Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 369

After watching Dahe Chucai and others leave.Glad I didn't look back.Instead, he said indifferently: "Your Excellency, how long do you want to hide your head and show your tail?" Sun Simiao stood beside Gao Xing quietly.There is an indifferent smile on the corner of the mouth.Not a word.

The whole courtyard was silent.Nothing happened.

Glad to turn around.Looking playfully at a corner.A faint voice sounded again: "I'll count to three. If you don't show up again, I'll let you fall into the embrace of the grassland. One..."



The word "three" has not yet fallen.The happy body moves leisurely.Brings out an afterimage in the air.A distance of 20 meters was covered in the blink of an eye.Appeared in a remote and hidden corner of the yard.

After a soft sound.The dust settled.Happily dressed in white, he stood with his hands behind his back.At his feet lay a Khitan warrior.At this time, his eyes were dead silent.Mouth and nose bleeding.Dying.There was a look of horror and disbelief on his face.

"Master Gao's kung fu is far better for saving people than killing people." Sun Simiao's peaceful voice sounded.People can't hear the joy and anger in it.

Happily, my heart skipped a beat.Unexpectedly, it was only a moment of effort.Sun Simiao actually felt the uniqueness of the formula of longevity.Glad to turn around.Apologetically, he said to Sun Simiao: "The boy was only worried about the safety of Brother Da He. He acted a little violently. I hope Doctor Sun will forgive me."

Sun Simiao shook his head.With some pity, he glanced at the Khitan warrior who was injured by the sharp palm force in the moment of joy.Indifferently said: "Young Master Gao, don't blame yourself. You don't need to ask me for instructions on what you want to do."

Seeing that Sun Simiao didn't feel displeased or blamed.Happily relieved immediately.He didn't want to ruin the original harmonious relationship with Sun Simiao because of his impulsiveness.Happy to say thank you.Then he stared coldly at the Khitan warrior at his feet.Cold voice said: "Where did you set up an ambush? How many people are there?"

"Three, thirty miles away... 50 people." Gao Xing's previous ghostly actions had obviously frightened the man out of courage.So he didn't dare to hide anything at all.

"The situation is really not good." Gao Xing frowned and muttered to himself.Then he said to Sun Simiao: "Miraculous doctor Sun, I need to trouble you to treat Kubo. He can't die yet."

Sun Simiao nodded.Not much to say.Then he walked towards Kubo's room.Happiness doesn't stop there.He took his own mount and went out of the city like a gust of wind.


The scimitar in Da He Chucai's hand shook rapidly.Draw a beautiful arc.The sharp blade light formed a blade curtain around him. "Ding ding ding" in the continuous crisp sound.All the arrows shot at Dahe Chucai may be cut off in the middle.Or be knocked flying by the blade.But his speed never slowed down.

Uta appears to be thin and frail.But the kung fu in hand is not weak at all.He turned around quickly and deftly.Two arrows flew past his chest and back.nailed to the ground.until the end.The body is bent down on the horse's back.The scimitar in his hand cut left and right.The action is sharp and crisp.

The Khitan warriors that Dahe Chucai stayed by his side were also elite.He is no stranger to fighting with bows and crossbows.So after Dahe Chucai took the lead and charged forward.They also show off their skills.or dodge.Or defend against the incoming arrows.

"Kill." After a round of arrow rain.Da He Chu was unscathed.Even shortened the distance from the enemy by ten meters.His eyes widened.He was full of murderous looks.roar.His legs hit the horse's belly again.The speed of the galloping horse was one point faster.

Although in the round of arrow rain just now.Three Khitan warriors suffered injuries to their limbs.But not fatal.Moreover, the pain and blood aroused the wildness in their blood.Under the leadership of Dahe Chucai.Twenty Khitan warriors formed a conical striker.He rushed towards the enemy blocking the way with lightning speed.Their indomitable momentum and awe-inspiring murderous aura are not weaker than a team of hundreds or thousands of people.

"Fire arrows."

The enemy shoots out a round of arrows.The second round followed.Dahe Chucai and the others were less than 30 meters away.The second round of arrows is approaching.What a nation that grew up on horseback.Everyone has extremely rich experience in bow riding battles.Facing the sharp arrows.Not afraid at all.Clamp the horse's belly with the legs.Bow your head and stomach.The upper body twists flexibly.Occasionally chop with a steel knife.Arrows shot at them or cut off.or be avoided.The vast majority fell to the ground without merit.


Fifty against twenty.The arrows are so dense.Casualties inevitably occurred.After the third round of arrow rain.Dahe Chucai came less than five meters in front of the enemy.Eight of our own people have fallen off their horses.The impact formation has also become somewhat scattered.


After the enemy shoots three rounds of arrows.They all quickly abandoned their bows and held their knives and rushed towards Da He Chucai and others.

"Ding ding ding dong."

Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing like rain.There were screams one after another.Then the momentum of the horse.Da He Chucai and the others took advantage of a lot when they came up.In one encounter, three men in black were killed on the spot.There were no fewer than five victims.

Just twelve to fifty.Totally out of proportion.When cavalry loses speed.Without the sharpness of sprinting.The pressure encountered by Da He Chucai and the others increased exponentially.In particular, the enemy is obviously very familiar with horse warfare.Groups of three and five besieged the Khitan warriors under Dahe Chucai.The division of labor is clear.Cooperate tacitly.Just a few short breaths.Then three soldiers fell under the horse again.


The death of his men made Dahe Chucai heartbroken.My heart was burning with anger.He roared to the sky all his life.The eyes are blood red like a beast.The fierce and rough aura on his body is as real as it is.The steel knife in his hand was even sharper.The "woo hoo" sound of tearing the air made one's scalp tingle.

The fight between the two sides has entered a white-hot state.One party in order to complete the task.One side for survival.All resorted to the ability to breastfeed.Attacking frantically.It's just that the gap in numbers still puts Da He Chucai at a disadvantage.The number of casualties is also increasing.He could only roar wildly.Dance the steel knife in his hand faster and faster.more and more ruthless.It's just that this can't change the final outcome.

"Brother Dahe. I'll help you." It was at Dahe Chucai that his eyes were already red.When you want to risk your life.A burst of "clack clack" sounded from behind him.Then came the clear and clear voice of Gao Xing.

Da He Chucai cleared his mind.I was overjoyed.The spirit is lifted.He shouted "kill" in his mouth.New strength also surged out of the body.It made his heavy arms more flexible.

Gao Xing jumped off his horse in the air when he was still ten meters away from the battlefield.The body shot into the battle group like an arrow.Before the men in black had time to react.A pair of happy slender palms lightly touched the two closest men in black.

In the crisp sound of bones breaking.The two men in black screamed and fell back five or six meters.He died before he landed.Happiness doesn't stop there.The whole person is like a ghost.Erratic.No one saw his movements clearly.Every time it flashes, a man in black will fall.

"Kill him." The leader of the man in black suddenly shouted in horror and anger.When more than a dozen men in black rushed towards Gao Xing.He rushed towards Dahe Chucai with ferocious eyes.The offensive in his hand became more and more fierce.

The smile on the corner of the happy mouth is very bright.Gentle and compassionate like the Buddha.But the speed of his shots became more and more fierce and swift.Breakthrough to the sixth level of "Long Body Jue".Pleased with either speed.Both strength and senses have reached a new level.Even the young masters of the five sects are not in their eyes.Not to mention these men in black.

More people does not mean more power in any situation.Perhaps a thousand warriors besieged regardless of casualties would make Happy retreat.But there are only more than thirty people.Can only make happy unilateral slaughter.

"Do you want to continue?" Dang Xing's flat voice rang in his ears.The leader of the men in black found out.There are less than three people standing on their side.And everyone is colorful.Facing the joy of standing quietly like a killing god.He fell into an ice cave.I was cold all over.Terrified.

"You are simply a devil. Withdraw. Withdraw." The man in black gave him a terrified and smiling look.He let out a voiceless exclamation.Turn around and run away.

"Khitan language." I heard the man in black say.Da He Chucai couldn't help being startled.

"Second Prince. What's wrong with you." Gao Xing was about to pursue.But I heard Uta's urgent cry.I turned my head and looked.Just seeing Dahe Chucai fell off his horse.Happy not to hesitate.Grabbed like the wind.Just happened to catch Da He Chucai.Glad to look down.Dahe Chucai was covered in blood.Seems to have suffered a serious injury.

"Second Prince. How are you?" Uta quickly got off his horse.Regardless of the injury on the thigh.He limped forward.asked anxiously

Dahe Chucai turned pale.Shaking his head feebly.Stand up straight with happy support.He was just about to speak.But I heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes in the distance.Everyone's hearts tightened suddenly.They all clenched their weapons and looked forward vigilantly.

soon.A group of cavalry appeared in everyone's field of vision.About fifty rides.Dressed in Khitan costumes.With a strong bow on his back.A machete on his waist.None of them are strong and strong.There was a vigorous aura all over his body.

"Wu Shu. Why are you here?" I saw the leader.A delighted smile appeared on Da He Chucai's face.

"Hmph. Of course I'm here for you."

"So you're here to pick me up." Da He Chucai took a step forward slowly.The corners of the eyebrows twitched.The lips quivered slightly.It seems to have affected the wound on the body.

"Congratulations to Chucai. Is it because you have been in the Central Plains for a long time? You have even forgotten the words of your own clan." Wu Shu's face was cold.said angrily.Wushu is seventeen or eighteen years old.Tall.The face is resolute.There was resentment in Dahe Chucai's eyes.There is disgust.There is heartache.There is confusion and regret.

Happy to let go of Da He Chucai's arm.Get behind him.To know people is to know each other.It is not convenient to intervene.We can only wait and see the development of the situation.Guan Dahe Wushu's words are not good.I am happy but I dare not relax at all.

"Dahe Wushu. How dare you be so rude to the second prince." Uta was furious.snapped.

Da He Wushu said in a cold voice: "Hmph. He has to ask himself. Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and get caught. Follow me back to the clan. Wait for the clan leader's orders."

Dahe Chucai's eyes lit up.Asked: "Wu Shu. My father is not dead."

"Do you really want him to die?" Da He Wushu was furious.Staring at Da He Chucai, he said, "You know what you did yourself. Hurry up and follow me back to the clan to accept the crime."

Da He Chucai's smile froze on his face.Asked: "Wu Shu. What happened? Did you misunderstand Chu Cai?"

Dahe Wushu looked at Dahe Chucai with contempt and said: "You poisoned and killed your father in order to take the position of patriarch. Such a beastly behavior. It is beyond the tolerance of heaven. What else do you have to say."

"What?" Dahe Chucai looked at Dahe Wushu in shock.I couldn't believe my ears.He stared blankly at Da He Wushu.

"Hmph. You have nothing to say. Come here. Tie them all up for me. Take them away." Da He Wushu waved his hand.The Khitan knights behind him quickly surrounded Dahe Chucai and the others.

Uta endured the pain in his body.One stride came in front of Dahe Chucai.Eyes wide open.The voice was like thunder: "Bold. How dare you disrespect the prince."

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