Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 366 A Gorgeous Curtain Call

Jiangling City.The secret room of the Shadow Thorn stronghold.

"Hongfeng. Tell me about your real identity." Gao Xing sat on the chair.Quietly watching Hongfeng with a languid expression.Said lightly.

Red Wind's veil has been removed.Showed his true colors.He was a handsome man in his thirties.

"The winner is the king. The loser is the bandit. Since it is in your hands, I have no intention of living. If I want to be killed or cut, it is up to you. If I frown, I will not be a man." Hongfeng snorted disdainfully One sound.said loudly.He was seriously injured.Now I feel depressed and resentful.For a while, the wound was touched again.Can't help coughing violently a few times.A sickly blush appeared on his pale face.

"Crack. Crack."

Gao Xing clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is a man." But there was no sign of appreciation on his face.Some are just full of mockery. "Why did you assassinate King Sui of Qi?"

"Man dies for money. Birds die for food. What do you think I did it for?" Hong Feng replied simply.

He raised his eyebrows happily.Playfully said: "Oh. Unexpectedly, the well-known Tiandaozong would be short of money. He has acted as a killer. It is really a joke in the world."

Hong Feng's eyes were fixed.Calm was restored in an instant.He sneered and said: "Tiandaozong? You think I am a member of Tiandaozong. So what if I am. What can I do if I am not you. With your skills and power, it may not be enough to trouble Tiandaozong."

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether you are a member of Tiandaozong or not. Because in my eyes, Tiandaozong itself is a stranger. Or an enemy. One day I will trample it under my feet." Gao Xing didn't care said with a smile.Hun didn't pay attention to Tiandaozong.

"Overestimating one's abilities. You are blowing your mind." Hong Feng snorted coldly.There is disdain in the eyes.

Gao Xing smiled lightly and said: "Why. You don't believe it. It's because you are about to die. Let me tell you some bad news. The new generation of Tiandaozong may have died."

"What. Impossible. Even if your subordinates are better than me in martial arts, you are by no means an opponent of the Young Sovereign." Hong Feng said in shock.He looked happy in disbelief.

Happy eyes fixed.There was a killing intent in his eyes. "I guessed right. It was Tiandaozong's idea to assassinate my father."

Hongfeng heard the words.His complexion changed suddenly.Only then did I realize that my slip of the tongue had exposed my identity.His face was full of despair and annoyance.

See Hongfeng's momentum is sluggish.Gao Xing continued: "I'm not sure if Kong Ziyan is dead or not. But I guess her chance of surviving is very slim." Hong Feng was shocked.He quickly looked up and looked happy.His eyes are full of hope.

"You must already know. The treasure map you got was given to you on purpose. The purpose is to find out the real culprit behind the assassination of my father." He said.Glad to stand up.Take two steps closer.Then he said: "The tomb of a king is marked on the treasure map. Not only are there many traps in it, but I also put a lot of kerosene and gunpowder in it. The world is full of greedy people. This time, there will be no less than treasure hunters." Thousands of people. But the benefits are not equal. They will definitely have a big battle. When fighting, they will definitely be negligent. If there is a fire, it will cause the explosion of gunpowder. At that time, the tomb will collapse. "

"You are so vicious." Hong Feng opened his eyes wide.Gritting his teeth, he said, "There are so many people who have no enmity with you. Why do you want to count them?"

Thousands of people including the five major factions.Most of them have nothing to do with happiness.But he wanted to put it to death.The means are despicable and vicious.It really frightened Hongfeng.

"Greed is the original sin. Contentment is the only way to live happily ever after." Gao Xing curled his lips: "Since they are greedy for profit, they should have expected today's results. The so-called wealth and wealth are in danger. I can't blame me." Although Gao Xing said so.But my heart is not comfortable.Killing was not what he wanted.But he had to weaken the strength of the five factions.

"You." Hong Feng was suddenly at a loss for words.Happy to say well.If it weren't for those people who became greedy.How can I fall into the trap of happiness.

"I'm not interested in knowing the secrets of your Tiandaozong. Just tell me your name. And your plan to assassinate my father. I'm not in the habit of torturing others." Happy returned to his seat and sat down.Feel free to pick up the teacup at hand.Said lightly.

Hongfeng looked at it steadily and was happy for a while.Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you. My name is Xue Yuming. The governor of Yangzhou also participated in the assassination plan."

"Lu Qian." Gao Xing frowned.

Hongfeng Xue Yuming nodded.Then take a deep breath and let it out slowly.He glanced at the burning candle in the stone room with some nostalgia.There was a hint of sadness and relief on his face.Finally, he closed his eyes gently.

Happy eyes moved.The sitting body rose into the air.In the blink of an eye, he came to Xue Yuming.The slender palm seemed to be lightly printed on the latter's throat.There was a crisp sound.Xue Yuming's Adam's apple shattered.His body convulsed a few times and then he died out of breath.But the happy body has returned to the seat.Seems like it never moved.

"Xiao Ling. Lu Qian will leave it to you." Gao Xing said in a low voice.Let out a long sigh.For Lu Qian.Happiness is not a good feeling.But there is no ill feeling.

After all, Lu Qian still has some abilities.He is based in Yangzhou.It was barely a good thing for Bei Qi.It's just that Lu Qian has always been at odds with Wang Lin.Now he is involved in the plan to assassinate Gao Changgong.Happy will not let him go.Although I am happy to understand Lu Qian's approach.After all, Gao Changgong is extremely powerful in the Huaihe River Basin.And in the fight against Chen Guo for more than two years.Lu Qian has almost no credit for it.How does this make him not envious, resentful and jealous.

"Yes." When Xiao Ling truly surrendered.For the pleased order.He never refused.not to mention.in his heart.I am happy to be both a teacher and a friend.It is his benefactor.

"It's almost time. It's time for us to go back. But before we leave, we still need to do something. Let this scene have a gorgeous curtain call." He happily glanced at Xue Yuming on the ground.A playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Xue Yuming. You traitor. Where are you going?"

"Get out of the way. Get out of the way."

On the busiest street in Jiangling City.Suddenly there was a loud shout.Let the pedestrians on the street involuntarily stop and look sideways.Follow the sound and look.But see the end of the street.There are two people chasing each other one behind the other.

The person in front was a man covered in blood.A look of panic and horror.His face was pale.He yelled "Get out of the way" all the way.His hands kept pushing pedestrians blocking the road to both sides.Even from time to time, the stalls on the street were overturned to the ground.He wanted to stop those who were chasing after him.The affected passersby screamed and cursed.However, the two who were chasing couldn't care less about them.There is only each other in the eyes.

"Xue Yuming. You traitor. You actually want to take the treasure belonging to the sect for yourself. Today I will clean up the sect on behalf of the young sect master. I will kill you." The chaser shouted and cursed angrily.Suddenly shouted loudly.The body stands up straight from the ground.Like a goshawk fighting a rabbit.Actually volleyed over a distance of ten meters.A front somersault landed firmly in front of Xue Yuming.

Xue Yuming's expression changed suddenly.His advancing body suddenly stopped.Then he gave a loud drink.Frantically pounced on the pursuers.

"Looking for death." The chasing soldier shouted sharply.The right palm struck out like lightning.He hit Xue Yuming hard on the chest.



Xue Yuming stared wide-eyed.There was a noticeable hollow in the chest.I don't know how many ribs were broken.Xue Yuming spat out a mouthful of blood with a "poof".His body was thrown backwards like a paper kite with a broken thread.Crashed against the shelf of a grocery store down the street.Hit it straight to break.The items on it fell to the ground with a clatter.Xue Yuming's body was also buried under the cargo.

The chaser snorted coldly.Step into the grocery store.He yelled "Get out" to the stunned boss.The latter let out a mournful cry.He scrambled and ran out the door.A look of fear and sadness.

"Xue Yuming. The end of a traitor is death. Remember to go to the underworld to repent." The pursuers pulled the dying Xue Yuming out of the cargo.looked at him indifferently.Said coldly.

"Ahem." Xue Yuming opened his mouth.He coughed violently.Blood was continuously sprayed out of the mouth.Eyes dim.Breathing is weak.Obviously dead.

"I knew today. Why bother." The chaser snorted angrily.He slammed Xue Yuming to the ground.It made the latter cough violently again.Pale cheeks were completely contorted.Obviously excruciatingly painful.

The pursuers showed no sympathy.He groped for a while between Xue Yuming's chest and abdomen.Then take out something from the latter's waist.But it was two scrolls full of handwriting and pictures.The pursuer took a closer look.Then laugh a few times.Suddenly soared into the air.With all his strength, he slapped the beam on the top of the grocery store.After that he didn't stay any longer.Electricity shot out of the house.


Fang Liang couldn't bear Juli. "Click, click" a few times, but it broke.Rafters and tiles fell down one after another.in a blink.The whole house collapsed.Aroused the sky full of smoke and dust.

"My shop. Damn it." The owner of the grocery store uttered a terrifying cry.With a sad face.His eyes looked at the man in black who had just rushed out of the room, as if he wanted to breathe fire.

"This is for you." The chasing soldier looked at him and frowned.Reaching into his arms, he took out a gold bar and threw it to the owner of the grocery store.finished.He unfolded his figure.He hurried away amidst all the horrified eyes.It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

All eyes on the street were attracted by this black-clothed pursuer.But he didn't see it.After the collapsed house.A man covered in dust left quietly.His speed is not slower than the chasing soldiers.



Tianxianzi slapped the table by her hand hard.The desk case immediately turned into powder.At this time, her handsome face was covered with thick frost.The anger in his eyes seemed to be gushing out. "What a Kong Ziyan. What a Heavenly Daoist. She actually played with and applauded the heroes of the world. She counted us and our four factions. What a vicious woman."

"Sister, calm down. Although our Baihua Palace has lost some manpower, this matter is not without benefits." Poppy smiled lightly.Pass the fairy a cup of hot tea.He continued: "Although Tiandaozong has obtained the martial arts cheats, they have now become public enemies of the martial arts. The reputation of the millennium has been destroyed. It is hard to say the gains and losses."

"What my sister said is true." Tian Xianzi calmed down.Then he said: "It's just that Tiandaozong is making waves on our Baihua Palace's territory. It's also taking food from the tiger's mouth. It really makes me feel depressed."

"Who says it's not. That little girl Kong Ziyan is really cruel." Poppy Hua said approvingly.There was a ray of shock in his eyes.

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