beauty, but when he saw the woman in front of him, he still felt a sense of amazement in his heart. Not to mention the girl's crystal clear skin and picturesque facial features, the most attractive thing is her The temperament on her body is a kind of graceful and noble temperament, overlooking the world, but inclusive of everything, warm like drizzle, making people close but with a touch of awe.

This is the first time I have seen such a happy temperament. Even Yang Lihua, who was born in a wealthy family, does not have such a graceful and luxurious temperament, but now it appears on a woman who is dressed in shabby clothes and lives a miserable life. It is really too weird.

"Miss, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I won't hurt you," Gao Xing jumped down from the boulder, and said in a gentle tone, it was obvious that the girl was terrified when she saw Xing Xing's killing before.

"Don't come here, don't come here," the girl exclaimed, her eyes were full of horror, her body was still trembling, trying to stay away from happiness.

Just as Gao Xing was about to speak, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Be careful," as he said, he rushed straight towards the girl.

Seeing Gao Xing rushing towards her, the girl screamed and shrank her body suddenly, but her feet were empty, and she suddenly fell backwards. Behind her was the Yangtze River flowing eastward.

I was so happy that I sounded a warning because I saw the girl huddled by the river, extremely dangerous, but I didn't want the girl to still fall into the river.

"Hey," Gao Xing was only three meters away from the girl, and he took another step forward, finally grabbing the girl's slender hand when she fell into the river, Gao Xing let out a soft drink, and pulled the girl into him with all his strength embrace.

At this time, the weather was still a bit cold, the ice and snow had just melted, and the water level was not high, that's why the girl didn't immerse in the water, otherwise she would have to suffer a lot if she was covered by the piercing river water.

"Miss, wake up, wake up," I was happy to see that the girl was not injured, but just fainted from fright, so I felt relieved. Although he killed people like hemp, he didn't want to hurt the innocent. The reason for the family members of the evil family.

Xing Xing called a few more times, and the girl in her arms finally woke up slowly. After being confused, she obviously recognized Xing Xing as the culprit, "You villain, let me go," the girl struggled out of Xing Xing's embrace, and ran far away. A few meters away, he watched happily with lingering fear, but there was a faint blush on his face.

"Miss, you misunderstood. Although I am not a good person, I don't admit that I am a bad person," Gao Xing said and began to take off his cloak.

"What do you want to do, you scoundrel, rascal," the girl was horrified when she saw Gao Xing was undressing, she yelled and cursed in a crying voice, turned her head and ran away, but she didn't expect that there were a lot of rubble by the river, and there was a mess in the middle of the bustle Kicked his foot, fell to the ground, and burst into sobs.

Gao Xing's hands froze, and immediately understood the meaning of the girl's words. He didn't argue much, but quickly threw the mask and cloak that had been removed into a ball into the river, and then quickly threw the mask on his face. All the camouflage was removed, and the original face was revealed immediately.

The girl had been paying attention to the happy movements, and seeing that he was not aggressively assaulting and bullying her like the rumored hooligans, she let go of her suspended heart and stopped crying.

"My name is Gao Xing, and I haven't asked Miss Fang's name yet," Gao Xing, with a warm smile on his face, walked slowly to two meters in front of the girl and knelt down to ask, his eyes full of sincerity.

"Happy," the girl couldn't help but frowned when she heard this, and muttered in deep thought.

Gao Xing couldn't help asking in surprise: "Is there anything wrong?"

"This name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere before," the girl murmured to herself, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she said in surprise: "By the way, I once heard my brother say that he has a friend called Happy, "

"Really?" Gao Xing was stunned in his heart. He felt that the woman in front of him looked a little familiar before, especially Xing Xing felt that there seemed to be some power in the dark that made him want to get close to her, so he was here The woman showed her true face.

"I don't know who Lingdi is, maybe it's my friend or not." After a pause, he happily asked, with some expectations in his heart. For some reason, looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, he felt a little bit of excitement in his heart. Restlessness, which has never been seen before.

Could it be love at first sight, I fell in love with her, this thought immediately surprised me, he quickly shook his head to drive away the messy thoughts.

"My younger brother's name is taboo, Shang Xiao and Xia Yu," the girl's melodious voice sounded.

Xing Xing took a tight breath, and asked excitedly: "But Xiao Yu, the son of Emperor Xiao Ming Xiao Kui,"

"How do you know?" the girl looked at Gao Xing in amazement and asked, "Could it be that you really know him?"

"It's absolutely true," Gao Xing sighed and said, "Even though Brother Xiao and I only met once in Chang'an City, we hit it off right away and talked very happily. If it wasn't for the later changes, I'm afraid I would follow him to Jiangling City for a while. It's not certain, either."

Speaking of this, Gao Xing suddenly fell silent, looked at the girl in shock and said, "Miss is born in February, and now she is boarding at Uncle Zhang Ke's house,"

"You know all of this. It seems that you really met my younger brother. My name is Xiao Shiyun." The panic in the girl's eyes dissipated, but her brows were slightly frowned, and she stared carefully at the happy girl.

"Could it be that I have flowers on my face," Gao Xing asked, touching his face.

Xiao Shiyun shook her head, and said with some hesitation: "There are rumors that Qi Guo's Gao Xing is a cowardly and lowly apprentice, but my brother said that Gao Xing would never be such a person, and there must be something else hidden in it." ,"

Xiao Shiyun is the daughter of Emperor Xiaoming of the Later Liang Dynasty. It is customary in the south of the Yangtze River that children born in February are unlucky, so she was adopted by Xiao Kui's cousin Xiao Ji when she was young. She moved to the home of her uncle Zhang Ke, who was poor, so Xiao Shiyun, who was a princess, had to live a poor life.

Historically, Xiao Shiyun was the original partner of Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty. Although Yang Guang was notorious, he was really good to Empress Xiao. Not to mention that Yang Guang canonized her as queen, she was very respectful and never deposed. If you read it, it is said that Yang Guang went to the south of the Yangtze River six times, and she served the left and right, so you know her position in Yang Guang's heart.

Hearing what Xiao Shiyun said, his handsome face flushed red with joy. Although the incident in Chang'an was indeed framed by Yinchi, Happy's name is really resounding. He dared to tarnish the established princess and give the prince a green hat. Happy can be regarded as famous through the ages up.

Especially the opposite is the famous Empress Xiao in history, a beautiful woman whom I have a good impression of, I am so happy that I feel hot on my face, but Xiao Yu actually believes in me, which makes me very grateful and excited.

"It's getting late, Your Highness, I'll take you home," Gao Xing said in embarrassment, looking at the dark sky.

"Master Gao, I'm not a princess, you just call me by my first name." Xiao Shiyun's face was a little gloomy, she struggled to get up from the ground, just stood up straight, her feet hurt, she staggered and fell again, she was happy with quick eyes and quick hands, He grasped Xiao Shiyun's little hand and held her by the arm.

"Thank you," Xiao Shiyun said softly, and quickly pulled away her happy palm, her pretty face flushed to the bottom of her ears, her eyes were both shy and flustered.

"It's easy to do," Shaking his head happily, but sighing Xiao Shiyun's fate in his heart.

She was supposed to be a princess, so she should be dressed in rich clothes, but she was wearing coarse clothes, and even the skin on her cold little hands was a little rough, which was obviously caused by hard work.

Even though she was the mother of the country in the end, her husband was cruel and licentious, causing the country to be ruined and the family to be destroyed. Yu Wenhuaji rebelled, Yang Guang died suddenly, and she became the prison of the rebels. She fell into the hands of Dou Jiande. Later, Dou Jiande was afraid of the Turks and had to give her to the Turks. It was not until the establishment of the Tang Dynasty that she was able to return to the Central Plains.

Although she is glamorous and unparalleled, even Li Shimin, the emperor of the ages, is impressed by her charm, but there is so much bitterness hidden behind all the prosperity. Is there any woman in the world who likes to wander around and become someone else's plaything? Facing those decisive kings, even death is an extravagant hope for her, sometimes living is more painful than dying.

These sighs just flashed away in the heart of happiness, and the eyes looking at Xiao Shiyun couldn't help but feel more pity and pity, "Miss Xiao, I will take you back, it is getting late, it is cold outside, don't freeze your body,"

Xiao Shiyun nodded lightly, and then walked away. Although she walked very slowly and carefully, the bursts of pain from her sprained ankle still made her frown and sweat profusely.

"Your foot is hurt," Gao Xing saw Xiao Shiyun's discomfort at a glance, so she asked, without waiting for the latter's answer, Gao Xing squatted down and pulled up her trouser legs, and she saw the crystal delicate ankle There was a small bruise on it, which was extremely eye-catching.

Xiao Shiyun let out a low cry, her pretty face was blushing all over, her eyes were both shy and angry, her fine white teeth bit her lips tightly, she wanted to struggle to walk away, but her legs felt heavy, not just pain or something, He couldn't even move an inch.

"Come, let me take a look for you," Gao Xing lifted Xiao Shiyun's sprained ankle involuntarily, gently attached his right palm to it, and the vitality-filled Longevity True Qi passed over slowly, slowly dispelling the blood stasis.

When happy, warm and delicate palms touched her skin, Xiao Shiyun felt like an electric current flowed through her body, making her heart tremble, her legs go weak, and the base of her fair neck turned into a magnificent Red, her body trembled even more, if she hadn't lightly pressed Gao Xing's shoulder with one hand, she might have fallen to the ground.

Soon, the bruises on Xiao Shiyun's ankles gradually faded away, and she happily and gently put down Xiao Shiyun's trousers, stood up and said, "Okay, let's go and see, does it still hurt?"

Xiao Shiyun lowered her head, didn't speak, turned around and left, her footsteps were much lighter, and she wanted to say something happily, but seeing Xiao Shiyun kept her head slightly lowered, she also kept silent, quietly following behind her slowly. Go slow.

Gao Xing and Xiao Shiyun didn't notice, there were two beautiful figures silently watching them tens of meters behind them, they were Tianxianzi and Poppyflower.

"Third sister, he just rejected your Gao Xin, the governor of Shandong and Jiangsu provinces," Tian Xianzi asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it's just strange why he appeared here, and there is no scar on his face," Yinglihuaxiu frowned, staring at the happy back in bewilderment.

"It's probably because of the treasure map, but I think we can start from other places to facilitate the cooperation between Gao Xin and us," Tian Xianzi said confidently with a flash of light in her eyes.

"You mean..." Yinglihua was taken aback for a moment, then followed Tianxianzi's gaze, and saw that she was staring at Xiao Shiyun's slim back in a daze,

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