Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 364 Greed is the original sin

Seeing that everyone cast doubtful, shocked, or angry eyes on Tiandaozong, Tianxianzi was overjoyed, and then he stared and shouted: "Kong Ziyan, your Tiandaozong has always been dignified, deceiving the world, and now you let Hongfeng general you!" What is the intention and purpose of countless martial arts heroes leading Jiangling?"

Kong Ziyan's complexion changed a few times, but she was wearing a veil, but everyone couldn't see her. She stared at Tian Xianzi coldly, her tone was still cold and calm, and her brows were filled with sullenness: "Demon girl, don't spit blood on people!" , My Heavenly Dao Sect has always acted in an upright manner, how can you and other sneaky people be able to achieve it, could it be that your treacherous schemes have been exposed and you want to bring trouble to the east, "

"You can hold your breath, but it's a pity that there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and it's useless to let your tongue bloom like a lotus flower." Tian Xianzi looked at Kong Ziyan mockingly, and suddenly changed the subject: "Kong Ziyan, you Tiandaozong Isn't it fair and just to do things aboveboard, then you talk about how to divide this treasure, "

Kong Ziyan's eyes were fixed, his silver teeth were clenched, but he didn't know how to speak for a moment. Today, Daozong has been pushed to the forefront, and if he is not careful, everyone will attack him, and Tiandaozong's reputation is also in danger. Cannot be damaged.

Seeing that Kong Ziyan was silent, Poppy Hua covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "Why, you have nothing to say, is it because you want to monopolize the treasure, but you are powerless, and you are unwilling to give up the treasure?"

"Junior Sister Poppy Hua is right, Kong Ziyan, how do you think this matter should be handled so that the enmity between the heroes can be resolved and the interests can be balanced," the God of War of the Sacred Fire Cult looked at Kong Ziyan with burning eyes and asked .

Not to mention that the four sects of the Demon Sect and Tiandaozong are feuds, but because of the "Longevity Jue", Tiandaozong has made troubles for the Holy Fire Sect. But now he was beaten terribly by Wu Mingche and flinched.

"Kong Ziyan, you want to uphold justice, and I, Tianxie Sect, have no objection. Just tell me your opinion. If it is reasonable, I think everyone will agree with it," Tianxie Sect Hupo said in a loud voice, the voice was so loud that the eardrums were raw pain.

Kong Ziyan frowned and groaned, no matter how she distributed it, it would always violate the interests of others, especially when facing Tiandaozong, the four sects of the Demon Sect were in harmony, and it was very difficult to deal with. These days, he has been stirring up trouble in the arena and causing many murders. If he confirms his identity as a disciple of Tiandaozong, Daozong will definitely become a public enemy of martial arts that day, and the reputation accumulated over hundreds of years will also be destroyed.

Poppy looked at Kong Ziyan gloatingly, and said teasingly, "Kong Ziyan, you are silent, are you delaying time on purpose, waiting for Hongfeng to take away the treasure?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately became tense, and looked at Tian Daozong with increasingly unkind eyes. These days, Hong Feng has been rampant and unscrupulous, which has caused them a lot of suffering. They have long hated him, but it is a pity that Hong Feng's whereabouts are erratic. , the identity is mysterious, and there is no way for people to take revenge, but if what the fairy fairy said is true, even if everyone fears the power of Tiandaozong, they will definitely attack him passionately.

"Sect Master Kong, I trust your Heavenly Dao Sect. Just tell me how to distribute this treasure. It's not a problem for so many of us to waste here," a handsome young man looked at Kong sincerely. Zi Yan said in a loud voice, if he was happy with Xiao Ling, he would surely be recognized as the person in charge of Shadow Stab in Jiangling, Yang Sijun.

"Yes, Master Kong Shao, as long as your distribution is balanced and fair, all rumors will be self-defeating. We support you,"

"Is it true that what the special envoy of Tianxianzi said, Tiandaozong didn't let me wait to enter the cave to get the treasure just to delay the time?"

"Sect Master Kong Shao, what do you mean? If you don't say anything, the Sa family will enter. You can't let my junior brother take the lead."

The crowd became commotion again, voices of questioning one after another, Qin Shihuang's treasure is so huge, who doesn't want a piece of it, Tiandaozong claims to be the leader of the righteous way, but it can't block other people's money, right?

Kong Ziyan's complexion was ashen, and her heart was very heavy. She knew that she would be quite passive if she didn't speak, but she really couldn't come up with a feasible method. Maybe giving up the treasure could keep her out of the matter, but it would damage the reputation of Tiandaozong and also Not in the interests of the sect.

"Come out, someone has come out," just when Kong Ziyan was about to speak to calm everyone's minds, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone followed the sound, and their eyes widened for a moment, only to see a blood-stained, dark-faced man staggering out from behind the stone gate. What attracted the most attention was his neck, arms, and waist. Full of jewels, glistening in the sunlight.


There was a sound of gasping for air in the mountain, and everyone's eyes widened. The eyes were both shocked and greedy, and they were extremely hot.

"Sure enough, there is a treasure, indeed there is a treasure," the person at the front shouted excitedly, turned his head and rushed towards Shimen, with his reminder, the others suddenly came to their senses, and they didn't care about Kong Ziyan , scrambling to be the first to squeeze towards Shimen, but Shimen can only accommodate two people to pass through, and everyone flocked in, naturally another congestion occurred, and a chaotic battle broke out immediately, spreading to the whole audience in an instant.

There were screams and curses, blood was splashed in the shadow of swords and swords, and stumped limbs and broken arms flew around. The scene was chaotic and tragic, and it was frightening.

Seeing the fight of the crowd, although Kong Ziyan frowned, he was really relieved in his heart. It was a great thing for Tiandaozong to no longer uphold justice, but it was a bit tragic and worthless to fight like this just for the treasure.

But in just half an hour, blood flowed in front of the stone gate, and more than 500 people fell forever in the grass. The strong smell of blood and evil spirit made the scorching sun in the sky pale.

"Brothers, it's time for us to go in and take a look." Seeing that there were not many people in front of the stone gate, Tiger Soul's eyes suddenly lit up, shouting loudly, he rushed towards the stone gate immediately.

A middle-aged man was about to grab the way, but he was punched hard on the chest and abdomen by the Tiger Soul. Amid the crisp sound of fractures, the man spit blood and flew seven or eight meters away, and landed softly on the ground, his eyes were dim, and his breath was weak. , is obviously not alive.

The other Tianxie sect disciples also showed their claws and teeth, and anyone who stood in the way was hit by them frantically, either dead or injured.

The Lightning War God of the Sacred Fire Cult took a look at Zhuifeng beside him, his eyes were beating with fierce fighting intent: "Junior Sister, let's go in too, we can't let the tiger soul take advantage of it," Zhuifeng nodded and said good, and moved leisurely , quickly rushed to the stone gate like the wind, and followed the disciples of Tianxie Sect into it.

In an instant, only the three sects of Tiandaozong, Baihuagong and Moon Worship Sect remained outside the stone gate. Poppy inadvertently glanced at Shang Peng, her resentment was fleeting, and then she smiled and said Looking at Kong Ziyan, he said, "Sister Ziyan, why don't you go in?"

Kong Ziyan snorted coldly and didn't answer, apparently harboring a grudge against the aggressiveness of Baihua Palace just now.

Poppy Hua looked at Kong Ziyan with deep meaning and said, "My sister wants to be the last oriole, and she will come forward to clean up the mess when everyone is killed in the fight."

"Why don't you, witch, go in? Could it be that you have some tricks," Kong Ziyan said coldly.

Poppy Hua giggled, her plump breasts trembling wildly, it could be described as trembling, "Speaking of conspiracies and tricks, how can I, Baihua Palace, be your opponent of Tiandaozong? Under his command, and because of this treasure, I don’t know how many innocent lives will be lost.” At this point, Poppy’s expression was a little gloomy, and she sighed melancholy, as if she was mourning for the souls of the dead.

Kong Ziyan was furious immediately: "Poppy Flower, you keep saying that Hongfeng is a disciple of my Heavenly Dao Sect, but there is evidence, you are so slanderous, you are really a full-fledged witch, you are so shameless."

"Hongfeng uses your Tiandaozong martial arts, and there are many people in Jiangling City to testify." Tianxianzi took the conversation, and said slowly: "Your Tiandaozong claims to be the best sect in the world, with many disciples. Why can’t you catch Hongfeng, the martial arts scourge, you came to Jiangling for a few days, but you can’t stay in seclusion, so what’s the matter, isn’t it just waiting for today’s treasure to be opened so that you can reap the benefits?”

"The special envoy of Baihua Palace is really eloquent, and his eloquence is superb," ​​Kong Ziyan was annoyed, but his tone did not show, but he said sarcastically: "This Jiangling is your territory of Baihua Palace, Hongfeng But he can come and go freely and make waves, is this your Baihua Palace's intentional cover-up or is your martial arts extremely poor, so why not him?"

"Whatever you say, Hongfeng uses authentic Tiandaozong kung fu, you can't stop Tianxia Youyou's mouth," Tianxianzi said indifferently, and then said to Poppy Flower: "Sister, let's go in and join in the fun, too. "After finishing speaking, she ignored Kong Ziyan, turned into a wisp of green smoke, and floated towards Shimen.

"Let's go too," Shang Peng glanced at Kong Ziyan vigilantly, and then stretched out and ran towards Shimen.

"Young Sect Master, shall we go in," a disciple of Tiandaozong asked anxiously.

Kong Ziyan took a deep breath, murderous intent loomed in her eyes, her aura became stronger, and she coldly uttered a word: "Come in," as she spoke, she stretched out her robe sleeves lightly, and her body straddled nearly 30 feet as if flying in the air. The distance of meters came to the stone gate, and disappeared in a flash. The other disciples of Tiandaozong did not neglect, and each showed their magical powers, and quickly entered the stone gate.

It suddenly became quiet outside the stone gate, except for the rustling of the wind blowing dry grass, there was no other sound.

Suddenly, a corpse on the edge moved, and the next moment he stood upright, his movements were very sensitive, he didn't look like a wounded person, but this person was the one who came out with the treasure earlier, he stood tall, Looking at the dark stone gate quietly, his face was full of pity, and his eyes were very heavy.

"Man dies for wealth, birds die for food, alas," the man suddenly sighed after watching for a while, took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom, poured some of the liquid into his hand, and then gently applied it on the skin. On his face, following his movements, his originally dark face suddenly became white and flawless, and the beard on his chin also fell down, blowing away with the wind, revealing a handsome and extraordinary face, who else would come if he was not happy.

"Greed is the original sin, I hope that fewer people will die," Gao Xing sighed again, took a deep look at Shimen, then turned around and unfolded his movements, the few flashes disappeared,

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