Jian Sui Daye

Chapter 371 The Difference Between Son and Lao Tzu

After Dahe Chucai rested in Yangzhou City for three days, he and Dahe Wushu finally embarked on the journey to the north again. Although he knew that the trip was extremely dangerous and his life was in danger, he still chose to go north to show filial piety for his deceased father. The second is to clear up one's grievances and find out the truth.

Although Gao Xing was worried about Da He Chucai's safety, he did not stop him, but repeatedly asked Da He Chucai to be careful and put his personal safety first. After all, death cannot bring back life, only life has hope.

After seeing off Dahe Chucai, he was happy and no longer stayed in Yangzhou City, and he and Sun Simiao took the way to Xuyi City on the same day.

On March 576, [-] A.D., Lu Qian, the governor of Yangzhou, died suddenly at home late at night. The cause of death was very strange.

On the surface, except for Lu Qian's sallow complexion and sunken eye sockets, there was no scar on his body. There was no sign of Lu Qian's death. For more than an hour, the concubine threw away her helmet and armor, and fell into a thousand miles. The ferocious and crazy appearance made the concubine both happy and frightened, but when the concubine woke up in the morning, she found that the body of the person next to her was already It was extremely cold, and I was breathless for a long time.

Lu Qian was middle-aged, when he was in the prime of life, and he usually paid more attention to maintenance. His body was considered to be very healthy. It is because of his death that people feel inexplicable and unbelievable.

In Yangzhou in the middle of March, the weather was already quite stuffy. Lu Qian and his concubine had a good time with each other wantonly, demanding too much, and his body naturally became weak. The conflict resulted in his sudden death.

You don't have to do it yourself, whether it's creating an accident or borrowing a knife to kill someone, both are relatively clever methods. Since following Gao Xing, Xiao Ling's use of these two methods has become more and more proficient.

He didn't do much about Lu Qian's death. He just added a lot of drugs and drugs that made people excited and manic in his diet, which made Lu Qian's desires boundless and demanding. Finally, because of the extreme heat, he used a cold well The water cools down and eventually dies suddenly.

As soon as Lu Qian died, a large-scale rebellion broke out in Yangzhou. Countless corrupt officials, rich and unkind landlords and gentry were brutally killed by angry people under the leadership of caring people. The city was in chaos. Just when everyone in Yangzhou was in danger, Jiangsu The province suddenly sent troops to annex Yangzhou City with lightning speed.

For the traitor Gao Xin, the people in the Jianghuai River Basin did not reject them, and even eagerly hoped to become the people under his rule. , especially in the rumors, Gao Xin loves the people like a son, enforces the law fairly, and the people under his rule are all rich and healthy, and they are not bullied by the rich and powerful. Great attraction.

However, just after the Jiangsu rebels pacified the chaotic city of Yangzhou, Sui Wang Gao Changgong suddenly sent troops from West Chuzhou and approached Yangzhou. Naturally, the Jiangsu rebels were not as close to Yangzhou as West Chuzhou. Yangzhou City was naturally overjoyed and proud and relaxed, but the Huaizhou Army was full of energy and came suddenly, which caught the Jiangsu Rebels off guard and was in a hurry. Moreover, its combat power was not as good as that of the Huaizhou Army, so it had to be attacked in the end. The fat was spat out, and he retreated back to Jiangsu obediently.

This is the scene seen by outsiders, but everything is directed and acted by himself. The reason why he did this is not only revenge, but also the expansion of the territory, and it cannot be suspected that Gao Changgong did it on purpose.

When everything in Yangzhou was calm, Gao Xing and Sun Simiao were already in the Sui Palace in Xuyi City. But he didn't care, he still followed Gao Xing with great interest. Of course, Sun Simiao had no special hobbies, he was just interested in the Western medicine system that Gao Xing talked about.

There are three women in one drama, not to mention that there are currently five women in Gao Xing, and no woman is willing to share her husband with others, even in the ancient times when patriarchy was supreme. Gao Xing thought that the five girls Yang Lihua and Zhang Rong would have to fight openly and secretly , but the result was beyond his expectations. Although the five girls could not fully communicate with each other, they were polite and friendly to each other, and they were even more respectful to Gao Changgong and his wife.

Zhang Rong used to be the leader of the Moon Worship Sect. She has seen a lot and has contact with all kinds of religions. Confidante, taking risks with her own body, rescued from a thousand miles away made Zhang Rong understand what she meant to be happy, and years of loneliness also made her look down on fame and fortune. She just needs to be happy and think about her, and doesn't care much about other things.

Lu Hanyue's temperament is cold and aloof, she doesn't even pay attention to the "Secret of Longevity" that everyone dreams of, and even more dismissive of intrigue and competition for favor.

Wu Shun has a gentle and gentle disposition, kind and sincere, and always silently waits behind Gao Xing, without complaining or seeking, so he has no desire to compete for favor.

Yang Lihua was born in a wealthy family and has a noble status, but she dares to love and hate, understands the general situation, considers the overall situation, and knows that Happiness has great ambitions, so she also gave up unnecessary struggles, so as not to drag Happiness down.

Needless to say, Zhang Lihua, with Zhang Rong around, even if she wanted to fight Yang Lihua, she couldn't.

The five girls are smart, considerate, happy in his eyes and warm in his heart. He is not a person who is good at expressing emotions, and his relationship with the five girls is mostly caused by passive coincidence. It is said that there is love, but there is more It is the responsibility of a man and a husband. Seeing the five daughters get along in harmony now, he feels relieved and loves the five daughters more and more.


"Brother Xing, you have only been back for three days and you are leaving again." Yang Lihua looked at her sadly, her small cherry mouth pouted almost enough to hold an oil bottle. In the eyes of the people in Huaizhou, she is heroic, brave and good at fighting. General Mei, but in front of Gao Xing, she is a cute, kind, and lovable little sister.

"I'm sorry, Lihua." Looking at the strong reluctance and attachment in Yang Lihua's eyes, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but apart from this sentence, he really couldn't think of anything else to say. Leaving less and leaving more, and for the sake of happy hegemony, she has suffered a lot.

"Lihua, one year at most, I promise, in another year we will be aboveboard and be together forever, believe me," said Yang Lihua with a happy look, and said very firmly.

Yang Lihua was shocked, and a bright light flashed in her eyes: "What Brother Xing said is true,"

Gao Xing smiled and said: "How could I be willing to lie to you?" Xing Xing squeezed Yang Lihua's slender palm. When she felt the faint calluses on her delicate skin, her heart twitched again. All this was because she replaced Xing Xing , to become a qualified marshal.

"I believe in you, Brother Xing," Yang Lihua said in a low voice, throwing herself into Happy's arms, tears streaming down her cheeks.

On March 23, Gao Xing quietly left Xuyi City again. This time, he did not let any of his wives accompany him, not only for the sake of fairness, but also for safety and concealment.


Since Yu Wenyong came to the throne, the national power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty has grown stronger and stronger, especially after the ban on religion and Buddhism, both the country's financial resources and the combat effectiveness of the army have been raised to an extremely objective level.

Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Yu Wenyong sent his prince Yu Wenyun to conquer the Tuyuhun Khanate in the west. In fact, he gilded him and paved the way for him to ascend the throne in the future. Planned by counselors like Wang Gui, the momentum along the way was overwhelming, causing Tuyuhun to cry for his father and mother, but Yu Wenyun ordered his troops to return to Beijing when the soldiers were approaching Fucheng (Dulan County, Qinghai Province), which wasted a time and completely wiped out The opportunity of the Tuyuhun Khanate.

Since Yu Wenyong failed in the Eastern Expedition last year, he has been working hard to prepare his troops for the next Eastern Expedition, but Yu Wenyun is lazy, extravagant and lustful, and there are many immoral behaviors during the march, especially Yu Wenyun's pampering wife Guan Yin (deputy manager) Zheng Yi and Wang Duan, the three of them together would do all sorts of crimes, the general camp was full of smoky atmosphere, if it weren't for the well-trained soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and Wang Gui's restraint, they might not be able to win the battle.

After class teacher, Wang Gui reported Yu Wenyun's misdeeds to Yu Wenyong, which immediately provoked Zhou Wu into a rage, beat his son severely, and even drove Zheng Yi and others out of Taiyuan. Yun's favored courtiers and servants were also severely punished.

However, after a short time, Yu Wenyun secretly brought Zheng Yi into the palace, and the two master and servant were at odds with each other, as always.

For Yu Wenyong's harshness and punishment, not only Yu Wenyun was dissatisfied, but Zheng Yi also held a grudge, and often said in Yu Wenyun's ear: "Your Highness, when will you rule this country? Gain freedom and the greatest happiness," Yu Wenyun thought deeply, and he trusted Zheng Yi even more.

For a year, the Northern Zhou Dynasty had strong soldiers and horses, and the momentum was like a rainbow, but the Northern Qi Dynasty was still singing and dancing, and was in a daze. On the first day of September, Emperor Yuwen Yong of the Northern Zhou Dynasty summoned him to launch the Eastern Expedition again, which was bound to annihilate the Northern Qi Dynasty in one fell swoop.

After experiencing the failures of the past year, Yu Wenyong has already realized that it is extremely unwise to attack the Northern Qi from the south of the Yellow River, otherwise he would not withdraw his troops just to save face and avoid greater casualties, and really set foot on the Northern Qi After acquiring the land, he also had an intuitive understanding of the situation in the Northern Qi Dynasty. He finally understood the reason that the opportunity must not be missed, so he agreed with Yu Yi and others' plan to launch a full-scale attack on the Northern Qi Dynasty from Jinzhou, which is north of the Yellow River, as a breakthrough point. .

On September 30th, Yu Wenyong personally led the army to launch a military operation against the Northern Qi Empire. Yu Wenyong appointed King Yu Wensheng of Yue, Duke Yu Wenliang of Qi, and Duke Yang Jian of Sui to command the three right-wing armies; Level [-]) Dou Tai and Qiu Chong, the Duke of Guanghua, led the three armies on the left; Qi Wang Yu Wenxian and Chen Wang Yu Wenchun served as vanguards, with a total of [-] troops, marching across the Yellow River towards Northern Qi.

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