Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 370 loyalty and filial piety 2 difficult to complete

Dahe Wushu scolded: "Wuta. Dahe Chucai fought for the position of patriarch. He murdered his father. The evidence of the crime is convincing. Such a despicable person. He deserves to die. Could it be that you are still obsessed with obsession. Are you helping the evildoers?"

Uta said decisively: "You are talking nonsense. The second prince is humble and kind. He is also filial to the patriarch. No one in the clan knows it. No one admires it. He will never do such a thing."

Dahe Wushu said heartbrokenly: "I have known Dahe Chucai for many years. We are like brothers and sisters. I don't want to believe that he is a wolf-hearted person. But he poisoned his father and tried to seek power and usurp the throne. The evidence is conclusive. I can't tolerate my disbelief. It's just that he didn't Thinking about it. Da He Chu is hiding so deeply. He is a real hypocrite. The hypocrisy is extremely vicious."

"Impossible." Uta still didn't believe it.Straightening his neck, he glared at Da He Wushu.

The relationship between Dahe Wushu and Dahe Chucai.He is very clear.For Dahe Wushu's personality.He knows better.Congratulations to Wushu.Straightforward and upright.Jealousy like hatred.He will never lie.I don't even bother to do so.

Da He Chucai stood there in a daze.No words.It's like losing your soul.I am worried.I worked hard for several months.In order to find a famous doctor for his father.until now.His father died because of poisoning himself.For Dahe Wushu, a partner who grew up together.Dahe Chucai knew him better than he knew himself.Dahe Wushu's words made Dahe Chucai a little suspicious.Could it be that his father was indeed the victim of himself?

We have known each other for nearly a month.I am happy to know Dahe Chucai quite well.Its worried about his father.Anxiety about the future of the nation is by no means fake.Nor is it such a sinister person.Reminiscent of the sniper killing of the black-clothed and masked Khitan warriors.Cooper's words were insincere.You can congratulate Chucai on the side of his leg that he was framed.

good to know.If Dahe Chucai was bound back.The chances of survival are very small.So he took advantage of the fact that the Khitan knights had not yet surrounded him.Dahe Wushu was caught off guard.Happy to give it my all.Like wind and electricity.Walking through the gaps between the knights with ghostly and deft steps.Came to Dahe Wushu's side.

Da He Wushu is not a fool.Gao Xing's unparalleled speed surprised him.But his reaction was not slow.The scimitar was unsheathed.With a fierce wind, I am happy.Intent to force joy to stop.

Facing the blowing knife wind.Happily bent down and stretched out arms.Get under Dahe Wushu's horse.Dahe Wushu failed in one move.Quickly withdraw the knife and cut it off.But suddenly felt soft all over.The scimitar hangs down feebly.

I was happy to escape the moment of Dahe Wushu's scimitar.His right hand seems to be gently stroking the acupuncture points on Da He Wushu's waist.The tingling pain and numbness in the waist instantly dissipated the strength that Da He Wushu was about to gather.Gao Xing took advantage of the situation and dragged Da He Wushu off his horse.The right hand is clawed.locked around his throat.Just use a little force.Adam's apple will be pinched to pieces.Glad to have planned ahead.And extremely terrifying skills.Dahe Wushu was caught off guard.Therefore, he was captured with one move.

so varied.Everyone was stunned.All the Khitan cavalry looked happy in shock and anger.want to come forward.But it's a taboo again.Impossible to advance or retreat for a while.

Gao Xing was full of murderous awe.Binocular like electricity.People dare not stare at them.He said viciously: "Get out of the way. Otherwise..." Although he didn't finish speaking.But from his constantly tightening right hand and Da He Wushu's coughing because of his bad breath.Everyone knows that pleasure is more than intimidation.But it will really hurt the killer.

"Who are you?" Da He Wushu fell into the hands.I was terrified.But there was not much panic on his face.Shen Sheng asked.

Gao Xing chuckled and said: "I have no hatred or grudge with you. As long as you are calm and rational. I will not ruin your life."

See Uta and the three surviving Khitan warriors staring blankly at him.at a loss.Gao Xing couldn't help frowning and shouted: "Uta, what are you doing there in a daze. I don't want your second prince to die. Please treat his wound quickly."

"Ah? Yes, yes." Uta responded hastily.Together with his companions, he bandaged Da He Chucai to stop the bleeding.

The wound is touched.Dahe Chucai woke up instantly.Looking at the Khitan warriors who were besieged but not attacked, and Dahe Wushu who was happily captured in his hands.Immediately understood what was going on.Can't help but cast a grateful and admiring look to Gao Xing.

Gao Xing said solemnly to Da He Wushu: "Brother, there are many things. Even if I saw it with my own eyes, it may not be true. Don't listen to one side and believe it. You are a good person by mistake." Da He Wushu heard Word.His eyebrows raised abruptly.His eyes moved slightly.

Dahe Wushu is jealous of evil.I first heard that the culprit was Da He Chucai.Disappointed, heartbroken and angry.So he asked for his order to catch Da He Chu before he went back.Dahe Wushu and Dahe Chucai already have a deep relationship.He was extremely unwilling to believe that the latter would commit patricide and usurp power.Add happy words.The balance in my heart involuntarily tilted towards Dahe Chucai.

Besides, the men in black who died on the ground were all Khitans.One of them he had seen before.The request of the clan is to take Da He Chu back to punish him.But no one was sent to assassinate.But if it wasn't for how quickly he arrived.Maybe Dahe Chucai has already died in Huangquan.This made Da He Wushu involuntarily suspicious.especially.happy to say.The truth of the matter can be found in Kubo.

Dahe Chucai was seriously injured.Thirteen wounds all over his body.Big and small.The shallow ones break the skin.The deep ones almost see the bones.Fortunately none of these wounds were vital.Dahe Wushu ordered fifty Khitan warriors to stay in the forest.I went back to Jiangling City with Gao Xing and others to seek medical treatment from Sun Simiao.By the way, understand the truth of the matter.When a few people return to the other courtyard.The sky has darkened.


"Ahem, Second Prince. Why are you back?" Kubo asked in surprise and fear as Da He Chucai, Gao Xing and others entered through the door.

Dahe Chucai's face was gloomy.His brows were furrowed.He shook his head slightly and remained silent.

Happy first greeted Sun Simiao who had heard the sound.Then he helped Da He Chucai to sit on the stool.Then he looked at Kubo with burning eyes.Smile very brightly. "That's what I'm going to ask you."

Happy eyes are as deep as a cold pool.Calm as an ancient well.Bright as the stars.It seems to be able to understand people's hearts.Kubo's face changed suddenly.Instantly staggered the eyes that were opposite to the joy.He said in panic, "What do you mean? Who are you?"

Although Dahe Chucai, Wuta and Dahe Wushu were surprised.But there was no sound.Instead watched Kubo quietly and happily.

Glad to find a stool.Da Ma sat down firmly.He looked at Kubo leisurely and said: "What do you mean? Hey. You are pretending to be confused. You talk about it. How did you conspire with the killer. You want to kill your second prince."

Happy words undoubtedly exploded in everyone's hearts like a thunderbolt on the ground.Especially Kubo.I trembled all over.If it wasn't for supporting the furniture around him.Afraid of falling to the ground.His face instantly became extremely pale.Watching in horror with delight.There was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"What. Kubo. The second prince treats you well. Why did you do this?" Uta looked at Kubo in disbelief and asked loudly.

Cooper wanted to argue.But seeing Dahe Chucai was weak.Shock.Heartbroken and disappointed eyes.Lips move.It ended in a low, bitter sigh.His face was gray.Slowly said: "Second Prince, Kubo is sorry for you."

"Why." Da He Chucai struggled to sit up from the bed.The wound is touched.The intense pain made his facial muscles tremble slightly.Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.Dahe Chucai resisted it.Not saying a word.He looked at Kubo steadily.

How could the pain on his body compare to the pain in his heart.Father died.He was regarded as a murderer.He was wronged.It hurts even more.since a day.Fate seems to be watching his joke.Lost his father.The brothers who sympathized with each other suffered heavy casualties.now.The person I have always regarded as my confidant betrayed me again.for a while.He has a sense of alienation.Lonely and desolate.

Cooper casts his gaze out the window.Watching the afterglow of the setting sun.His eyes were a little bewildered.He slowly said: "What does the grassland look like now? It must be beautiful. I don't know what Caiyun is doing. She must be playing carefree with her friends. I hope she will continue to be so happy. It's a pity that I But I can't see it anymore."

Kubo's words stunned everyone.But the deep nostalgia filled with it has brought everyone a sense of homesickness.Caiyun is Kubo's daughter.I don't know if I am happy.Several other people knew it.Uta is still a little unclear.But the clever Da He Chucai vaguely guessed something.

Before he could think about it.Kubo has turned around.Full of guilt, he said to Dahe Chucai: "Second prince. I am a father. I am also a son. Crows know how to feed back. Lambs also know how to kneel. How can I not fulfill the responsibility of a son. I cannot fulfill the responsibility of a father." .I want to protect them. I have no choice. I know. I am not qualified to ask your forgiveness for doing what the seller wants to survive. But I still want to ask you for one thing." Cooper's eyes were sad and eager He looked at Da He Chucai intently.The lips quivered.

Dahe Wushu, Dahe Chucai and Gao Xing all understood what was going on.All are silent.Since ancient times, there has been a dilemma of loyalty and filial piety.The left-handed hero.Right hand family.This choice is naturally extremely difficult.

"What's the matter. Tell me." Da He Chucai said softly.

Kubo said: "Please help me take good care of my mother and daughter." His words were full of nostalgia.

Da He Chucai nodded slightly.A gratified smile appeared on Cooper's face.Said: "Thank you, Second Prince. You have to be careful with He Biluo." He said.A blush rose to Cooper's face.radiant.With agility, a scimitar passed over Uta's waist.It stabbed hard into his abdomen.

"Ah." Everyone exclaimed.

The scimitar came out through the abdomen.Blood flow profusely.

Kubo looked at Da He Chucai apologetically and guiltily.Weakly said: "Goodbye, Second Prince. Your kindness, Kubo, can only be repaid in the next life." Finished speaking.He was so angry that he died.There was no chance for Sun Simiao to rescue him.

Happy sighed.stand up.Gently patted Da He Chucai on the shoulder.Go straight out of the room.The passing of life.Always brings a touch of sadness.

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