Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 368 You Must Die

Since Wu Mingche went south to destroy Sima Fu.The pressure on Northern Qi dropped sharply.Yangzhou City also lost a lot of pressure.The prosperity of the past has been restored.Lead the horses.Gao Xing waited for the four of them to cross the street.Go straight to the other courtyard that Dahe Chucai bought in Yangzhou City.This was what Dahe Chucai ordered when he went to Jiangling City.As soon as he entered the city, he found Khitan's unique contact code.

Dahe Chucai's other courtyard is located in the west of the city.Small footprint.But very quiet and hidden.

"Huh. Why is the door open?" Da He Chucai looked at the half-open door in surprise.Didn't think much about it.He led Gao Xing and Sun Simiao in first.

"Where did everyone go?" He walked all the way to the front hall.But there was no one.Da He Chucai said to himself.Then he shouted at the top of his voice: "Cooper. Where are you? There are guests. Come out and entertain."

"Cough, cough. Second prince. Are you, back, back. Cough cough..." The voice of the speaker was hoarse and weak.On and off.Occasional coughing sounds.

"Cooper. What's wrong with you." It was Cooper's voice.Da He Chucai frowned.He called out worriedly.Follow the sound.

"Second Prince. You finally, finally came back."

Kubo.From the looks of it.Is a man in his early 30s.But at this time.His hair is disheveled.His complexion was sallow.Hair and beard are dull.Eyes cloudy.He was lying weakly on the bed.The room is also full of strong herbal smell.He came in only when he saw Da He Chu.A smile appeared on his face.Smile from the heart.

Look at Kubo's smile.I can't help but feel a little strange in my heart.That was a long-awaited.Finally got the desired smile.It was a smile of relief.

Sudden.He frowned happily.His gaze glanced at the curtain behind the bed seemingly inadvertently.Then he looked at Sun Simiao beside him.The latter also seemed to him the same way.Both sides saw the doubt and vigilance in each other's eyes.

Cooper, who was lying on the bed, wanted to sit up.But because of the weak body.His arms were sore and limp.All of a sudden fell over.It made him cough violently.

Da He Chucai rushed forward.Help Cooper up.Patted him on the back.Concerned: "Cooper, what's the matter with you. Are you sick? Have you asked the doctor to look at it?"

Kubo looked up at Da He Chucai gratefully.He quickly turned his gaze to the side.There was a hint of guilt and struggle in his eyes.But it's fleeting.Only the happy one who felt strange before noticed.

Cooper coughed a few times.After breathing evenly, he said, "Thank you, Second Prince, for your concern. I'm afraid Kubo will die."

"How did this happen. When I left, you were still in good health. It's only been two months. What about the others. Where have they all gone?" Da He Chucai exclaimed.A look of surprise.

Cooper shuddered imperceptibly.He let out a long sigh.A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.He lowered his head and said, "Maybe my life is coming to an end. It's time to return to the embrace of the prairie. Everyone else has gone back." It was just such a short sentence.He was out of breath.Then he coughed violently again.A sickly blush appeared on his face.His forehead was covered with sweat from the pain.

Da He Chucai asked in amazement: "What's going on? Did something happen?"

"My lord, he passed away." Kubo's voice was very low.Almost inaudible.

"What did you say..." Da He Chucai opened his eyes wide.exclaimed in surprise.

"Your father. The chief of the Dahe clan died suddenly half a month ago. The second prince. Please mourn." Kubo's voice was a little choked.There was a deep sense of sadness and sympathy.

"Ah." Da He Chucai felt as if struck by lightning.A scream came from his chest. "Impossible. Impossible. Kubo. You tell me. It's not true. No. Tell me." Da He Chucai couldn't believe it.My canthus is about to split.It looks like madness.Holding Cooper's arms, he shook them vigorously.

Cooper's weak body couldn't stand him shaking like this.He coughed violently a few times. "Wow" spit out a mouthful of blood.It was spraying on Da He Chucai's face.

Da He Chucai was taken aback by the warm blood.Gradually let go of Kubo's hands.Said "I'm sorry".Stand up in despair.He staggered out of the house with his eyes blank.Endless grief spread from the bottom of his heart.Diffuse the entire room.

"boom".Da He Chucai, who had no intention of watching the road, slammed into the door all of a sudden.Straight hit a stagger.

"Second Prince. How are you? Are you all right?" There was a voice.Woke up Uta, stunned by the death of the chief.He hurried forward.Hold Dahe Chucai.Asked anxiously.The other Khitan warriors also looked at Dahe Chucai in panic.at a loss.

Dahe Chucai ignored them.Struggling to get rid of their supporting hands.Still go to the door.

"Second Prince. Don't..." Kubo shouted on the bed.want to say something.But it stopped.A look of intense struggle appeared on his face.He glanced at the curtain behind the side of the bed.A trace of anger flashed in his eyes.Finally he let out a long sigh.I closed my eyes.

"Second prince. Second prince..." Uta and other Khitan warriors quickly ran out the door.Nervously following behind Dahe Chucai.Want to comfort him.But I don't know what to say.He frowned anxiously.

Happy sighed.He glanced at Kubo lying on the bed.He looked at the curtain again.no words.also went out.

"Second prince. Where are you going?" Uta asked with concern.

"Go home." Da He Chucai wanted to get on his horse.His hands and feet are not very flexible.Tried several times without success.

This is the case when I see Dahe Chu.Uta hugged him quickly.Persuaded: "Second prince. Be careful. You are too sad now. It is not appropriate to hurry. Let's take a rest before going back."

"What are you doing? Let me go." Da He Chucai struggled hard.Angry authentic.But Uta exerted all his strength.His face flushed.Breathing heavily.Da He Chucai tightened his arms like iron tongs.Let him break free.

Other Khitan warriors also persuaded: "Young master, please calm down first. How can you bear the pain of running around in your current state."

"Go away. That's my father. My only father. I have to go back now. Who dares to stop me again. Don't blame me for being ruthless." Da He Chucai roared angrily.Bloodshot eyes.Abnormal grief and indignation.

Shocked by the majesty of Dahe Chucai in the past.Uta unconsciously let go of Da He Chucai.Take half a step back.Da He Chu got his freedom.Get on your horse immediately.With a bridle.Run out directly from the courtyard.

"Hey." A shout rang in his ear.Da He Chucai was so shaken that his ears buzzed.My mind went blank.The horse under him was startled.A hiss.People stand up.He lifted Da He Chucai, who was absent-minded, from his back.Straight to the ground.Made a disgraced face.

This fall.It was Da He Chu who woke up.There is also some anger in my heart.

"You..." Dahe Chucai was angry in his heart.Just about to scold.But the one who yelled loudly was happy.Then he stopped talking.He asked stiffly, "Brother Gao. Why are you doing this?"

"Brother Dahe is awake now." Gao Xing pulled Dahe Chucai up from the ground.looked at him with a smile.

"Brother Gao. Brother Wei doesn't have the time to make jokes right now." Da He Chucai's eyes were bloodshot.Some angry.But the tone is still mild.

"Brother Dahe, please calm down first. It is illegal to run a horse on the street. If you don't do it, you will be sued." Gao Xing said in a deep voice.

Uta echoed and persuaded, "Yes, Second Prince. After all, this is the territory of Qi State."

"Brother Dahe. Little brother knows that you are sad because of the death of your father. But you must not lose your sense of proportion. Now you are so reckless in Yangzhou City. You are rampant. You will definitely attract officers and soldiers. Don't say you are going home. Go. I'm afraid I'll lose my life if I don't do it right." I happily patted Da He Chucai on the shoulder.Slowly persuaded.

Dahe Chucai said gratefully: "Thank you brother Gao for reminding me. I was too reckless. I made you laugh. But. My father. My father..." After talking.Da He Chucai's voice choked up.Tears filled my eyes.

A tough guy.Tears flashed in his eyes.Lips move.One can imagine how great the grief in his heart was.Gao Xing put his hand on Da He Chucai's shoulder.I squeezed hard a few times.This silently comforted him.

"Second prince. Why are you crying?" Uta said in surprise.

Da He Chucai turned his head away.He wiped his face twice and said: "I'm fine. Let's go. Go back quickly." His voice was filled with deep sadness and eager anticipation. "Miraculous doctor Sun. I made you travel so far for nothing. I'm really sorry. This is your consultation fee. It's my apology for not being able to send you back to Jiangling. I hope you can accept it." He said.Dahe Chucai took off a heavy cloth bag from the horse's back.Passed both hands to Sun Simiao.

"Prince, you are too polite. You will not be rewarded for your merits. I failed to treat your father. How can I collect your consultation fee. You should take it back quickly." Sun Simiao waved his hand.He said gently: "Besides, if it wasn't for you, how did I know Mr. Gao. Speaking of it, I have to thank you."

"This, how can this be done." Da He Chucai froze his hands in the air.He looked at Sun Simiao in embarrassment.

"Brother Dahe. You can't go far away from here. You should keep this money as a pocketbook. Just let me take care of Sun Miracle Doctor." Gao Xing took over the conversation.said with a smile.

"That's fine. Doctor Sun. Brother Gao. Dahe Chucai is leaving now. Take care, both of you." Finished.Dahe Chucai raised his head slightly.Lead the horse and go first.The rest of the Khitan warriors also led their horses and followed behind him.Everyone is silent.

Out of the city gate.Da He Chucai immediately rode his horse and galloped.Only limit speed.The strong wind can soothe the grief and anxiety in the heart.


Sudden.Da He Chucai and the others who rode their horses tightened the reins almost at the same time.The horse suffers.Hissing and standing up.stopped.But it was because someone blocked their way.

Da He Chucai said in a bad manner: "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

There were 50 people blocking the way.All are black and masked.Zhang bow and arrow.He congratulated Chucai with fierce murderous air.The horse seemed to sense danger.Shaking his head anxiously.Neighing in a low voice.

"Of course it's to kill you." The leader said in a gloomy voice.

Looking at the murderous people in front of them.Look at the dark woods beside the road.Dahe Chucai frowned slightly.His muscles tensed instantly.Eyes narrowed slightly.Watch your surroundings vigilantly.

Dahe Chucai said in a deep voice: "Oh. Did I have any grudges with you in the past?"

The answer: "No."

Dahe Chucai asked again: "Then there is a grudge recently."


Da He Chucai was puzzled and said: "Since there is no resentment or enmity. Why do you want to kill me?"

The leader laughed sinisterly a few times.Said: "Because you have to die. Kill."

The masked leader gave an order.All the men in black immediately released their arrows.Fifty sharp arrows pierced the air.With a shrill howling sound, he rushed towards Dahe Chucai and others at a fast speed.Most of them were shot at Da He Chucai.It enveloped Dahe Chucai's whole body; the other arrows shot at the Khitan warrior behind Dahe Chucai.

"Be careful." Da He Chucai shouted.His eyes flashed brightly. With a "clang" sound, he drew out the scimitar from his waist.Bow down.He rode his horse and rushed forward facing the sharp arrow.

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