Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 360

Pan Linfeng stared at Xiao Shiyun obsessively.The fiery and obscene light in the single eye made the latter tremble all over.Xiao Shiyun looked around.However, it was midnight at this time.How could the person I longed for appear.

In despair.Xiao Shiyun suddenly saw Pan Linfeng's foot next to her own.Feel the hot panting in your ears.From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Pan Linfeng slowly approaching his neck.Xiao Shiyun forced herself to suppress the fear and disgust in her heart.His eyes became extremely firm.

Xiao Shiyun quietly raised her right foot high.Concentrate all your strength on it.

"Tsk tsk. Little beauty. You are so beautiful. I can't wait. Why don't we do good things here." Pan Linfeng said.The hot and dry lips kissed Xiao Shiyun's crystal clear earlobe.

"Hey." Xiao Shiyun roared angrily.The right foot fell hard with all its strength.


Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded in the lonely night sky.Pan Linfeng has long been obsessed with desire.Who would have expected that Xiao Shiyun, who was extremely fragile, would suddenly attack her.Don't look at her as a weak girl.But at an important moment about fame and festivals.The strength that erupted was extremely terrifying.

The sudden pain in his feet made Pan Linfeng retreat back involuntarily.The arm restraining Xiao Shiyun also loosened a bit.Xiao Shiyun took the opportunity to quickly break free from Pan Linfeng's restraint.One side snatched the door and fled.While shouting loudly: "Help. Help."

"Little girl. I want to run away. It's not that easy." Pan Linfeng gasped.Suppressing the pain on the back of the foot.He said bitterly.Raise your legs and chase.

"Crackling" a burst of noise.It was Xiao Shiyun who ran.While casually throwing things around him back.Although Pan Linfeng is a martial arts practitioner.Be fit and healthy.The reaction speed is not bad.But he didn't dare to seriously ignore what Xiao Shiyun threw.The speed is not ideal.

joke.In case Xiao Shiyun threw a kitchen knife.If Pan Linfeng bumps into it.Skin and flesh are small things.If you die like this.That is the biggest joke in Jianghu.Even if he died, he couldn't sleep well.

Although there is no lamp.But after all, it is a place where I have lived for more than ten years.Xiao Shiyun can walk freely even with her eyes closed.Soon she was out of the house.Straight to the door.Now there is only one thought in Xiao Shiyun's mind: run.Just keep running.Only by running at the fastest speed can there be hope of escaping disaster.

"Hey, little beauty. Can you run away? You should stop obediently, so as not to suffer later." Pan Linfeng finally left the house.look up.Xiao Shiyun was already 20 meters away.There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

in the open.Is it possible for Xiao Shiyun to escape tracking?From Pan Linfeng's point of view.The answer is obviously no.So he is not in a hurry to catch up.He just hangs behind him in a leisurely manner.Watching Xiao Shiyun run away in embarrassment all the way.And easily and freely put the person who heard the cry to the ground.

Mr. Gao.He is so powerful in martial arts.You can definitely save yourself.must.

Xiao Shiyun said to herself like this.The direction of escape is the riverside.If God doesn't allow Gao Xing to save her.Then she would rather die in the river than let the wicked insult her.Anyway, to live is to marry Mr. Huang and suffer.If not die.It's done.I made up my mind.Xiao Shiyun's gaze became more determined.A burst of strength suddenly surged out of his tired body.Let her footsteps become more steady and flexible.

ran for a while.Xiao Shiyun suddenly saw a bright light appearing in the jungle ahead.She was overjoyed.The pace under his feet couldn't help being a little lighter.

"Come on someone. Help."

However, when Xiao Shiyun ran to the front full of hope, she found out.There were actually two women sitting by the campfire.The dawn that had just ignited in my heart went out again.The faces of the two women are delicate.Beautiful figure.Not much worse than myself.And far more mature and charming than myself.

"Two sisters. Go away. There are villains behind. Hurry up." Seeing the two girls looking at him in surprise.Xiao Shiyun couldn't help reminding anxiously.At the same time go to the other side.

The two women by the campfire looked at each other.There was both surprise and admiration in his eyes.Among them, the woman in white stood up gently.Said softly: "Sister, don't panic. We are here. You will be fine."

"Yes. Sister. Just watch here. How do we punish the bad guys." The other person stood up and faced Xiao Shiyun with a coquettish smile.The voice is soft and melodious.

In the flickering firelight.Xiao Shiyun found out.The dress of this woman is indeed bold.Pieces of skin are exposed with every gesture.It made her blush a little.Don't dare to look sideways.It's only the beginning of March now.The weather is still a little cold.This woman is so thinly dressed.Different from ordinary people.I'm afraid it has extraordinary skills.

During the conversation.Xiao Shiyun finally came to the front of the two girls.When you see the appearance of the two women.I was quite shocked.

Those in white are elegant and refined.The temperament is cold and aloof.Like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.A small blue flower was embroidered on the hem of the clothes.The other person is covered in tulle.The fair skin is looming.On the red tube top.A black poppy is in full bloom.If happy again.Will definitely recognize.These two women are Tianxianzi and Poppy, the special envoys of Baihua Palace.

"Yo. It seems that God has treated me kindly. I was able to meet three stunning beauties in one night. What a blessing." Pan Linfeng caught up.Saw three beauties.His face immediately blossomed with joy.The single eye glowed like a beast.

"Two sisters. The villain is here. Let's run." Xiao Shiyun heard Pan Linfeng's voice.Suddenly in my heart.As soon as he grasped the hand of the poppy, he was about to run forward.Poppy, however, stands at will.Let Xiao Shiyun use her strength.She remained motionless.

"Sister, don't be impatient. Let's see how my sister punishes the wicked." Poppy patted Xiao Shiyun's little hand.The gentle voice comforted her.

finished.Poppy pulled Xiao Shiyun behind her.The lotus steps move lightly.walk forward.While stroking the hair on the sideburns.With a charming smile.Action style.Pan Linfeng was dumbfounded.The complexion is red.Panting like a cow.

"Evil thief. If you don't want to die, get lost." Poppy stopped five meters in front of Pan Linfeng.The voice is still soft and charming.

"Little lady, don't be so cruel. It's the dead of night. Isn't it the time when you and I achieve good things." Pan Linfeng swallowed.There was an obscene smile on the corner of his mouth.Walk slowly towards the poppies.

"I don't know how to live or die." Poppy Hua scolded in a low voice.The body moves slowly.Like a breeze.He came to Pan Linfeng lightly.The slender hands clasped into sharp claws and grabbed Pan Linfeng's throat.

Danger is near.The obsessed Pan Linfeng woke up instantly.There was a strange cry in his mouth.The stature exploded.At the same time, the long sword on his waist was unsheathed with a "clang".The cold light slashed towards Poppy's wrist.

"Ah." Xiao Shiyun saw clearly from behind.Can't help but exclaimed.Tianxianzi smiled without saying a word.Gently patted her fragrant shoulder.

But it said poppies.Looking at the long sword that was cut.With a delicate smile in his mouth.The figure twisted strangely.Easily dodges the long sword.The figure still rushed towards Pan Linfeng.Pan Linfeng didn't get discouraged even if his moves were useless.Drink lightly in your mouth.The second move came again.The two are very fast.In the blink of an eye, dozens of tricks were changed.Xiao Shiyun's eyes were dazzled.

Sudden.Pan Linfeng let out a miserable cry.But he was bullied by poppies.A palm was slapped on the chest.The body is still in the air.A big mouthful of blood spewed out of Pan Linfeng's mouth.He looked at the poppies with a look of horror and doubt.Just wanted to say something.Unexpectedly, the poppies pounced on them like maggots attached to their bones.The right paw hit his Adam's apple hard.

There was a crisp sound of "click".Pan Linfeng's Adam's apple was shattered.The body is thrown on the ground.dusty.

Pan Linfeng's body twitched violently.He wants to get up.But he was exhausted.The mouth opened but only the sound of "ho ho" and blood came out.Can't say a word.His face instantly turned pale.In addition to the deep consternation in the eyes, there is incomparable resentment.And a touch of remorse.

"Some people. They deserved to die. They just let him live a few more days." Poppy looked at Pan Linfeng whose eyes were gradually dimming.He said something lightly.Turn around and leave.


Pan Linfeng trembled all over.Spit out a mouthful of blood again.There was a flush on his face.The look in his eyes finally went out.He didn't die because of all the bad things he did.Instead, he knew something he shouldn't know and was abandoned by his master.

If you want to blame, blame yourself for being inferior to others.Blame myself for being cowardly.How dare she moles the special envoy of Baihua Palace.thus subdued by it.Let it be at its mercy.Things have happened.Even if he wanted to repent, he couldn't.

Poppy came to Xiao Shiyun's side as if nothing had happened.Looking at her with a surprised face, she said: "Good sister. Now the bad guys can't do bad things anymore. You should rest assured." Her voice was soft and charming.Straight to the heart.Slowly melt away the fear in Xiao Shiyun's heart.

"Thank you, sister." Xiao Shiyun glanced at Pan Linfeng who fell silent on the ground from a distance.Said suddenly like a dream.

"Sister, you're being polite. It's just a little effort."

Xiao Shiyun was startled when she heard this.A very terrible prostitute for himself.It seems so vulnerable to others.Think twice of being in danger.She couldn't help but began to envy Poppy's skill.

The changes in Xiao Shiyun's expression can be seen in the panorama of Tianxianzi and Poppy.The two girls looked at each other.They all saw the joy in each other's eyes.


Quietly crouching on the roof several meters high.Looking down from a height more than twenty meters away.A dark house.A happy heart is as calm as still water.beside him.Xiao Ling was dressed in black night clothes.His eyes were cold and dead.Not a trace of breath was revealed.

After practicing the "Secret of Longevity".Xiao Ling's internal strength improved by leaps and bounds.Plus his own talent for assassination.There are only a handful of people in the world who can escape his assassination.

"Xiao Ling. What does the new generation of Tiandaozong look like?" Gao Xing asked softly.

"It's a woman. Masked all the time."

"Covered face. Could it be ugly." Gao Xing joked.Xiao Ling did not respond.He could only roll his eyes indifferently. "Did Hongfeng go to the place where we ambush?"

"It should be soon."

"Yeah." Gao Xing hummed lightly.He glanced at the patrolling soldiers on the street and walked away.There was a flash of light in his eyes: "It's time. Let's go."

finished.The happy body soared into the air.It fluttered down from the roof like a feather.Not a sound came out.After landing.Happiness doesn't stop there.Like a civet cat looking for food at night, it ran towards Tiandaozong's stronghold under the cover of night.Xiao Ling followed closely behind.No dissatisfaction with the speed.The movements are also crisp.Very sensitive.

Happy to bang.Climb over the wall and enter.Before a guard could make a sound, he covered his mouth and nose with his left hand.The dagger in his right hand pierced his throat.Xiao Ling did the same.Kill another guard ten meters away.

The two looked at each other.Although it is dark night.But understand each other's meaning.The figure moves.Like a ghost, it looted towards the mansion.

The guards of the Tiandaozong stronghold are not ordinary people.Skill alertness is very good.When Xiao Ling beheaded the No.2 guard.Finally, inevitably, some noises were made.

"Who." After an extremely cold voice.When I was happy, I saw the door of the room not far away burst open.A black shadow rushed towards him at high speed.

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