Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 361


Hear happy orders.Xiao Ling immediately turned around and ran away.Without sloppy.But happy is a sneer.There was a twinkle in his eyes.Face the oncoming enemy.The new generation successor of Tiandaozong.

"Bang. Bang. Bang."

There were several consecutive explosions.Gao Xing and the black shadow exchanged dozens of tricks in the blink of an eye.The two figures spread out.But changed the position.They stared at each other warily.

I am happy to stand irregularly on my feet.His eyes became deeper and calmer.But in my heart I was shocked.thought.After breaking through the sixth stage of "The Secret of Longevity".There should be few opponents in this world.Only now did I realize that I underestimated the people of the world.

Moon worship is not good at martial arts.Even the Great Elder was half as happy.And the Baihua Palace is mostly women.Specializes in charms and poisons.Confronted head-on.Neither Tianxianzi nor Poppy is his opponent.This also makes Gao Xing look down on the so-called four sects of leaders of the Demon Sect.

Take it for granted.Gao Xing didn't think how strong the martial arts of the new generation of Tiandaozong could be.Now he realizes how wrong he was.Among the younger generations who have fought against each other.Huilun is the only one who can make Gao Xing pay attention to Zeng Jin.Now it is necessary to add this heir of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

Tiandaozong can fight against the Demon Sect with one force.Although it has the power to occupy orthodoxy.However, its power is also evident.

Inner strength.Happy though slightly better.But he didn't dare to say that he could completely defeat this heir of the Heavenly Dao Sect.after all.These centuries-old sects must have some unique killer moves.In the eyes of ordinary people.Perhaps their move is Huaquanxiuqiu.But with special internal force.The lethality that can be exerted is beyond imagination.

Gao Xing stared closely at the heir of Tiandaozong who was ten meters away.The true energy in the body flows continuously among the limbs and bones.The aura on his body became stronger and stronger.The clothes seemed to be filled with air.become a little bloated.

Although the night is very dark.But Xing Xing can vaguely see that the person opposite is a tall man.A woman with a graceful body.She was wearing a simple white dress.The white gauze covering the face can't see the beauty and ugliness clearly.

If it is said that Lu Hanyue's cold and aloof temperament is due to the cultivation of cold attribute zhenqi.Live on the top of the snow mountain all the year round.Due to less contact with people.The chill on the heirs of the Taoist sect that day was inherent.Cold from the inside out.Even if it's far away.Gao Xing could still feel the arrogance emanating from her body.aloof.Overlook the arrogance of the common people.It is different from the admirable nobility of Xiao Shiyun.But daunting.

Shocked with joy.Who knows that the shock in Kong Ziyan's heart is even more serious.Master of the world.It is inextricably linked to good and evil.However, she didn't see the way to be happy.So it was even more shocking.

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you kill my disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect?" Kong Ziyan looked happily at him coldly.The tone was somewhat condescending and questioning.

"Jie Jie. I just want to see what the legendary Tiandaozong is capable of." Gao Xing laughed strangely.Said in a hoarse voice.

"You." Kong Ziyan suddenly became angry.A murderous intent flashed in his eyes.But soon calm was restored. "Since you are causing trouble for no reason, don't blame me for being rude." The word "Le" has not yet fallen.Kong Ziyan's figure moved leisurely.Pounce on joy like wind and electricity.The fierce murderous aura overwhelmingly presses towards Gao Xing.

"Well done."

Happy to give a low drink.Don't retreat but advance.Fighting with Kong Ziyan again.

Compared with just now.At this time, the battle between the two seems to be less fireworks.Except for the sound of the sleeves piercing the air.The crisp sound of fists and feet was never heard again.And the movements of the two did not seem to be fast.However, only the two sides in the fight know how dangerous it is.

To the level of happiness now.for the speed of the body.The control of power has reached an extremely high level.For the induction of the enemy's aura.The judgment of moves is also extremely precise.The reason why the two didn't fist-to-hand.One is because you know that it is useless to use old moves.It will also give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of; the second is to change the trick in the shortest time.Get a head start.Masters fight.Only fight for the front line.So when the two really had a physical collision.It is the moment of life and death.

After half a quarter of an hour.He noticed that more than a dozen Tiandaozong disciples surrounded him from afar.Glad to know it was time to leave.So he deliberately exposed a small flaw.Kong Ziyan was overjoyed.He added more strength to his hands.The speed increased sharply.


Glad to see it for real.When Kong Ziyan's right palm was about to hit his left shoulder.With a low drink in the mouth.Originally hidden behind his left paw, he suddenly grabbed Kong Ziyan's armpit.The speed is extremely fast.Once the vulnerable underarm is hit.Even if Kong Ziyan's right arm is not useless.It is impossible to restore combat power in a short time.

What a Kong Ziyan.Although I didn't expect Gao Xing to have this trick.But the reaction was very fast.Her left hand cut from top to bottom towards Gao Xing's left arm.Not only did the right palm not retract.The speed is faster.And also moved it inwards by one point.Aim right at the throat of delight.Those who attack the enemy must be saved.Only offense is the best defense.


I am happy to give a secret praise.Had to abandon the original plan.The right arm is bent in front of the chest to block.There was a muffled sound.Full of vigor.Gao Xing and Kong Ziyan separated again.Each took five steps back.His figure swayed slightly.But it is evenly divided.

"What a handsome skill." Gao Xing calmed down his slightly tumbling blood.He exclaimed in a hoarse voice.

Kong Ziyan snorted coldly: "You are not bad. But you have become a demon. It is shameful." Tiandaozong claimed to be the leader of the righteous way.The embodiment of justice.I am happy that I am an enemy of Tiandaozong.Nature is a demon.It needs to be punished.

"Pretend to be noble. I'm not playing anymore. Goodbye." Gao Xing snorted coldly and disdainfully.Turn around and run away.

"Where are we going?" How could Kong Ziyan agree.With a light reprimand, he moved forward and chased after him.The happy figure suddenly froze.She said with a strange smile, "Could it be that you want to keep me overnight." Kong Ziyan was taken aback by happy, frivolous and dirty words.The figure froze.Then he was furious.However, she hadn't waited for her reaction.Gao Xing suddenly yelled: "Hidden weapons are poisonous." Then he heard the sound of "咻咻" piercing through the air.I'm afraid there are dozens of hidden weapons coming.

"Despicable and shameless." Kong Ziyan cursed inwardly.But the chasing figure was affected.The speed plummeted.Glad to have a chance.The body is like green smoke.Walking like a ghost.Although the surrounding Tiandaozong disciples wanted to stop it.But happy to escape.Is there any burden.They are powerless.

When Kong Ziyan shot down all the hidden weapons around him.Happiness has climbed over the wall and disappeared.Even if you chase now.Can't catch up either.She couldn't help snorting angrily.The chill on his body was even worse.

"Young Sect Master." The surrounding Heavenly Dao Sect disciples sensed Kong Ziyan's anger and fell to their knees.Sincerely and fearfully.

"Check. We must find out the identities of the two assassins. I want to see. Who is so bold in the martial arts world. How dare you oppose my Heavenly Dao Sect." Kong Ziyan's eyes shone coldly.The voice was so cold that it seemed to freeze the air.

What a shame.An unprecedented humiliation.The thief not only escaped from his hands unscathed.He even teased himself with insulting words.This is simply unimaginable for Kong Ziyan, a high-ranking new generation successor of Tiandaozong.

"Yes." Everyone was silent.They agreed and left one after another.


Happy to run all the way.After walking more than half a circle in Jiangling City, he returned to the Shadow Stab's stronghold in Jiangling City.In the secret room at the bottom of the teahouse.Xiao Ling has already removed her makeup.I am waiting for myself.

Happy to take off the face cloth.While wiping the sweat from his forehead.Panting lightly, he lay down on the chair beside him.

"You're not injured, are you?" Jian Xing said with a tired look on his face.Disordered breathing.Xiao Ling handed over a cup of hot tea.asked with concern.

"It's okay." Gao Xing took the tea and drank it down.Breathing finally became more even. "Heirs of Tiandaozong are really extraordinary. This battle is enjoyable."

Hear this.The murderous aura on Xiao Ling's body was fleeting.His face was slightly gloomy.I was surprised for a moment.He couldn't help asking: "Why. You have a problem with Tiandaozong."

"My master died at the hands of Tiandaozong." Xiao Ling's voice was a little stiff.The sadness and murderous look in the eyes became stronger.

Suddenly happy.Frowning lightly, he said, "Xiao Ling. Who killed your master at the Heavenly Dao Sect?" Xiao Ling shook his head.Gao Xing couldn't help but sighed: "The Tiandao Sect has deep roots. There are so many masters in the sect. If you want to take revenge, I'm afraid it will take some effort." He said here.I am happy to roll my eyes.He couldn't help but smirked and said, "However. We can charge some interest first."

Xiao Ling looked happily in doubt.Quietly waiting for his answer.I happily took a sip of my tea.The smile on his face got bigger and bigger.But it was strange: "Xiao Ling, why don't you snatch the heir of Taoist sect from that day and become Mrs. Yazhai. This will also embarrass Tiandaozong."

Xiao Ling was speechless for a moment.I really admire the courage of the happy.

There is life and death.Wealth is in the sky.People in the rivers and lakes.It is normal to lose one's life in a fight.Although Xiao Ling killed Kong Ziyan.Tiandaozong will definitely not let it go.But if he robbed Kong Ziyan to be Mrs. Yazhai.It is undoubtedly a blatant provocation to Tiandaozong.Make it faceless.The two sides will inevitably form a sworn hatred.

"What. Are you afraid that that woman is ugly?" Gao Xing looked at Xiao Ling jokingly.See the latter silent.Then he said: "Don't worry. The descendant of Tiandao Sect. Even if he doesn't look like a fairy, it's not too bad."

"Tonight we attacked Tiandaozong. We need to be extremely careful in what we do in the future." Xiao Ling said with a stern face.I don't know what to think.

"You." Gao Xing shook his head and sighed.With a solemn face, he said: "Everyone who should be here has arrived. Let's end this matter quickly. I've been away for too long. I'm worried about things at home."

"Okay." Xiao Ling nodded.He frowned slightly and said, "Isn't our approach a little too much? After all, death is the most important thing. I'm afraid to disturb others rashly..."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who told us that we weren't fully prepared." Gao Xing sighed helplessly.Xiao Ling remained silent.After nodding to Gao Xing, he was about to leave.He was happy but stopped him and said, "Xiao Ling. You have seen a one-eyed dragon in the past two days. The guy nicknamed Yumian Xiaopan'an."

Xiao Ling looked at Xing Xing strangely and shook his head.I really don't understand why Gao Xing is interested in this kind of pawn.

"It's strange. How could this kid disappear for no reason?" He waved happily so that Xiao Ling could leave.But he frowned and muttered to himself.He originally followed Pan Linfeng secretly.He just didn't want anyone to be bullied by him again.Unexpectedly, Xiao Shiyun was saved.Just since that day.Pan Linfeng disappeared.Happy can't help but worry that he will continue to pester and bully Xiao Shiyun.

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