Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 365

Not to mention happy to hide his whereabouts all the way.He rushed back to Jiangling City without stopping.When Poppy and Fairy entered Shimen, they felt palpitations for no reason.

Behind the stone gate is a relatively wide corridor.But extremely tortuous.There were no less than a thousand people entering the cave just now.But for some reason, there was no sound.There was only the sound of "woo woo" in the dim corridor.Like the wailing of a ghost.Cooperate with the faint smell of blood and damp and rotten yin in the air.Quite infiltrating.

"Sister. There are so many people robbing the treasure. What should we do." Poppy frowned.While walking quickly along the corridor.side asked.

Tianxianzi replied: "Although the treasure is attractive, our Baihua Palace has been developed for hundreds of years. The accumulated wealth is also extremely huge. Therefore, it is not of much use to us. However, the peerless martial arts secret book in Hongfeng's hands. We But we are determined to win. We will play by ear later. As long as we take advantage of the chaos, we will leave. Don’t hesitate."

Poppy nodded yes.Suddenly, I felt that the space around me was suddenly empty.An astonishing murderous aura rushed over.It made her stop immediately.Watching ahead warily.


There was a soft sound.A light suddenly appeared in the dark space.In an instant, the darkness in front of him was dispelled.It was the fairy who lit the torch with a match.Since happy to make matches.People's lives are indeed much more convenient.Poor families do not have to keep tinder every day.The rich also gave up expensive flints.

The reason why everyone in Baihua Palace discredited and marched before.I am really worried about becoming a living target for hostile forces because of the torch.You must know that the four sects of the Devil's Gate are in harmony with each other.Baiyuejiao formed a new enmity with Baihuagong.Kong Ziyan of Tiandaozong hated Baihua Palace even more because of what happened just now.So the fairy had to be careful.

With torches.Poppy finally saw the scene in front of her clearly.There was a look of surprise on his face.It's a hundred meters long.A cave ten meters wide.There are obvious traces of artificial carving on the surrounding stone walls.There are more than a thousand terracotta warriors and horses displayed in the cave.They look realistic and serious.In his hand, he held a real bronze weapon.Although it is rusty.But it still has a murderous air.

But at this time, the formation of these terracotta warriors and horses was a little scattered.Some have been shattered by violence.fell to the ground.And in the middle of these terracotta warriors.There is only one narrow path that can only be passed by one person.There were one or two hundred corpses lying on top of it.Most of these people died from arrows.His complexion was black and blue.Blood everywhere.

Poppy and Fairy looked at each other.They all saw the surprise and solemnity of the other party.Who would have expected that this place was actually a tomb.And there are terracotta warriors and horses buried with them.Presumably the identity of the owner is not low.That treasure must not be false.It's just that they didn't expect that there was a hidden weapon in the hole.And it's poisonous.

"Let's go." Tianxianzi said.Then he took a deep breath.Take the lead and walk forward.The spirit, energy and spirit have been raised to the peak.Poppies followed.There was no obsequious obsequiousness on his face.Some are just serious and cautious.

"Whoosh whoosh."

The crowd took seven or eight steps.There was a sound of breaking through the air.Then, dozens of black feather arrows shot out from the walls on both sides. "Be careful." Tian Xianzi gave a warning.Stretch out on one side.The sleeves danced quickly.Shoot down the feathered arrow that shoots at him.Other Baihua Palace disciples also took action one after another.or cooperate with each other.Or fight alone.To deal with this sudden hidden weapon.

There are poppies and nymphs.The disciples of Baihua Palace are not mediocre.Therefore, although the cold arrow is not easy to deal with.They finally crossed the [-]-meter distance without any risk.

At the end of the Terracotta Army.A closed wall appeared again.The heavy Shimen Celestial Fairy was about to move forward.But suddenly saw five bright red characters on the stone gate: Greed is the original sin.

These five words are strong and powerful.Majestic.More importantly, there is a strong murderous intent in it.It makes people feel awe-inspiring.

The poppies tugged at the fairy's sleeve.He frowned and asked, "Sister. What do you think?"

Tianxianzi's eyes were fixed.He hesitated and said: "Look, this word is clearly written with blood. And the handwriting is still wet. It should have been written not long ago. I don't know who did it. What is the purpose."

"Is there someone who doesn't want us to go in and fight for the treasure. That's why they are playing tricks. They want to scare us away." Poppy stared closely at the bright red characters.Do not know why.There is always a sense of familiarity.But I can't think of where I've seen it again.

"Very likely." Tian Xianzi nodded.He shook his head again.With a dignified and confused look on his face, he said, "Third sister. If you get the treasure map, will you publicize it with great fanfare?"

See poppies shake their heads.Tianxianzi continued: "In these days, Hongfeng has many masters in the rivers and lakes. However, his whereabouts are erratic. It is impossible to find out. But last night we got secret security for no reason. It is said that Hongfeng is a disciple of Tiandaozong All this is a conspiracy of Tiandaozong. This morning, almost everyone got the news that Hongfeng opened the treasure here. Combining with what happened a few days ago, I feel that someone is manipulating all this behind."

Poppy said in shock, "Then what is his purpose?"

"Let our five factions fight each other. Weaken our power vigorously."

"Then who would have done it?"

The fairy smiled wryly.Shaking his head, he said, "Maybe it's the other four factions. Maybe it's an unknown enemy. It's all possible."

"Then shall we go in or not?" Poppy frowned tightly.My heart is very heavy.Things out of her control made her uncomfortable.And the unknown is even more frightening.

"Kong Ziyan is here. Let's go in." After hearing the sound, there was a distant sound.The fairy gritted her teeth.Finally made up my mind.She uses her palms.Drink lightly in your mouth.Use your hands.The stone door finally opened in response.Poppy didn't object either.Following Tianxianzi, he stepped into the stone gate.

"You fucking court death. How dare you snatch my treasure."

"You son of a bitch. Give it back to me."

"Fuck you. You deserve to have this night pearl. I'll kill you."



Poppies enter the stone gate.Accompanied by a strong smell of blood.A noisy and chaotic voice filled the ears.It made her frown involuntarily.

This is a wider space than before.But it looks like a magnificent palace.bedroom.study.kitchen.The back garden is fully equipped.Not only the objects displayed in the palace are complicated and exquisite.Not cheap.It's exciting.The jewels in dozens of large boxes in the corner are even more shining.Make people crazy.

Just at this time.The palace has lost its original grandeur.become extremely chaotic.More than a thousand people are waiting for blood red eyes.Fight together in chaos.Fighting for treasure.Drink and scold.There were screams one after another.endlessly.Blood stained the ground red.shocking.The pungent blood makes people want to vomit.

Poppy casually killed one and turned his eyes red.The man who frantically rushed towards him was sent flying.The frown became tighter and tighter.This situation has gotten out of hand.Even though she has extraordinary martial arts.But getting involved rashly is definitely not going to please you.As the saying goes, beat the master to death with random punches.Two fists are no match for four hands.

"Be careful. Pay attention to the movement of the red wind." Tianxianzi led the crowd to stand still under the rock wall closest to Shimen.He enjoined in a deep voice.She chose this position.One is that things change to make it easier to retreat.The second is to avoid being involved in the fighting center.The third is to prevent Hongfeng from escaping in the chaos.

Poppy's nose twitched.Puzzled: "Sister. Have you smelled it? In addition to the smell of blood, there is another smell in the air."

The fairy looked at her in surprise.Hastily twitched his nose.Distinguish carefully.Baihuagong is good at using poison.Naturally very sensitive to smells.

"Could it be." Shaoqing.Tianxianzi's complexion suddenly changed.said hesitantly.

"That's right. It's kerosene." Poppy said with an unusually serious face.

The fairy looked around.Only then did I discover that there are many silks and satins in this palace.Now they are scattered on the ground because of the fighting of the crowd.And there is a small area of ​​the stone wall at the foot with a deep color.different from the surrounding.And in an obscure corner.Already a flame has sprung up.And there is a gradual and intense trend.

"Retreat. Withdraw." Tianxianzi made a prompt decision.Without hesitation.

Kong Ziyan had just entered the palace.He was frowning and worried about the chaos in the field.But suddenly saw the fairy rushing towards him.She was about to fight against it.Only to find that the latter looked shocked.There is no murderous intent on him.I couldn't help but wonder if this was a conspiracy by Baihua Palace.The movement of the hands slowed down slightly.

Tianxianzi has no time to pay attention to Kong Ziyan.The speed has been increased to the extreme.In the blink of an eye, he bypassed Tiandaozong.rushed out of the stone gate.

The doubts in Kong Ziyan's heart deepened.Just thinking about it further.Suddenly, I saw flames a meter high in the distance.My heart suddenly came to a sudden.She thought for a while.The order to retreat was also issued.At the same time, they shouted loudly: "The water is gone. Everyone, run for your life."

It's just that the scene is extremely chaotic at this time.The noise was very loud.For the treasure.All have lost their minds.He only knows to kill the enemies in front of him who block his way of making money.I only know to take one more treasure.

"Boom. Boom. Boom."

Kong Ziyan just left the stone gate.Suddenly there was a deafening explosion behind him.Then, a scorching and surging air wave hit his back like an overwhelming mountain.Kong Ziyan snorted.A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, staining the veil on his face red.Under the action of the air waves, his body flew more than ten meters away.

With continuous explosions.The cave began to shake violently.Large and small rocks rustled down from the top of the cave.The ground shook violently.It makes people dizzy.Can't tell the direction.The people in the palace no longer cared about fighting for treasures.Guiwailing and howling, wanting to escape for their lives.But it was too late.


Tianxianzi forced a breath of true energy.Press down on the wounds in your body.He rushed out of the cave in one go.Finally see the light of day again.Yet she was only breathing heavily.The disordered breathing has not yet calmed down.Accompanied by a thunderous bang.There was a sudden violent shaking behind him.Dusty room.But the tomb completely collapsed.

Kong Ziyan stared dumbfounded.I was afraid for a while.If it is a moment at night.I'm afraid she will be buried in a collapsed tomb.Let her martial arts be superb.It is absolutely impossible to compete with the power of nature.

Look around.There are only three survivors of Tiandaozong.And everyone gets hurt.Disgraced.Embarrassed.Baihua Palace is the fastest to see the opportunity.But it also lost two or three people.The Tiger Soul of the Tianxie Sect became the polished commander.He himself lost an arm.Half of the body of the Sacred Fire Cult's Chasing God of War was bloody.Seriously injured.Lightning God of War has both legs broken.I am afraid that the martial arts will be greatly reduced.It's worshiping the moon.Enter the tomb at the latest.As soon as Shang Peng saw Tian Xianzi, he turned his head and ran away.Picked up a bargain.Although three or five people were injured.But it's just a skin wound.It's all right.

Everyone is fighting for life and death.Just for the treasure.In the end, it was nothing but a bamboo basket to fetch water.All sects suffered heavy losses.Everyone looked at each other.But they all have sympathy.Temporarily let go of the original hatred.

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