Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 357 Peeping

"Probably not. The girl came out of the house suddenly. Our surveillance people didn't find him. This should be a coincidence." Poppy thought for a while.Then he answered firmly.

Tian Xianzi nodded and said: "That's good. Be sure to keep it secret. Don't let him find out. Otherwise, it will definitely fall short. It will be self-defeating." He said.Tianxianzi's cold eyes fell on Pan Linfeng. "Pan Linfeng. I'll spare you this time. Go back and stand by. If you return without success next time, you can experience the feeling of three-step heartbreak. Hmph"

finished.Tianxianzi turned and left.Poppies followed closely.Only Pan Linfeng was left trembling and limp on the ground.I was sweating profusely.


This morning.Jiangling City welcomes a group of guests.There are about ten people.Each with a shoulder knife and a sword.The temples protrude high.Obviously not ordinary people.

The first person is a middle-aged man.It looks ordinary.There was a gloomy look between his brows.It was as dark as the gray cloth gown on him.beside him.It was a young man in blue.Wool handsome.If it weren't for the sword in the left hand.Rather like a suave scholar.

"Senior Brother Shang. According to reports from my disciples lurking in Jiangling City. Recently, many martial arts comrades have rounded up Hongfeng. But he escaped them all. He also killed and injured many people. This person behaved pervertedly. He was cruel and merciless. He wounded people. He lost arms and legs. There are many people whose martial arts have been abolished. I think we need to be cautious." The blue-clothed Confucian scholar whispered in the gray-clothed man's ear.He frowned slightly.Obviously take this matter very seriously.

The man in gray nodded solemnly and said: "The treasure map and martial arts secret books are so tempting. Even the whereabouts of the past are secretive. The new generation of descendants of Tiandaozong who think highly of themselves have come out of the mountain. This Jiangling City has already been surging. If we don't Proceed carefully. Not only will you not be able to take the opportunity to obtain treasure maps and martial arts cheats, but your life may be in danger."

"Senior brother Shang said it is true. I hate that happy. If it weren't for him, my four great protectors would come together. The chance of getting the treasure would be even greater. It's just that he is hiding in Xuyi City. With the power of my teaching, I can't help him. Think Just thinking about it makes people angry." The blue-clothed Confucian scholar said in a low voice full of complaints.

The man in gray was shocked.When he heard the word "happy", a cold killing intent suddenly emanated from his whole body.His eyes also became extremely cold.His fists were clenched even more.

"Senior Brother Shang. Are you okay?" He felt the change of the man in gray.The Confucian scholar in blue immediately asked with concern.But there is some self-blame in my heart.He knew that that person was Brother Shang's sworn enemy.I want to mention it myself.Isn't this tantamount to exposing scars?

The man in gray withdrew his aura.Shake your head.The lips are pursed tightly.The haze between the brows grew thicker. "Send a few clever disciples out to find out the news. The others will stay in the inn first. Wait for the best time to do it. We don't have many people here this time. We must not be blind."

"Yes." The three subordinates agreed.They ran away in all directions.Others continued to walk towards the city.It quickly blended into the crowd and disappeared.

"The Moon Worship Sect is here too. Interesting. Shang Peng. Since you are here, how can I let you go. However, it would be too cheap to kill you directly." In a shop near the city gate.A stooped old man in his fifth decade.Looking at the back of Shang Peng and others leaving.Can't help laughing coldly a few times.He put down the merchandise he was playing with.on crutches.Hanging the Moon Worshipers from a distance, everyone walked forward.

That night.A man in gray suddenly appeared in the silent Jiangling City.This person roamed the streets and alleys of Jiangling City like a civet cat.Incredibly fast.He skillfully avoided the patrolling guards and some drunks who were singing drunkenly.not long time.The man in gray appeared in front of an inn.

Looking at the two lanterns on the lintel.The man in gray smiled silently.Push your feet hard.The body suddenly floated up like a cloud and a fog.When it fell, it had already climbed to the top of the building.The man in gray is as light as a feather.Fluttering forward.There was no sound.It's just a matter of breathing a few times.The man in gray came to the very center of the roof like a wisp of green smoke.

The man in gray looked around.After confirming that no one is paying attention.Then gently lifted a tile.He bent down and looked in.This is a fine room.It can be seen from both the space area and the decoration.

"Shang Peng. I was notoriously ruined by you in Chang'an back then. I will let you have a taste of it today." The gray-clothed man's eyes flickered coldly.He said jokingly in his heart.This man is happy to play.The gray clothes were exactly the same as Shang Peng's.His face was covered with a black scarf.

at this time.There is a faint mist floating in this room.Happy to take a sniff.Then there is a faint fragrance of roses penetrated into the lungs.Intoxicating.the center of the room.There is an enchanting figure.Judging from his revealing and dissolute attire.Be poppies.Dreamy and hazy under the cover of fog.Added a bit of charm.

Poppy didn't know there was someone on her head.He took off the tulle on his body.Immediately, most of Jiang's smooth and delicate back came.The slender waist is exposed.The poppy flowers are wrapped around the back of the neck softly.Gently tug.There was a soft sound.Her red tube top fell off.Two perfectly round snowballs that danced gently were revealed.The two spots on it are bright red and trembling.Very tempting.

Poppies kept moving.Quickly remove all the weapons on his body.A face that captivates all beings.Tall and firm breasts.A flat stomach without a trace of fat.The most attractive thing is the delicate black poppy flower under the navel.It makes the barren private parts more attractive.


Even though I am happy to have seen many beauties.But as soon as he saw the attractive carcass of the poppy.There was still a slight ripple in my heart.peeping.There is always an unspeakable excitement.

Poppy looked at her body in the bronze mirror in the guest room.A hint of pride flashed in her charming eyes.A touch of obsession.Appreciate it for a while.She has a smile on her lips.Walk slowly towards the bathtub.Hip waves.I was so happy that my mouth was dry.Impatient.Fortunately, I am happy that I have strong self-control.Except for a little inner turmoil.There was no lost movement.Baihua Palace is not yet a friend.If you are happy, you can enjoy the extremely fragrant scenery in front of you with peace of mind.

this woman.Raise your hand.There is amazing charm in every frown and smile.This charm is really terrible.

Watching the beauty take a bath.I am glad that the heat in my stomach rises.Can't wait to break into the room immediately.Jump into the huge bathtub and play with the poppies.Fortunately, I am happy to always remember the purpose of my visit.He shook his head slightly.Get rid of the dirty thoughts in your mind.His eyes became deep and firm again.


There was a soft sound.I am glad that one of the tiles under his hands finally broke under his pressure.

"Who?" Poppy suddenly exclaimed.The body suddenly jumped out of the bathtub.Tiptoe lightly.The clothes scattered on the ground wrapped tightly around his body.

See be found.Happiness does not stay.Run as fast as you can.Delighted to just jump off the roof.Then a woman in white came after her.It is the fairy.Poppies followed suit.Frost shrouded her pretty face.Killing intent radiated in his eyes.

"I want to run. It's not that easy." Tian Xianzi said coldly.When he raised his hand, seven or eight small steel needles flew towards Gao Xing.

For the hidden weapon shot by the fairy.Glad to have to give it my all.Although this woman is as beautiful as a flower.But the xinxing method is extremely vicious.

Seeing that all the escape routes around him were blocked by hidden weapons.Happiness can only fight back. "Keng".The sword is unsheathed. "Ding Ding Dang Dang" a burst of noise.All the steel needles shot were shot down happily.Even so.But the pace of happiness was greatly slowed down.He was chased by the fairy.

"Who are you? You are so courageous." Tian Xianzi stopped Gao Xing.looked at him coldly.It's a pity that there is a face towel to cover it up.But she couldn't see the true face of happiness.

I am happy and don't answer.Unfolding the figure is about to flee to the other side.But it was blocked by the poppies that followed.

"Your Excellency, you'd better explain your purpose clearly. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave so easily." Poppy looked happy with a murderous look all over her body.Although the voice is cold.But still very pleasant.It makes people feel a little more relaxed.

"Two beautiful young ladies have invited you. I'm just passing through here. I don't mean any malice. I didn't intend to disturb the two of you. I'm really sorry." Xing Xing replied in an unusually deep and hoarse voice.

"Hmph." Tian Xianzi snorted coldly.There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It's midnight. You are masked in black and gold. You are sneaky. You said there was no malice."

"Elder Sister. Don't talk nonsense with him. This guy is actually spying on me. His behavior is despicable and dirty. Today I will kill him." Poppy Hua scolded coquettishly.His body jumped towards Gao Xing like a spirit snake.The steps are dexterous and weird.Murder is everywhere.

Happy not to neglect.This Baihua Palace is also a master of poison.Can't tolerate his negligence and slack.Gao Xing drew out the sword at his waist and danced airtightly.Stop all the killer moves of Poppy Flower.

Baihua Palace only accepts female disciples.Its martial arts are feminine.The poppy's weapon is a two-meter-long ribbon.Flexible and dense.With the support of her inner strength.Suddenly soft like water.Suddenly hard as steel.up and down.Suddenly left and right.Weird angle.Make people hard to guard against.

"You are using the martial arts taught by the moon worshiper. Tell me. Who are you?" The battle lasted more than ten rounds.Poppies didn't get cheap.She withdrew the ribbon abruptly.He stared solemnly at Xing Xing and asked.

"What is worshiping the moon and worshiping the sun. Why can't I understand it. Beautiful lady. It's getting late. I should go." She glanced at Poppy happily and confusedly.The voice did not fall.But the body moves like the wind.Slant stabs inside and jumps out.

"Where to go." Tianxianzi responded very quickly.Shaking his hands, he threw more than a dozen steel needles at Happy's back.

"Hey." Happy without looking back.Take a light drink.Get faster on your feet.The direction of running is also left and right.Unpredictable like a spirit snake.

"Stop." Poppy just woke up after being startled.He also hurriedly chased after Gao Xing.

After breaking through to the sixth level of "Longevity Formula".The zhenqi in Gao Xing's body became stronger and stronger.Both strength and explosive power have increased exponentially.Face the duo of Poppy and Hyena.Just beware of poison.He has every chance of winning.Therefore, I should be happy and sincerely want to escape.There are only a handful of people in the world who can catch up with him.

Happy to jump up and down all the way.The wind is flying fast.Soon they came to an ordinary house.Without the slightest hesitation.When he was happy, he climbed over the wall and entered.It disappeared into the depths of the courtyard in the blink of an eye.Tianxianzi and Poppy followed closely all the way.See happy figure disappear.Anger burst into my heart.Without even thinking about it, he jumped into the hospital.

"Who is it? How courageous." At this moment.There was a loud shout.Then I saw a man in gray and a man in blue rushing out of the room.

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