Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 359

Looking at the young swordsman lying on the ground, his ugly face was revealed.A gleam of joy flashed in Poppy's eyes.Her feet touch the ground.Like a fluttering butterfly.dance to tune.The movements are extremely graceful.There are happy moments between raising hands and swinging legs.Eye-catching and heart-pounding.at the same time.She didn't let out a soft and tender moan.Suddenly high pitched.Suddenly low.It even aroused the desires deep in the bodies of the people around them.

"Ah. Oh."

Gradually.The spectators around could no longer hold themselves back.The mind is gradually lost.Only the most primitive desires remain.They started tearing their clothes.Touch yourself or cuddle with someone close to you.Heavy gasping or moaning sounds from the mouth.

I don't know when.The door of the tavern has been locked.The dancing poppies have also stopped moving.But the scene in the hall is unsightly.Many were disheveled.Men and women are entangled with each other.Ears and temples grind together.Snorting.The picture is extremely obscene.

Poppy watched with a cold face for a while.With a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, he snorted coldly.Her voice is not loud.But it sounded like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening in everyone's heart.Let the people sinking in desire wake up instantly.


When everyone found themselves half-undressed.Or hug and kiss with an acquaintance man.Or the scene of making peace with a strange woman.Suddenly there was a shocking exclamation.The entangled people immediately dispersed.Quickly pulled up the nearby clothes to cover her shame.The scene became extremely chaotic.

"Everyone, are you satisfied with this open meeting?" Poppy looked at the panic-stricken crowd with great interest.The red lips parted slightly.Said slowly.

"It's you. You, you femme fatale. You're really sexy." A woman at about three o'clock.He tightly covered the exposed white flesh on his chest with one hand.He stared at Poppy with evil eyes and cursed.

Poppy was not angry when she heard this.Instead, he laughed for a while and said: "I'm extremely sexy. What a joke. I don't know who was shameless just now. I had a good time with two men in broad daylight. Look at your brows with spring. You look satisfied. I'm afraid I don't know how happy I am."

"You. You. You..." The woman was at a loss for words.His face, which still had a charm, turned blue and white.His eyes widened.But I don't know how to argue.

"Poppy. You are responsible for all this. You are really despicable." A middle-aged man stared at Poppy with shame and resentment.His eyes were full of resentment.He still has the nausea of ​​swallowing a dead fly.Think about being entangled with a big man naked just now.He was overwhelmed for a while.Want to spit out the overnight meal.

"You're right. I used the 'Surprised Women's Fascination Method' to confuse your minds. But who told you that your minds are weak. It's extremely dirty." Poppy admitted.He gloated and said: "Tomorrow, it will spread throughout Jiangling City. How indecent and shameless are the so-called heroes of the rivers and lakes. You just wait for your ruin. Hahahaha." He said.Poppy smiled coquettishly.The body flickered a few times.He rushed out of the tavern like the wind.

"Hugh is going to run away from this witch. Kill her. Kill." See Poppy fleeing.Everyone suddenly woke up.He shouted loudly.It doesn't matter whether the clothes are messy or not.With a sword in hand, he rushed out of the tavern.


Happy to wander the streets leisurely.All kinds of gossip about Tianxianzi and poppies in the rivers and lakes are recalled in my mind.Can't help but secretly dumbfounded.

Beautiful women get the most attention.And their rumors became more and more terrifying.Like a scourge.Now that I am happy, I can be regarded as understanding the meaning of the saying that words can be feared.Think of two dainty women who bear the reputation of wandering because of themselves.Feeling guilty for no reason.Although he doesn't like to see the five major sects of good and evil including Baihua Palace.However, the method used to provoke them to fight is indeed a bit despicable.

Just thinking about it.Gao Xing suddenly heard a burst of shouting and killing from his side.Before he could see what was going on.It felt dark in front of my eyes.A person slammed into his arms.The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, and the arms are full.Gao Xing's right hand, which was about to attack, couldn't help but stop.He looked down into his arms.But he was taken aback.

"Help me." Poppy flushed.Mouth and nose bleeding.Star pupils are half-opened.Eyes dim.Said something very weakly.Want to stand up straight.But after shaking for a while, he passed out.

Glad to see poppies.I thought this woman was going to play some tricks again.But seeing her dying.Dozens of people followed aggressively behind him.Make up your mind.

"It's my fault for ruining your reputation. I'll save your life. It can be regarded as repaying your kindness in Xinghua City." Although Gao Xing always thought that the one who asked Ye Shi to assassinate him was Baihua Palace.But he has no proof.So it's just guesswork.Fortunately, Yethorn is one of his own.I am happy that I will count on it.Unstable factors under the rule were removed.It is also a big victory.

Make up your mind.When she was happy, she hugged the poppy flower by the waist.The whole person turned into a phantom and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


When Poppy wakes up again.It was already the morning of the second day.In an ordinary inn.The joy is gone.

He looked himself up and down.After finding that the clothes are in good condition except for a little mess.Poppy was visibly relieved.But there was a deep sense of loss deep in my heart.

Although happy to carry out a disguise.But Poppy still recognized his identity from the attributes of his true energy and the aura on his body.Knowing that it was the owner of Shandong Province who saved her.I can't help but feel a little complicated.

a woman.No matter how coquettish and slutty she is, she will not be willing to bear an unsightly reputation.Especially for a high-ranking woman like Poppy.It was because of a moment of anger yesterday.Only then did she activate the "Surprised Women's Fascinating Heart Method" that she had cultivated for more than ten years to confuse people's minds.Let those people do extremely disgusting and obscene things.

Although Poppy's martial arts are higher than those present.But she was facing more than 30 people after all.And people who practice martial arts are slightly stronger than ordinary people in terms of mind.Poppy wants to impress everyone.Including women are sinking in lust.One can imagine the difficulties.

Even if in the end Poppy succeeds.But she still exhausted the true energy in her body.Even because of the forced casting of spells, he was backlashed by the "Surprised Girl's Fascinating Heart Method".Not only many meridians in the whole body were injured.His own desires hit him like a mountain and a sea.

Poppy thought she would lose her virginity.But this is not the case.Moreover, the torn meridians in the body also healed by seven or eight points overnight.Although I don't know how happy to cast spells.But her heart was still filled with gratitude.Even more complicated and difficult to understand emotions.


Since that day, Poppy has bewitched dozens of people's minds by itself.Let them do things in broad daylight.The reputation of Baihua Palace suddenly flourished.

People of the world.All he wants is fame and fortune.Dozens of people lost their face in a naked meeting.The violent ones committed suicide and apologized.The cowardly are also disgraced.Since then, I have been incognito.For Poppy its people.Everyone fears and hates it.Don't dare to provoke easily.

At the same time, there is also Moon Worship Sect.Do not know why.Zhang Rong, the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, apostates.One of the four guardians died and one was injured.The news of the greatly reduced strength spread like wildfire.Other sects couldn't help but move their minds.

Especially because of the rumors.Shang Peng and Baiyuejiao are completely hated by Baihua Palace.In private, the two sides fought more than a dozen times.Baihua Palace occupies the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.It is a local snake.How could the Moon Worship Sect be able to fight against it?So there are more defeats and fewer victories.Even Shang Peng himself was seriously injured.Finally had to stay away from Jiangling City.Find a place to heal your wounds.

Previously.Because of the "Secret of Longevity".People in the rivers and lakes often crusade against the Sacred Fire Cult.Let it hurt its vitality.It also stopped Sima Fu's great cause of restoring the country.If Gao Changgong hadn't been assassinated.Annoyed happy.The news of the treasure map and peerless martial arts cheats was released.I am afraid that there are still many hard days for the Holy Fire Cult.

Now it's out.The Moon Worship Sect and the Sacred Fire Sect united with the South and the North.What the intention is is unknown.But this is not what others want to see.Whether it is Tianxie sect.Hundred Flowers Palace.Or Tiandaozong.

Unless it is life and death.Otherwise, the four sects of the Demon Sect generally would not unite with each other.And once someone forms an alliance.Others will be in crisis.Especially now when it comes to treasure ownership.Baihua Palace spared no effort to attack the forces of the Moon Worship Sect in Jiangling City.At the same time seek reliable allies.


Looking at the pitch black.A night sky without a single star.Xiao Shiyun felt a coldness in her heart.Another ten days.She will marry the ignorant son of magistrate Huang.Thinking of the bleak life in the future.She felt depressed for a while.Such is the fate.So what if you call her a weak girl.

Maybe she could choose to die.But with the temper of magistrate Huang.she died.Zhang Ke will be implicated.Perhaps seeking help from Xiao Kui is a good choice.But how did she get into the deep palace compound.To beg the father who abandoned her.Even her younger brother Xiao Yu is very kind to her.But now it is beyond reach.

not to mention.According to Xiao Yu.Although the Xiao family is extremely honorable in Houliang.But rights are not strong.After all, how could the emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty hand over a large piece of fertile land to outsiders with confidence.The reason why he allowed the back beam to build.It's actually a gesture.Make a gesture to the people of the world.You can trust him with confidence.

As it should be.Why force it.Whenever Xiao Shiyun wants to give up on herself.A handsome face will appear in my mind.Emerging his warm and sunny smile.There will be a lot of bitterness and unwillingness in my heart.


"Hmm." Just as Xiao Shiyun was thinking.Suddenly I heard Zhang Ke's muffled groan from the outer room.Then I heard my aunt Pan Ling's exclamation stopped abruptly.There was no sound.It was eerily quiet all around.

Poor people.Lights are rarely lit at night.It was pitch black all around.Xiao Shiyun couldn't help feeling a little creepy.Cold hands and feet.She stood up slowly.Pick up a volume of books on the desk case.Step by step towards the door.Fang Xin almost jumped out of her throat because of nervousness and fear.

"Boom. Boom. Boom."

The violent beating of the heart made Xiao Shiyun almost suffocate.The legs seemed to be filled with lead.Every step took her strength.But the distance of three or five steps.She actually took a full ten breaths.

Xiao Shiyun looked at the dark door.Take a deep breath.It takes courage to open the door.But suddenly felt a gust of wind pave the surface.Then a big hand tightly covered his small mouth.Xiao Shiyun's eyes widened immediately.screamed in horror.However, there was only a faint "woo hoo" sound.


The torch was lit.Not only did it not make Xiao Shiyun feel hopeful.A heart sank to the bottom of my heart.She saw the person in front of her.The one who almost insulted her.Little Pan Anpan Linfeng with jade face.Looking at his strange and fiery gaze in his single eye.Xiao Shiyun was cold all over.The hairs stand on end.

"Little beauty. We meet again." Pan Linfeng said while looking at Xiao Shiyun with a playful smile.

Xiao Shiyun shook her head fiercely.Wanting to break free from Pan Linfeng's restraint.But it is powerless.All I could do was whine and scream in anxiety and fear.Anger and hatred flickered in his eyes.

"Little beauty. I'm not a tiger. What are you afraid of? Besides, Pan has always been fond of women. Following me will bring you countless benefits." Pan Linfeng licked his lips.Looking at Xiao Shiyun like a wolf.

Look at the beauty under the light.It looks more and more beautiful.Under the faint light of Huozhezi.There is a hazy beauty in Xiao Shiyun's body.Pan Linfeng couldn't stop.

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