Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 358 Gossip

"Hi, brother. Did you hear that? There was an unprecedented battle in the east of the city yesterday."

"Could it be that the red wind appeared." Gao Xing disguised himself as a frail swordsman.He looked at the young man with a sallow face opposite him in surprise.The voice could not help raising a bit.Even the peanuts that were about to be put in his mouth stopped at his mouth.

"That's not true. But the two sides in the battle are not weaker than Hongfeng. And it's also related to a big secret." The young man said here but kept silent.He just looked down at the empty wine bowl in front of him.

"Say it. Why don't you say it?" Gao Xing asked anxiously.Then pour wine for the young man.Said: "Come on. Brother, drink some wine first. Moisturize your throat."

The young man glanced approvingly.Picking up the wine bowl, he took a sip.With a complacent and satisfied smile on his face.Randomly glanced at the tavern.Everyone's attention was on him.Then he opened his mouth and said: "Yesterday, there was a big battle between the two guardians of Baiyuejiao and the two special envoys of Baihua Palace. The two sides fought fiercely for half an hour, but there was no winner."

"Hi. What's so strange about this. The four sects of the Demon Sect have always been at odds. Naturally, there have been many fights. It is reasonable to fight over martial arts secret books and treasure maps this time." Gao Xing suddenly lost interest.While talking, he picked up the wine bowl and drank.

"Although the battles of these first-class masters are exciting. It is of great benefit to my martial arts practice. But the most interesting. The most shocking thing is that the reason for their fighting is not the treasure in Hongfeng's hands." The young man moved closer mysteriously.However, the sound was still clearly heard by people nearby.

"what reason."

"Everyone knows. Among the six special envoys of Baihua Palace, Poppy is the most coquettish and dissolute. Fairy Tian is aloof and arrogant. It is not the case."

"Let's talk about it." Gao Xing said and refilled the drink for the young man again.

"Poppy Flower seems to be dissolute. In fact, it is only a womanizer. It does not like men. Its person has always been in love with Tianxianzi. But Tianxianzi seems to be lonely and arrogant. But she has a soft spot for young boys. "

"What." Gao Xing gasped in shock.The surrounding eavesdroppers also changed their expressions in horror.I really can't believe that the fairy who looks like a fairy has such a quirk.Disgusting.

The young man was not surprised and kept on talking: "Yesterday, Shang Peng, the protector of the Moon Worship Sect, wanted to discuss with the Sacred Fire Sect to form an alliance to obtain the treasure map. But I accidentally ran into the 'good thing' of the fairy. She was playing with Poppy Flower Young boy. The secret was revealed. The Tianxianzi sisters became furious. Only then did they chase Shang Peng all the way to the Moon Worship Sect resident."

"This, how is this possible." Gao Xing looked horrified.I still don't believe it.

"How can it be impossible. The special envoys of Baihua Palace are all as beautiful as flowers and have enchanting bodies. No man in this world is tempted. It's just that although the women are beautiful, they are all poisonous women. Is there anything in this world that they can't do? It's just pitiful Those children were ruined like this." The young man shook his head and sighed.Then he said: "If you don't believe me, I will tell you another secret. The poppy is the rumored White Tiger Star. Not a single blade of grass grows. There is also a black poppy tattooed on the lower abdomen. If a man owns this woman, there is no guarantee that she will not be exhausted. Fortunately, she likes women."

"How do you know it's so secretive?" Gao Xing lowered his voice.asked cautiously.

The young man looked around.Then he whispered: "My brother is Shang Peng's disciple. There was a big battle yesterday. The Moon Worship Sect didn't take advantage of it. Shang Peng was furious. So he told the story. Don't tell others." Finished.The young man raised his wine bowl and drank it in one gulp, then strode out the door.It quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"A person cannot be judged by his appearance. The sea water cannot be measured. It looks like a fairy, but it is actually a woman." Gao Xing shook his head and sighed.His eyes were full of contempt.He threw down the money for the drink and left.

out the door.Happy to turn around.After making sure that there was no follower behind him, he came to a remote tea shed.I am happy to have a bowl of tea and drink a few sips.Then cover the only son.He said to the tea owner with a look of embarrassment: "Boss, can I ask you to borrow the Chu Gong's place." He said.Happy to hand over a piece of broken silver.

The boss quickly caught Sui Yin with a happy face.Tell the guys to greet the guests.I personally introduced joy into the courtyard.The guests drinking tea in the tea shed just took a happy look.Didn't pay much attention.

The tea boss didn't go to the hut happily.Instead, he went to his bedroom.Lift the bed.reveal the secret passage underneath.I'm glad I didn't say much.He jumped into the secret passage.The tea boss restored the mattress to its original state.He walked out calmly.It seems nothing happened.

"My lord. You are here." Gao Xing entered the secret road and soon came to a hall without rice.The pine oil torches were burning brightly.Brighten up the hall.Happiness hasn't spoken yet.Xiao Ling, who was dressed in black, came up to him quietly.

"Sit down and talk." Gao Xing sat down at the main seat.He glanced at a fair and clean boy standing in the center of the hall.A flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes: "Good boy. You performed well today."

"It's all cultivated by adults." The boy bowed and saluted excitedly.

"You don't need to be too polite. Get up. Sijun." Gao Xing nodded with a smile.Some said with emotion: "I think you were a timid and cowardly young man back then. Now you are the elite of the elite under my command."

Yang Sijun's face flushed.A little ashamed.And a little excited.Back then he followed Dou An.I wanted to make my mother's life easier.In fact, he is extremely timid and afraid of death.But happy not only did not blame him.Fortunately, some encouragement.

When Chen Qian rebelled.Yang Sijun's heart became hot, and he followed Gao Xing to the city to fight.After going through the test of blood and fire.He has grown into an iron-blooded man.Later, he became one of the shadow thorns.

I have always attached great importance to information and intelligence.After undergoing professional training with him and Xiao Ling, Shadow Thorn had one of the most important tasks. .penetration.Infiltrate toward the entire Central Plains.Especially some important military towns and prosperous cities.

Shadow stabbing people.Although in the eyes of parents and relatives has long been dead.To be bones in the grave of heroes.Worshiped.In fact, they changed their identities.Started a new life.

among them.There are bottom-level traffickers and pawns.There are ordinary farmers.There are also well-known chivalrous men who travel the rivers and lakes.There are also landlords and local tyrants on the rich side.With the support of Gao Xing's abundant funds.They embody people from all walks of life.Summarize some useful intelligence collection.It can also play an important role at critical moments.

It is precisely because there are Beggars' Gang and Jinyiwei.There are shadow thorns and night thorns in the dark.Only when you are happy can you know everything under your rule.Take the lead in future battles.

Happy to take another look at Yang Sijun.After the latter retreated, he asked: "Xiao Ling, how is Hongfeng now? Have you found out his identity?"

"I already have some clues. But I'm not sure yet." Xiao Ling frowned.

"Tell me about your guess." Gao Xing motioned Xiao Ling to sit down.asked easily.

"That Hongfeng is very vigilant. He never reveals his true identity to the people under his control. But according to my careful observation, his martial arts may have something to do with Tiandaozong. And compared to Zhang Han of the Moon Worship Sect Strong or weak."

There are many brave and ruthless people in this world.Especially in this troubled world.Someone who was secretly controlled by Hongfeng accidentally leaked the news and was controlled by Yethorn.Xiao Ling was ready to follow the clues.Find out the identity of Hongfeng.

It's just that I'm happy to pretend to be a red wind these days and kill the Quartet.It provoked anger and resentment.It's just that Hongfeng is calm and composed.No orders were given.This makes me happy and helpless.It can only make the pool of water more muddy.

The purpose of Hongfeng is nothing more than two points.One is peerless martial arts.The second is treasure.Happy to fight Lu Hanyue a month ago.Attract the attention of the world with the treasure map.The purpose is to draw red wind.In fact, there are only half of the treasure map left outside.But martial arts cheats also have their own stories.But it is the ninth and tenth layers of "Longevity Formula".Profound is profound.However, there is no former Yae.Delusional practice.It is bound to go crazy.

As for the location marked on the treasure map, it is the boundary of Jiangling.There are many Heze in Jiangling.It is also the border between Chen and Chen.The situation is more complicated.Glad to have chosen this place as a battleground.One is to avoid excessive interference from the imperial courts of the two countries.The second is that it is easy to get out once things cannot be done.

"It doesn't matter who he is. If he dares to provoke me, he will never feel better." Gao Xing snorted coldly.A murderous look.paused.Gao Xing continued: "Worshiping the Moon Sect and Baihua Palace are here. Holy Fire Sect. Tianxie Sect. Is there anyone from Tiandao Sect?"

Xiao Ling nodded and said: "Holy Fire Sect has Chasing Wind and Lightning World War Gods. It is said that Tiandao Sect has sent a new generation of successors. But I have never seen the real face. I only know that it is a young woman. I don't know if Tianxie Sect has a long way to go. No news has come out yet. Monk Huilun also entered Jiangling City today. He is accompanied by a rough Chinese character. The common name is Lu Daxiong."

"The new generation of successors of Tiandaozong are here. I want to see them well." Gao Xing nodded with interest and said, "Monk Huilun is also here. Very good. Very good. The more people are interesting. The more people come The more I plan, the more successful it will be."

Speaking of which.A murderous intent flashed in his happy eyes.Xiao Ling saw it but didn't care.For the so-called good and evil.He never cared.

"Xiao Ling. Since they are all so interested in the treasure map, we can't let them down." He said.Gao Xing leaned close to Xiao Ling's ear and whispered.The latter kept nodding.


"I can't imagine. The poppies in Baihua Palace are actually forbidden by the elder of the Moon Worship Sect. It's a pity.

"What's the matter. Poppies are actually white tigers born into the world. They are romantic. They are as good as they can be."

"Didn't she say she likes women?"

"Can a woman and a woman be happy together?"

"There is no good woman in Baihua Palace. The fairy looked beautiful like a fairy that day. But in fact, she likes perverts who molest young children."

"More than that. That woman also likes dead bodies. The day before yesterday I saw her make peace with dead bodies in a mass grave. It's extremely disgusting."


"Beauty. Since you always come, why don't you spend the night with me." A very handsome swordsman said to Poppy.And she reached out to touch her round chin.


Poppy's pretty face turned cold.He kicked the man out with a kick.It's a mess.

"What are you pretending to be. You bastard. Broken shoes." The swordsman spat out the dirt in his mouth.Angrily cursed.

"What did you say?" Poppy was full of murderous aura.He rushed forward and asked sharply.

The swordsman shrank his neck in fright.Waiting to see that there are many people around to watch the excitement.Immediately, he became more courageous: "What. Do you want to kill people to silence your mouth? Kill me. Even if you kill me, you won't be able to stop Tianxia Youyou's mouth."

"Am I beautiful?" Poppy heard this.The murderous aura on his body suddenly dissipated.Show off your face and smile.Suddenly, it was like the earth rejuvenated.Hundreds of flowers bloom.The world paled.Everyone couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"Beautiful. Beautiful." The swordsman looked dull.Saliva cross flow.

"Do you want it?" Poppy's voice became softer.The eyes contain spring water.Eyes like silk.

"Yes." The swordsman swallowed.flushed.Both eyes are red.

"Hmm." Poppy let out a soft moan of ecstasy.The swordsman trembled all over.The whole person fell limply to the ground.Hands began to caress around the body.At the same time, he let out a heavy gasp.

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