Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 363 You are cheating!

Xiao Ling's kick was fast and ruthless.Kicked Hongfeng away seven or eight meters away.Hit hard on the hard rock.It's a mess.Blood gushed out of his mouth like a fountain.Let the color of his chest cloth become deeper.

"Ahem." Hongfeng coughed violently.The face is like gold paper.His eyes were dim and confused.He shook his head hard.I want to wake myself up a bit.But I felt a tearing pain in my chest and abdomen.Let him break out in a cold sweat.The faces are all distorted.Breathing is even weaker and disturbed.

"Everyone, hurry up. Don't let Hong Feng swallow the treasure alone."

"First come, first served. Last come less. Brothers. Go."


Listening to the increasingly clear voice from outside the mountain.Hong Feng's wilting expression immediately cleared up.Know that time is running out.There can be no further delay.So he suppressed the injury.Struggling hard to stand up.

"You lost." However, just as Hongfeng stood up straight.A cold short knife appeared on the neck.At the same time, there was Xiao Ling's cold voice.

"You're cheating." Hong Feng's heart sank.Can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood again.Said in a hoarse voice.

Xiao Ling ignored him.He raised his hand and hit Hong Feng on the back of the head, knocking him out.Xiao Ling glanced at the shadowy crowd on the hillside in the distance.The gleam in his eyes was fleeting.He pinched Hongfeng under his arm.He dodged to a patch of grass more than ten meters away.

Xiao Ling danced lightly with the dagger in his hand.The withered grass that was as tall as a person was cut off one after another.Without the cover of withered grass.A two-meter-high stone gate was exposed in front of my eyes.Xiao Ling gave a soft drink.Stand up and kick on the stone gate.There was a loud bang.Dusty room.The stone door opened in response.

However, Xiao Ling did not enter the door.Instead, he ran in another direction under the cover of withered grass with the red wind.It disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"Sister. The treasure is right in front of us. It's just how we can maximize our benefits." Poppy looked at the hundreds of thousands around her.The people of the rivers and lakes running wildly.Xiumei frowned.Looking worriedly at the fairy beside him, he asked.

Tianxianzi's face sank like water.He said coldly: "Let's take a look first. Maybe it's just a rumor. Now the five major factions are gathered. No matter who wants to monopolize the treasure, it is impossible. We should be more vigilant. Play by ear. Don't let others take advantage of it."

"Yes." Poppy agreed with a serious face.

Although her clothes are still revealing and bold.It's just that there is a touch of love between the brows.There was a little more evil spirit.Because of that unbearable rumor.Poppy and Tianxian are in a very bad mood these days.As a result, the Jianghu people who accidentally ran into them had no fewer than dozens of casualties.

Even though she looks flirtatious.No shame at all.But after all, she is a very high-spirited woman.How can I stand the slander of others.Especially at this moment of scrambling for treasure.These rumors undoubtedly made Baihua Palace extremely passive.

The lone ranger and the disciples of Xiaomen Xiaopai heard that the treasure was opened.Overwhelmed with excitement.But the members of the five major factions remained calm.they know.There will inevitably be a tragic fight for this treasure today.How to save your own life and strength while harvesting treasures is the most important thing.Therefore, the five factions are far apart from each other.And the speed of travel is not much.

Representing Tiandaozong is Kong Ziyan.It was still the simple white dress.The face is veiled.The aloof and cold aura on his body is daunting.Even disciples of the same sect.Also keep a certain distance from her.Make it look a little out of place.

A total of ten people from the Tianxie Sect came.The leader was a young man with a strange face. 23 years old.Bee waist ape arm.Tongling's big eyes shone fiercely like a beast.His bronzed muscles were lined like granite.Very strong.He wore a sheepskin waistcoat.A tiger skin battle skirt is wrapped around the waist.On both arms are a pair of heavy iron wrist guards.The luster is very dull.The rough and aggressive aura on his body made people look sideways.after him.It is all the same.A big man with a rough face.Wearing tight-fitting Hu suits of various colors.The breath on his body is very aggressive.

The Sacred Fire Cult is led by Chasing Wind and Lightning.The former is a woman in her twenties.Although the appearance is ordinary.But skin is better than snow.The body is enchanting and hot.Make a long whip of beef tendon; the latter is a lean man.Dark complexion.The long sword in his hand flickered coldly.

The Moon Worship Sect is far behind.Led by Shang Peng.Many disciples were killed or injured in the battle between Baiyuejiao and Gao Xing.Hurt.And this Jiangling is far from their sphere of influence.Strength is inherently weak.Then he was hit hard by Baihua Palace.Morale was extremely low.Looking at the moving poppies ahead.Shang Peng was both moved and annoyed.A few days ago.There were no fewer than ten elite disciples of the Moon Worship Sect who died at the hands of the poisonous scorpion woman.

soon.Everyone came to the stone gate that Xiao Ling kicked open.

The person who ran at the front just paused and rushed into the stone gate.There are too many people here now.It is obviously impossible to monopolize the treasure.But first into the hole.It is possible to obtain the most valuable treasures.

Therefore, except for the core disciples of the five major sects who stood still outside the cave.The others rushed into the cave scrambling to be the first.

"Damn. Blind your dog's eyes. Squeeze what."

"Good dogs don't get in the way. Get out of the way. Don't let me get rich."

"The kid wants to die."

"watch out."


This hole is not wide.Only two people can pass in parallel.Everyone is eager to seize the treasure.Inevitably there will be collisions.They are all blood-licking people.Lost by greed again.There is no sense at all.If there is a disagreement, they will fight.For the treasure.Everyone shot mercilessly.I just want to break through all the obstacles in front of me.Shouting and cursing for a while.There was a sound of the clash of weapons.The scene became extremely chaotic.

"Stop it all." Looking at the tragic scene in front of him.Kong Ziyan frowned slightly.The icy breath on his body was even stronger.

All the people who were fighting were given a meal.They raised their eyes to look at Kong Ziyan.There is fear in the eyes.I also have doubts.

"The treasure hasn't appeared yet. Why are you killing each other? Stop it now." Kong Ziyan took a step forward.He glanced at the crowd resolutely.There was a chill and awe-inspiring aura exuding from his body.

Tiandaozong is the veritable number one sect.Kong Ziyan spoke.Although everyone is unwilling.But he unconsciously stopped what he was doing.The atmosphere suddenly became a little depressed.It was eerily quiet.

"Giggle giggling. I laughed to death." A charming and soft laugh sounded.Like a soft feather.Gently stirring the hearts of everyone.Let their hearts flutter for a while.The eyes reveal the color of obsession.

"Poppy flower. What do you have to say?" Kong Ziyan frowned.He looked sharply at Poppy.

Poppy's heart skipped a beat.His complexion changed slightly.But the smile on his face remained the same.He looked at Kong Ziyan with bright eyes.Cooperate with her unrestrained dress.Enchanting figure and looming spring.It has made many people with low cultivation bases lose their minds.

"Kong Ziyan. Who do you think you are? You actually ordered all the heroes of the Jianghu. Could it be that you want to use the name of Tiandaozong to subdue us. It is impossible to swallow the treasure alone."

One word awakens the dreamer.Poppy's words immediately made everyone's hearts tremble.The gaze towards Kong Ziyan also became suspicious and vigilant.

"What do you mean. Wealth, fame and fortune are things outside the body. I just don't want everyone to continue to fight because of these. Blood flows into rivers. And it is not known whether there are treasures now. You will fight to the death. Is it too blind. Such a sacrifice is meaningful .”

Said here.Kong Ziyan suddenly changed the subject: "Everyone, the Demon Sect has always been secretive and ruthless in its actions. This time this treasure appeared on the territory of Baihua Palace. How could they allow everyone to take it away? We have every reason to doubt. The fight just now It was all provoked by them. The purpose is to let everyone kill each other. The casualties are heavy. They will take advantage of the fisherman."

"If there's nothing wrong with this treasure. It's just a bait thrown by Baihua Palace. Let everyone fight to the death. This is all to achieve their ulterior motives. Baihua Palace has evil intentions. We must not fall into the trap."

Everyone suddenly realized.They all glared at Baihua Palace.His body was murderous.Very hostile.

"Hundred Flower Palace is despicable and shameless. His heart can be punished."

"Brothers, the women in Baihua Palace are all snake-hearted. We must not be fooled."

"That's right. Don't let their conspiracy succeed."


"Okay. Well said." Tianxianzi turned a deaf ear to everyone's condemnation.Instead, he smiled.Like a hundred flowers blooming.Let the world be eclipsed. "The descendant of Tiandaozong really deserves his reputation. He is so eloquent. A few words can make all the heroes hate my Baihua Palace. It is really amazing."

See what the fairy said.Everyone couldn't help but stop.looked at her suspiciously.The conspiracy was exposed.She didn't feel flustered in the slightest.Instead, he talked freely.Dimple like a flower.It's really puzzling.

Tianxian laughed mockingly: "Kong Ziyan. Since you said that this treasure is a bait thrown by my Baihua Palace, then why did you come here?"

Don't wait for Kong Ziyan to answer.Tianxianzi continued: "You want to say that you are here to uphold justice. Are you here to punish rape and eradicate evil? Put away your hypocrisy. Every one of you Tiandaozong is a generation of male robbers and female prostitutes. Hmph."

Kong Ziyan glared at her angrily: "Demon girl. I have no sense of shame. I am very vicious. But you want to slander my Heavenly Dao Sect?"

"Shameless. I don't know who is shameless. He ran away with a witch. Abandoned the teacher. Hahahaha." Tianxian laughed.

Kong Ziyan's face turned cold.The murderous intent in the eyes is great.Of course she knew that Fairy Tian was talking about the elopement of the descendants of the previous generation of Heavenly Dao Sect and the descendants of Baihua Palace.This is the greatest disgrace in the history of Tiandaozong.Hitting people is not slapping people in the face.Exposing people does not expose shortcomings.Tianxianzi brings up the old story again.Hard work is not evil.

"Demon girl. Did you think that changing the subject would mean that all the heroes would not care about your deceit in Baihua Palace?" Kong Ziyan took a deep breath.Calmed down the turbulent mood.said coldly.

Fairy Tian smiled sarcastically: "Kong Ziyan, you are really hypocritical. Could it be that you really think that no one in the world knows Hongfeng's true identity except you? If you want others to know, you must do nothing."

"Junior Sister Tianxianzi. I don't know where the sacred red wind is. It turned this martial arts world upside down." The big man who led the Tianxie Sect said.His voice was rough and loud.Roaring like a beast.Very powerful.

"Senior Brother Hu Po. You won't believe it even if you tell me." Tian Xianzi sighed with emotion.After everyone's eyes fell on him, he slowly said: "According to my Baihua Palace's open and secret investigation. That Hongfeng is actually a disciple of Tiandaozong. Kong Ziyan's senior brother."

"What. How could this happen." Everyone was in an uproar.He looked like he couldn't believe it.Even ordinary disciples of Tiandaozong were shocked.

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