Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 356 Will it be him?

"Don't be shy, beauty." Pan Linfeng took a step closer.There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth. "You are as beautiful as a flower. I am suave and unrestrained. It is the so-called beauty of a man and woman. A match made in heaven. Miss. You will marry me. Make sure you wear gold and silver. Eat well and drink hot. How about it." He said.Pan Linfeng stretched out his hand to pick Xiao Shiyun's round and smooth chin.

"Pan Shaoxia. Please show some respect." Xiao Shiyun took two steps back.The pretty eyes are cold.Said coldly.

"Miss, Pan thinks he respects you very much. What else do you want?" Pan Linfeng raised his eyebrows.The light in the single eye became more and more blazing. "If you don't, just follow me. Just be a dewy couple. It's also good to experience the love between men and women."

"Shameless." Xiao Shiyun immediately cursed.Pretty face flushed with anger.

"Good scolding. Good scolding. Pan likes to do some shameless things. I wonder if you are ready, miss." He said.Pan Linfeng approached Xiao Shiyun again.

"Don't come here. Don't come here." Looking at the naked obscenity in Pan Linfeng's eyes.Xiao Shiyun's heart was full of fear.He backed away.Shouted in fear.

"Don't be afraid. There are so many joys in love between men and women. You will like it." Pan Linfeng licked his lips.Dressed rudely and said.His eyes were as terrifying as a ferocious beast in heat.The voice fell.His whole body suddenly rushed towards Xiao Shiyun.

"Don't. Don't." Xiao Shiyun screamed immediately.Backed away in a panic.But the pebbles under her feet seriously affected her speed.One accidentally fell to the ground.Looking at the bullying Pan Linfeng.Smell his breath.Xiao Shiyun was terrified.It was a burst of disgust for no reason.

"Little beauty. Don't worry. I, Pan Linfeng, am also someone like Pan An Songyu. I won't just ask for you in this wilderness. That would be a shame." Pan Linfeng looked down at Xiao Shiyun.Like looking at a lamb for the slaughter. "I rented a yard in the village ahead. Let's light red candles. Wouldn't it be beautiful to practice human relations after worshiping heaven and earth. Hahahaha." At this point.Pan Linfeng couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You villain. My father is the current emperor Xiao Kui. If you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, he will definitely not let you go." Seeing that he couldn't resist.Xiao Shiyun couldn't help pulling out Lao Tzu's banner.

Who would have thought that Pan Linfeng would not be surprised but happy when he heard this remark: "You said your father is Xiao Kui. Wouldn't that be better. I've been tired for more than ten years. It's great to be a son-in-law now. Wait until you I do good things. I am your son-in-law. How could your father hurt me. Wonderful. Wonderful."

"You shameless person. You bastard. You will die badly. Get lost." Xiao Shiyun immediately cursed in despair.

Though she grew up in a poor family.But it is full of poetry and books.Knowledgeable and reasonable.Now she was first insulted by her aunt Pan Ling.He was also in danger of being raped by Pan Linfeng.The reserve in my heart was immediately let go.He cursed loudly.It's just that she never scolded anyone.Just those few sentences over and over again.And the appearance of pear blossoms with rain has a special charm.Seeing this, Pan Linfeng's heart was on fire.The index finger moved.I can't wait to gallop for a while on the spot with a gun on my horse.

"Come here. Help. Help." Xiao Shiyun wanted to retreat again.But it has reached the river.out on a limb.Immediately shouted anxiously.

"Call it. No one will come to rescue you even if you break your throat. You still obey me obediently. It's better to avoid suffering." Pan Linfeng didn't care.He looked at Xiao Shiyun calmly and said.


Although Pan Linfeng liked the meaning of these three words very much.But when he heard these three words, he shuddered Lingling.

"Who." Pan Linfeng suddenly pulled out Jiang Changjian.Turn around and look.I saw a man covered in a black cloak standing ten meters behind him.Under the cover of night, I couldn't see his face clearly.Although the person did not have the slightest breath coming out.But Pan Linfeng still felt uneasy.Chills down the spine.

"Pan Linfeng. You bastard. Today is your day of death." The man in black shouted.His body rushed towards Pan Linfeng like a big bird.


Pan Linfeng has always trusted his intuition.So he made preparations as soon as he felt that the man in black was in danger.The moment the figure in black moved.He grabbed Xiao Shiyun's shoulder.Then he pushed her hard towards the man in black.Oil the soles of their feet.Flee to one side along the river.The speed is extremely fast.In the blink of an eye, he was already 30 meters away.

Watching Xiao Shiyun bump into herself.The man in black had to stop his figure.He held her with open arms.

He was held in the arms of the man in black.Xiao Shiyun felt safer than ever.Especially the familiar aura on his body made her even more delighted.

"Master Gao. You're finally here. Huh..." Xiao Shiyun tightly hugged the waist of the man in black.Press your face tightly against his chest.Wept loudly.

"Miss Xiao. The bad guy has already left. It's all right." Gao Xing hesitated for a moment.Finally, he still attached his warm palm to Xiao Shiyun's slender back.Gently stroked.Soothe her frightened soul.

Xiao Shiyun cried.Wept all day long.It took about a quarter of an hour to stop.I am glad that the skirt of my chest is already wet.Even the underwear that was attached to the flesh was wet a little.

Dress up.Xiao Shiyun may be a noble princess or queen.But she is now an innocent girl after all.No matter how strong your heart is.In the face of this kind of thing, my heart is still extremely frightened and flustered.

"I'm sorry. Mr. Xiao. I made you laugh." I was in a slightly moody mood.Xiao Shiyun finally woke up and was still in the arms of joy.With a shy exclamation, he struggled to take a few steps back.He lowered his head slightly.said in a low voice.Her pretty face was as red as a ripe apple.There were bouts of fever.Fortunately, twilight has come.Others can't see it clearly.

"How could it be?" He happily shook his head.Then he asked strangely: "Miss Xiao, I would like to ask. Why did you come to this remote place at such a late hour? Aren't you afraid of danger? Isn't your uncle worried about you?"

Xiao Shiyun suddenly fell silent.His face also became extremely gloomy.Although invisible.But happy, she can keenly feel that her mood has dropped a lot.

"If it's inconvenient to say it, don't say it. It's getting late. I'll take you back."

"Don't. I don't want to go back now." A gust of cold wind blew.Xiao Shiyun shivered.Like a flower trembling in the cold wind.Extraordinarily lovable.

"Go. Let's sit down over there and talk." He said.Gao Xing took off the cloak on her body and put it on Xiao Shiyun's shoulders.Then he walked towards the woods not far away.

I felt a lot warmer all of a sudden.Xiao Shiyun's cold and sad heart couldn't help warming up a little.There is also a trace of inexplicable strangeness in the eyes looking at Xing Xing's back.

The two came to the woods.Happy to pick up some dead branches.Get out the matches you carry with you.Soon a cluster of bonfires were lit.The jumping firelight not only dispels the fear brought by the darkness.It made the damp and cold air even more warm.

"Miss Xiao. You ran out so late. Did you have some trouble with your uncle's house?" Looking at Xiao Shiyun's dejected expression.I am happy and feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.Regardless of Xiao Yu's face.Or simply hope that the empress Xiao in history can suffer less.Happy to hope that I can help.

Xiao Shiyun stared blankly at the flickering flames in the cold wind.Nod slightly.Then he slowly opened his mouth and narrated that made her afraid.flustered.have no choice.All kinds of unwillingness.A child abandoned by his biological parents.Meet another bitter stepmother.One can imagine the bitterness of life.

"Do you hate your aunt?" After Xiao Shiyun finished speaking.Happily asked involuntarily.

Xiao Shiyun shook her head and said: "She is doing it for the good of the family. For the good of Jun'er. There is nothing wrong with it. The only thing I can blame is that I am the daughter of Emperor Xiao Kui. But I grew up in an ordinary family. I have dragged my uncle's family down." She said.Xiao Shiyun's eyes filled with tears again.

"You are so kind." Gao Xing sighed.Pan Ling's actions may have been vitriolic.But it's true for families.

People say that tiger poison does not eat its children.But Yizi cannibalize each other.It is not uncommon to buy and sell women.Throw away the moral code that humans themselves impose on the spirit.To speak of the rules that transcend all things.This is not some heinous act.Survive.It is the instinct of living things.This is just human nature.Who can say that he has no selfishness?I'm afraid even Confucius would not dare to say so.

"What are you going to do? Do you really want to marry Laoshizi Huang Gongzi?" When this question was asked.I was happy and nervous for no reason.

"Is there any other way for me?" Xiao Shiyun looked at her happily in a daze and despair.

Seeing her so devastated.Happy for a while heartache. "Why not. I'll help you. You can't marry Mr. Huang. Otherwise, your whole life will be ruined. I'll give you the money. You can give it to your aunt. She won't force you again. If the magistrate Huang finds you again Your uncle’s troubles. You and your family can leave here completely. Go to other places. If it’s not possible, go to Qi State with me.”

See happy with a sincere look.Xiao Shiyun was greatly moved.Two lines of tears fell silently.He said in a trembling voice: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao. Thank you."


Pan Linfeng fled all the way.For half an hour.After running for forty or fifty miles to confirm that the enemy did not catch up, he was relieved.He sat down on the ground and panted loudly.

Although fleeing before fighting.It seemed that Pan Linfeng was really too cowardly.But for his embarrassed appearance.He has no regrets.

Ever since one eye was stabbed blind for raping the concubine of the money gang leader.Pan Linfeng understood a truth: it is not the hero but the idiot who flaunts his strength.He has never met Gao Xing.Not to mention deep hatred.There is no need to fight to the death.Moreover, the dangerous feeling in Gao Xing's body also made Pan Linfeng fearful.So he just thought about it for a while and made a quick decision.Just run away.But he also saved his life.

"Pan Linfeng. How is the matter we told you going? Why are you sitting on the ground panting like a dead dog?" Pan Linfeng panted for a while.A charming and soft voice came from far and near.He was so scared that he immediately jumped up.He looked in the direction of the sound with trepidation.

"I don't know that the two special envoys are here. I am sorry to welcome you. Forgive me. Forgive me." Pan Linfeng looked at the fairy and poppy who were walking towards him.Beads of sweat could not help but ooze on his forehead.

"You haven't answered my question yet. People." Poppy smiled coquettishly.Looking around.But he found that there was no one else except Pan Linfeng.His eyes could not help becoming sharper.The smile on the corner of his mouth is even more alluring. "Pan Linfeng. You don't dare to disobey our orders. You hurt the target."

"No. No. Absolutely not." Pan Linfeng suddenly fell to his knees.The body bends down on the ground.He tremblingly said: "Report to the two special envoys. This subordinate was about to succeed, but suddenly a man in black came out. The martial arts are very strong. This subordinate cannot, cannot win."

"Someone actually intervened. Who could it be? Could it be him." Tian Xianzi muttered to herself.Then Jiang looked suspiciously at Poppy.

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