Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 367

Jiangling City, a secret stronghold of Tiandaozong.

"Young Sect Master, there are rumors spreading in Jiangling City now, that we conspired to frame our martial arts comrades, and even stole the treasures and martial arts secret books to ourselves. We have become public enemies of the martial arts, and all forces are ready to move, trying to harm our faction, brothers I dare not reveal my identity easily, even Senior Brother Xue's remains can't be retrieved," said a Tiandaozong disciple with resentment and worry on his face.

"Too much deceit," Kong Ziyan's whole body was like eternal ice, and her voice was so cold that it made people tremble, which showed the great anger in her heart.

The majestic Heavenly Dao Sect has tens of thousands of disciples, leading the righteous way for nearly a thousand years, suppressing the four sects of the Demon Sect and not daring to raise their heads. Its power is beyond ordinary people's imagination, and it can even influence the succession of dynasties and the rise and fall of countries. Now he has become a public enemy of martial arts, to the point where everyone shouts and beats him, what a shame it is.

Although for the sake of long-term goals and the interests of the sect, Tiandaozong has done some shady things behind the scenes, and this time he also wanted to keep the treasures and martial arts cheats for himself, but in the end, Tiandaozong could not lose money by stealing chickens. Not to mention the loss of many elite disciples, they have become the target of other people's calculations, and they have taken the blame for others for nothing.

What angered Kong Ziyan the most was that until now she couldn't guess who was the enemy of Tiandaozong, and the martial arts secret book was taken away by whom. Over the years, when did Tiandaozong suffer such humiliation? As the successor of the new generation, Kong Ziyan could hardly absolve herself of the responsibility for such a thing, and the resentment and humiliation in her heart couldn't be added.

Kong Ziyan had already been seriously injured, but now he had nowhere to vent his anger, and his chest became more and more congested. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood with a "poof", which was printed on the white mask, like a flower blooming in the snow. The blossoming red plums are extremely poignant and beautiful.

"Young Sect Master, what's the matter with you," a female disciple of the Heavenly Dao Sect standing beside Kong Ziyan suddenly changed his face, and asked anxiously while supporting her.

Kong Ziyan took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the turbulent Qi and blood, and then said in a deep voice: "Now we are alone and weak, and it is not suitable to meet them head-on. This place is relatively secluded and hidden, and the enemy should not be able to find them. Let us heal the wounds." It's important, wait until the wind dies down a bit before going back home,"

After a pause, Kong Ziyan went on to say: "Now the building of the Qi State will collapse, and the world's hero will be born. We only need to assist Ming Jun to achieve hegemony. At that time, who will dare to be an enemy of our Heavenly Dao Sect? At that time, we will settle accounts after the fall." Not too late," said Kong Ziyan, with cold murderous intent and strong self-confidence shining in his eyes.

"Young suzerain is wise,"

Kong Ziyan had no joy or worry on her face, and the anger and murderous intent in her eyes gradually dissipated, and she returned to the cold and calm. She waved her hand lightly, so the others started to practice quietly after they left.

When the whole world denounced Tiandaozong for his sanctity, insidiousness and viciousness, and wanted to force him to hand over his martial arts cheats, he was happy to have embarked on the road back to his country, and his mood was as happy as his name.

No wonder he was so happy, he went to Jiangling this time to take revenge, and by the way, to make the Wulin more chaotic, and most importantly, to stir up disputes among the five major factions and weaken their strength.

Throughout the land of China, the feudal society in 2000, the change of dynasties, and the rise and fall of society all revolved around one land. Even in later generations, land is still an important part of the conflict of interests among various classes.

The feudal dynasties all have one thing in common, that is, they prospered because the land distribution was relatively fair, and they perished because the land annexation was extremely serious. If it is said that the intricate and deep-rooted aristocratic families are the chief culprits of land annexation, then Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, good and evil five schools It's behind the scenes.

Although Li Shimin denounced Yang Guang as Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and the eternal tyrant in history, Yang Guang really had real talents and learning, and he could be called a great talent, but his arrogance and eagerness for success determined his final outcome.

Not to mention Yang Guang's murder of his brother and father, and the occupation of his father's concubines, but Yang Guang's implementation of the imperial examination system, the construction of the Grand Canal, the establishment of Luoyang as his capital, and his expedition to Korea. The great thing that benefited Qianqiu was only because of Yang Guang's character and the background of the times, but there was no good result.

The imperial examination system can break the monopoly of aristocratic families on the intellectual class since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and is extremely beneficial to the popularization of knowledge and the development of the country.

The construction of the Grand Canal and the strengthening of north-south communication can also alleviate the disasters of drought in the north and floods in the south.

Luoyang is the capital, and Yang Guang's unique vision can be seen in this matter.

Since ancient times, the land of the Central Plains has been strong in the north and weak in the south. If Sima had no choice but to establish the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the development of the south would have to be delayed. The rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty led to the decline of national strength, giving the nomads in the northern grassland a chance Taking advantage of it, it caused the chaos in China, caused indelible damage to the land of the Central Plains, and even dealt a fatal blow to the thriving Han nationality, and almost fell into a slump.

This makes the cultural differences between the north and the south huge, and it is very difficult to integrate the two. Luoyang is located in the central part of China, with convenient transportation, which can not only deter the restless forces in the country, but also play a pivotal role in strengthening the exchanges and integration between the north and the south. Yang Guang himself It also wastes a lot of effort to study southern cultural customs, which is of inestimable significance to the unification of the country and the integration of the nation.

Although Goryeo is located in the Northeast, the weather is very cold, but the land is fertile and rich in supplies. Compared with the nomads, they are more threatening, especially Goryeo's wolf ambitions. Others were sleeping soundly, and Yang Guang was not at fault for solving the problems in the Northeast. It was just that he was arrogant, which caused the Sui Dynasty to have millions of corpses, and the army was defeated and returned, which greatly weakened its vitality.

If, if Yang Guang could be more modest and patient, maybe history would look different. Unfortunately, his arrogance and eagerness ended up doing bad things with good intentions, turning the glorious Sui Dynasty into a short-lived dynasty and making the People have to sigh.

Besides, Li Shimin, known as the first emperor through the ages, also had the misdeeds of killing brothers and brothers and forcing his father to step down. As for women, he still favored his father's concubines, and even brought his aunt Xiao Hou into the harem. Compared with Yang Guang There is no difference, the only difference is who is the final winner.

Although Li Shimin once compiled the ranking of surnames in the world and took a series of measures, he was still unable to cause great harm to the power of the aristocratic family. He was hindered in many places and suffered unspeakably. , It was not until Empress Wu Zetian ascended the throne that she dealt a painful blow to the aristocratic family and pushed the country to glory.

Although I am happy, I also know that even if he finally unifies the world and establishes a new system, it is impossible to achieve absolute fairness, but he can do his best to create a relatively balanced environment so that the war will not stop. No matter how frequently, the life of the people at the bottom will be improved, and they will no longer be as miserable and miserable as pigs and dogs. To achieve this, the interest groups with the five sects as the core are naturally the biggest stumbling block, and they must be removed. Breaking up, this is a huge siege, must be done step by step.


"Master Gao, whether it's a human or a bird or an animal, flowers, plants or trees, are they really made up of individual cells?" Sun Simiao looked at Happy with a shocked face, his eyes full of curiosity.

After the Jiangling incident, Gao Xing happened to be on a boat with Dahe Chucai, accompanied by the genius doctor Sun Simiao. When he learned of Sun Simiao's name, Gao Xing was shocked and pleasantly surprised.

Although Gao Xing has a lot of basic scientific knowledge in his mind, he doesn't know much about medicine. Education and medical care are always the most important links in people's livelihood, especially if he wants to transform the ignorant feudal society into a civilized society. The genius doctor is here, and the soldiers under his command are happy, and the lives of the people under his rule can be more secure.

"How dare you lie to Miracle Doctor Sun? After you finish treating brother Dahe's father, please go to Xinghua City, Shandong Province. I will prove to you that what I said is true." Gao Xing nodded solemnly, his face full of respect The color is not only because of Sun Simiao's unparalleled medical skills and noble medical ethics, but also because of Sun Simiao's unfathomable martial arts.

Sun Simiao knows martial arts, and his strength is very strong. Although Sun Simiao looks gentle and indifferent, when facing him, his happiness is like facing the vast sky. After all, Sun Simiao has lived for more than 140 years, so it is obviously impossible for him not to have the ability to keep fit.

Since Gao Xing came to this world, he met a total of three people who made him look up to him. One is the magic stick Yuan Tiangang, the second is the monk Zhixuan, and the third is Sun Simiao. In front of them, Gao Xing asks himself There is no chance of winning, which is one of the reasons why I am happy to respect these three people, and because they have extraordinary attainments in their respective fields.

"Okay, I'll definitely go," Sun Simiao nodded vigorously, his eyes full of anticipation. Although he had only been with Gao Xing for a few hours, he had a good impression of Gao Xing. It was unbelievable, but it also inspired Sun Simiao a lot, and he felt a sense of enlightenment.

What Gao Xing said is naturally something about Western medicine, which is not unusual in later generations. In fact, there is no distinction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. It is just because of certain problems that Chinese medicine in China is declining, and Western medicine is greatly suppressed. Rejection, this cannot but be said to be the loss of the country and the regret of the nation.

Xing Xing and his group went straight down the river, but the speed was much faster than when they came here. It took less than two days to reach the boundary of Bazhou. The Khitan warriors are all good horseback riders, Gao Xing and Sun Simiao are highly skilled in martial arts, and they are not afraid of the wind, eating and sleeping in the open, but their speed is extremely fast.

On this day, when everyone just arrived in Yangzhou, there was a sudden bad news: the head of the Dahe clan, one of the eight Khitan tribes, died suddenly half a month ago.

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